121 research outputs found
Parasite Hospitality: How Parasitic Helminth Worms Help Researchers Prevent Type 1 Diabetes.
The hygiene hypothesis describes how human exposure to parasitic helminth worms (and other microorganisms) impacts immune system functions. The potential impacts include protection against autoimmune and allergic disease. Epidemiological disease mapping reveals cases of allergic and autoimmune disease are disproportionately concentrated in urban, developed countries where there is less risk of parasitic infection. This suggests an inverse correlation between autoimmune diseases and likelihood of helminth infection. These observations have led researchers to posit that helminth worms have coevolved alongside their human host. This hypothesis is supported by helminth antagonization of human anti-inflammatory responses. There is some evidence to suggest that helminth worms manipulate an anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-10. This manipulation of IL-10, which is regulated by T helper cells, helps to maintain low levels of inflammation in the gut, and, as a byproduct, reduces risk of autoimmune disease. For this reason, similar modulation of the IL-10 pathway via parasitic induction or drug development could be useful for treating and even preventing certain diseases. This paper will discuss the hygiene hypothesis and its relevance to allergic and autoimmune disease research, emphasizing how helminth worms are currently being used to prevent and treat type 1 diabetes in diabetic mice models. Furthermore, this review provides a table to organize the following: various helminth worms; the worms’ host environments; the autoimmune diseases in which the helminth worm has been found to be immunoregulating; and the specific proteins and immunomodulatory molecules secreted by the species of worm
Trees Take the Streets: Urban Tree Growth and Hazard Potential.
Urban forestry is the science and technology of managing trees and forest resources in and around urban community ecosystems for the physiological, sociological, economic, and aesthetic benefits trees provide society. As urbanization rapidly increases, so does urban forestry. Although increasing the number of trees in urban environments can be beneficial to human residents, trees in urban environments can also become hazardous if improperly trimmed, located, and cared for. For example, human-induced pruning via side trimming compromises tree branch structural integrity. This study investigates whether the phenomenon of side pruning can be brought about naturally by specific combinations of tree aspect relative to the tree’s nearest building and nearest building height. Measuring trees in a predominantly commercial neighborhood in the Northern hemisphere, we found that trees on the south side of buildings (those which receive the most sunlight) have a greater proportion of branch diameter comprised of far branches and naturally mimic a possibly dangerous side-pruned shape. Nearest building height did not impact branch growth patterns. Therefore, trees planted on the south side of buildings have a higher potential to become hazardous, due to naturally induced asymmetrical branch growth, and thus should be monitored more closely for hazard potential
Nutrient regulation of an exotic, unidentified paratrechina sp. (hymenoptera: formicidae) found in Texas
Colony fitness, size, and reproductive potential are determined by their ability to locate
and consume the optimal amounts of various macronutrients. Understanding the
nutritional regulation of an ant colony furthers our understanding of their life history and
can be used to produce a better baiting system. The "Geometric Framework" was used to
conduct experiments determining how Paratrechina sp.nr. pubens regulated their protein
and carbohydrate intake when given two sub-optimal, but complementary food sources,
as well as when confined to a single food source. By analyzing how much food they
consumed, we can determine how P. sp.nr. pubens regulates their food intake.
Examination of the consumption results when given two choices, showed a preference for
carbohydrate rich foods as well as a trend in regulation along a set nutritional trajectory.
Further examination of the amount eaten when confined to a single food source, showed
a higher consumption rate of the carbohydrate rich foods (p7:c35 and p14:c28). Analysis
also showed a narrower range of protein intake when compared to carbohydrate.
Accordingly, behavioral data indicate a pattern of consumption following seasonal shifts
Strategi Adaptasi Dalam Menjaga Eksistensi Mikrolet (Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Strategi Adaptasi Dalam Menghadapi ersaingan Mikrolet Di Kota Malang)
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perubahan perilaku masyarakat Kota Malang dalam menggunakan sarana transportasi untuk menunjang mobilitas mereka. Seiring berkembangnya jaman menuju ke arah modern membuat segala aspek kehidupan juga mengalami perubahan salah satunya transportasi. Saat ini jumlah kendaraan pribadi seperti mobil dan sepeda motor berkembang sangat pesat. Sepeda motor dipilih karena lebih efisien, efektif dan dinamis untuk menunjang mobilitas masyarakat. Hal tersebut akan berdampak langsung kepada eksistensi mikrolet di Kota Malang. Merujuk dari latar belakang tersebut maka focus penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh para sopir mikrolet agar mampu menjaga eksistensinya dalam menghadapi persaingan mikrolet di Kota Malang.
Untuk menganalisis fenomena ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif dan dibantu dengan menggunakan Teori Pilihan Rasional James S. Coleman. Untuk pengumpulan data menggunakan dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan bantuan dari data sekunder yang diperoleh dari internet, buku , dan jurnal-jurnal. Metode pemilihan informan sendiri menggunakan teknik purposive Penentuan informan secara purposive merupakan pengambilan informan secara sengaja namun juga melalui berbagai pertimbangan-perimbangan.
Hasil penelitian ini terlihat bahwa strategi yang dilakukan agar tetap menjaga eksistensi mikrolet di Kota Malang adalah dengan Meningkatkan Etos Kerja, Penambahan Waktu Operasional Kerja, dan Mengutamakan Efisiensi dan Efektifitas Kerja. Dampak yang timbul akibat dari strategi tersebut adalah persaingan dalam mendapatkan penumpang yang semakin ketat
The sampling technique for this study was non-probability sampling using the LISREL program. The tool used is a questionnaire. The sample in this study consisted of 187 respondents, who are Gacoan Noodle customers aged from aged 12 to 25 years, who’s domicile throughout the city of Surabaya. The results of this study indicate that celebrity endorsers have a significant effect on brand image, celebrity endorsers have a significant effect on purchasing decisions, product quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image mediates the influence of product quality on purchasing decisions, advertising attractiveness does not has a significant effect on brand image, product quality has no significant effect on brand image, advertising attractiveness has no significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image does not mediate the influence of celebrity endorsers on purchasing decisions, brand image does not mediate the effect of advertising attractiveness on purchasing decisions
Pharmacokinetic drug interactions of antimicrobial drugs:a systematic review on oxazolidinones, rifamycines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, and Beta-lactams
Like any other drug, antimicrobial drugs are prone to pharmacokinetic drug interactions. These drug interactions are a major concern in clinical practice as they may have an effect on efficacy and toxicity. This article provides an overview of all published pharmacokinetic studies on drug interactions of the commonly prescribed antimicrobial drugs oxazolidinones, rifamycines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, and beta-lactams, focusing on systematic research. We describe drug-food and drug-drug interaction studies in humans, affecting antimicrobial drugs as well as concomitantly administered drugs. Since knowledge about mechanisms is of paramount importance for adequate management of drug interactions, the most plausible underlying mechanism of the drug interaction is provided when available. This overview can be used in daily practice to support the management of pharmacokinetic drug interactions of antimicrobial drugs
Penelitian ini berjudul “Channel Gaming Ligagame Esport TV Menurut Perspektif Gamers“. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui perubahan sikap gamers yang dilihat berdasarkan 3 aspek yaitu aspek kognitif (pikiran), Afektif (Perasaan), Konatif (Sikap).
Aspek kognitif merupakan gejala yang berhubungan dengan pikiran, dimana berwujud pengolahan, pengalaman, dan keyakinan serta harapan-harapan terhadap objek tertentu. Afektif adalah proses yang menyangkut perasaan tertentu seperti perasaan, minat, sikap, emosi, dan nilai. Seperti halnya perasaan simpati, empati, yang ditujukan kepada suatu objek. Konatif merupakan suatu kecenderungan untuk berbuat dalam bentuk sikap yang nampak. Seperti empati, menjauhkan diri, dan lainnya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan suatu pendekatan atau penelusuran untuk mengeksplorasi dan memahami sesuatu gejala sentral. Untuk mengetahui gejala sentral tersebut peneliti melakukan wawancara terhadap informan untuk mengetahui informasi yang diperlukan.
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang sudah dilakukan, didapatkan sebuah fakta berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang dilakukan peneliti dilapangan kepada para informan melalui pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka. Terkait sikap mereka terhadap sebuah permainan game.
Didapatkan beberapa fakta hasil penelitian yang telah dianalisis, bahwa informan mengalami perubahan sikap dalam dirinya yang dilihat berdasarkan 3 aspek yaitu kognitif, afektif, dan konatif. Dimana mereka mengalami suatu perubahan terkait pikiran, perasaan, serta sikap mengenai channel gaming ligagame esport tv.
Seperti contoh perubahan pikiran, berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah adanya harapan kedepannya, pengolahan informasi, keyakinan. Lalu contoh perubahan perasaan adalah menjadi simpati, emosional, dan merasa terhibur. Lalu contoh perubahan sikap yang nampak adalah menjadi menarik diri dari lingkungan, bersikap emosional, berempati
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