6 research outputs found

    Probability Distribution Characteristics for Surface Air–Sea Turbulent Heat Fluxes over the Global Ocean

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    To analyze the probability density distributions of surface turbulent heat fluxes, the authors apply the twoparametric modified Fisher–Tippett (MFT) distribution to the sensible and latent turbulent heat fluxes recomputed from 6-hourly NCEP–NCAR reanalysis state variables for the period from 1948 to 2008. They derived the mean climatology and seasonal cycle of the location and scale parameters of the MFT distribution. Analysis of the parameters of probability distributions identified the areas where similar surface turbulent fluxes are determined by the very different shape of probability density functions. Estimated extreme turbulent heat fluxes amount to 1500–2000 W m22 (for the 99th percentile) and can exceed 2000 W m22 for higher percentiles in the subpolar latitudes and western boundary current regions. Analysis of linear trends and interannual variability in the mean and extreme fluxes shows that the strongest trends in extreme fluxes (more than 15 W m22 decade21) in the western boundary current regions are associated with the changes in the shape of distribution. In many regions changes in extreme fluxes may be different from those for the mean fluxes at interannual and decadal time scales. The correlation between interannual variability of themean and extreme fluxes is relatively low in the tropics, the SouthernOcean, and the Kuroshio Extension region.Analysis of probability distributions in turbulent fluxes has also been used in assessing the impact of sampling errors in theVoluntaryObserving Ship (VOS)-based surface flux climatologies, allowed for the estimation of the impact of sampling in extreme fluxes. Although sampling does not have a visible systematic effect onmean fluxes, sampling uncertainties result in the underestimation of extreme flux values exceeding 100 W m22 in poorly sampled regions

    Estimating air-sea fluxes of heat, freshwater and momentum through global ocean data assimilation

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    Spectral properties of whitecaps are of importance for color ocean remote sensing and aerosol optical thickness probing from satellite-based instruments. They also influence planetary albedo and climate. In particular, whitecaps may affect the response of the climate system to changes in greenhouse gases and other atmospheric constituents. Several experimental measurements of whitecap spectral reflectance have been performed both in the surf zone and in the open ocean, which indicate that oceanic foam cannot be considered as a gray body (e.g., for satellite remote sensing techniques). This paper is devoted to the interpretation of experiments performed in terms of the radiative transfer theory. Only the case of a semi-infinite foam is studied in detail. However, results can be easily extended to the case of finite foamed media having large optical thickness. The model introduced is capable of explaining main features observed, like a sharp decrease of the foam spectral reflectance in the infrared as compared with the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum and a high correlation of the foam reflectance R and the water absorption coefficient a. A simple method to retrieve the spectral dependence of a from the spectral foam reflectance R is proposed

    Air–Sea fluxes from ICOADS: the construction of a new gridded dataset with uncertainty estimates

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    The methods used to calculate a new in situ global dataset of air–sea exchanges, called the NOCS Flux Dataset v2.0, are described. The fluxes have been derived from in situ weather reports from Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) covering the period 1973–2006. The reports have been adjusted for known biases and residual uncertainties estimated. The dataset is constructed using Optimal Interpolation (OI) using new estimates of random uncertainty in the observations. Daily fields have been calculated on a 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid, each grid box and time step have an associated uncertainty estimate. Monthly fields have been calculated from simple averages of the daily fields and monthly uncertainty estimates from the daily uncertainties, using estimates of the autocorrelation between the daily uncertainty estimates. The uncertainties due to the choice of flux parameterisation have not been accounted for. Bias adjustments applied to the data are shown to reduce trends in the data and to improve the consistency of estimates of air temperature, sea surface temperature (SST) and specific humidity. The bias adjustments also improve the agreement of NOCS v2.0 with independent data from research moorings. Cross-validation of the dataset suggests that the uncertainty estimates are realistic, but that the uncertainties are probably underestimated in high variability regions and overestimated in regions with lower variability