267 research outputs found

    Propuesta para la concienciación sobre la importancia de la relación familia-escuela

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2019/2020[ES] Las familias son el agente de socialización y educativo por excelencia para el desarrollo integral de las personas, pero no debemos olvidar el papel de la escuela, ya que se ha convertido en un agente educativo que no solo abarca lo cognitivo sino también lo afectivo, fomentando más influencia y repercusión en el desarrollo de los estudiantes. En consecuencia, ambos son agentes directamente implicados en la educación de los estudiantes y que para que estos logren alcanzar con éxito todas sus capacidades y competencias, es trascendente que familia y escuela trabajen conjuntamente. Este trabajo persigue concienciar a las familias y escuela de la importancia e influencia que resulta de las relaciones interpersonales que se establecen entre ambos para el desarrollo personal, afectivo, comunicativo y educativo de los alumnos. Por ello, tras la elaboración de una revisión bibliográfica que aborda los conceptos más relevantes en torno a esta temática, se plantea una propuesta de intervención educativa centrada en la elaboración de estrategias y técnicas para promover el interés y motivación por la participación y comunicación entre familia y profesorado. Asimismo, mediante esta propuesta se procura identificar y promover los recursos y potencialidades que poseen los padres, madres, tutores legales, profesorado y escuela, en general, para favorecer su aprendizaje, y, así, transformar y mejorar la comunidad educativa construyendo fuertes vínculos y un espíritu de colaboración. En conclusión, la comunicación de hoy en día fluye y se diversifica, por lo que se debe encontrar las vías más eficaces para contribuir en la comunidad escolar a través de una participación activa.[EN] Families are the quintessential socialization and educational agent for the comprehensive development of people, but we must not forget the role of the school, it has become an educational agent that it encompasses not only the cognitive but also the affective, promoting more influ-ence and repercussion in the development of the students. Consequently, we must not forget that both are agents directly involved in the education of students and so that they achieve successfully all their abilities and skills, it is important that the family and the school work together. This work seeks to make aware families and schools of the importance and influence that it results from the interpersonal relationships that are established between the two for the per-sonal, affective, communicative and educational development of the students. Therefore, after preparing a bibliographic review that addresses the most relevant concepts around this topic, consider a proposal for an educational intervention focused on the elaboration of strategies and techniques to promote interest and motivation for parental participation and communication is proposed family and teachers. As well as, this program seeks to identify and promote the resources and potentials that fathers, mothers, teachers and schools possess to promote their learning, and therefore transform and improve the educational community by building strong bonds and a spirit of collaboration. In conclusion, today's communication flows and diversifies, so the most effective ways must be found to contribute to the school community through active participation

    Comparative analysis of the transition from early childhood education to primary education: factors affecting continuity between stages

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    p. 411-454The educational transition between early childhood education and primary education is a complex moment of change with repercussions throughout the academic life of the students. For this reason, it is important to seek continuity between both educational stages. A successful transition produces for the social, cognitive and emotional well-being of the student. The aim of this study is to find out how transition-related factors apply in ten European Union (EU) countries. The factors analyzed are the age of onset of transition, the teacher-student ratio, types of clustering, financing of the stage, responsibility, and both initial and in-service teacher training. The methodology followed in this study is documentary analysis and the main source of data search has been the European Commission's Eurydice portal. The results show differences in stage change within each country, especially in the explicit consideration of a transition period. The main conclusion is that there is a great difference between the northern and southern countries. The main differences between countries in the transitions from early childhood education to primary education in the EU are in the years of compulsory education, the teacher/student/unit ratio, the initial teacher training, and the decentralization of education.S

    Ultraviolet spectra of extreme nearby star-forming regions --- approaching a local reference sample for JWST

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    Nearby dwarf galaxies provide a unique laboratory in which to test stellar population models below Z/2Z_\odot/2. Such tests are particularly important for interpreting the surprising high-ionization UV line emission detected at z>6z>6 in recent years. We present HST/COS ultraviolet spectra of ten nearby metal-poor star-forming galaxies selected to show He II emission in SDSS optical spectra. The targets span nearly a dex in gas-phase oxygen abundance (7.8<12+logO/H<8.57.8<12+\log\mathrm{O/H}<8.5) and present uniformly large specific star formation rates (sSFR 102\sim 10^2 Gyr1\mathrm{Gyr}^{-1}). The UV spectra confirm that metal-poor stellar populations can power extreme nebular emission in high-ionization UV lines, reaching C III] equivalent widths comparable to those seen in systems at z67z\sim 6-7. Our data reveal a marked transition in UV spectral properties with decreasing metallicity, with systems below 12+logO/H8.012+\log\mathrm{O/H}\lesssim 8.0 (Z/Z1/5Z/Z_\odot \lesssim 1/5) presenting minimal stellar wind features and prominent nebular emission in He II and C IV. This is consistent with nearly an order of magnitude increase in ionizing photon production beyond the He+\mathrm{He^+}-ionizing edge relative to H-ionizing flux as metallicity decreases below a fifth solar, well in excess of standard stellar population synthesis predictions. Our results suggest that often neglected sources of energetic radiation such as stripped binary products and very massive O-stars produce a sharper change in the ionizing spectrum with decreasing metallicity than expected. Consequently, nebular emission in C IV and He II powered by these stars may provide useful metallicity constraints in the reionization era.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 11 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bexarotene Impairs Cognition and Produces Hypothyroidism in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease

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    All individuals with Down syndrome (DS) eventually develop Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathology, including neurodegeneration, increases in ?-amyloid (A?) expression, and aggregation and neurofibrillary tangles, between the third and fourth decade of their lives. There is currently no effective treatment to prevent AD neuropathology and the associated cognitive degeneration in DS patients. Due to evidence that the accumulation of A? aggregates in the brain produces the neurodegenerative cascade characteristic of AD, many strategies which promote the clearance of A? peptides have been assessed as potential therapeutics for this disease. Bexarotene, a member of a subclass of retinoids that selectively activates retinoid receptors, modulates several pathways essential for cognitive performance and A? clearance. Consequently, bexarotene might be a good candidate to treat AD-associated neuropathology. However, the effects of bexarotene treatment in AD remain controversial. In the present study, we aimed to elucidate whether chronic bexarotene treatment administered to the most commonly used murine model of DS, the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse could reduce A? expression in their brains and improve their cognitive abilities. Chronic administration of bexarotene to aged TS mice and their CO littermates for 9 weeks diminished the reference, working, and spatial learning and memory of TS mice, and the spatial memory of CO mice in the Morris water maze. This treatment also produced marked hypoactivity in the plus maze, open field, and hole board tests in TS mice, and in the open field and hole board tests in CO mice. Administration of bexarotene reduced the expression of A?1-40, but not of A?1-42, in the hippocampi of TS mice. Finally, bexarotene increased Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in TS mice and reduced Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in CO mice, while animals of both karyotypes displayed reduced thyroxine levels after bexarotene administration. The bexarotene-induced hypothyroidism could be responsible for the hypoactivity of TS and CO mice and their diminished performance in the Morris water maze. Together, these results do not provide support for the use of bexarotene as a potential treatment of AD neuropathology in the DS population.FUNDING: This study was supported by the Institute of Research Valdecilla (IDIVAL) (NVAL 16/21 and NVAL 19/23) and the Consejería de Universidades, Igualdad, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de Cantabria (16. VP39.64662)

    Model to Track Wild Birds for Avian Influenza by Means of Population Dynamics and Surveillance Information

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    Design, sampling and data interpretation constitute an important challenge for wildlife surveillance of avian influenza viruses (AIV). The aim of this study was to construct a model to improve and enhance identification in both different periods and locations of avian species likely at high risk of contact with AIV in a specific wetland. This study presents an individualbased stochastic model for the Ebre Delta as an example of this appliance. Based on the Monte-Carlo method, the model simulates the dynamics of the spread of AIV among wild birds in a natural park following introduction of an infected bird. Data on wild bird species population, apparent AIV prevalence recorded in wild birds during the period of study, and ecological information on factors such as behaviour, contact rates or patterns of movements of waterfowl were incorporated as inputs of the model. From these inputs, the model predicted those species that would introduce most of AIV in different periods and those species and areas that would be at high risk as a consequence of the spread of these AIV incursions. This method can serve as a complementary tool to previous studies to optimize the allocation of the limited AI surveillance resources in a local complex ecosystem. However, this study indicates that in order to predict the evolution of the spread of AIV at the local scale, there is a need for further research on the identification of host factors involved in the interspecies transmission of AI

    Carbon footprint: the case of four chicken meat products sold on the Spanish market

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    Despite its relatively low environmental impact within the livestock sector, the poultry sector still faces its own environmental challenges that need to be addressed. The present paper uses life cycle assessment to quantify greenhouse gas emissions, from cradle to slaughterhouse gate, of four chicken meat products: whole carcass, wings, breast fillets, and leg quarters. The main contribution of the present study is that it provides a detailed analysis of different chicken meat cuts, testing mass and economic allocation choices and showing that economic allocation better reflects the causality of the cutting process. We recommend that a distinction should be made between whole carcass and meat cuts, as there are significant differences in meat content and climate change results between these two categories. This is not so clear in the literature, nor in the LEAP guideline for the poultry sector. The study was performed by using disaggregated inventory data from Spain, for the first time. Results show that the major contributors to environmental impact are feed production (>70%), electricity use (10.2%), and fossil fuel combustion (8.1%). Packaging did not significantly contribute to the climate change impact of the chicken products evaluated (0.4-3.4% contribution, depending on the type of packaging and product considered).The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to the project KAIROS-BIOCIR (PID2019-104925RB-C32). The first author also appreciates the support (2021FI_B 00100) from the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the European Social Fund. Finally, the authors are grateful to Grupo SADA p.a., S.A for their support in this study