123 research outputs found

    Microbial Activity Response to Solar Radiation across Contrasting Environmental Conditions in Salar de Huasco, Northern Chilean Altiplano

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.In high altitude environments, extreme levels of solar radiation and important differences of ionic concentrations over narrow spatial scales may modulate microbial activity. In Salar de Huasco, a high-altitude wetland in the Andean mountains, the high diversity of microbial communities has been characterized and associated with strong environmental variability. Communities that differed in light history and environmental conditions, such as nutrient concentrations and salinity from different spatial locations, were assessed for bacterial secondary production (BSP, H-3-leucine incorporation) response from short-term exposures to solar radiation. We sampled during austral spring seven stations categorized as: (a) source stations, with recently emerged groundwater (no-previous solar exposure); (b) stream running water stations; (c) stations connected to source waters but far downstream from source points; and (d) isolated ponds disconnected from ground sources or streams with a longer isolation and solar exposure history. Very high values of 0.25 mu E m(-2) s(-1), 72 W m(-2) and 12 W m(-2) were measured for PAR, UVA, and UVB incident solar radiation, respectively. The environmental factors measured formed two groups of stations reflected by principal component analyses (near to groundwater sources and isolated systems) where isolated ponds had the highest BSP and microbial abundance (35 microalgae taxa, picoeukaryotes, nanoflagellates, and bacteria) plus higher salinities and PO43- concentrations. BSP short-term response (4 h) to solar radiation was measured by H-3-leucine incorporation under four different solar conditions: full sun, no UVB, PAR, and dark. Microbial communities established in waters with the longest surface exposure (e.g., isolated ponds) had the lowest BSP response to solar radiation treatments, and thus were likely best adapted to solar radiation exposure contrary to ground source waters. These results support our light history (solar exposure) hypothesis where the more isolated the community is from ground water sources, the better adapted it is to solar radiation. We suggest that factors other than solar radiation (e.g., salinity, PO43-, NO3-) are also important in determining microbial productivity in heterogeneous environments such as the Salar de Huasco.http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01857/ful

    Teatros regionales del Uruguay.

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    O caso da Murga ao estilo uruguaio Esa te la Debo. Problematizações em torno de gênero, estética e condições artísticas de trabalho dos murguistas

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    The case of the Uruguayan-style Murga Esa te la Debo. Problematizations around gender, aesthetics and artistic working conditions of murguistas. This  work aims to carry out a case study of a 21st century Uruguayan-style murga called Esa te la Debo. We consider that this murga is a paradigmatic examplebecause it presents topics of interest from my doctoral thesis within its repertoire, as well as my performance as a stage performer. Case studies can be of two types: intrinsic and instrumental, we will address both forms. We consider it necessary to draw feminist epistemologies, to avoid androcentrism and account for the specificities of the artistic field from a gender perspective. The Uruguayan murga presents itself in a singular way depending on the context, it returns and is renewed, it is updated and transformed. What lasts over time? What are the changes? We will integrate the gender perspective as a transversal axis to all the research, we will analyze the aesthetic challenges brought by the new spaces where the murga is expanded and taught. We willexplain why it is the carnival category that has had the most impact in the Buenos Aires theater field. We will finish by questioning the identities of  murguistas as workers of popular culture, taking part of the repertoire sung in their show entitled: «Surviving once again» as well as fragments of iinterviews.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la realización de un estudio de caso de una murga estilo uruguayo del siglo XXI llamada Esa te la Debo. Consideramos que esta murga es un ejemplo paradigmático porque presenta temáticas de interés de mi tesis de doctorado dentro de su repertorio, y también en mi  desempeño como puestista en escena hace dos años. Los estudios de caso pueden ser de dos tipos: intrínseco e instrumental, abordaremos ambas formas. Consideramos necesario trazar epistemologías feministas, para evitar androcentrismos y dar cuenta de las especificidades del campo artístico desde una perspectiva de género. La murga uruguaya se presenta de forma singular según el contexto, regresa y se renueva, se actualiza y se transforma. ¿Qué perdura con el tiempo? ¿Cuáles son sus cambios? Integraremos la perspectiva de género como eje transversal a toda la investigación, analizaremos los desafíos estéticos que traen los nuevos espacios donde la murga se expande y se enseña. Explicaremos por qué es la categoría carnavalera que más repercusión tuvo en el campo teatral porteño. Finalizaremos poniendo en tensión las identidades de murguistas como trabajadores/as de la cultura  popular, tomando parte del repertorio cantado en su espectáculo titulado «Sobreviviendo una vez más» así como fragmentos de entrevistas.O caso da Murga ao estilo uruguaio Esa te la Debo. Problematizações em torno de gênero, estética e condições artísticas de trabalho dos murguistas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo de caso de uma murga de estilo uruguaio do século XXI chamada Esa te la Debo. Consideramos que esta murga é um exemplo paradigmático porque apresenta em seu repertório temas de interesse de minha tese de doutorado. também na minha atuação como encenador há dois anos. Os estudos de caso podem ser de dois tipos: intrínsecos e instrumentais, abordaremos ambas as formas. Consideramos necessário traçar epistemologias feministas, evitar o androcentrismo e dar conta das especificidades do campo artístico numa perspectiva de género. Amurga uruguaia apresenta-se de forma singular dependendo do contexto, retorna e se renova, se atualiza e se transforma. O que dura com o tempo? Quais são as suas mudanças? Integraremos a perspectiva de gênero como eixo transversal a toda a pesquisa, analisaremos os desafios estéticostrazidos pelos novos espaços onde a murga é ampliada e ensinada. Explicaremos por que é a categoria carnavalesca que mais impacto teve no cenário teatral portenho. Finalizaremos tensionando as identidades dos murguistas como trabalhadores da cultura popular, tomando parte do repertório cantado em seu espetáculo intitulado: «Sobrevivendo mais uma vez» e fragmentos de entrevistas

    El clown en la universidad argentina. La profesionalización de un oficio como parte de una metodología institucionalizada

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    Clown (as a specific, more theatrical, form of clowning, which is identified by the English denomination to distinguish it from the traditional payaso) is a consolidated line of artistic work in the theatrical field of Buenos Aires, Argentina. However, academic studies have not yet approached it from the acting perspective. The few existing studies provide a histographical overview, but still do not problematize the actor’s work and training. Considering the arrival of Clown and formal training in circus arts becomes imminent at the Argentinian public university in the 21st Century, this essay problematizes its introduction in the educational field at the university level. El clown es, en el campo teatral porteño, un oficio consolidado. Sin embargo, desde los estudios académicos no ha sido abordado desde el campo actoral. Los escasos estudios que existen aportan una mirada historiográfica, pero aún no problematizan el trabajo y la formación del actor. La llegada del clown y la formación en circo a la Universidad estatal argentina se hace inminente en el siglo XXI. Problematizaremos su introducción en el campo educativo a nivel universitario.

    Hábitats biogénicos como reguladores de la variabilidad de las comunidades bentónicas de invertebrados en la bahía de Tongoy (costa del Pacífico SE): implicaciones de la cosecha de macroalgas

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    Habitat biogenic complexity is thought to exert a significant positive influence on benthic communities. We examined the link between the seasonal variability of macroinvertebrate community structure (species and trophic richness, diversity and biomass) and habitats with different macroalgal assemblages. We identified macroinvertebrates and algae from 336 samples spread over four types of habitat: sand, mud, sand-gravel and seagrass meadows. Considering the whole macroalgal and macroinvertebrate assemblage, we confirmed that macroinvertebrate community variability within and among habitats can be mainly (but not only) explained by a few macroalgal structuring species. The variability of macroinvertebrate communities between habitats and seasons depended on the changes in the relative contribution of the explanatory biostructuring species in the overall algal community. Biomass, trophic behaviour and species richness remained stable in habitats with conspicuous macroalgal communities in contrast with habitats devoid of macroalgae. However, invertebrate species richness and biomass remained stable only in habitats whose dominant species did not change between seasons and not in those where dominant structuring species shifted. The seasonal change in a key structuring macroalgal species (Condracanthus chamissoi), probably as a result of harvesting, led to a major reduction in invertebrate community biomass and richness both in the particular habitat and in those nearby at species level. These consequences are especially important for invertebrates linked by trophic relationships and targeted by fisheries.La complejidad biogénica del hábitat ejercería una importante influencia positiva sobre las comunidades bentónicas. Examinamos la relación entre la variabilidad estacional de la estructura de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados (riqueza, diversidad y biomasa de especies y grupos tróficos) en hábitats con diferentes ensambles de macroalgas. Identificamos macroinvertebrados y algas en 336 muestras distribuidas en cuatro tipos de hábitats: arena, lodo, arena-grava y praderas de pastos marinos. En este estudio, considerando todo el conjunto de macroalgas y macroinvertebrados, confirmamos que la variabilidad de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados dentro y entre los hábitats puede ser explicada principalmente (pero no sólo) por unas pocas especies estructurantes de macroalgas. La variabilidad de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados entre hábitats y estaciones dependió de los cambios de la contribución relativa de las especies biostructurales explicativas en la comunidad algal. La biomasa, el comportamiento trófico y la riqueza de especies permanecieron estables en los hábitats con comunidades de macroalgas conspicuas, en contraste con los hábitats desprovistos de macroalgas. Sin embargo, la riqueza de especies de invertebrados y la biomasa sólo se mantuvieron estables en los hábitats cuyas especies dominantes no cambiaron entre estaciones, pero no en aquellos en los que las especies estructurantes dominantes cambiaron. El cambio estacional de una especie de macroalga estructurante clave (Condracanthus chamissoi), probablemente debido a su cosecha, tuvo importantes consecuencias en la reducción de la biomasa y la riqueza de la comunidad de invertebrados, tanto en su hábitat como en los hábitats adyacentes. Estas consecuencias son especialmente relevantes para los invertebrados vinculados por relaciones tróficas y que además son recursos pesqueros

