92 research outputs found

    Simptomatologia i funcionament cognitiu com a predictors de la discapacitat en pacients comunitaris diagnosticats d'esquizofrènia

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    Objectiu: L'estudi pretén valorar en quina mesura la simptomatologia i el funcionament cognitiu poden predir el nivell de discapacitat de pacients comunitaris amb diagnòstic d'esquizofrènia. Mètode: Es van seleccionar aleatòriament 231 pacients comunitaris amb diagnòstic d'esquizofrènia (criteris DSM-IV) del registre informatitzat que recull tots els pacients en tractament en qualsevol dels 5 centres de Salut Mental de Sant Joan de Déu-Serveis de Salut Mental. Els pacients van ser avaluats en un primer moment amb l'Escala de les Síndromes Positiva i Negativa (PANSS) i un qüestionari sociodemogràfic que incloïa l'escala d'Avaluació de la Discapacitat (DAS) i l'escala d'Avaluació del Funcionament Global (GAF). Es va realitzar una segona avaluació a la qual es va afegir una bateria neuropsicològica que incorporava mesures de memòria verbal, atenció, memòria operativa i funció d'abstracció i flexibilitat. Amb la finalitat de descriure com s'estructurava la simptomatologia de la mostra es va realitzar una anàlisi de components principals amb rotació oblimin amb els ítems de la PANSS. Per a avaluar com es relacionaven els factors clínics, amb la discapacitat i el funcionament cognitiu es van calcular els coeficients de correlació de Pearson. Per a establir la capacitat predictiva de les variables clíniques, simptomatològiques i cognitives sobre el grau de discapacitat es van desenvolupar models de regressió lineal. Resultats: Els quatre components principals seleccionats explicaven un 56.22% de la variància i es van identificar com Negatiu (32.48%), Excitatiu (11.29%), Afectiu (7.45%) i Positiu (5.01%). Una gravetat major de la simptomatologia negativa es va associar amb majors dèficits cognitius. Totes les àrees de discapacitat llevat de la discapacitat en el funcionament ocupacional es van explicar parcialment per la dimensió negativa. Conclusió: Els dominis Positiu i negatiu són comuns en tots els resultats previs d'anàlisis de components principals. La simptomatologia negativa és la major font de discapacitat de la nostra mostra i també s'associa amb un pitjor funcionament cognitiu.Objetivo: El estudio pretende valorar en qué medida la sintomatología y el funcionamiento cognitivo pueden predecir el nivel de discapacidad de pacientes comunitarios con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Método: Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 231 pacientes comunitarios con diagnostico de esquizofrenia (criterios DSM-IV) del registro informatizado que recoge todos los pacientes en tratamiento en cualquiera de los 5 centros de Salud Mental de Sant Joan de Déu-Serveis de Salut Mental. Los pacientes fueron evaluados en un primer momento con la la Escala de los Síndromes Positivo y Negativo (PANSS), y un cuestionario socio demográfico que incluía la escala de Evaluación de la Discapacidad (DAS) y la escala de Evaluación del Funcionamiento Global (GAF). Se realizó una segunda evaluación a la que se añadió una batería neuropsicológica que incorporaba medidas de memoria verbal, atención, memoria operativa y función de abstracción y flexibilidad. Con la finalidad de describir como se estructuraba la sintomatología de la muestra se realizó un análisis de componentes principales con rotación oblimin con los ítems de la PANSS. Para evaluar como se relacionaban los factores clínicos, con la discapacidad y el funcionamiento cognitivo se calcularon los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson. Para establecer la capacidad predictiva de las variables clínicas, sintomatológicas y cognitivas sobre el grado de discapacidad de desarrollaron modelos de regresión lineal. Resultados: Los cuatro componentes principales seleccionados explicaban un 56.22% de la varianza y se identificaron como Negativo (32.48%), Excitativo (11.29%), Afectivo (7.45%) y Positivo (5.01%). Una gravedad mayor de la sintomatología negativa se asoció con mayores déficits cognitivos. Todas las áreas de discapacidad a excepción de la discapacidad en el funcionamiento ocupacional se explicaron parcialmente por la dimensión negativa. Conclusión: Los dominios Positivo y negativo son comunes en todos los resultados previos de análisis de componentes principales. La sintomatología negativa es la mayor fuente de discapacidad de nuestra muestra y también se asocia con un peor funcionamiento cognitivo.Objective: The study aims to assess the load of symptoms and cognitive functioning when predicting disability of outpatients with diagnosis of schizophrenia. Method: 231 outpatients a diagnose of schizophrenia (DSM-IV criteria) were randomly selected from a computerized register that included all patients under treatment in any of the 5 Mental Health Centers of Sant Joan of Déu-Serveis of Salut Mental. Patients were assessed at baseline with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and a sociodemographic questionnaire that included the Disability Assessment Scale (DAS) and the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF). A second evaluation which also included a neuropsychological battery was conducted. The battery included measures verbal memory, attention, operative memory and abstraction and flexibility functions. In order to describe how symptoms structured a principal component analyses with oblimin rotation was conducted with the PANSS items. To assess the associations between clinical factors, disability and cognitive functioning Pearson correlation coefficients were computed. In order to establish the predictive capacity of the cognitive, clinical and symptom variables on disability linear regression models were fitted. Results: The four principal components accounted for 56.22% of the variance. These factors were identified as Negative (32.48%), Excitement (11.29%), Affective (7.45%) and Positive (5.01%). More severity of negative symptoms was associated with worse cognitive functioning. All disability areas except for occupational disability were partially explained by the negative dimension. Conclusion: The Positive and negative components are common in all previous results of principal components analysis. Negative symptoms are the major source of disability of our sample and also associate with a worse cognitive functioning

    ¿Endemoniadas o histéricas en las romerías de Santa Orosia?: Análisis de Los Espirituados de Carmen de Burgos Colombine.

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    En el presente estudio se realizará un análisis del fenómeno de las endemoniadas en la romería de Santa Orosia de Jaca a través de la novela Los espirituados, de la autora española Carmen de Burgos Seguí, también conocida por el seudónimo de Colombine. Mediante sus personajes y conflictos haremos una reflexión sobre las creencias religiosas en la sociedad española de finales del XIX y principios del XX y sus consecuencias psicológicas. A la vez, analizaremos la relación entre las posesiones demoníacas y las enfermedades mentales, abordando las opiniones clínicas que acabaron confluyendo en la Histeria. <br /

    El gobierno corporativo y el valor financiero en el sector bancario en el Perú

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    Como consecuencia de las crisis económicas internacionales suscitadas en los últimos 20 años, las buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo en el mundo han tomado mayor importancia debido al rol preponderante en el mercado de capitales y la economía de un país. En el Perú, estas iniciativas de buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo se iniciaron en el año 2002, tomando como base los principios marco para el Gobierno de las sociedades emitidos por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico [OCDE], con esto se pretendió establecer en el país que el Gobierno Corporativo potencie el crecimiento de la economía y la confianza de los inversionistas. A pesar de la importancia del Gobierno Corporativo en el Perú y la influencia del sector bancario en la economía, no existen estudios de investigación relacionados a este tema, y es por ello que se realizó un trabajo de investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance descriptivo y no experimental transversal, con la finalidad de poder describir la posible relación de las buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo y el valor financiero generado en el sector bancario peruano del año 2015. Se tomó la información de los reportes de cumplimiento del Código de Buen Gobierno Corporativo para las Sociedades Peruanas y los Estados Financieros, que los 16 Bancos del sector reportaron a la Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores. Finalmente, en base al análisis realizado con los pilares del gobierno corporativo que abarca: el derecho de los accionistas, la junta general de accionistas, el Directorio y la alta gerencia, el riesgo y cumplimiento y la transparencia de la información; se podría considerar que para esta investigación las buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo se asocian a la generación de valor financiero en el sector bancario peruanoAs a result of the international economic crises arising in the past 20 years, good corporate governance practices in the world, has taken on greater importance because of the major role in the capital market and the economy of a country. In Peru, these initiatives of good corporate governance practices were launched in 2002, based on the framework principles for corporate governance issued by the Organization for Co-operation and the Economic Development "OECD"; it was intended to establish in the country that corporate governance would promote the growth of the economy and investor trust. Despite the importance of corporate governance in Peru and the influence of the banking sector in the economy, there are no research studies related to this topic, and that is why a research of quantitative approach was conducted with a descriptive scope and no experimental cross, in order to be able to describe the possible relationship of good corporate governance practices and financial value generated in the Peruvian banking sector 2015. For that reason, the information compliance reports has been taken from the Code of Good Corporate Governance for Peruvian Companies and Financial Statements, that the 16 banks of the banking sector reported to the Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores. Finally, based on the analysis with the pillars of corporate governance covering: the right of shareholders, the general meeting of shareholders, the board and senior management, risk and compliance and transparency of information; it could be consider for this research that Good Corporate Governance practices is associated to the growing of financial value in the Peruvian banking sectorTesi


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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Phosphorylation of transcription factor specificity protein 4 is increased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of first-episode psychosis

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    BACKGROUND: Altered expression of transcription factor specificity protein 4 (SP4) has been found in the postmortem brain of patients with psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Reduced levels of SP4 protein have recently been reported in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in first-episode psychosis. Also, SP4 levels are modulated by lithium treatment in cultured neurons. Phosphorylation of SP4 at S770 is increased in the cerebellum of bipolar disorder subjects and upon inhibition of NMDA receptor signaling in cultured neurons. The aim of this study was to investigate whether SP4 S770 phosphorylation is increased in lymphocytes of first-episode psychosis patients and the effect of lithium treatment on this phosphorylation. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of S770 phosphorylation relative to total SP4 immunoreactivity using specific antibodies in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in first-episode psychosis patients (n = 14, treated with lithium or not) and matched healthy controls (n = 14) by immunoblot was designed. We also determined the effects of the prescribed drugs lithium, olanzapine or valproic acid on SP4 phosphorylation in rat primary cultured cerebellar granule neurons. RESULTS: We found that SP4 S770 phosphorylation was significantly increased in lymphocytes in first-episode psychosis compared to controls and decreased in patients treated with lithium compared to patients who did not receive lithium. Moreover, incubation with lithium but not olanzapine or valproic acid reduced SP4 phosphorylation in rat cultured cerebellar granule neurons. CONCLUSIONS: The findings presented here indicate that SP4 S770 phosphorylation is increased in lymphocytes in first-episode psychosis which may be reduced by lithium treatment in patients. Moreover, our study shows lithium treatment prevents this phosphorylation in vitro in neurons. This pilot study suggests that S770 SP4 phosphorylation could be a peripheral biomarker of psychosis, and may be regulated by lithium treatment in first-episode psychosis

    Steppes, savannahs, forests and phytodiversity reservoirs during the Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula

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    A palaeobotanical analysis of the Pleistocene floras and vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula shows the existence of patched landscapes with Pinus woodlands, deciduous and mixed forests, parklands (savannah-like), shrublands, steppes and grasslands. Extinctions of Arctotertiary woody taxa are recorded during the Early and Middle Pleistocene, but glacial refugia facilitated the survival of a number of temperate, Mediterranean and Ibero-North African woody angiosperms. The responses of Iberian vegetation to climatic changes during the Pleistocene have been spatially and temporarily complex, including rapid changes of vegetation in parallel to orbital and suborbital variability, and situations of multi-centennial resilience or accommodation to climatic changes. Regional characteristics emerged as soon as for the Middle Pleistocene, if not earlier: Ericaceae in the Atlantic coast indicating wetter climate, thermo-mediterranean elements in the south as currently, and broad-leaf trees in the northeastern. Overall, steppe landscapes and open Pinus woodlands prevailed over many continental regions during the cold spells of the Late Pleistocene. The maintenance of a high phytodiversity during the glacials was linked to several refuge zones in the coastal shelves of the Mediterranean and intramountainous valleys. Northern Iberia, especially on coastal areas, was also patched with populations of tree species, and this is not only documented by palaeobotanical data (pollen, charcoal) but also postulated by phylogeographical models

    Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis in a marine vertebrate: Ontogenetic and nutritional regulation of a fatty acyl desaturase with Delta4 activity

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    Solea senegalensis is an unusual marine teleost as it has very low dietary requirement for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) during early development. Aquaculture is rapidly becoming the main source of health-beneficial fish products for human consumption. This, associated with limited supply of LC-PUFA-rich ingredients for fish feeds, render S. senegalensis a highly interesting species in which to study the LC-PUFA biosynthesis pathway. We have cloned and functionally characterized fatty acyl desaturase and elongase cDNAs corresponding to D4fad (with some D5 activity for the n-3 series) and elovl5 with the potential to catalyze docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) biosynthesis from eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Changes in expression of both transcripts were determined during embryonic and early larval development, and transcriptional regulation in response to higher or lower dietary n-3 LC-PUFA was assessed during larval and post-larval stages. There was a marked pattern of regulation during early ontogenesis, with both transcripts showing peak expression coinciding with the start of exogenous feeding. Although elovl5 transcripts were present in fertilized eggs, D4fad only appeared at hatching. However, eggs have high proportions of DHA (~ 20%) and high DHA/EPA ratio (~ 11) to meet the high demands for early embryonic development. The fatty acid profile of larvae after the start of exogenous feeding closely reflected dietary composition. Nonetheless, D4fad was significantly up-regulated in response to LC-PUFA-poor diets, which may suggest biological relevance of this pathway in reducing LC-PUFA dietary requirements in this species, compared to other marine teleosts. These results indicate that sole is capable of synthesizing DHA from EPA through a Sprecher-independent pathway