1,817 research outputs found

    Caractérisation expérimentale en traction/compression/torsion d'un matériau biosourcé type PHA

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    National audienceDe nouveaux matériaux polymères biosourcés et biodégradables ont fait leur apparition depuis une dizaine d'années. Ces nouveaux matériaux sont une réponse intéressante aux problèmes de ressource et de recyclage-posés par les polymères classiques provenant de la pétrochimie. Ils présentent le double avantage d'être issus de la biomasse, mais également d'être compostables, c'est-à-dire qu'il ne génère aucun toxique en se dégradant, sous certaines conditions spécifiques d'humidité et de température. Nous nous intéressons dans ce travail à une classe particulière de ces nouveaux matériaux biopolymères produits par des micro-organismes : les PolyHydroxyAlkanoates (ou PHA). Les PHA sont des polymères biosourcés, produits par une grande variété de bactéries (Ralstonia, Pseudomonas,…) en tant que réserve énergétique intracellulaire. Ces matériaux présentent malgré tout un défaut important : leur élaboration reste encore souvent difficile à contrôler conduisant à un coût de production souvent prohibitif et limitant leur dissémination dans des secteurs plus conventionnels comme par exemple celui de l'emballage. Pour que ces matériaux aient une diffusion plus importante dans ce secteur, il s'avère nécessaire d'optimiser la forme et la tenue mécanique de ces produits d'emballage. Cela nécessite une bien meilleure connaissance de leur comportement mécanique encore peu connue pour l'instant. Dans ce contexte, cette étude a pour objectif de caractériser expérimentalement puis numériquement le comportement de nuances de PHA [1]. Le but est ensuite d'aboutir à un outil numérique de calcul, capable de dimensionner et simuler le comportement thermo-mécanique de pièces d'emballages en PHA telles que ceux produits par la société EUROPLASTIQUES, partenaire industriel de ce projet. Parallèlement à ce matériau biosourcé, nous étudions également un polymère plus classique, le polypropylène, avec deux objectifs. Tout d'abord l'idée est de valider la méthodologie d'essai, compte tenu du fait que l'on dispose déjà d'une identification partielle d'une nuance de polypropylène, le PPC7712 [2]. D'autre part, ce polypropylène étant également utilisé en emballage, il permettra des comparaisons finales sur les comportements de structures. Pour la caractérisation mécanique de ces matériaux, un dispositif original a été conçu permettant la réalisation d'essais de cycles multiaxiaux simultanés comprenant des phases de traction, torsion et de compression. Ce dispositif comprend une cellule de force à six axes et d'un montage spécifique pour le serrage et le maintien d'une éprouvette cylindrique (Figure 1). Cette éprouvette est obtenue par injection, elle se compose d'une partie cylindrique et de deux têtes hexagonales (Figure 2). Contrairement, aux essais classiques, où les éprouvettes sont maintenues et entraînées par serrage, l'éprouvette est ici liée par obstacle dans les deux sens des trois directions, sans serrage afin d'éviter, autant que possible, l'apparition de contraintes mécaniques initiales. Un système de mors comprenant des plateaux, des vis et des empreintes hexagonales permettent le blocage total de l'éprouvette, quel que soit l'essai envisagé. Le dispositif prend aussi en compte la dispersion prévisible des dimensions des têtes d'éprouvette par l'intermédiaire de lamelles flexibles entre l'accouplement au vérin et le blocage des têtes. Les déformations sont mesurées directement sur l'échantillon grâce à un dispositif de corrélation d'images en 3D (Aramis 4M, GOM), permettant également de vérifier l'homogénéité de la cinématique. Figure 2: Éprouvette de chargement multiaxial Figure 1: Dispositif d'essais multiaxiaux Ce montage original autorise des cycles de sollicitations successives ou combinées de traction, compression et de torsion (Figure 3), à partir d'une seule géométrie d'éprouvette. Dans la littérature, les essais de traction et de cisaillement sont réalisés habituellement avec des éprouvettes de géométrie spécifique à chaque essai. Dans ce cas, il est difficile d'être sûr d'étudier la même structure de matériau, celle-ci étant fortement dépendante du type d'élaboration et des cinétiques de refroidissement, elles-mêmes directement liées aux dimensions géométriques. Le dispositif expérimental développé ici permet d'effectuer des chemins complexes avec changements de direction et de cycles au cours d'un même essai et sur la même éprouvette, autorisant ainsi l'exploration de tout le plan déviatoire de déformation avec prise en compte de l'histoire du chargement. Pour la simulation du comportement de structures, nous utilisons un modèle de comportement 3D d'Hyper-Visco-Hystérésis (HVH) [2], implanté dans le code de calcul Herezh++ [3]. Il tient sa singularité au fait que le comportement du matériau est décomposé en une contribution additive. Tout en incluant un potentiel hyperélastique, cette loi permet de décrire le phénomène d'hystérésis non-visqueux ainsi qu'une dépendance au temps du matériau. Le protocole d'identification, permettant l'obtention des paramètres utiles à ce modèle, est simple et rapide car il ne nécessite qu'un unique type d'essais de traction/compression relaxation [4]

