21 research outputs found

    Barriers of mental health treatment utilization among first-year college students: First cross-national results from the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative.

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    BACKGROUND: Although mental disorders and suicidal thoughts-behaviors (suicidal thoughts and behaviors) are common among university students, the majority of students with these problems remain untreated. It is unclear what the barriers are to these students seeking treatment. AIMS: The aim of this study is to examine the barriers to future help-seeking and the associations of clinical characteristics with these barriers in a cross-national sample of first-year college students. METHOD: As part of the World Mental Health International College Student (WMH-ICS) initiative, web-based self-report surveys were obtained from 13,984 first-year students in eight countries across the world. Clinical characteristics examined included screens for common mental disorders and reports about suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Multivariate regression models adjusted for socio-demographic, college-, and treatment-related variables were used to examine correlates of help-seeking intention and barriers to seeking treatment. RESULTS: Only 24.6% of students reported that they would definitely seek treatment if they had a future emotional problem. The most commonly reported reasons not to seek treatment among students who failed to report that they would definitely seek help were the preference to handle the problem alone (56.4%) and wanting to talk with friends or relatives instead (48.0%). Preference to handle the problem alone and feeling too embarrassed were also associated with significantly reduced odds of having at least some intention to seek help among students who failed to report that they would definitely seek help. Having 12-month major depression, alcohol use disorder, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors were also associated with significantly reduced reported odds of the latter outcome. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of first-year college students in the WMH-ICS surveys report that they would be hesitant to seek help in case of future emotional problems. Attitudinal barriers and not structural barriers were found to be the most important reported reasons for this hesitation. Experimental research is needed to determine whether intention to seek help and, more importantly, actual help-seeking behavior could be increased with the extent to which intervention strategies need to be tailored to particular student characteristics. Given that the preference to handle problems alone and stigma and appear to be critical, there could be value in determining if internet-based psychological treatments, which can be accessed privately and are often build as self-help approaches, would be more acceptable than other types of treatments to student who report hesitation about seeking treatment.status: publishe

    WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project: Prevalence and Distribution of Mental Disorders

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    Increasingly, colleges across the world are contending with rising rates of mental disorders, and in many cases, the demand for services on campus far exceeds the available resources. The present study reports initial results from the first stage of the WHO World Mental Health International College Student project, in which a series of surveys in 19 colleges across 8 countries (Australia, Belgium, Germany, Mexico, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Spain, United States) were carried out with the aim of estimating prevalence and basic sociodemographic correlates of common mental disorders among first-year college students. Web-based self-report questionnaires administered to incoming first-year students (45.5% pooled response rate) screened for six common lifetime and 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders: major depression, mania/hypomania, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, alcohol use disorder, and substance use disorder. We focus on the 13,984 respondents who were full-time students: 35% of whom screened positive for at least one of the common lifetime disorders assessed and 31% screened positive for at least one 12-month disorder. Syndromes typically had onsets in early to middle adolescence and persisted into the year of the survey. Although relatively modest, the strongest correlates of screening positive were older age, female sex, unmarried-deceased parents, no religious affiliation, nonheterosexual identification and behavior, low secondary school ranking, and extrinsic motivation for college enrollment. The weakness of these associations means that the syndromes considered are widely distributed with respect to these variables in the student population. Although the extent to which cost-effective treatment would reduce these risks is unclear, the high level of need for mental health services implied by these results represents a major challenge to institutions of higher education and governments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).status: publishe

    Consideracions fisiopatològiques i metabòliques de la gastrectomia vertical amb gastroplàstia tubular laparoscòpica amb o sense preservació antral

