750 research outputs found

    Ecology of the marine copepod genus Oithona

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    Copepods have a crucial role in the pelagic marine ecosystem, for their participation in the nutrient cycling and carbon export in biogeochemical cycles, and their role as link organisms between primary producers and higher trophic levels. Historically, marine zooplankton studies have focused on large organism (> 1mm), due to the use of relatively large mesh sizes in plankton nets, which has resulted in an underestimation of the importance of small copepods such as the genus Oithona. The study of small copepods, and especiall of Oithona, has raised special interest in recent years due to its great abundance and ubiquitous presence in both coastal and oceanic regions, and with a distribution that extends from polar to tropical . Besides their numerical dominance, Oithona also makes up a significant fraction of the biomass of copepods in certain regions. Their described low metabolic rates, coupled with an ambush feeding behavior and low mortality, are considered the clue of their success and of their capacity to maintain active populations throughout the year. Although new insights on the ecology of Oithona have been acquired in the past decade, knowledge on their vital rates is still very scarce. The lack of studies on the ecophysiology of Oithona contrasts with the large amount of studies conducted on calanoid copepods on aspects related to feeding, growth, and egg production. The main objective of this thesis was to contribute to a better knowledge and understanding of some biological and ecological aspects of the genus Oithona. For that purpose, we carried out laboratory experiments with cultured specimens, and experimental lab and fieldwork with natural populations in polar and tropical regions. In the laboratory we studied the effect of food concentration on ingestion and fecundity rates of Oithona davisae. The results obtained indicate that Oithona davisae is able to feed at very low food concentrations, which indicates its ability to exploit oligotrophic environments. Oithona capacity to reproduce continuously throughout the year, even in environments or periods of low food availability, was confirmed by the relatively high fertility rates observed in laboratory experiments at low food concentrations. The trophic role of Oithona, their natural diet and ingestion rates were studied in different pelagic ecosystems; as well as the fecudity of adult females in these ecosystems, and their relationship with environmental factors. We also investigated some aspects of the population ecology Oithona in polar regions (abundance, vertical distribution and migration patterns). The results of the in situ investigations were carried out in order to compare life strategies between Oithona species of contrasting habitats. In polar environments, winter reproductive activity of the adult females was observed, which highlights the importance of small copepods in high-latitude environments, especially when large calanoid are not present in the productive zone of the water column. Moreover, the strategy of Oithona life in polar area is different from that of large calanoid, and it benefits from its independence from the spring blooms of phytoplankton to maintain active populations throughout the year. The ability of Oithona to successfully survive when unfavourable conditions are present in the water could explain the success of this genus of copepods in marine environments around the world.Postprint (published version

    Effects of food concentration on egg production and feeding rates of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona davisae

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    12 pages, 7 figures, 3 tablesExperiments to determine egg production and feeding rates of Oithona davisae were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. From copepodite IV stage on, the animals were fed the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina in a wide range of concentrations (from 10 µg C L−1to 286 µg C L−1), and adult females were daily monitored to study different aspects of their fecundity. Both clutch and egg-production rate increased with food concentration, with values from 8 to 20 eggs for the clutch size, and from 1.8 eggs to 6.3 eggs female−1 d−1 for the egg production. In addition, to assess the efficiency of conversion of food intake into egg mass, two feeding experiments were conducted. Maximum weight-specific ingestion rates (≈ 80% body C d−1) and the egg-production efficiency (16%) were lower than those reported for free-spawning calanoid copepods. The fact that satiating food concentrations for feeding and egg production of adult females of Oithona davisae were rather low suggests an adaptation to exploit oligotrophic environments, and might explain the ecological success of the genus in situations when food becomes limiting for other groups of copepodsThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (current Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) through a Ph.D. fellowship (BES-2008-004231) to S. Z. and the research project CTM2007-60052 and CTM2011-23480 to E.S. This is a contribution of the Marine Zooplankton Ecology Group (2009SGR-1283) at the Institut de Ciències del Mar. We thank M. Antó and P. Jiménez for taking care of the stock cultures of algae and copepods. We also thank R. Almeda, A. Calbet, and M. Alcaraz for their advice. We finally thank M. R. Landry and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on the manuscriptPeer reviewe

