110 research outputs found

    Staphylococcus aureus toxin LukSF dissociates from its membrane receptor target to enable renewed ligand sequestration

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    Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leukocidin is a pore-forming toxin targeting the human C5a receptor (hC5aR), enabling this pathogen to battle the immune response by destroying phagocytes through targeted lysis. The mechanisms that contribute to rapid cell lysis are largely unexplored. Here, we show that cell lysis may be enabled by a process of toxins targeting receptor clusters and present indirect evidence for receptor recycling that allows multiple toxin pores to be formed close together. With the use of live cell single-molecule super-resolution imaging, Forster resonance energy transfer and nanoscale total internal reflection fluorescence colocalization microscopy, we visualized toxin pore formation in the presence of its natural docking ligand. We demonstrate disassociation of hC5aR from toxin complexes and simultaneous binding of new ligands. This effect may free mobile receptors to amplify hyperinflammatory reactions in early stages of microbial infections and have implications for several other similar bicomponent toxins and the design of new antibiotics.Haapasalo, K., Wollman, A. J. M., de Haas, C. J. C., van Kessel, K. P. M., van Strijp, J. A. G., Leake, M. C. Staphylococcus aureus toxin LukSF dissociates from its membrane receptor target to enable renewed ligand sequestration.Peer reviewe

    Влияние фенилгидразина и алкилсульфатов на осмотическую чувствительность эритроцитов млекопитающих

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    Показано, что чувствительность эритроцитов млекопитающих к гипертоническому стрессу при 37 °С после обработки фенилгидразином зависит от видовой принадлежности клеток. Установлено, что модификация фенилгидразином эритроцитов млекопитающих приводит к снижению антигемолитической активности алкилкилсульфатов в условиях гипертонического стресса.Показано, що чутливість еритроцитів ссавців до гіпертонічного стресу при 37 °С після обробки фенілгідразином залежить від видової приналежності клітин. Встановлено, що модифікація фенілгідразином еритроцитів ссавців призводить до зниження антигемолітичної активності алкілсульфатів в умовах гіпертонічного стресу.It is shown that the sensitivity of mammalian erythrocytes to hypertonic stress at 37 °C after the treatment with phenylhydrazine depends on the species of a cell. We have established that the modification with phenylhydrazine of mammalian erythrocytes leads to a decrease of the alkyl sulfates antihemolytic activity under hypertonic stress

    Pseudomonas Evades Immune Recognition of Flagellin in Both Mammals and Plants

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    The building blocks of bacterial flagella, flagellin monomers, are potent stimulators of host innate immune systems. Recognition of flagellin monomers occurs by flagellin-specific pattern-recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) in mammals and flagellin-sensitive 2 (FLS2) in plants. Activation of these immune systems via flagellin leads eventually to elimination of the bacterium from the host. In order to prevent immune activation and thus favor survival in the host, bacteria secrete many proteins that hamper such recognition. In our search for Toll like receptor (TLR) antagonists, we screened bacterial supernatants and identified alkaline protease (AprA) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a TLR5 signaling inhibitor as evidenced by a marked reduction in IL-8 production and NF-κB activation. AprA effectively degrades the TLR5 ligand monomeric flagellin, while polymeric flagellin (involved in bacterial motility) and TLR5 itself resist degradation. The natural occurring alkaline protease inhibitor AprI of P. aeruginosa blocked flagellin degradation by AprA. P. aeruginosa aprA mutants induced an over 100-fold enhanced activation of TLR5 signaling, because they fail to degrade excess monomeric flagellin in their environment. Interestingly, AprA also prevents flagellin-mediated immune responses (such as growth inhibition and callose deposition) in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. This was due to decreased activation of the receptor FLS2 and clearly demonstrated by delayed stomatal closure with live bacteria in plants. Thus, by degrading the ligand for TLR5 and FLS2, P. aeruginosa escapes recognition by the innate immune systems of both mammals and plants