    Detection of selective sweeps in structured populations : a comparison of recent methods

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    This work was supported by the Marie-Curie Initial Training Network INTERCROSSING (European Commission FP7). OEG was further supported by the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland). Date of Acceptance: 25/08/2015Identifying genomic regions targeted by positive selection has been a longstanding interest of evolutionary biologists. This objective was difficult to achieve until the recent emergence of Next Generation Sequencing, which is fostering the development of large-scale catalogs of genetic variation for increasing number of species. Several statistical methods have been recently developed to analyze these rich datasets but there is still a poor understanding of the conditions under which these methods produce reliable results. This study aims at filling this gap by assessing the performance of genome-scan methods that consider explicitly the physical linkage among SNPs surrounding a selected variant. Our study compares the performance of seven recent methods for the detection of selective sweeps (iHS, nSL, EHHST, xp-EHH, XP-EHHST, XPCLR and hapFLK). We use an individual-based simulation approach to investigate the power and accuracy of these methods under a wide range of population models under both hard and soft sweeps. Our results indicate that XPCLR and hapFLK perform best and can detect soft sweeps under simple population structure scenarios if migration rate is low. All methods perform poorly with moderate to high migration rates, or with weak selection and very poorly under a hierarchical population structure. Finally, no single method is able to detect both starting and nearly completed selective sweeps. However, combining several methods (XPCLR or hapFLK with iHS or nSL) can greatly increase the power to pinpoint the selected region.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The contamination of the surface of Vesta by impacts and the delivery of the dark material

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    The Dawn spacecraft observed the presence of dark material, which in turn proved to be associated with OH and H-rich material, on the surface of Vesta. The source of this dark material has been identified with the low albedo asteroids, but it is still a matter of debate whether the delivery of the dark material is associated with a few large impact events, to micrometeorites or to the continuous, secular flux of impactors on Vesta. The continuous flux scenario predicts that a significant fraction of the exogenous material accreted by Vesta should be due to non-dark impactors likely analogous to ordinary chondrites, which instead represent only a minor contaminant in the HED meteorites. We explored the continuous flux scenario and its implications for the composition of the vestan regolith, taking advantage of the data from the Dawn mission and the HED meteorites. We used our model to show that the stochastic events scenario and the micrometeoritic flux scenario are natural consequences of the continuous flux scenario. We then used the model to estimate the amounts of dark and hydroxylate materials delivered on Vesta since the LHB and we showed how our results match well with the values estimated by the Dawn mission. We used our model to assess the amount of Fe and siderophile elements that the continuous flux of impactors would mix in the vestan regolith: concerning the siderophile elements, we focused our attention on the role of Ni. The results are in agreement with the data available on the Fe and Ni content of the HED meteorites and can be used as a reference frame in future studies of the data from the Dawn mission and of the HED meteorites. Our model cannot yet provide an answer to the fate of the missing non-carbonaceous contaminants, but we discuss possible reasons for this discrepancy.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication on the journal ICARUS, "Dark and Bright Materials on Vesta" special issu

    Lymphome T cutané et systémique traité avec succès par greffe haplo-identique

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    BACKGROUND: Herein, we report a case of systemic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma refractory to standard therapy, the course of which resulted in haplo-identical bone marrow grafting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A 53-year-old woman consulted for facial erythema with infiltration, keratotic lesions on the trunk, and adenopathies measuring around 1cm on the axilla and inguinal folds. A diagnosis was made of Sézary syndrome (SS), a leukaemic form of epidermotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. After three years of treatment with methotrexate, the patient developed transformed SS with visceral involvement. Given the high risk of relapse and the absence of an HLA-compatible donor, haploidentical bone marrow grafting was performed. The patient was still in complete remission two and a half years later. The disease course was nevertheless marked by the emergence one year after grafting of a Blaschko-distributed lichenoid eruption having histological features consistent with chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD); treatment with topical betamethasone proved efficacious. DISCUSSION: To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of haploidentical grafting for systemic and transformed cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. This approach could henceforth represent a therapeutic option for patients requiring an allograft in the absence of compatible donors. The Blaschko-distributed lichenoid lesions attributed to chronic GVHD could be the result of reduced immune tolerance to abnormal embryological clones leading to a T-lymphocyte-mediated inflammatory reaction

    First mineralogical maps of 4 Vesta

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    Before Dawn arrived at 4 Vesta only very low spatial resolution (~50 km) albedo and color maps were available from HST data. Also ground-based color and spectroscopic data were utilized as a first attempt to map Vesta’s mineralogical diversity [1-4]. The VIR spectrometer [5] onboard Dawn has ac-quired hyperspectral data while the FC camera [6] ob-tained multi-color data of the Vestan surface at very high spatial resolutions, allowing us to map complex geologic, morphologic units and features. We here re-port about the results obtained from a preliminary global mineralogical map of Vesta, based on data from the Survey orbit. This map is part of an iterative map-ping effort; the map is refined with each improvement in resolution

