1,227 research outputs found

    Efficiency Gains from Transferable Water Rights

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    In times of drought, mandatory water restrictions are a popular option for local governments to prevent water shortages. The state of South Carolina has had mandatory water restrictions in various counties for nearly a third of the past decade. If there are heterogeneous consumers with varying marginal valuations for water, these mandatory restrictions may be economically inefficient. I calculate what welfare gains could be achieved for the state by allowing prices to fluctuate instead of imposing mandatory restrictions. To perform this calculation, I assume a basic quadratic demand function for water with constant income elasticity. The water restrictions force all consumers down the demand curves to a lower quantity than they would otherwise consume. The percentage of this movement along the demand curves is taken from previously calculated reductions in water usage due to restrictions shown in the literature. I estimate the net welfare loss for the state by the mandatory restrictions. I then calculate the estimated welfare gains of allowing trade across counties. To perform these calculations, I have gathered data on residential water usage in every county within South Carolina for 2005. In addition, I have per capita income and population values for each county. I use the income elasticity of demand for water of .25 based on studies in North Carolina. I use data from Agthe and Billings 1987 paper to estimate a functional relationship between income and price elasticity, which is then applied to each county to estimate the county\u27s price elasticity. Based on pricing data obtained across the state, I use a fixed price for water. My analysis finds a welfare loss of around 20% of the overall expenditures on water. I calculate the gains from trade to be initially around only 3% of the overall welfare loss. Subsequent evaluations reveal that this value is sensitive to the overall variance among the counties\u27 price elasticities. If demand for water varies enough among counties or trades among individuals are feasible, then welfare recovery appears to be a viable option. However, if the costs to create such a market are high, then such an effort appears inefficient


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    ASI merupakan makanan ideal untuk bayi karena memenuhi syarat gizi dan kesehatan. Tidak semua ibu menyusui sukses memberikan ASI sampai usia 24 bulan karena timbulnya beberapa masalah. Didapatkan data awal dari sembilan Ibu menyusui, tujuh ibu menyusui bayi tidak sampai usia 24 bulan, dan dua ibu menyusui sampai usia anak 24 bulan. Tujuan penelitian menggambarkan faktor- faktor dalam pemberian ASI pada anak sampai usia 24 bulan di klinik dr.Barkah Tri Aji,SpA Gresik Kota Baru. Desain penelitian Deskriptif, populasi penelitian semua ibu yang memiliki anak usia 24-30 bulan, sampel sebanyak 44 responden dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Variabel penelitian adalah faktor-faktor dalam pemberian ASI pada anak sampai usia 24 bulan. Instrument penelitian kuesioner, analisa data menggunakan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian dari 44 responden tingkat pengetahuan ibu hampir setengah (47,72%) adalah cukup tentang pemberian ASI pada anak sampai usia 24 bulan. Suami dan keluarga sebagian besar (59%) memberikan dukungan dalam pemberian ASI pada anak sampai usia 24 bulan. Tingkat pengetahuan ibu yang cukup dan adanya dukungan suami belum mampu untuk merubah perilaku ibu dalam memberikan ASI pada anak sampai usia 24 bulan, sehingga ada faktor lain yang bisa mempengaruhi. Tenaga kesehatan khususnya bidan hendaknya memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya pemberian ASI pada anak sampai usia 24 bulan


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    ABSTRAKZiska Meitria. 2018. Pembuatan Busana Fantasi dengan Sumber Ide The Light Of Aceh. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1)Dra. Fikriah Noer, M. Pd., (2) Novita, S.Pd, MAKata kunci : Wisata Halal, Busana Fantasi, The Light of Aceh.Wisata halal adalah salah satu tren wisata yang sedang marak dikembangkan saat ini. Wisata halal berusaha mempromosikan wisata dengan tujuan, kegiatan, akomodasi, dan kuliner yang sesuai dengan aturan syariah bagi muslim dan bisa dinikmati oleh wisatawan nonmuslim. Menyikapi hal ini, sejak tahun 2016 pemerintah provinsi Aceh mengembangkan branding wisata halal yang bertajuk The Light of Aceh. Salah satu bentuk kebudayaan Aceh yang dipromosikan yaitu busana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan busana fantasi yang diharapkan dapat mewujudkan daya cipta, gagasan atau konsep ke dalam suatu busana, sama seperti The Light of Aceh yang berusaha menggambarkan Aceh dalam satu kalimat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) Merumuskan konsep ide The Light of Aceh ke dalam desain busana; (2) Merancang busana fantasi dengan sumber ide The Light of Aceh; dan (3) Mengaplikasikan sumber ide The Light of Aceh ke dalam busana fantasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen terapan (applied research) yang dilakukan di Laboraturium Tata Busana FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah pembuatan sebuah gaun yang dilengkapi dengan sayap berbentuk kupu-kupu dan rok yang dihiasi bordir benang emas dengan motif taloe ie dan on si on. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kain D&G berwarna hitam dan kain berserat emas. Busana fantasi dibuat sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kebudayaan Aceh dan mengikuti norma-norma syariat yang dijunjung tinggi masyarakat Aceh

    Analisis Dinding Penahan Dengan Variasi Sudut Kemiringan Tanah Berdasarkan Prinsip Probabilitas

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    Dinding penahan tanah sebagai suatu konstruksi yang berfungsi untuk menahan tanah dari keruntuhan, memerlukan persyaratan tertentu dalam perencanaanya, salah satunya adalah faktor keamanan. Metode yang sering digunakan adalah metode deterministik, yang didasarkan pada keseragaman data properties tanah. Namun karena hampir semua data properties tanah itu sangat bervariasi, maka digunakan konsep analisis probabilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keamanan dinding penahan, baik terhadap stabilitas penggeseran, penggulingan, serta kapasitas daya dukungnya. Data CPT yang diambil dari lereng dengan tanah pasir di lokasi Sungai Jamuna, Bangladesh dengan kedalaman 12 meter dianalisis dengan metode statistik untuk menentukan distribusi frekuensinya dengan bantuan program MATLAB. Selanjutnya, untuk membandingkan nilai keamanan dari perhitungan manual digunakan aplikasi Crystal Ball. Perhitungan tekanan tanah dihitung menggunakan teori Rankine dan untuk perhitungan keruntuhan kapasitas dukung tanah digunakan persamaan Hansen. Variasi yang ada dalam penelitian ini adalah kemiringan tanah (β). Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis adalah nilai distribusi yang paling mewakili data sondir adalah pada distribusi normal dengan nilai χ² best fit distribution sebesar 0,26909. Nilai angka keamanan yang paling besar terjadi pada variasi kemiringan II, dengan nilai stabilitas penggulingan (Fgl) sebesar 3,9783 (manual) dan persentase nilai F>1 sebesar 100% (Crystal Ball), stabilitas penggeseran (Fgs) sebesar 1,5983 (manual) dan persentase nilai F>1 sebesar 97,021% (Crystal Ball), dan stabilitas terhadap daya dukung (F) sebesar 3,1725 (manual) dan persentase nilai F>1 sebesar 99,186% (Crystal Ball). Secara keseluruhan dinding penahan dinyatakan aman dengan hasil analisis Crystall Ball yang menunjukan kemungkinan dinding penahan tetap bertahan >90 %

    The Development of University Technology and Innovation Incubators to Respond to the Needs of the Modern Economy

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    The growing demand for technology and innovation has created a pressing need for higher education institutions in South Africa to be involved in the development of the country. The National Development Plan 2030 challenges higher education institutions to actively participate in developing and sustaining the well-being of South Africa. The article emphasises that sustainable development can be achieved through university activities, in which university technology and innovation incubators play a role; hence the need for such incubators. Transition to a knowledge society entails the university and other knowledge institutions acting in partnership with industry and government, and even taking the lead in joint initiatives. Therefore, this article recommends that technology entrepreneurs and innovation should be developed through universities, both in South Africa and in Africa as a whole, as suggested by the triple helix theory

    Visceral Adipose Tissue Inflammatory Factors (TNF-Alpha, SOCS3) in Gestational Diabetes (GDM): Epigenetics as a Clue in GDM Pathophysiology

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    Gestational diabetes (GDM) is among the most challenging diseases in westernized countries, affecting mother and child, immediately and in later life. Obesity is a major risk factor for GDM. However, the impact visceral obesity and related epigenetics play for GDM etiopathogenesis have hardly been considered so far. Our recent findings within the prospective 'EaCH' cohort study of women with GDM or normal glucose tolerance (NGT), showed the role, critical factors of insulin resistance (i.e., adiponectin, insulin receptor) may have for GDM pathophysiology with epigenetically modified expression in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissues. Here we investigated the expression and promoter methylation of key inflammatory candidates, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) in maternal adipose tissues collected during caesarian section (GDM, n = 19; NGT, n = 22). The mRNA expression of TNF-α and SOCS3 was significantly increased in VAT, but not in SAT, of GDM patients vs. NGT, accompanied by specific alterations of respective promoter methylation patterns. In conclusion, we propose a critical role of VAT and visceral obesity for the pathogenesis of GDM, with epigenetic alterations of the expression of inflammatory factors as a potential factor

    The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Culture and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Banking Sector

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    Business sustainability of services-rendering organisations is one of the major concerns for those at managerial levels world-wide. This paper offers explanations on how best to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by communicating entrepreneurial values through human resource development programmes in the banking industry. The research reported in this paper adopted a non-experimental research design of ex post facto type, utilising a correlational approach with advanced explanatory design. Based on the principle of convenience sampling, 380 questionnaires were distributed to employees of two Nigerian banks. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using inferential statistics via two statistical software packages: the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 and the IBM SPSS Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) version 23. The results show that human resource development partially mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial culture and sustainable competitive advantage in the Nigerian banking sector. The results suggest an enhancement of entrepreneurial values through continuous learning and development programmes toward sustainable competitive advantage. It is recommended that sustainability of banks operating in Nigeria could be enhanced by communicating and managing entrepreneurial orientations through effective learning and development programmes. Ambidextrous banks will require creativity, innovation and proactive capabilities in the process of exploiting and exploring both current and future business opportunities for sustained competitive advantage

    Training, Organisational Commitment and Turnover Intention among Nigerian Civil Servants

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    This article reports on a study that focused on analysing the impact of training and development (T&D) on organizational commitment and turnover intention among Nigerian public workers. The main objective of the study was to determine whether T&D influences employees’ commitment to the organization and the intention to stay or to leave the organization. Using a survey questionnaire and personal interview, data was collected from 297 civil servants and 8 departmental heads in Nigeria. Statistical analytical methods such as regression analysis were used to test the two hypotheses formulated, which were focused on determining the relationship between T&D and turnover intention; as well as T&D and the perceived impacts on employees’ commitment. The result suggests a positive correlation between T&D and organizational commitment and turnover intention. The result implies that investing in human capital is a critical strategic initiative for contemporary organizations because the ability of any organization to compete successfully is a function of the ability to retain their skilful and committed employees. The study contributes to knowledge in the field, as not much research has been done on the effects of T&D on public servants in Nigeria. Most of the studies have been carried out in Europe, America, Asia and largely in the manufacturing and service sectors
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