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    Introducció: La gastrectomia vertical laparoscòpica és una de les tècniques en cirurgia bariàtrica més comú. No existeix consens sobre la distància òptima entre el pílor i l’inici de la secció gàstrica. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és determinar les diferències en el buidament gàstric, volum gàstric, resposta metabòlica i pèrdua ponderal entre dues distàncies d’inici de secció. Material i Mètodes: Estudi prospectiu aleatoritzat de 60 pacients (30 pacients amb secció a 3cm i 30 pacients a 8 cm del pílor). Als 6 i 12 mesos postoperatoris es va calcular el buidament gàstric mitjançant gammagrafia (T1/2 min), volum gàstric mitjançant TC (cc) i resposta metabòlica mitjançant analítica sanguínia. La pèrdua ponderal fou analitzada als 3, 6 i 12 mesos postoperatoris. Resultats: La velocitat de buidament gàstric augmenta significativament en ambdós grups però és major en el grup 3cm (p < 0.05). Si dividim la mostra en funció de la seva condició de diabètics observem que la velocitat en el grup no diabètic 3cm és significativament més alta. Analitzant la pèrdua ponderal amb PEBMIL s’obté major percentatge de resultats excel·lents en el grup 3cm. L’EWL també situa els millors resultats en el grup 3cm. Un any després de la cirurgia s’observa una significativa millora de la hiperinsulinèmia en els pacients del grup 3cm respecte el grup 8cm, però només en els diabètics. La concentració d’incretines no mostrà diferències entre grups. Conclusions: El buidament gàstric és més ràpid en el grup de resecció antral. La distancia no influencia el buidament gàstric en els pacients diabètics. Poden existir altres mecanismens més enllà del GLP-1 que regulin la resposta metabólica a través del buidament gàstric. En el grup de ressecció antral s’observa menor percentatge de resultats subòptims segons EWL i un major percentil de %TWL .Introducción: La gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica es una de las técniques más comunes en cirugía bariátrica. No existe consenso sobre la distancia óptima entre el píloro y el inicio de la sección gàstrica. El objectivo de este estudio es determinar las diferencias en el vaciamiento gástrico, volumen gástrico, respuesta metabòlica y pérdida ponderal entre dos distancias de inicio de sección. Material y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo aleatorizado de 60 pacientes (30 pacientes con sección a 3cm i 30 pacientes a 8 cm del píloro). A los 6 y 12 meses postoperatorios se calcúló el vaciamiento gástrico mediante gammagrafia (T1/2 min), volumen gástrico mediante TC (cc) y respuesta metabòlica mediante analítica sanguínea. La pérdida ponderal se analizó a los 3, 6 i 12 meses postoperatorios. Resultados: La velocidad de vaciamiento gástrico aumenta significativamente en ambos grups però és mayor en el grupo 3cm (p < 0.05). Si dividimos la muestra en función de su condición de diabéticos observamos que la velocidad en el grup no diabético 3 cm es significativamente mayor. Analizando la pérdida ponderal con PEBMIL se obtiene mayor porcentaje de resultados excelentes en el grupo 3cm. El EWL también sitúa mejores resultados en el grupo 3 cm. Un año tras la cirugía se observa una significativa mejoría de la hiperinsulinémia en los pacientes del grupo 3 cm respecto el grupo 8 cm per sólo en los diabéticos. La concentración de incretinas no mostró diferencias entre grupos. Conclusiones: El vaciamiento gástrico és más rápido en el grupo de resección antral. La distancia no influencia el vaciamiento gástrico en los pacientes diabéticos. Pueden existir otros mecanismos más allá del GLP-1 que regulen la respuesta metabólica a través del vaciamiento gástrico. En el grupo de resección antral se observó un menor porcentaje de resultados subóptimos según EWL y un mayor percentil de %TWL.Introduction: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most common techniques in bariatric surgery, but there is no consensus on the optimal distance from the pylorus to start the gastric transection. The aim of this study is to determine the differences in gastric emptying, gastric distension, metabolic response and weight loss between two starting distances. Material and Methods: This is a prospective randomised study of 60 patients (30 patients with the section at 3 cm and 30 patients at 8 cm from the pylorus). We calculate at 6 and 12 months from surgery gastric emptying by scintigraphy (T1/2 min), gastric volume by CT scan (cc) and metabolic response by blood sample analysis. Weight loss was analysed at 3, 6 and 12 months from surgery. Results: Gastric emptying increases the speed significantly in both groups but is greater in the 3cm group (p < 0.05). Dividing groups into type 2 diabetic patients and nondiabetic patients, the speed in non-diabetic patients is significantly higher for the 3-cm group. With the PEBMIL, the 3 cm group reaches 67.8% classified as excellent, while 8 cm group reaches 62.8% classified as a good result. EWL situates the best results for 3 cm group. One year after surgery, there are significant improvements in the hyperinsulinaemia in the patients of the 3- cm group with respect to the 8-cm group, but only in diabetic patients. No differences between groups are found regarding changes in GLP-1 or GIP. Conclusions: Gastric emptying is faster in patients with antrum resection. The distance does not influence the gastric emptying of diabetic patients. Other mechanisms may explain metabolic response besides GLP-1 and its association with improvements in diabetes via gastric emptying. Lower percentage of suboptimal results using EWL and higher percentile of %TWL were observed in patients with antrum resection

    Implications of Psychological Harassment on Witnesses: An Observational Study in Nursing Staff

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    El hostigamiento psicológico en el trabajo (mobbing) es un problema de considerable magnitud para el personal de enfermería a nivel mundial. Aunque el maltrato psicológico laboral esté basado en comportamientos subjetivos, el elevado número de personas que lo testifica plantea, como mínimo, una mayor reflexión sobre este tema. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la problemática del mobbing desde el punto de vista exclusivo de los testigos y conocer las repercusiones psicológicas del fenómeno sobre los mismos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, usando cuestionarios autoadministrados. La muestra está compuesta de 204 profesionales de enfermería, de los cuales el 28.4% reportaron haber testificado conductas hostiles hacia sus compañeros de trabajo. Las conductas más observadas fueron el desprestigio profesional, la humillación, el rechazo profesional, el ninguneo y el aislamiento profesional. Los resultados demostraron que los testigos de hostigamiento psicológico, aunque no se percibían víctimas de ello, presentaban significativamente más síntomas de estrés que los no testigos, así como un mayor deseo de abandonar la profesión y una mayor percepción de que la enfermería es una profesión poco valorada. Los resultados indican que el mobbing en enfermería es un comportamiento objetivable y que su impacto repercute negativamente en los observadores del mismo, convirtiéndolos en víctimas secundarias del fenómeno.ABSTRACT: Psychological harassment at work (mobbing) is considered a worldwide problem of great magnitude for nursing staff. Although hostility is described as a subjective behavior, the large number of witnesses suggests a reflection on the phenomenon. The aim of this study is to analyze the problem of psychological harassment from the point of view of the witnesses, and to find out the psychological impact of this phenomenon on them. We performed a cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaires. The sample consisted of 204 nurses who were non-victims of mobbing. 28.4% (n = 58) of them reported to have observed hostile behavior toward coworkers. The most observed behaviors were professional discrediting, professional humiliation, rejection, scorn, and professional isolation. It was found that the witnesses of mobbing had significantly more symptoms of stress than nonwitnesses, a greater desire to leave the profession, and a greater perception that nursing is an undervalued profession. The results indicate that mobbing in nursing is an objective behavior and its impact reaches observers thereof, who may be secondary victims of the phenomenon. The results indicate that mobbing in nursing is an objective behavior and its impact reaches observers thereof, which could be considered secondary victims of the phenomeno

    First-onset and persistence of suicidal ideation in university students: A one-year follow-up study

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    Background: Longitudinal evidence about risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation among university students is limited. Methods: 12-month first-onset and persistence of suicidal ideation (SI) among Spanish first-year university students were estimated using baseline (T1) and 12-month follow-up (T2) online surveys. Information about STBs, childhood/adolescence adversities, positive relationships, mental disorders, recent stressful experiences, and university sense of membership was assessed. Logistic regression analysis was used to study risk/protective factors of first-onset and persistence of suicidal ideation (SI). Results: A total of 1,248 respondents (58.9% response) were included. Mean age at baseline was 18.7 (SD = 1.3) and 56.0% were female. 7.3% reported 12-month SI at T2. Incidence of new SI cases was 3.4% and, among students with SI at T1, 21.2% also reported SI at T2 (persistence). Risk factors of T2 SI included 12-month mood disorder at T2 both without (aOR = 12.08 95% CI 5.45-26.80) or with (aOR = 7.2 95% CI 2.91-17.80) lifetime mood at T1, past lifetime suicide attempt (aOR = 8.79 95% CI 2.37-32.64) and plan without attempt (aOR = 4.72 95% CI 2.32-9.61), and 12-month physical or sexual assault (aOR = 3.28 95% CI 1.13-9.46). Twelve-month mood at T2 withoutT1 lifetime mood (aOR = 11.27 95% CI 3.02-42.14) and childhood/adolescence emotional abuse or neglect (aOR = 3.41 95% CI 1.10-10.57) or having been bullied (aOR = 3.2 95% CI 1.08-9.53) were associated with first-onset of SI. Twelve-month mood at T2 either without (aOR = 13.92 95% CI 3.76-51.59) or with (aOR = 8.03 95% CI 2.13-30.29) were associated to T2 SI persistence. University sense of membership was protective for overall 12-month SI at T2 (aOR = 0.25 95% CI 0.12-0.53 for middle tertile), first-onset SI (aOR = 0.1 95% 0.02-0.55 for middle tertile) and persistence (aOR = 0.3 95% CI 0.11-0.81 for middle tertile). Limitations: Analysis was based on self-report data focusing on SI only, and conclusions about the direction of the associations are limited. Conclusions: High proportion of SI suggests the need of suicide prevention strategies. The potential role of university sense of membership in reducing suicidal behaviour among university students deserves further investigation

    Molecular characterization of the interaction of crotamine-derived nucleolar targeting peptides with lipid membranes

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    © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.A novel class of cell-penetrating, nucleolar-targeting peptides (NrTPs), was recently developed from the rattlesnake venom toxin crotamine. Based on the intrinsic fluorescence of tyrosine or tryptophan residues, the partition of NrTPs and crotamine to membranes with variable lipid compositions was studied. Partition coefficient values (in the 102–105 range) followed essentially the compositional trend POPC:POPG≤POPGbPOPC≤POPC: cholesterol. Leakage assays showed that NrTPs induce minimal lipid vesicle disruption. Fluorescence quenching of NrTPs, either by acrylamide or lipophilic probes, revealed that NrTPs are buried in the lipid bilayer only for negatively-charged membranes. Adoption of partial secondary structure by the NrTPs upon interaction with POPC and POPG vesicles was demonstrated by circular dichroism. Translocation studies were conducted using a novel methodology, based on the confocal microscopy imaging of giant multilamellar vesicles or giant multivesicular liposomes.With this new procedure, which can now be used to evaluate the membrane translocation ability of other molecules, it was demonstrated that NrTPs are able to cross lipidmembranes even in the absence of a receptor or transmembrane gradient. Altogether, these results indicate that NrTPs interactwith lipid bilayers and can penetrate cells via different entry mechanisms, reinforcing the applicability of this class of peptide as therapeutic tools for the delivery of molecular cargoes.This work was funded by the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT-MEC; including M.R. and A.S. fellowships SFRH/BD/37432/2007 and SFRH/BPD/26821/2006, respectively), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, grant SAF2011-24899), Generalitat de Catalunya (2009 SGR 492), FP7-PEOPLE IRSES (International Research Staff Exchange Scheme) project MEMPEPACROSS (European Union), and the European Biophysical Societies’ Association (EBSA)

    cDf International Congress : proceedings : actes, actas : actes, Barcelona Jun. 2013

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    El Congrés Internacional coupDefouet Barcelona 2013 ha estat una iniciativa de l'Art Nouveau European Route – Ruta Europea del Modernisme, organitzada per l'Institut del Paisatge Urbà de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona i el grup de recerca GRACMON de la Universitat de BarcelonaCoordinació: Lluís Bosch, Mireia Freixa.[eng] In 2013 the magazine coupDefouet reached its first decade of existence. As a way of celebrating this, the Art Nouveau European Route – the association of cities and other local institutions for the promotion and diffusion of Art Nouveau heritage that created the magazine – organised a magnificent international congress as a framework for scientific exchange and raising public awareness. The first coupDefouet International Congress on Art Nouveau was held in Barcelona, the city from which coupDefouet is published and one of the undisputable world capitals of Art Nouveau. This volume of the Singularitats series comprises the proceedings of that event.[cat] L’any 2013 va fer deu anys de l’aparició de coupDefouet, la revista de la Ruta Europea del Modernisme, una associació de municipis i altres entitats locals per a la promoció i la difusió del patrimoni modernista o Art Nouveau. Per commemorar-ho, s’organitzà un congrés internacional amb l’objectiu de contribuir al coneixement científic i la difusió d’aquest moviment artístic. El primer Congrés Internacional coupDefouet se celebrà a Barcelona, la ciutat en què s’edita coupDefouet i una de les capitals indiscutibles de l’Art Nouveau. En aquest volum de Singularitats s’apleguen les actes d’aquell esdeveniment