40 research outputs found

    Linearizability problem of persistent centers

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    The concepts of persistent and weakly persistent centers were introduced in 2009 and the same concept was applied in the study of some families of differential equations in 2013. Such concept was generalized for complex planar differential systems in 2014. In this paper we extend the notion of persistent center to a linearizable persistent center and a linearizable weakly persistent center. Using the methods and algorithms of computational algebra we characterize the planar cubic differential system having linearizable persistent and linearizable weakly persistent centers at the origin

    Specialized nursing terminology for the care of people with spinal cord injury

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    Objective: To develop a bank of terms of specialized nursing language based on the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP® ) for the care of the person with spinal cord injury. Method: Descriptive, quantitative study guided by the guidelines of terminological studies. Terms were extracted from an official document of the Ministry of Health through use of a computer tool, and were standardized and mapped with the ICNP® Version 2015. Results: We identified 446 relevant terms, of which 265 were equal, 68 were similar, 23 were more comprehensive, 66 were more restricted, and 24 were not in concordance with terms of the ICNP® . Terms classified as equal and similar were considered as constant. Thus, the bank of terms consisted of 333 constant terms and 113 not contained in the classification. Terms included in the Focus, Action, Means and Location axes predominated. Conclusion: The bank of terms will contribute to the construction of the ICNP® terminology subset for the care of people with spinal cord injuryObjetivo: Elaborar un banco de datos de términos del lenguaje, con base en la Clasificación Internacional para la Práctica de Enfermería (CIPE®), para el cuidado a la persona con lesión medular. Método: Investigación descriptiva, de abordaje cuantitativo, orientada por las directrices de estudios terminológicos. Los términos fueron extraídos de documento oficial del Ministerio de la Salud, mediante uso de herramienta computacional, normalizados y mapeados con la CIPE® Versión 2015. Resultados: Se identificaron 446 términos relevantes, siendo 265 iguales, 68 similares, 23 más amplios, 66 más restrictos y 24 sin concordancia con los términos de aquella clasificación. Los términos clasificados como iguales y similares se consideraron constantes. De ese modo, el banco de términos estuvo constituido de 333 términos constantes y 113 no constantes en la clasificación. Predominaron términos clasificados en los ejes Foco, Acción, Medios y Ubicación. Conclusión: El banco de términos contribuirá a la construcción de un subconjunto terminológico CIPE® para el cuidado a personas con lesión medular.Objetivo: Elaborar um banco de termos da linguagem especializada de enfermagem, com base na Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem (CIPE® ), para o cuidado à pessoa com lesão medular. Método: Pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem quantitativa, orientada pelas diretrizes de estudos terminológicos. Os termos foram extraídos de documento oficial do Ministério da Saúde, mediante uso de ferramenta computacional, normalizados e mapeados com a CIPE® Versão 2015. Resultados: Identificaram-se 446 termos relevantes, sendo 265 iguais, 68 similares, 23 mais abrangentes, 66 mais restritos e 24 sem concordância com os termos daquela classificação. Os termos classificados como iguais e similares foram considerados constantes. Assim, o banco de termos foi constituído por 333 termos constantes e 113 não constantes na classificação. Predominaram termos classificados nos eixos Foco, Ação, Meios e Localização. Conclusão: O banco de termos contribuirá para a construção de um subconjunto terminológico CIPE® para o cuidado de pessoas com lesão medular

    Nursing diagnoses for institutionalized elderly people based on Henderson’s theory

