1,205 research outputs found

    Elastic Cross-Section and Luminosity Measurement in ATLAS at LHC

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    Recently the ATLAS experiment was complemented with a set of ultra-small-angle detectors located in ``Roman Pot'' inserts at 240m on either side of the interaction point, aiming at the absolute determination of the LHC luminosity by measuring the elastic scattering rate at the Coulomb Nuclear Interference region. Details of the proposed measurement the detector construction and the expected performance as well as the challenges involved are discussed here.Comment: EDS05, Blois, France, May 15-20, 200

    The speed of Arnold diffusion

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    A detailed numerical study is presented of the slow diffusion (Arnold diffusion) taking place around resonance crossings in nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems of three degrees of freedom in the so-called `Nekhoroshev regime'. The aim is to construct estimates regarding the speed of diffusion based on the numerical values of a truncated form of the so-called remainder of a normalized Hamiltonian function, and to compare them with the outcomes of direct numerical experiments using ensembles of orbits. In this comparison we examine, one by one, the main steps of the so-called analytic and geometric parts of the Nekhoroshev theorem. We are led to two main results: i) We construct in our concrete example a convenient set of variables, proposed first by Benettin and Gallavotti (1986), in which the phenomenon of Arnold diffusion in doubly resonant domains can be clearly visualized. ii) We determine, by numerical fitting of our data the dependence of the local diffusion coefficient "D" on the size "||R_{opt}||" of the optimal remainder function, and we compare this with a heuristic argument based on the assumption of normal diffusion. We find a power law "D\propto ||R_{opt}||^{2(1+b)}", where the constant "b" has a small positive value depending also on the multiplicity of the resonance considered.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure

    Secondary resonances and the boundary of effective stability of Trojan motions

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    One of the most interesting features in the libration domain of co-orbital motions is the existence of secondary resonances. For some combinations of physical parameters, these resonances occupy a large fraction of the domain of stability and rule the dynamics within the stable tadpole region. In this work, we present an application of a recently introduced `basic Hamiltonian model' Hb for Trojan dynamics, in Paez and Efthymiopoulos (2015), Paez, Locatelli and Efthymiopoulos (2016): we show that the inner border of the secondary resonance of lowermost order, as defined by Hb, provides a good estimation of the region in phase-space for which the orbits remain regular regardless the orbital parameters of the system. The computation of this boundary is straightforward by combining a resonant normal form calculation in conjunction with an `asymmetric expansion' of the Hamiltonian around the libration points, which speeds up convergence. Applications to the determination of the effective stability domain for exoplanetary Trojans (planet-sized objects or asteroids) which may accompany giant exoplanets are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Bohmian trajectories in an entangled two-qubit system

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    In this paper we examine the evolution of Bohmian trajectories in the presence of quantum entanglement. We study a simple two-qubit system composed of two coherent states and investigate the impact of quantum entanglement on chaotic and ordered trajectories via both numerical and analytical calculations.Comment: 12 Figures, corrected typos, replaced figure 10 and revised captions in figures 8 and 1

    Effective power-law dependence of Lyapunov exponents on the central mass in galaxies

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    Using both numerical and analytical approaches, we demonstrate the existence of an effective power-law relation L∝mpL\propto m^p between the mean Lyapunov exponent LL of stellar orbits chaotically scattered by a supermassive black hole in the center of a galaxy and the mass parameter mm, i.e. ratio of the mass of the black hole over the mass of the galaxy. The exponent pp is found numerically to obtain values in the range p≈0.3p \approx 0.3--0.50.5. We propose a theoretical interpretation of these exponents, based on estimates of local `stretching numbers', i.e. local Lyapunov exponents at successive transits of the orbits through the black hole's sphere of influence. We thus predict p=2/3−qp=2/3-q with q≈0.1q\approx 0.1--0.20.2. Our basic model refers to elliptical galaxy models with a central core. However, we find numerically that an effective power law scaling of LL with mm holds also in models with central cusp, beyond a mass scale up to which chaos is dominated by the influence of the cusp itself. We finally show numerically that an analogous law exists also in disc galaxies with rotating bars. In the latter case, chaotic scattering by the black hole affects mainly populations of thick tube-like orbits surrounding some low-order branches of the x1x_1 family of periodic orbits, as well as its bifurcations at low-order resonances, mainly the Inner Lindbland resonance and the 4/1 resonance. Implications of the correlations between LL and mm to determining the rate of secular evolution of galaxies are discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figure

    Analytical description of the structure of chaos

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    We consider analytical formulae that describe the chaotic regions around the main periodic orbit (x=y=0)(x=y=0) of the H\'{e}non map. Following our previous paper (Efthymiopoulos, Contopoulos, Katsanikas 20142014) we introduce new variables (Ο,η)(\xi, \eta) in which the product Οη=c\xi\eta=c (constant) gives hyperbolic invariant curves. These hyperbolae are mapped by a canonical transformation Ί\Phi to the plane (x,y)(x,y), giving "Moser invariant curves". We find that the series Ί\Phi are convergent up to a maximum value of c=cmaxc=c_{max}. We give estimates of the errors due to the finite truncation of the series and discuss how these errors affect the applicability of analytical computations. For values of the basic parameter Îș\kappa of the H\'{e}non map smaller than a critical value, there is an island of stability, around a stable periodic orbit SS, containing KAM invariant curves. The Moser curves for c≀0.32c \leq 0.32 are completely outside the last KAM curve around SS, the curves with 0.32<c<0.410.32<c<0.41 intersect the last KAM curve and the curves with 0.41≀c<cmax≃0.490.41\leq c< c_{max} \simeq 0.49 are completely inside the last KAM curve. All orbits in the chaotic region around the periodic orbit (x=y=0)(x=y=0), although they seem random, belong to Moser invariant curves, which, therefore define a "structure of chaos". Orbits starting close and outside the last KAM curve remain close to it for a stickiness time that is estimated analytically using the series Ί\Phi. We finally calculate the periodic orbits that accumulate close to the homoclinic points, i.e. the points of intersection of the asymptotic curves from x=y=0x=y=0, exploiting a method based on the self-intersections of the invariant Moser curves. We find that all the computed periodic orbits are generated from the stable orbit SS for smaller values of the H\'{e}non parameter Îș\kappa, i.e. they are all regular periodic orbits.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure
