42 research outputs found

    Literary studies and the academy

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    In 1885 the University of Oxford invited applications for the newly created Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature. The holder of the chair was, according to the statutes, to ‘lecture and give instruction on the broad history and criticism of English Language and Literature, and on the works of approved English authors’. This was not in itself a particularly innovatory move, as the study of English vernacular literature had played some part in higher education in Britain for over a century. Oxford University had put English as a subject into its pass degree in 1873, had been participating since 1878 in extension teaching, of which literary study formed a significant part, and had since 1881 been setting special examinations in the subject for its non-graduating women students. What was new was the fact that this ancient university appeared to be on the verge of granting the solid academic legitimacy of an established chair to an institutionally marginal and often contentious intellectual pursuit, acknowledging the study of literary texts in English to be a fit subject not just for women and the educationally disadvantaged but also for university men

    The Formation of Information Research Skills of Future Teachers’ of the Ukrainian Language and Literature

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    У статті проаналізовано сутність поняття «інформація» в педагогічній і психологічній науковій літературі. Розкрито групу інформаційних дослідницьких умінь майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури: бібліографічні, лексикографічні, технічні. Формування інформаційних дослідницьких умінь у майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури здійснюється у процесі навчально-пізнавальної діяльності, науково-дослідної роботи та під час навчальних (фольклорної, літературно-краєзнавчої, етнографічної) і педагогічних практик (навчально-залікової, на робочому місці вчителя).The article analyzes the essence of the concept of «information» in the pedagogical and psychological scientific literature. Among the information research skills we have selected: bibliographic (in particular, ability to work with bibliographic catalogs; make a literature search using bibliographic data; make a bibliographic description based on certain regulatory requirements; select the necessary information from the searched sources; highlight the main of the text; write the book annotation and the review on a book); lexicographical (in particular, the ability to perceive, recognize, analyze, extract the information of the lexicographical editions; compare information, comment on it, critically evaluate it; identify the specific dictionaries of various types and select the dictionary depending on the task); technical (in particular, the ability to perform the information searching, including the Internet; to formulate queries (keywords); to store information data correctly; to analyze and critically evaluate different sources of information (traditional and electronic) to solve various problems arising in the study and professional educational activities). The formation of information research skills of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature carried out in the teaching and learning activities, during the research work, training (folklore, literature and local history, ethnography) and teaching practices (educational record, at the teacher’s workplace). Teaching and learning activities of the students of philology aimed at mastering the historical and literary courses «Introduction to Literary Studies», «History of Ukrainian Literature» in the context of professional research (artistic, journalistic, scientific) text. The research work of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature is subject to actual problems of the research of literary and educational sciences. In the formative process of informational research skills of the students of philology the main focus is on their own skills to find, select, analyze, synthesize, organize, compare, annotate, critically evaluate information from reference encyclopedias, lexicographical, monographs, teaching, including electronic, sources, use this information to solve specific research and training tasks (analysis and translation, the study of texts written in electronic format) and at the lessons in secondary schools

    Formation of Research Skills of Future Teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature by Learning the Course “The History of Ukrainian Literature”

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    У статті розкриваються різні підходи щодо визначення і класифікації дослідницьких умінь студентів філологічних факультетів у вищих педагогічних навчальних закладах, специфіка формування дослідницьких умінь майбутнього вчителя української мови і літератури під час вивчення курсу “Історія української літератури” тощо.In this article we expose different approaches to the definition and classification of the research skills of philological departments students in Higher pedagogical universities. Peculiarities of the research skills formation of future teacher of Ukrainian language and literature in the course “History of Ukrainian literature” are reveated

    Groups of Research Skills of Future Teachers of Ukrainian Language and Literature

