108 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Adult Baby-Diaper Lovers’ Characteristics in an Italian Online Sample

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    Background: Knowledge of the Adult Baby-Diaper Lovers (ABDL) phenomena is quite recent and there are, of yet, few studies on this phenomenon. Aim: This study was conceived to investigate the functions of ABDL behaviours and the characteristics of ABDL in an online Italian community sample. We hypothesized that ABDL phenomena were associated with general psychological maladjustment and with an experience of parental rejection during childhood. It was also assumed that there would be differences in ABDL profiles based on the age of appearance of their first Adult Baby-Diaper Lover (ABDL) fantasies. Method: An internet-based study was conducted and it involved 38 adults aged between 18 and 74 years (M = 34.95; SD = 12.25). Participants were first given an ad hoc questionnaire, which was devised to obtain information about the anamnestic variables related to ABDL. Then, the participants filled out the Cognitive Behaviour Assessment 2.0 battery to obtain anamnestic information regarding their psychological, medical, and personal history and to evaluate primary psychological dimensions in clinical practice. Finally, they filled out the Adult Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire, to evaluate their recollections of parental perceived rejection, and the Personality Assessment Questionnaire, to evaluate the primary psychological aspects related to parental rejection. Results: The data indicated that adults with ABDL showed the presence of anxious traits and recollections of parental rejection during childhood. Moreover, associations were observed between current or previous ABDL phenomena enuresis and negative mood states. Conclusion: Specific kinds of parental modes, anxiety traits, and enuresis seem to be the source of ABDL interests. Moreover, ADBL behaviours seem to assume different functions and meanings

    Considerazioni sulle caratteristiche ottimali della stanza di consulenza psicologica

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    The counselling room is the physical space in which counseling or psychotherapy service takes place. Despite it is necessary to provide any psychological support or care service, this topic has not been widely discussed in psychological research. First studies about the counselling room are analytic: Freud describes the analysis room by defining the role that the presence and position of the analytical couch plays in analytic practice. Even in child psychoanalysis, the room will be described in detail as an element that allows children to produce material for analysis. The counselling room has been the subject of experimental and health psychology works. With this in mind, we could identify some the- matic cores to which particular attention has been paid, specifically the effects that characteristics of the counselling room exert on communication between occupants, and on the perceptions and feelings of users and psychologists have been investigated. Furthermore, more recent works have attempted to define the ideal characteristics for counselling room. These works have shown an evolution in in- volved methodologies, revealing a greater awareness in research of the holistic effects of this space on the occupants. We believe that knowing the effects that environmental variables have on the coun- selling or psychotherapy process is extremely useful both in public and private contexts, to provide adequate psychological services.La stanza della consulenza è lo spazio fisico in cui un servizio di consulenza o psicoterapia ha luogo. Questo argomento non ha avuto un’ampia trattazione nella letteratura psicologica, nonostante sia un elemento necessario per fornire qualsiasi servizio di supporto o cura psicologici. I primi lavori che ri- guardano la stanza della consulenza sono di matrice psicoanalitica: Freud descrive la stanza dell’analisi definendo il ruolo che nella pratica analitica gioca la presenza e la posizione del lettino nello spazio. Anche nella psicoanalisi infantile la stanza verrà descritta in dettaglio come elemento che permette al bambino di produrre materiale per l’analisi grazie agli elementi presenti in essa. La stanza della con- sulenza è stata oggetto di lavori di psicologia sperimentale e della salute. In quest’ottica possiamo in- dividuare alcuni nuclei tematici a cui si è prestata particolare attenzione, nello specifico sono stati indagati gli effetti che caratteristiche della stanza di consulenza esercitano sulla comunicazione tra gli occupanti e sulle percezioni e sensazioni di utenti e psicologi. Inoltre, studi più recenti hanno ten- tato di definire le caratteristiche ideali per la stanza di consulenza. Questi lavori hanno mostrato un’evoluzione nelle metodologie impiegate, rivelando una maggior consapevolezza nella ricerca sul tema degli effetti olistici delle caratteristiche di questo spazio sugli occupanti. Riteniamo che conoscere gli effetti che le variabili ambientali esercitano sul processo di consulenza o psicoterapia, sia estre- mamente utile sia nei contesti pubblici che privati per fornire servizi psicologici adeguati

    The effect of autistic traits on disembedding and mental rotation in neurotypical women and men.