    The Prognostic PDE4D7 Score in a Diagnostic Biopsy Prostate Cancer Patient Cohort with Longitudinal Biological Outcomes

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    Purpose. To further validate the prognostic power of the biomarker PDE4D7, we investigated the correlation of PDE4D7 scores adjusted for presurgical clinical variables with longitudinal postsurgical biological outcomes. Methods. RNA was extracted from biopsy punches of resected tumors (550 patients; RP cohort) and diagnostic needle biopsies (168 patients; DB cohort). Cox regression and survival were applied to correlate PDE4D7 scores with patient outcomes. Logistic regression was used to combine the clinical CAPRA score with PDE4D7. Results. In univariate analysis, the PDE4D7 score was significantly associated with PSA recurrence after prostatectomy in both studied patient cohorts' analysis (HR 0.53; 95% CI 0.41-0.67; p<1.0E-04 and HR 0.47; 95% CI 0.33-0.65; p<1.0E-04, respectively). After adjustment for the presurgical clinical variables preoperative PSA, PSA density, biopsy Gleason, clinical stage, percentage tumor in the biopsy (data only available for RP cohort), and percentage of positive biopsies, the HR was 0.49 (95% CI 0.38-0.64; p<1.0E-04) and 0.43 (95% CI 0.29-0.63; p<1.0E-04), respectively. The addition of the PDE4D7 to the clinical CAPRA score increased the AUC by 5% over the CAPRA score alone (0.82 versus 0.77; p=0.004). This combination model stratified 14.6% patients of the DB cohort to no risk of biochemical relapse (NPV 100%) over a follow-up period of up to 15 years. Conclusions. The PDE4D7 score provides independent risk information for pretreatment risk stratification. Combining CAPRA with PDE4D7 scores significantly improved the clinical risk stratification before surgery

    Operon structure of Staphylococcus aureus

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    In bacteria, gene regulation is one of the fundamental characteristics of survival, colonization and pathogenesis. Operons play a key role in regulating expression of diverse genes involved in metabolism and virulence. However, operon structures in pathogenic bacteria have been determined only by in silico approaches that are dependent on factors such as intergenic distances and terminator/promoter sequences. Knowledge of operon structures is crucial to fully understand the pathophysiology of infections. Presently, transcriptome data obtained from growth curves in a defined medium were used to predict operons in Staphylococcus aureus. This unbiased approach and the use of five highly reproducible biological replicates resulted in 93.5% significantly regulated genes. These data, combined with Pearson’s correlation coefficients of the transcriptional profiles, enabled us to accurately compile 93% of the genome in operon structures. A total of 1640 genes of different functional classes were identified in operons. Interestingly, we found several operons containing virulence genes and showed synergistic effects for two complement convertase inhibitors transcribed in one operon. This is the first experimental approach to fully identify operon structures in S. aureus. It forms the basis for further in vitro regulation studies that will profoundly advance the understanding of bacterial pathophysiology in vivo

    Functional Remineralization of Dentin Lesions Using Polymer-Induced Liquid-Precursor Process

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    It was hypothesized that applying the polymer-induced liquid-precursor (PILP) system to artificial lesions would result in time-dependent functional remineralization of carious dentin lesions that restores the mechanical properties of demineralized dentin matrix. 140 µm deep artificial caries lesions were remineralized via the PILP process for 7–28 days at 37°C to determine temporal remineralization characteristics. Poly-L-aspartic acid (27 KDa) was used as the polymeric process-directing agent and was added to the remineralization solution at a calcium-to-phosphate ratio of 2.14 (mol/mol). Nanomechanical properties of hydrated artificial lesions had a low reduced elastic modulus (ER = 0.2 GPa) region extending about 70 μm into the lesion, with a sloped region to about 140 μm where values reached normal dentin (18–20 GPa). After 7 days specimens recovered mechanical properties in the sloped region by 51% compared to the artificial lesion. Between 7–14 days, recovery of the outer portion of the lesion continued to a level of about 10 GPa with 74% improvement. 28 days of PILP mineralization resulted in 91% improvement of ER compared to the artificial lesion. These differences were statistically significant as determined from change-point diagrams. Mineral profiles determined by micro x-ray computed tomography were shallower than those determined by nanoindentation, and showed similar changes over time, but full mineral recovery occurred after 14 days in both the outer and sloped portions of the lesion. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis showed similar morphologies that were distinct from normal dentin with a clear line of demarcation between the outer and sloped portions of the lesion. Transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction showed that the starting lesions contained some residual mineral in the outer portions, which exhibited poor crystallinity. During remineralization, intrafibrillar mineral increased and crystallinity improved with intrafibrillar mineral exhibiting the orientation found in normal dentin or bone

