659 research outputs found

    The Importance of Disk Structure in Stalling Type I Migration

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    As planets form they tidally interact with their natal disks. Though the tidal perturbation induced by Earth and super-Earth mass planets is generally too weak to significantly modify the structure of the disk, the interaction is potentially strong enough to cause the planets to undergo rapid type I migration. This physical process may provide a source of short-period super-Earths, though it may also pose a challenge to the emergence and retention of cores on long-period orbits with sufficient mass to evolve into gas giants. Previous numerical simulations have shown that the type I migration rate sensitively depends upon the circumstellar disk's properties, particularly the temperature and surface density gradients. Here, we derive these structure parameters for 1) a self-consistent viscous-disk model based on a constant \alpha-prescription, 2) an irradiated disk model that takes into account heating due to the absorption of stellar photons, and 3) a layered-accretion disk model with variable \alpha-parameter. We show that in the inner viscously-heated regions of typical protostellar disks, the horseshoe and corotation torques of super-Earths can exceed their differential Lindblad torque and cause them to undergo outward migration. However, the temperature profile due to passive stellar irradiation causes type I migration to be inwards throughout much of the disk. For disks in which there is outwards migration, we show that location and the mass range of the "planet traps" depends on some uncertain assumptions adopted for these disk models. Competing physical effects may lead to dispersion in super-Earths' mass-period distribution.Comment: 12 pages, Submitted to Ap

    Bioactivity in silica/poly(γ-glutamic acid) sol–gel hybrids through calcium chelation

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    Bioactive glasses and inorganic/organic hybrids have great potential as biomedical implant materials. Sol–gel hybrids with interpenetrating networks of silica and biodegradable polymers can combine the bioactive properties of a glass with the toughness of a polymer. However, traditional calcium sources such as calcium nitrate and calcium chloride are unsuitable for hybrids. In this study calcium was incorporated by chelation to the polymer component. The calcium salt form of poly(γ-glutamic acid) (γCaPGA) was synthesized for use as both a calcium source and as the biodegradable toughening component of the hybrids. Hybrids of 40 wt.% γCaPGA were successfully formed and had fine scale integration of Ca and Si ions, according to secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging, indicating a homogeneous distribution of organic and inorganic components. 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance data demonstrated that the network connectivity was unaltered with changing polymer molecular weight, as there was no perturbation to the overall Si speciation and silica network formation. Upon immersion in simulated body fluid a hydroxycarbonate apatite surface layer formed on the hybrids within 1 week. The polymer molecular weight (Mw 30–120 kDa) affected the mechanical properties of the resulting hybrids, but all hybrids had large strains to failure, >26%, and compressive strengths, in excess of 300 MPa. The large strain to failure values showed that γCaPGA hybrids exhibited non-brittle behaviour whilst also incorporating calcium. Thus calcium incorporation by chelation to the polymer component is justified as a novel approach in hybrids for biomedical materials

    Enhancing in vitro biocompatibility and corrosion protection of organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel films with nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite

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    Application of novel organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel coatings containing dispersed hydroxyapatite (HAp) particles improves the biocompatibility, normal human osteoblast (NHOst) response in terms of osteoblast viability and adhesion of a Ti6Al4V alloy routinely used in medical implants. The incorporation of HAp particles additionally results in more effective barrier proprieties and improved corrosion protection of the Ti6Al4V alloy through higher degree of cross-linking in the organopolysiloxane matrix and enhanced film thickness