    Vertical Distribution of Decapod Larvae in the Entrance of an Equatorward Facing Bay of Central Chile: Implications for Transport

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    Two short biophysical surveys were carried out in order to assess how the decapod crustacean larvae vertical distribution and circulation patterns in an equatorward facing embayment (Gulf of Arauco, 37° S; 73° W) influenced larval transport into and out of the Gulf. The embayment is located at the upwelling area of south central Chile and features a deep (60 m) and a shallow (25 m) pathway of communication with the adjacent coastal ocean. Profiles of zooplankton, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and current velocity were measured during a 22-h period at the shallow entrance to the gulf. In addition, three zooplankton profiles were carried out at the deep entrance to the gulf on the basis of observed changes in hydrographic structure. At the shallow entrance to the gulf, current velocities showed a clear semidiurnal tidal signal, with stronger ebb than flood at the surface and stronger flood at depth. Decapod larval abundances showed a bimodal distribution through time, with a maximum during night-time ebb, and a smaller, second peak at day-time ebb. Larval transport in and out of the Gulf depended on larval vertical distribution and the timing of higher densities. Export was reduced when larvae deepened during ebbing tides or when larvae remained deeper throughout the day. Export was enhanced when larger numbers of individuals occupied ebbing surface waters. At the deep entrance, two groups of crustacean larvae were found associated with two different water types: a surface high oxygen water and a deeper suboxic equatorial subsurface water. A group of larvae that originates in the shelf area appeared entering the Gulf in the deeper waters of this entrance but was absent from the shallower one. Larval vertical distribution in the two layer circulation at the embayment entrances can enhance or preclude retention within the bay. The motion of these layers was determined remotely by upwelling dynamics and modified by local wind (sea breeze) and tides. Overall, high frequency processes (semidiurnal tides, diurnal fluctuations) superimposed onto others of lower frequency (3-8 d period of wind-driven upwelling), may contribute significantly to variations in the transport of individuals from bays in upwelling areas

    The Uruguayan Murga. Problematizing Artistic Identities and Production Conditions within the Official Carnival Competition

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    La murga como expresión artística y cultural dentro del concurso oficial de Carnaval montevideano ha sido objeto de disputas y tensiones al interior del campo carnavalero. Su indiscutida consolidación como tal requiere problematizar algunas identidades y prácticas que se encuentran desactualizadas en torno a lo popular. ¿Cómo es posible hablar de un Carnaval oficial? ¿Qué consecuencias trae la televisación de una fiesta popular? Este breve artículo conforma parte de una investigación más amplia, que no pretende agotar este complejo fenómeno. Desarrollaremos algunos ejes temáticos que problematizan el rol social que desempeña la organización del Concurso Oficial del Carnaval, su vínculo con la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo (I.M.M), Directores Asociados de Espectáculos Carnavalescos Populares del Uruguay (D.A.E.C.P.U.), TENFIELD (productora audiovisual y sociedad anónima uruguaya que posee los derechos exclusivos de transmisión del Carnaval) y las recientes creaciones del Sindicato Único de Carnavalerxs del Uruguay creado en el año 2018 (S.U.C.A.U) y el proyecto comunitario “Más Carnaval” (2020) conformado por artistas y agrupaciones nucleadas en S.U.C.A.U.The murga as an artistic and cultural expression within the official Montevidean carnival competition has been the subject of disputes and tensions within the carnival field. Its undisputed consolidation as such requires problematizing some outdated identities and practices regarding what is considered popular. How is it possible to talk about an official carnival? What consequences does the televising of a popular celebration entail? This short article, which does not intend to exhaust this complex phenomenon, is part of a broader investigation. In these pages, we will explore some topics that problematize the social role played by the organization of the Official Carnival Contest and its link with the Muncipality of Montevideo (IMM), Associate Directors of Popular Carnival Shows of Uruguay (DAECPU) and TENFIELD (broadcasting company that owns the exclusive rights for televising the Carnival). Also, we will consider the recent creations of the Uruguayan Union of Carnavalerxs (S.U.C.A.U), created in 2018, and the community project “Más Carnaval” (2020), formed by artists and groups related to S.U.C.A.U

