9 research outputs found


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    Ryszard Kapuściński: visión integradora de un reportero. Clasificación, construcción y recepción de su obr

    Istota i znaczenie (funkcje) zasad postępowania sądowoadministracyjnego

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    There are two main platforms on which the role and importance of the principles of procedural law can be observed. One concerns the basic functions played by these principles, i.e. the function that orders the process, the function that shapes the process model, the interpretative function and the cognitive function. The other platform concerns the reference sphere i.e. a sphere to which these principles are or may be of importance owing to the functions they have. Thus it comprises the sphere of making and enforcing law and its criticism, the law teaching and researching sphere, the practical sphere, the political-ideological sphere and last but not least the sphere of codifi ed and non-codifi ed law. This division however is not absolute. There exists, for example, convergence between the sphere of law enforcement and law practice as well as between the sphere of law criticism and law teaching or researching. A similar convergence may be observed between the law making and the political-ideological spheres. The two platforms cross over and create meeting points in which individual functions of principles in relevant reference spheres may be marked. At the law-making stage, the ordering function harmonises legal solutions adopted in a legislative act whereas at the law-enforcement stage it facilitates construction of a legal text. The shaping of a model of proceedings in administrative courts by principles means that these principles make it possible to determine the structure of institutions and procedural solutions in proceedings before administrative courts, while the interpretative function occurs only in the sphere of law enforcement and criticism. The cognitive function is mainly signifi cant for the law teaching and researching sphere, but also for the law practice, including criticism

    Dynamics and Complexity of Dark Fermentation Microbial Communities Producing Hydrogen From Sugar Beet Molasses in Continuously Operating Packed Bed Reactors

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    This study describes the dynamics and complexity of microbial communities producing hydrogen-rich fermentation gas from sugar-beet molasses in five packed-bed reactors (PBRs). The bioreactors constitute a part of a system producing hydrogen from the by-products of the sugar-beet industry that has been operating continuously in one of the Polish sugar factories. PBRs with different working volumes, packing materials, construction and inocula were tested. This study focused on analysis (based on 16S rRNA profiling and shotgun metagenomics sequencing) of the microbial communities selected in the PBRs under the conditions of high (>100 cm3/g COD of molasses) and low (<50 cm3/g COD of molasses) efficiencies of hydrogen production. The stability and efficiency of the hydrogen production are determined by the composition of dark fermentation microbial communities. The most striking difference between the tested samples is the ratio of hydrogen producers to lactic acid bacteria. The highest efficiency of hydrogen production (130-160 cm3/g COD of molasses) was achieved at the ratios of HPB to LAB ≈ 4:2.5 or 2.5:1 as determined by 16S rRNA sequencing or shotgun metagenomics sequencing, respectively. The most abundant Clostridium species were C. pasteurianum and C. tyrobutyricum. A multiple predominance of LAB over HPB (3:1-4:1) or clostridia over LAB (5:1-60:1) results in decreased hydrogen production. Inhibition of hydrogen production was illustrated by overproduction of short chain fatty acids and ethanol. Furthermore, concentration of ethanol might be a relevant marker or factor promoting a metabolic shift in the DF bioreactors processing carbohydrates from hydrogen-yielding toward lactic acid fermentation or solventogenic pathways. The novelty of this study is identifying a community balance between hydrogen producers and lactic acid bacteria for stable hydrogen producing systems. The balance stems from long-term selection of hydrogen-producing microbial community, operating conditions such as bioreactor construction, packing material, hydraulic retention time and substrate concentration. This finding is confirmed by additional analysis of the proportions between HPB and LAB in dark fermentation bioreactors from other studies. The results contribute to the advance of knowledge in the area of relationships and nutritional interactions especially the cross-feeding of lactate between bacteria in dark fermentation microbial communities