    Mujeres rurales y capacitación profesional en el franquismo a través de la prensa femenina (1939-1959)

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    El present article pretén abordar l'estudi de les iniciatives d'educació no formal dutes a terme per la Secció Femenina (SF) durant el franquisme a través de la premsa femenina, concretament les revistes Y, Medina, Teresa i Consigna. Així mateix s'analitza com va ser la recepció d'aquestes activitats formatives empreses en el medi rural, a través de la premsa periòdica custodiada als arxius de la SF corresponents a gran part de la geografia espanyola, centrant-nos en les iniciatives realitzades pel cos de divulgadores sanitariorurals i de les instructores rurals. Ambdues van ser responsables directes en la dinamització i capacitació de les dones camperoles en les tasques domèstiques, maternals i agropecuàries. Concretament, les instructores rurals van exercir la seva activitat laboral en les càtedres ambulants, granges escola i llars rurals, camp d'acció en el qual centrarem el nostre estudi.The aim of this paper is to study non-formal education initiatives undertaken by the Women’s Section (SF) through women’s press during Francoism, specifically the Y, Medina, Teresa and Consigna magazines. The paper also analyses the reception of these training activities in rural areas through the periodical press kept in the SF’s archives corresponding to a large part of Spain, focusing on the initiatives held by the Corps of Female Public Health Disseminators in Rural Areas and Rural Instructors. Both were directly responsible for the promotion and training of rural women regarding housework, motherhood and farming activities. In particular, Rural Instructors worked at Travelling Professorships, School Farms and Rural Households, which is our scope of study.El presente artículo pretende abordar el estudio de las iniciativas de educación no formal llevadas a cabo por la Sección Femenina (SF) durante el franquismo a través de la prensa femenina, concretamente las revistas Y, Medina, Teresa y Consigna. Asimismo se analiza cómo fue la recepción de estas actividades formativas emprendidas en el medio rural, a través de la prensa periódica custodiada en los archivos de la SF correspondiente a gran parte de la geografía española, centrándonos en las iniciativas realizadas por el cuerpo de Divulgadoras Sanitario-Rurales y de las Instructoras Rurales. Ambas fueron responsables directas en la dinamización y capacitación de las mujeres campesinas en sus tareas domésticas, maternales y agropecuarias. Concretamente, las Instructoras Rurales, desempeñaron su actividad laboral en las Cátedras Ambulantes, Granjas-Escuelas y Hogares Rurales, campo de acción en el que centraremos nuestro estudio

    Maestras represaliadas por el gobierno franquista

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    The theories, speeches and paradigms of the New State imposed a return to the more traditional social models, than they took to the government to exert different mechanisms and criteria at the time of valuing and evaluating to the men and the women. And an example of those differences of gender we found it in the behavior of the Franco`s government to purify to the teaching training. The purge of teaching training was very complex, therefore this work is centered in a part of the process, about the type of accusations that were spilled against the teachers and the schoolmistresses -defined like sheets of charge-, concretely in the case of region of Castilla – La Mancha. The study of the accusations and of the valuation that the censors made of these, contributes to determine if the repression exerted displayed differences based on the gender.Los discursos ideológicos y paradigmas del Nuevo Estado impusieron una vuelta a los modelos sociales más tradicionales, que llevaron al gobierno a ejercer distintos mecanismos y criterios a la hora de valorar y evaluar a los hombres y a las mujeres. Y un ejemplo de esas diferencias de género lo encontramos en las actuaciones desarrolladas por el gobierno franquista para depurar al magisterio de primera enseñanza. Puesto que el proceso depurativo fue muy complejo, este trabajo se centra en una parte decisiva del mismo referente al tipo de acusaciones que se vertieron contra los maestros y las maestras –definido como pliegos de cargos–, concretamente contra aquellos que ejercieron en la región de Castilla-La Mancha. El estudio de los cargos y de la valoración que realizaron los censores de éstos contribuye a determinar si la represión ejercida contra los docentes presentó diferencias en función del género