    C1q binding to surface-bound IgG is stabilized by C1r(2)s(2) proteases

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    Complement is an important effector mechanism for antibodymediated clearance of infections and tumor cells. Upon binding to target cells, the antibody's constant (Fc) domain recruits complement component C1 to initiate a proteolytic cascade that generates lytic pores and stimulates phagocytosis. The C1 complex (C1qr2s2) consists of the large recognition protein C1q and a heterotetramer of proteases C1r and C1s (C1r2s2). While interactions between C1 and IgG-Fc are believed to be mediated by the globular heads of C1q, we here find that C1r2s2 proteases affect the capacity of C1q to form an avid complex with surface-bound IgG molecules (on various 2,4-dinitrophenol [DNP]-coated surfaces and pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus). The extent to which C1r2s2 contributes to C1q-IgG stability strongly differs between human IgG subclasses. Using antibody engineering of monoclonal IgG, we reveal that hexamer-enhancing mutations improve C1q-IgG stability, both in the absence and presence of C1r2s2. In addition, hexamer-enhanced IgGs targeting S. aureus mediate improved complement-dependent phagocytosis by human neutrophils. Altogether, these molecular insights into complement binding to surface-bound IgGs could be important for optimal design of antibody therapies.Transplantation and autoimmunit

    Immunization of young heifers with staphylococcal immune evasion proteins before natural exposure to Staphylococcus aureus induces a humoral immune response in serum and milk

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    Background: Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of mastitis in dairy cattle, causes severe mastitis and/or chronic persistent infections with detrimental effects on the cows' wellbeing, lifespan and milk production. Despite years of research there is no effective vaccine against S. aureus mastitis. Boosting of non-protective pre-existing immunity to S. aureus, induced by natural exposure to S. aureus, by vaccination may interfere with vaccine efficacy. The aim was to assess whether experimental immunization of S. aureus naïve animals results in an immune response that differs from immunity following natural exposure to S. aureus. Results: First, to define the period during which calves are immunologically naïve for S. aureus, Efb, LukM, and whole-cell S. aureus specific serum antibodies were measured in a cohort of newborn calves by ELISA. Rising S. aureus specific antibodies indicated that from week 12 onward calves mounted an immune response to S. aureus due to natural exposure. Next, an experimental immunization trial was set up using 8-week-old heifer calves (n = 16), half of which were immunized with the immune evasion molecules Efb and LukM. Immunization was repeated after one year and before parturition and humoral and cellular immunity specific for Efb and LukM was determined throughout the study. Post-partum, antibody levels against LukM and EfB were significantly higher in serum, colostrum and milk in the experimentally immunized animals compared to animals naturally exposed to S. aureus. LukM specific IL17a responses were also significantly higher in the immunized cows post-partum. Conclusions: Experimental immunization with staphylococcal immune evasion molecules starting before natural exposure resulted in significantly higher antibody levels against Efb and LukM around parturition in serum as well as the site of infection, i.e. in colostrum and milk, compared to natural exposure to S. aureus. This study showed that it is practically feasible to vaccinate S. aureus naïve cattle and that experimental immunization induced a humoral immune response that differed from that after natural exposure only.</p