    The essence and meaning of the administrative court proceeding

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    There are two main platforms on which the role and importance of the principles of procedural law can be observed. One concerns the basic functions played by these principles, i.e. the function that orders the process, the function that shapes the process model, the interpretative function and the cognitive function. The other platform concerns the reference sphere i.e. a sphere to which these principles are or may be of importance owing to the functions they have. Thus it comprises the sphere of making and enforcing law and its criticism, the law teaching and researching sphere, the practical sphere, the political-ideological sphere and last but not least the sphere of codifi ed and non-codifi ed law. This division however is not absolute. There exists, for example, convergence between the sphere of law enforcement and law practice as well as between the sphere of law criticism and law teaching or researching. A similar convergence may be observed between the law making and the political-ideological spheres. The two platforms cross over and create meeting points in which individual functions of principles in relevant reference spheres may be marked. At the law-making stage, the ordering function harmonises legal solutions adopted in a legislative act whereas at the law-enforcement stage it facilitates construction of a legal text. The shaping of a model of proceedings in administrative courts by principles means that these principles make it possible to determine the structure of institutions and procedural solutions in proceedings before administrative courts, while the interpretative function occurs only in the sphere of law enforcement and criticism. The cognitive function is mainly signifi cant for the law teaching and researching sphere, but also for the law practice, including criticism.21431472Studia Prawa Publiczneg

    Ryszard Kapuściński: visión integradora de un reportero. Clasificación, construcción y recepción de su obra