    A Trio of Giant Planets Orbiting Evolved Star HD 184010

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    We report the discovery of a triple-giant-planet system around an evolved star HD 184010 (HR 7421, HIP 96016). This discovery is based on observations from Okayama Planet Search Program, a precise radial velocity survey, undertaken at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory between 2004 April and 2021 June. The star is K0 type and located at beginning of the red-giant branch. It has a mass of 1.350.21+0.19M1.35_{-0.21}^{+0.19} M_{\odot}, a radius of 4.860.49+0.55R4.86_{-0.49}^{+0.55} R_{\odot}, and a surface gravity logg\log g of 3.180.07+0.083.18_{-0.07}^{+0.08}. The planetary system is composed of three giant planets in a compact configuration: The planets have minimum masses of Mbsini=0.310.04+0.03MJM_{\rm{b}}\sin i = 0.31_{-0.04}^{+0.03} M_{\rm{J}}, Mcsini=0.300.05+0.04MJM_{\rm{c}}\sin i = 0.30_{-0.05}^{+0.04} M_{\rm{J}}, and Mdsini=0.450.06+0.04MJM_{\rm{d}}\sin i = 0.45_{-0.06}^{+0.04} M_{\rm{J}}, and orbital periods of Pb=286.60.7+2.4 dP_{\rm{b}}=286.6_{-0.7}^{+2.4}\ \rm{d}, Pc=484.33.5+5.5 dP_{\rm{c}}=484.3_{-3.5}^{+5.5}\ \rm{d}, and $P_{\rm{d}}=836.4_{-8.4}^{+8.4}\ \rm{d},respectively,whicharederivedfromatripleKeplerianorbitalfittothreesetsofradialvelocitydata.Theratiooforbitalperiodsarecloseto, respectively, which are derived from a triple Keplerian orbital fit to three sets of radial velocity data. The ratio of orbital periods are close to P_{\rm{d}}:P_{\rm{c}}:P_{\rm{b}} \sim 21:12:7,whichmeanstheperiodratiosbetweenneighboringplanetsarebothlowerthan, which means the period ratios between neighboring planets are both lower than 2:1.Thedynamicalstabilityanalysisrevealsthattheplanetsshouldhavenearcircularorbits.Thesystemcouldremainstableover1Gyr,initializedfromcoplanarorbits,loweccentricities(. The dynamical stability analysis reveals that the planets should have near-circular orbits. The system could remain stable over 1 Gyr, initialized from co-planar orbits, low eccentricities (e=0.05),andplanetmassesequaltotheminimummassderivedfromthebestfitcircularorbitfitting.Besides,theplanetsarenotlikelyinmeanmotionresonance.HD184010systemisunique:itisthefirstsystemdiscoveredtohaveahighlyevolvedstar(), and planet masses equal to the minimum mass derived from the best-fit circular orbit fitting. Besides, the planets are not likely in mean motion resonance. HD 184010 system is unique: it is the first system discovered to have a highly evolved star (\log g < 3.5cgs)andmorethantwogiantplanetsallwithintermediateorbitalperiods( cgs) and more than two giant planets all with intermediate orbital periods (10^2\ \rm{d} < P < 10^3\ \rm{d}$).Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Published in PAS

    Effects of High Flavanol Dark Chocolate on Cardiovascular Function and Platelet Aggregation.

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    Regular consumption of chocolate and cocoa products has been linked to reduced cardiovascular mortality. This study compared the effects of high flavanol dark chocolate (HFDC; 1064mg flavanols/day for 6 weeks) and low flavanol dark chocolate (LFDC; 88mg flavanols/day for 6 weeks) on blood pressure, heart rate, vascular function and platelet aggregation in men with pre-hypertension or mild hypertension. Vascular function was assessed by pulse wave analysis using radial artery applanation tonometry in combination with inhaled salbutamol (0.4 mg) to assess changes due to endothelium-dependent vasodilatation. HFDC did not significantly reduce blood pressure compared to baseline or LFDC. Heart rate was increased by LFDC compared to baseline, but not by HFDC. Vascular responses to salbutamol tended to be greater after HFDC. Platelet aggregation induced by collagen or the thromboxane analogue U46619 was unchanged after LFDC or HFDC, whereas both chocolates reduced responses to ADP and the thrombin receptor activator peptide, SFLLRNamide (TRAP6), relative to baseline. Pre-incubation of platelets with theobromine also attenuated platelet aggregation induced by ADP or TRAP6. We conclude that consumption of HFDC confers modest improvements in cardiovascular function. Platelet aggregation is modulated by a flavanol-independent mechanism that is likely due to theobromine.This study was supported by a grant (to R. Corder) from Barry Callebaut Belgium N

    Effects of Inflorescence Stem Structure and Cell Wall Components on the Mechanical Strength of Inflorescence Stem in Herbaceous Peony

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    Herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) is a traditional famous flower, but its poor inflorescence stem quality seriously constrains the development of the cut flower. Mechanical strength is an important characteristic of stems, which not only affects plant lodging, but also plays an important role in stem bend or break. In this paper, the mechanical strength, morphological indices and microstructure of P. lactiflora development inflorescence stems were measured and observed. The results showed that the mechanical strength of inflorescence stems gradually increased, and that the diameter of inflorescence stem was a direct indicator in estimating mechanical strength. Simultaneously, with the development of inflorescence stem, the number of vascular bundles increased, the vascular bundle was arranged more densely, the sclerenchyma cell wall thickened, and the proportion of vascular bundle and pith also increased. On this basis, cellulose and lignin contents were determined, PlCesA3, PlCesA6 and PlCCoAOMT were isolated and their expression patterns were examined including PlPAL. The results showed that cellulose was not strictly correlated with the mechanical strength of inflorescence stem, and lignin had a significant impact on it. In addition, PlCesA3 and PlCesA6 were not key members in cellulose synthesis of P. lactiflora and their functions were also different, but PlPAL and PlCCoAOMT regulated the lignin synthesis of P. lactiflora. These data indicated that PlPAL and PlCCoAOMT could be applied to improve the mechanical strength of P. lactiflora inflorescence stem in genetic engineering

    Down-regulation of core 1 β1,3-galactosyltransferase and Cosmc by Th2 cytokine alters O-glycosylation of IgA1

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    Background. Patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN) have an increased amount of abnormally O-glycosylated IgA1 in circulation, in glomerular deposits and produced by tissue cells in vitro. Although increased production of Th2 cytokines by peripheral blood lymphocytes and a functional abnormality of core 1 β1,3-galactosyltransferase (C1β3Gal-T) have been proposed as mechanisms underlying pathogenesis of IgAN, they are still obscure and are not connected