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    Objective: To develop nursing diagnostic statements for institutionalized elderly people. Method: Descriptive study conducted with elderly subjects of a Long Stay Institution through the application of forms for the support of anamnesis and physical examination and a search of medical records. The diagnostic statements were developed based on the International Classification for Nursing Practice and categorized according to the Henderson’s theoretical model. Results: Participation of 203 elderly people. A total of 153 nursing diagnoses were developed and distributed as follows: 115 (75.1%) in the Biological/Physiological Component, 14 (9.1%) in the Psychological Component, 21 (13.7%) in the Social Component, and three (1.9%) in the Spiritual/Moral Component. Conclusion: The diagnostic statements portray situations of vulnerability to the health of institutionalized elderly that are influenced by biological, psychological, social and cultural factors and require a systematized, individualized and resolutive care for this public.Objetivo: Plantear enunciados de diagnósticos de enfermería para ancianos institucionalizados. Método: Estudio descriptivo, llevado a cabo con ancianos de un Institución de Larga Estancia, mediante aplicación de formularios que subsidiaron la anamnesis y el examen físico, además de la búsqueda en las fichas. Los enunciados de diagnósticos enfermeros fueron elaborados con base en la Clasificación Internacional para la Práctica de Enfermería y categorizados según el modelo teórico de Henderson. Resultados: Participaron 203 personas mayores. Fueron elaborados 153 diagnósticos enfermeros, distribuidos de la siguiente manera: 115 (75,1%) en el Componente Biológico/Fisiológico, 14 (9,1%) en el Componente Psicológico, 21 (13,7%) en el Componente Social y tres (1,9%) en el Componente Espiritual/Moral. Conclusión: Los enunciados de diagnósticos de enfermería planteados retratan situaciones de vulnerabilidad a la salud de los ancianos institucionalizados, influenciadas por factores biológicos, psicológicos, sociales y culturales, por lo que requieren cuidado sistematizado, individualizado y resolutivo para dicho público.Objetivo: Elaborar enunciados de diagnósticos de enfermagem para idosos institucionalizados. Método: Estudo descritivo, realizado com idosos de uma Instituição de Longa Permanência, mediante aplicação de formulários que subsidiaram a anamnese e o exame físico, além de busca nos prontuários. Os enunciados de diagnósticos de enfermagem foram elaborados com base na Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem e categorizados segundo modelo teórico de Henderson. Resultados: Participaram 203 idosos. Foram elaborados 153 diagnósticos de enfermagem, distribuídos da seguinte maneira: 115 (75,1%) no Componente Biológico/Fisiológico, 14 (9,1%) no Componente Psicológico, 21 (13,7%) no Componente Social e três (1,9%) no Componente Espiritual/Moral. Conclusão: Os enunciados de diagnósticos de enfermagem elaborados retratam situações de vulnerabilidade à saúde dos idosos institucionalizados, influenciadas por fatores biológicos, psicológicos, sociais e culturais, exigindo um cuidado sistematizado, individualizado e resolutivo para esse público

    University Social Responsibility and The Control Mechanisms of The Ministry of Education from A Systemic View

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    This article aims to analyze whether University Social Responsibilities - USR is regulated in the control mechanisms that inspect and allow the opening and continuity of a Higher Education Institution, making an analysis as to whether the MEC assessment instruments are efficient in the implementation of a socially responsible organizational culture, having as a reference the systemic view, which allows a macro analysis from the legal side. It is a qualitative research, where the documentation of the Higher Education legislation was analyzed, using techniques to understand the object of study in its entirety, but whose raw material is the legislation that deals with the evaluation systems and the Instruments for Assessment of Accreditation of an HEI and course. The importance of this research is due to the fact that it performs an analysis to find out how USR is inserted in the legislation, and that the absence of a clear and objective legislation, make the HEIs comply only with what is required by law, that is, the minimum , and in accordance with legislation