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    [spa] La tesis objeto del presente resumen gira en torno, como indica su título, al legado del reportero polaco Ryszard Kapuściński, estudiado desde el punto de vista culturológico. El detallado análisis de su obra desemboca en la inscripción de la misma en el ámbito de las ciencias humanísticas y Cultural Studies.. Dividido en tres partes (clasificación, construcción y recepción), en el trabajo se abordan, respectivamente, los tres temas foco de atención: la obra, el autor y el lector. En “Clasificación” se estudian las obras publicadas por el autor. Al analizarlas una por una, se presta atención a cómo están construidas, cuál es su historia, cuáles son sus rasgos característicos, qué recepción tuvieron y qué crítica suscitaron. Partiendo de la perspectiva de la sociología del texto, se analiza qué cambios se produjeron en sus reediciones y por qué. “Construcción” aborda la cuestión de la construcción creativa. El estudio se centra en la faceta de reportero de Ryszard Kapuściński, para más adelante ahondar en la génesis del reportaje polaco y compararla con su equivalente en la tradición occidental. Se continúa con un repaso de la actividad del Kapuściński autor: desde poesía y periodismo hasta filosofía y antropología pasando por historia e incluso fotografía. Se aborda asimismo su método de trabajo, estudio que lleva a la conclusión de que, más que periodista, es escritor o antropólogo, con lo que se evidencia su faceta de creador. Todo ello lleva a considerarlo el inventor del «reportaje integrador», expresión que se propone para definir su obra. “Recepción”, como indica su título, está dedicada a la recepción de su obra en los territorios donde adquirió un mayor reconocimiento (teniendo en cuenta: el número de títulos traducidos y publicados, el de premios otorgados, la presencia de críticas de su obra en la prensa nacional, el número de ejemplares impresos vendidos, la participación en acontecimientos culturales –inauguraciones, festivales literarios, talleres, conferencias, etc. –: España, América Latina e Italia. El estudio de la recepción de la obra por parte de lectores y críticos está basado en la documentación existente (dossiers de prensa, artículos, reseñas, críticas, actas de jurados de premios, libros publicados al respecto “et similia”), en la información obtenida de primera mano de expertos capaces de explicar el fenómeno de su popularidad (personas que conocen su obra y/o que tuvieron un trato directo con el autor, sus editores, traductores, profesores de periodismo y colegas periodistas). Finalmente, se examina los rasgos que comparten España, América Latina e Italia para responder a la pregunta de «¿por qué allí y no en otra parte Kapuściński ha cosechado los mayores éxitos?». La clave para ofrecer una argumentación satisfactoria se halla en la teoría postcolonial. La tesis es un intento de contestar a la pregunta ¿quién es Ryszard Kapuściński? Asimismo, tras analizar su obra, su biografía artística y su recepción, se acuña la definición de un nuevo subgénero para inscribir su obra. Al tratar y analizar esta, se resaltan las etapas de su vida (con todos los condicionamientos de un polaco nacido en 1932: educación, formación, cultura) y de su trayectoria artística (cómo se fue forjando su escritura, cómo él mismo creció como autor y cómo pasó de ser un periodista, un corresponsal de una agencia de prensa, a convertirse en escritor de libros y traductor de culturas).[eng] This dissertation: Ryszard Kapuściński: Integrating View of a Reporter. Classification, Construction and Reception of His Works, examines the complete work of Ryszard Kapuściński, one of the leading figures in Polish reportage, writer of book-length reportage works, one of the most translated polish writer with worldwide recognition. It presents his work from the culturological point of view and through detailed analysis of his work, it proposes to include Kapuściński’s legacy within field of humanities and Cultural Studies. The dissertation is divided into three parts (classification, construction and reception), which addresses, respectively, three different focus of attention, i.e.: the work, the author and the reader. The first part, Classification, discuss 14 titles published by the author, i.e. (in chronological order): The Polish Bush, Black Stars, The Kirghiz Dismounts, If All Africa..., Why Karl von Spreti Died, Christ With a Rifle on His Shoulder, Another Day of Life, The Soccer War, The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat, Shah of Shahs, Imperium, The Shadow of the Sun, Travels with Herodotus and his cycle Lapidarium. By analysing them one by one, we pay attention to how they are constructed, what is the history of every edition, what are particular and common features of every book, how they were received by critics and readers and what critics and opinions they raised. By adopting Sociology of Texts perspective, we reveal some changes, we can observe while comparing different re-editions and we ask why. Second part, Construction, addresses the issue of creative construction and artistic creation. We first focus on Ryszard Kapuściński as a reporter, therefore, on the origins of the Polish reportage and we compare it with Western tradition of reportage. Moreover, we pay attention to Kapuściński’s activity as the author: analyzing his different inspirations, the study shifts from journalism, through history and even photography, to poetry, philosophy and anthropology. We also demonstrate his method of work, which leads us to the conclusion that, rather than a journalist, his method seems more proper of writer and/or anthropologist. Finally, we consider the author the inventor of the "Integrating Reportage," a term we propose to define his work. Third part, Reception is dedicated to the reception of Kapuściński’s works in the territories where he was most popular (taking into account: the number of translated and published titles, awarded prizes, reviews of his work in the national press, the number of printed copies sold, his participation in cultural events, openings, literary festivals, workshops, conferences, etc.), i.e., in Spain, Latin America and Italy. The reception study of his work is based on the existing documentation (such as press dossiers, articles, opinions, reviews, critics, jury final acts from numerous awards, published books etc.), and the information obtained directly from firsthand experts, able to explain the phenomenon of his popularity (people who know his work and/or had direct relationship with the author, such as his editors, translators, journalism professors and fellow journalists). Finally, similarities between his recognition in Spain, Latin America and Italy leads us to ask: "why there and not elsewhere Kapuściński has reched the biggest success?". The key to provide a satisfactory answer seems to derive from Postcolonial Theory. This thesis is an attempt to answer the question: who is Ryszard Kapuściński? Also, after analyzing his work, his artistic biography and its reception, we propose the definition of a new sub genre, which could define his entire work

    Granice decentralizacji

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    The concept of decentralization has fixed content and the scope of meaning. At present, defining decentralization only through the lack of hierarchical dependence would be incorrect. One can speak of the external and internal limits of decentralization. The internal limits of decentralization are political or legal determinants of decentralization. The external limits of decentralization are those which closely interact with centralization – as an opposite category, but complementary to decentralization. Outside of decentralization and centralization, there is a place for autonomy. Autonomy is in contradiction with the state’s unitarian character

    Violència i Identitat

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    Hi ha concepte que semblen diàfans, però que poden tornar-se ambigus quan hi reflexionem amb atenció, com el de la violència. Si bé actualment aquest terme envaeix el nostre espai i sovint el llegim de manera unívoca, en el moment en què hi aprofundim hem de reconsiderar-ne el significat. Així mateix, la identitat, que ha estat el tema nuclear de l'art, el pensament i l'art occidental des del Romanticisme fins al jo líquid de la Postmodernitat, ha adquirit una dimensió polisèmica al llarg del temps