    Quantitative analysis of the most listened to FM stations in Buenos Aires (2011-2017)

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    La diversidad cultural resulta imprescindible a la hora de poder representar la multiplicidad de formas mediante las cuales se expresan los diferentes grupos de una sociedad. El presente trabajo aborda un análisis cuantitativo de la música programada en las seis radioemisoras más escuchadas del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina, entre los años 2011 y 2017. Los parámetros escogidos para mensurar el nivel de diversidad musical existente en la programación de dichas radios son la cantidad de canciones emitidas, la cantidad de títulos de canciones, número de artistas y el origen de los mismos. Por medio de esta última variable, se pretende demostrar si se cumple o no con la última regulación de servicios de comunicación audiovisual en la Argentina, la cual fija una cuota de música nacional y música nacional independiente. Por último, se exhibe el grado de concentración de productores fonográficos de las canciones y artistas emitidos.Cultural diversity is essential when it comes to represent the multiplicity of ways in which different groups of a society are expressed. The present work deals with a quantitative analysis of the music programmed in the six radio stations most listened in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina, between 2011 and 2017. The parameters chosen to measure the level of musical diversity existing in the programming of those radios are the quantity of songs emitted, the amount of titles of songs, number of artists and the origin of the same ones. By means of this last variable, it is tried to demonstrate the level of compliance with the last regulatory process of audiovisual communication services in Argentina, which fixes a national music and indie national music share. Finally, the degree of concentration of phonographic producers of the songs and artists cast is shown.Fil: Espada, Agustín Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. Industrias Culturales y Espacio Público; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Yannicelli, Agustin Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentin

    Influence of Biological Factors on Connectivity Patterns for Concholepas concholepas (loco) in Chile

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    In marine benthic ecosystems, larval connectivity is a major process influencing the maintenance and distribution of invertebrate populations. Larval connectivity is a complex process to study as it is determined by several interacting factors. Here we use an individual-based, biophysical model, to disentangle the effects of such factors, namely larval vertical migration, larval growth, larval mortality, adults fecundity, and habitat availability, for the marine gastropod Concholepas concholepas (loco) in Chile. Lower transport success and higher dispersal distances are observed including larval vertical migration in the model. We find an overall decrease in larval transport success to settlement areas from northern to southern Chile. This spatial gradient results from the combination of current direction and intensity, seawater temperature, and available habitat. From our simulated connectivity patterns we then identify subpopulations of loco along the Chilean coast, which could serve as a basis for spatial management of this resource in the future

    In search for the sources of plastic marine litter that contaminates the Easter Island Ecoregion

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    Subtropical gyres are the oceanic regions where plastic litter accumulates over long timescales, exposing surrounding oceanic islands to plastic contamination, with potentially severe consequences on marine life. Islands’ exposure to such contaminants, littered over long distances in marine or terrestrial habitats, is due to the ocean currents that can transport plastic over long ranges. Here, this issue is addressed for the Easter Island ecoregion (EIE). High-resolution ocean circulation models are used with a Lagrangian particle-tracking tool to identify the connectivity patterns of the EIE with industrial fishing areas and coastline regions of the Pacific basin. Connectivity patterns for “virtual” particles either floating (such as buoyant macroplastics) or neutrally-buoyant (smaller microplastics) are investigated. We find that the South American shoreline between 20°S and 40°S, and the fishing zone within international waters off Peru (20°S, 80°W) are associated with the highest probability for debris to reach the EIE, with transit times under 2 years. These regions coincide with the most-densely populated coastal region of Chile and the most-intensely fished region in the South Pacific. The findings offer potential for mitigating plastic contamination reaching the EIE through better upstream waste management. Results also highlight the need for international action plans on this important issue