    Salmonella Pullorum in a Free-range Chicken Farm in Western Bahia, Brazil

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    Background:Industrial poultry farming has developed progressively in Brazil, conferring the country a prominent position on the national and international scene. Likewise, alternative poultry farming is an important economic activity for small-scale family farmers. However, shortcomings related to sanitary management lead to increased occurrence of avian diseases, such as those caused by Salmonella spp. Despite salmonellosis has been described in industrial establishments, reports in alternative farms are less common, therefore the objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of salmonellosis in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra, Western Bahia, Brazil. Cases: The poultry farmer reported the occurrence of diarrhoea in his chicken flock since the acquisition of the batch of chicks. Initially, carrying out the medicinal treatment of the birds, there was clinical improvement, however, successive recurrences of clinical signs occurred, such as diarrhoea, apathy, anorexia, and death of some birds. Upon learning about the case, an epidemiological investigation of the flock was carried out, and it was noted that some of the birds were retracted, apathetic, anorexic, and a lot of diarrheic faeces of a yellowish-white appearance were also observed. The entire flock had a history of vaccination against diseases: newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, gumboro disease, and fowlpox. For better evaluation, five birds were necropsied, enabling the observation that the animals had a good body score. However, the necropsy revealed lesions such as splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and enteritis in the three birds initially analysed (Animals 1, 2, and 3). The other birds (Animals 4 and 5) were submitted to evaluation for Eimeria sp. oocysts by means of scrapings from the intestinal mucosa, and there were no structures compatible with oocysts. Faecal samples were collected from another six birds in the flock for coproparasitological examination, and the presence of oocysts was not detected. Finally, sera from 20 birds in the flock were collected for the Rapid Serum Agglutination Test (SAR) for the detection anti-Salmonella Pullorum antibodies. Discussion: The diagnosis was based on clinical evaluation, post-mortem pathological findings of the necropsied birds, epidemiological data and confirmed with SAR testing, whereby 11 birds were seropositive for Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Pullorum. The prevalence of S. Pullorum is poorly described in alternative farming. Based on the farmer's report, it is believed that the chicks were purchased already infected, because birds from the same batch, also purchased by neighbouring producers, showed the same clinical signs. The unsatisfactory sanitation in the flock was another factor that may have favoured the persistence of the bacteria, since, the lack of removal of organic matter is a source of nutrients for microorganisms, and this may have favoured the multiplication and maintenance of the bacteria in the down feathers, feed, and water. The elimination of S. Pullorum through the faeces, in addition to the density of the birds, may have led to transmission to the other healthy birds. However, the knowledge and adoption of prophylactic measures in free-range chicken farms is a crucial factor in minimizing the occurrence of outbreaks and thus avoiding a future public Health Problem. Keywords: poultry pathology, alternative poultry farming, salmonellosis. Título: Samonella Pullorum em criação de galinhas caipiras no Oeste da Bahia, Brasil Descritores: patologia aviária, avicultura alternativa, salmoneloses

    Avaliação preliminar da qualidade da água em área de extração de mariscos no Rio Paraíba, Cabedelo/PB

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    Avaliou-se a qualidade da água que margeia as croas Lombo da Vara, Croa do Ferro e Boca do Rio, localizadasno estuário do Rio Paraíba, nas proximidades do bairro Renascer do município de Cabedelo/PB. Em cada croaforam monitorados dois pontos, totalizando seis pontos. A amostragem foi realizada mensalmente duranteos meses de junho a novembro de 2013, sendo as coletas realizadas em triplicata. Os parâmetros avaliadoscompreenderam temperatura, turbidez, pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido e os nutrientes amônia,nitrito e fosfato. Os resultados foram discutidos levando em consideração a Resolução CONAMA N° 357/05, queclassifica a área do estuário em estudo como sendo de água salobra de classe 2. Os resultados evidenciarama presença de contaminação por amônia que é proveniente dos efluentes do presídio do Roger, do bairro doRenascer e de um viveiro de camarão localizado na região. No entanto, a amônia é arrastada pela dinâmicada maré, permanecendo em baixa concentração no meio. Esta, em um segundo momento, é oxidada a nitrito,que foi encontrado em valores baixos, estando de acordo com a Resolução CONAMA N° 357/05. O fosfatotambém esteve dentro dos padrões exigidos. Faz-se necessário um maior tempo de monitoramento da água,assim como a inserção de outros parâmetros como coliformes

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Applications of Wine Pomace in the Food Industry: Approaches and Functions

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    Winemaking generates large amounts ofwine pomace, also called grape pomace. This by-product has attracted the attention of food scientists and the food industry, due to its high content in nutrients and bioactive compounds. This review mainly focuses on the different published approaches to the use of wine pomace and its functions in the food industry. Traditionally, wine pomace has been used to obtain wine alcohol, food colorings, and grape seed oil. More recently, research has focused in the production of other value-added products, such as extracts of bioactive compounds, mainly phenols, recovery of tartaric acid, and the making of flours. The most common functions associated with wine pomace products are their use as antioxidants, followed by their use as fortifying, coloring, and antimicrobial agents. These products have mainly been applied to the preparation of meat and fish products and to, a lesser extent, cereal products.Autonomous Government of Castilla y León, Spain, through the research project BU282U13