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    У статті розкрито основні групи дослідницьких умінь студентів-філологів: інформаційні (бібліографічні, лексикографічні, технічні), операційні (інтелектуально-евристичні, аналітико-інтерпретаційні, текстово-жанрові), мовнокомунікативні (власне комунікативні, редакторські, полемічні), діагностично-прогностичні (проектувальні, прогностичні, діагностичні, рефлексивні). Вищезазначені вміння майбутніх учителів-словесників проаналізовано на основі навчально-пізнавальної діяльності, науково-дослідної роботи та під час навчальних і педагогічних практик.The article reveals the main groups of research skills of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature. Research skills of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature are defined as the ability to read consciously and intelligently, analyze, interpret scientific, artistic, journalistic texts, create someone’s own specialized (scientific and educational) text by creative application of professional theoretical knowledge, practical skills and techniques of philological analysis. Major groups of research skills: information (bibliographic, lexicographic, technical), operational (intellectually-heuristic, analytical, interpretive, text and genre), communicative (actually communicative, editorial, polemic), diagnostic prognostic (design, prognostic, diagnostic, reflexive) are selected. They were based on the characteristic types of professional research activities of the teachers. Group of information skills covers the skills to find, select, analyze, synthesize, organize information from reference and encyclopaedic, scientific-methodological literature, including electronic sources, and its use in the preparation of scientific studies and during lessons in secondary schools. Group of operational research skills includes the ability to think creatively to argue justification; analyze, allocate important, significant; install consequential connections; to interpret texts; simulate the linked text taking into account the structural semantic, genre and compositional characteristics and principles of textual organization. Group of communicative skills constitute the ability to create professional oral and written text taking into account the structural-semantic, linguistic and stylistic features; conduct a scientific discussion; defend and justification of somebody’s own opinion. Group of diagnostic and prognostic skills includes the ability to develop projects of lessons-researches, model teaching situation in the classroom, the ability to determine effective methods, techniques and forms of work with students to predict the results. Among the prognostic abilities the ability to predict, formulate pedagogical hypotheses, use the methods of thinking experiment, design teaching activities for the implementation of the established prediction and manage the process of its implementation are allocated. For the formation of predictive skills are important: prognostic ability, pedagogical observation, pedagogical orientation of thinking, future-oriented thinking, the ability to carry out creative research

    Self Realization of Students Philologists in Scientific Researching Activity

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    У статті розкрито специфіку навчально-дослідницької діяльності майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури (на прикладі курсу «Історія української літератури»). Проаналізовано особливості творчої роботи самореалізації студентів-філологів під час роботи з художнім текстом, формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх педагогів як важливий показник їхньої професійної самореалізації.The article deals with the specifics of teaching and research activities of the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature (for example, the course «History of Ukrainian Literature»). The features of self-students-philologists while working with artistic text


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    Using Innovative Technologies During the Study Subjects of the Economic Cycle in the Conditions of Pedagogical College

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    У статті обґрунтовано ефективність упровадження в навчально-виховний процес інноваційних педагогічних технологій під час вивчення дисциплін економічного циклу «Економічна теорія», «Економіка виробництва» в педагогічному коледжі. Висвітлено питання застосування інноваційних методів, прийомів, форм роботи, зокрема запитально-відповідних співбесід; демонстрацій електронних, комп’ютерних презентацій та підготовки наукових доповідей студентів; проведення тест-рейтингів; методів «Мікрофон», «Мозковий штурм», «Займи позицію», «Дошка запитань», «Пошук цікавих запитань», «Обмін проблемами» та інших. Застосування рольової гри презентовано на прикладі практичного заняття «Підприємницька діяльність».The problem of increasing relevance preparation of the new generation teachers, having strong economic knowledge that can quickly navigate according to the flexible market conditions and actively participate in the socio-economic transformation is examined in the article. It is noted that the current level professionals must not only have a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also be able to freely navigate in the economic environment, critically interpretate and transform the information, to be proactive, to strive for self-education and self-improvement. It is emphasized that the formation of thinking, advanced, creative personality is complicated by the traditional conditions and approaches to learning activities. The effectiveness of the innovative educational technologies implementation to the educational process during the study subjects of the economic cycle «Economics theory», «Economics of production» in Teachers College is proved. The questions of the use of innovative methods, forms of work is highlighted, including such as integrated classes; a questioningly-appropriate interview; demonstration of electronic, computer presentations and science reports of students; test ratings; methods «Microphone», «Brainstorm», «Take a Position», «Unfinished sentence», «Continue an opinion», «We know – we want to know – we know», «Board of Questions», «Associative bush», «Searching the interesting questions», «Sharing the problems» and others; various forms of discussion – «round table», «meeting of the expert group», forums, symposia, debates. The use of the role-play game is presented as an example of the practical lesson «Business activity». Such sessions are preceded by the thorough training of the students: they decide what type of business will be engaged in their firm, which specialize products, coming up with the name of the company, determine the form of an ownership and issue a report in the form of computer presentations. The individual tasks are performed in accordance with the distributed roles. The role-playing game starts in the class with the representations of the experts and rivals. Simulating business activities the role-playing game awakens the interest in the subject classes, enhances teaching and learning activities, deepening knowledge, forming business style communication, teamwork skills. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of mobile students navigate the flow of scientific information via the Internet; find, analyze, structure and highlight the main in economic writings, analytical reports, etc; perform the students’ teaching and research projects