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    Recent data has revealed dissociations between social and non-social skills in both autistic and neurotypical populations. In the present study, we investigated whether specific visuospatial abilities, such as figure disembedding and mental rotation, are differently related to social and non-social autistic traits, in neurotypical women and men. University students (N = 426) completed the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), figure disembedding and mental rotation of two-dimensional figures tasks. AQ social skills (AQ-social) and attention-to-details (AQ-attention) subscales were used as measures of social and non-social autistic traits, respectively. Mental rotation was affected by a significant interaction between sex, social and non-social traits. When non-social traits were above the mean (+ 1 SD), no sex differences in mental rotation were found. Instead, below this value, sex differences depended on the social traits, with men on average outperforming women at middle-to-high social traits, and with a comparable performance, and with women on average outperforming men, at lower social traits. A small positive correlation between figure disembedding and social traits was observed in the overall sample. These results are interpreted in terms of the hyper-systemizing theory of autism and contribute to the evidence of individual differences in the cognitive style of autistic people and neurotypical people with autistic traits

    Happiness around the world: A combined etic-emic approach across 63 countries.

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    What does it mean to be happy? The vast majority of cross-cultural studies on happiness have employed a Western-origin, or "WEIRD" measure of happiness that conceptualizes it as a self-centered (or "independent"), high-arousal emotion. However, research from Eastern cultures, particularly Japan, conceptualizes happiness as including an interpersonal aspect emphasizing harmony and connectedness to others. Following a combined emic-etic approach (Cheung, van de Vijver & Leong, 2011), we assessed the cross-cultural applicability of a measure of independent happiness developed in the US (Subjective Happiness Scale; Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999) and a measure of interdependent happiness developed in Japan (Interdependent Happiness Scale; Hitokoto & Uchida, 2015), with data from 63 countries representing 7 sociocultural regions. Results indicate that the schema of independent happiness was more coherent in more WEIRD countries. In contrast, the coherence of interdependent happiness was unrelated to a country's "WEIRD-ness." Reliabilities of both happiness measures were lowest in African and Middle Eastern countries, suggesting these two conceptualizations of happiness may not be globally comprehensive. Overall, while the two measures had many similar correlates and properties, the self-focused concept of independent happiness is "WEIRD-er" than interdependent happiness, suggesting cross-cultural researchers should attend to both conceptualizations

    Clinical features and outcomes of elderly hospitalised patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure or both

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    Background and objective: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure (HF) mutually increase the risk of being present in the same patient, especially if older. Whether or not this coexistence may be associated with a worse prognosis is debated. Therefore, employing data derived from the REPOSI register, we evaluated the clinical features and outcomes in a population of elderly patients admitted to internal medicine wards and having COPD, HF or COPD + HF. Methods: We measured socio-demographic and anthropometric characteristics, severity and prevalence of comorbidities, clinical and laboratory features during hospitalization, mood disorders, functional independence, drug prescriptions and discharge destination. The primary study outcome was the risk of death. Results: We considered 2,343 elderly hospitalized patients (median age 81 years), of whom 1,154 (49%) had COPD, 813 (35%) HF, and 376 (16%) COPD + HF. Patients with COPD + HF had different characteristics than those with COPD or HF, such as a higher prevalence of previous hospitalizations, comorbidities (especially chronic kidney disease), higher respiratory rate at admission and number of prescribed drugs. Patients with COPD + HF (hazard ratio HR 1.74, 95% confidence intervals CI 1.16-2.61) and patients with dementia (HR 1.75, 95% CI 1.06-2.90) had a higher risk of death at one year. The Kaplan-Meier curves showed a higher mortality risk in the group of patients with COPD + HF for all causes (p = 0.010), respiratory causes (p = 0.006), cardiovascular causes (p = 0.046) and respiratory plus cardiovascular causes (p = 0.009). Conclusion: In this real-life cohort of hospitalized elderly patients, the coexistence of COPD and HF significantly worsened prognosis at one year. This finding may help to better define the care needs of this population


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    The aim of the project was to investigate the psychological effects of social and emotional isolation during the acute phase of the Covid-19 in Italy
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