    41 GHz and 10.6 GHz low threshold and low noise InAs/InP quantum dash two-section mode-locked lasers in L band

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    International audienceThis paper reports recent results on InAs/InP quantum dash-based, two-section, passively mode- locked lasers pulsing at 41 GHz and 10.6 GHz and emitting at 1.59 lm at 20°C. The 41-GHz device (1 mm long) starts lasing at 25 mA under uniform injection and the 10.6 GHz (4 mm long) at 71 mA. Their output pulses are significantly chirped. The 41-GHz laser exhibits 7 ps pulses after propagation in 60 m of a single-mode fiber. The 10.6-GHz laser generates one picosecond pulses with 545 m of a single-mode fiber. Its single side-band phase noise does not exceed -80 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset, leading to an average timing jitter of 800 fs

    USF-1 Is Critical for Maintaining Genome Integrity in Response to UV-Induced DNA Photolesions

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    An important function of all organisms is to ensure that their genetic material remains intact and unaltered through generations. This is an extremely challenging task since the cell's DNA is constantly under assault by endogenous and environmental agents. To protect against this, cells have evolved effective mechanisms to recognize DNA damage, signal its presence, and mediate its repair. While these responses are expected to be highly regulated because they are critical to avoid human diseases, very little is known about the regulation of the expression of genes involved in mediating their effects. The Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) is the major DNA–repair process involved in the recognition and removal of UV-mediated DNA damage. Here we use a combination of in vitro and in vivo assays with an intermittent UV-irradiation protocol to investigate the regulation of key players in the DNA–damage recognition step of NER sub-pathways (TCR and GGR). We show an up-regulation in gene expression of CSA and HR23A, which are involved in TCR and GGR, respectively. Importantly, we show that this occurs through a p53 independent mechanism and that it is coordinated by the stress-responsive transcription factor USF-1. Furthermore, using a mouse model we show that the loss of USF-1 compromises DNA repair, which suggests that USF-1 plays an important role in maintaining genomic stability

    Delivery of Dark Material to Vesta via Carbonaceous Chondritic Impacts

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    NASA's Dawn spacecraft observations of asteroid (4) Vesta reveal a surface with the highest albedo and color variation of any asteroid we have observed so far. Terrains rich in low albedo dark material (DM) have been identified using Dawn Framing Camera (FC) 0.75 {\mu}m filter images in several geologic settings: associated with impact craters (in the ejecta blanket material and/or on the crater walls and rims); as flow-like deposits or rays commonly associated with topographic highs; and as dark spots (likely secondary impacts) nearby impact craters. This DM could be a relic of ancient volcanic activity or exogenic in origin. We report that the majority of the spectra of DM are similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites mixed with materials indigenous to Vesta. Using high-resolution seven color images we compared DM color properties (albedo, band depth) with laboratory measurements of possible analog materials. Band depth and albedo of DM are identical to those of carbonaceous chondrite xenolith-rich howardite Mt. Pratt (PRA) 04401. Laboratory mixtures of Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite and basaltic eucrite Millbillillie also show band depth and albedo affinity to DM. Modeling of carbonaceous chondrite abundance in DM (1-6 vol%) is consistent with howardite meteorites. We find no evidence for large-scale volcanism (exposed dikes/pyroclastic falls) as the source of DM. Our modeling efforts using impact crater scaling laws and numerical models of ejecta reaccretion suggest the delivery and emplacement of this DM on Vesta during the formation of the ~400 km Veneneia basin by a low-velocity (<2 km/sec) carbonaceous impactor. This discovery is important because it strengthens the long-held idea that primitive bodies are the source of carbon and probably volatiles in the early Solar System.Comment: Icarus (Accepted) Pages: 58 Figures: 15 Tables:

    Characterisation of local ICRF heat loads on the JET ILW

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    When using Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency (ICRF) heating, enhanced heat-fluxes are commonly observed on some plasma facing components close to the antennas. Experiments have recently been carried out on JET with the new ITER-Like-Wall (ILW) to characterize the heat flux to the JET ICRF antennas. Using Infra-Red thermography and thermal models of the tiles, heat-fluxes were evaluated from the surface temperature increase during the RF phase of L-mode plasmas. The maximum observed heat-flux intensity was ~ 4.5 MW/m2 when operating with -{\pi}/2 current drive strap phasing at power level of 2MW per antenna and with a 4 cm distance between the plasma and the outer limiters. Heat-fluxes are reduced when using dipole strap phasing. The fraction of ICRF power deposited on the antenna limiters or septa was in the range 2-10% for dipole phasing and 10-20% with +/-{\pi}/2 phasing.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure