150 research outputs found

    Self-Energy of Decuplet Baryons in Nuclear Matter

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    We calculate, in chiral perturbation theory, the change in the self-energy of decuplet baryons in nuclear matter. These self-energy shifts are relevant in studies of meson-nucleus scattering and of neutron stars. Our results are leading order in an expansion in powers of the ratio of characteristic momenta to the chiral symmetry-breaking scale (or the nucleon mass). Included are contact diagrams generated by 4-baryon operators, which were neglected in earlier studies for the Δ\Delta isomultiplet but contribute to the self-energy shifts at this order in chiral perturbation theory.Comment: 11 pages, 2 eps figures, REVTe

    Causality in relativistic many body theory

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    The stability of the nuclear matter system with respect to density fluctuations is examined exploring in detail the pole structure of the electro-nuclear response functions. Making extensive use of the method of dispersion integrals we calculate the full polarization propagator not only for real energies in the spacelike and timelike regime but also in the whole complex energy plane. The latter proved to be necessary in order to identify unphysical causality violating poles which are the consequence of a neglection of vacuum polarization. On the contrary it is shown that Dirac sea effects stabilize the nuclear matter system shifting the unphysical pole from the upper energy plane back to the real axis. The exchange of strength between these real timelike collective excitations and the spacelike energy regime is shown to lead to a reduction of the quasielastic peak as it is seen in electron scattering experiments. Neglecting vacuum polarization one also obtains a reduction of the quasielastic peak but in this case the strength is partly shifted to the causality violating pole mentioned above which consequently cannot be considered as a physical reliable result. Our investigation of the response function in the energy region above the threshold of nucleon anti-nucleon production leads to another remarkable result. Treating the nucleons as point-like Dirac particles we show that for any isospin independent NN-interaction RPA-correlations provide a reduction of the production amplitude for ppˉp\bar p-pairs by a factor 2.Comment: 19 pages Latex including 12 postscript figure

    Medium modifications of nucleon electromagnetic form factors

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    We use the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model as an effective quark theory to investigate the medium modifications of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. By using the equation of state of nuclear matter derived in this model, we discuss the results based on the naive quark-scalar diquark picture, the effects of finite diquark size, and the meson cloud around the constituent quarks. We apply this description to the longitudinal response function for quasielastic electron scattering. RPA correlations, based on the nucleon-nucleon interaction derived in the same model, are also taken into account in the calculation of the response function.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figure

    Delta Excitations in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering

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    We derive the contribution of Δ\Delta-h excitations to quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering in the framework of relativistic mean-field theory. We discuss the effect of Δ\Delta production on the determination of the axial mass MAM_A in neutrino scattering experiments.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 3 postscript figures (available upon request

    Antisymmetrized random phase approximation for quasielastic scattering in nuclear matter: Non-relativistic potentials

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    Many-body techniques for the calculation of quasielastic nuclear matter response functions in the fully antisymmetrized random phase approximation on a Hartree-Fock basis are discussed in detail. The methods presented here allow for an accurate evaluation of the response functions with little numerical effort. Formulae are given for a generic non-relativistic potential parameterized in terms of meson exchanges; on the other hand, relativistic kinematical effects have been accounted for.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures; uses revtex and epsfig; minor changes; typos in some formulae have been corrected and references have been adde

    Static properties of nuclear matter within the Boson Loop Expansion

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    The use of the Boson Loop Expansion is proposed for investigating the static properties of nuclear matter. We explicitly consider a schematic dynamical model in which nucleons interact with the scalar-isoscalar sigma meson. The suggested approximation scheme is examined in detail at the mean field level and at the one- and two-loop orders. The relevant formulas are provided to derive the binding energy per nucleon, the pressure and the compressibility of nuclear matter. Numerical results of the binding energy at the one-loop order are presented for Walecka's sigma-omega model in order to discuss the degree of convergence of the Boson Loop Expansion.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure

    Relativistic effects in electromagnetic nuclear responses in the quasi-elastic delta region

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    A new non-relativistic expansion in terms of the nucleon's momentum inside nuclear matter of the current for isobar electro-excitation from the nucleon is performed. Being exact with respect to the transferred energy and momentum, this yields new current operators which retain important aspects of relativity not taken into account in the traditional non-relativistic reductions. The transition current thus obtained differs from the leading order of the traditional expansion by simple multiplicative factors. These depend on the momentum and energy transfer and can be easily included together with relativistic kinematics in non-relativistic, many-body models of isobar electro-excitation in nuclei. The merits of the new current are tested by comparing with the unexpanded electromagnetic nuclear responses in the isobar peak computed in a relativistic Fermi gas framework. The sensitivity of the relativistic responses to the isobar's magnetic, electric and Coulomb form factors and the finite width of the isobar is analyzed.Comment: 26 pages plus 6 figure

    Exploration of Resonant Continuum and Giant Resonance in the Relativistic Approach

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    Single-particle resonant-states in the continuum are determined by solving scattering states of the Dirac equation with proper asymptotic conditions in the relativistic mean field theory (RMF). The regular and irregular solutions of the Dirac equation at a large radius where the nuclear potentials vanish are relativistic Coulomb wave functions, which are calculated numerically. Energies, widths and wave functions of single-particle resonance states in the continuum for ^{120}Sn are studied in the RMF with the parameter set of NL3. The isoscalar giant octupole resonance of ^{120}Sn is investigated in a fully consistent relativistic random phase approximation. Comparing the results with including full continuum states and only those single-particle resonances we find that the contributions from those resonant-states dominate in the nuclear giant resonant processes.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Collective multipole excitations in a microscopic relativistic approach

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    A relativistic mean field description of collective excitations of atomic nuclei is studied in the framework of a fully self-consistent relativistic random phase approximation (RRPA). In particular, results of RRPA calculations of multipole giant resonances and of low-lying collective states in spherical nuclei are analyzed. By using effective Lagrangians which, in the mean-field approximation, provide an accurate description of ground-state properties, an excellent agreement with experimental data is also found for the excitation energies of low-lying collective states and of giant resonances. Two points are essential for the successful application of the RRPA in the description of dynamical properties of finite nuclei: (i) the use of effective Lagrangians with non-linear terms in the meson sector, and (ii) the fully consistent treatment of the Dirac sea of negative energy states.Comment: 10 figures, submitted to Nucl.Phys.

    Loop Corrections and Naturalness in a Chiral Effective Field Theory

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    The loop expansion is applied to a chiral effective hadronic lagrangian; with the techniques of Infrared Regularization, it is possible to separate out the short-range contributions and to write them as local products of fields that are already present in our lagrangian. (The appropriate field variables must be re-defined at each order in loops.) The corresponding parameters implicitly include short-range effects to all orders in the interaction, so these effects need not be calculated explicitly. The remaining (long-range) contributions that must be calculated are nonlocal and resemble those in conventional nuclear-structure calculations. Nonlinear isoscalar scalar (σ)(\sigma) and vector (ω)(\omega) meson interactions are included, which incorporate many-nucleon forces and nucleon substructure. Calculations are carried out at the two-loop level to illustrate these techniques at finite nuclear densities and to verify that the coupling parameters remain natural when fitted to the empirical properties of equilibrium nuclear matter. Contributions from the ωN\omega N tensor coupling are also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure