53 research outputs found

    Sant'Imbenia (Alghero): further archaeometric evidence for an Iron Age market square

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    AbstractLead isotope compositions were determined for 18 metal objects from the archaeological site of Sant'Imbenia, NW Sardinia, dating to the end of the ninth century BCE onwards. The provenance of some objects is unambiguously traced to SW Sardinia; other objects could derive either from central Sardinia or the Iberian coastal ranges. The variety of the provenances attests to a wide trade network that spanned the entire island of Sardinia and extended to the Iberian sites

    Proton imaging apparatus for protontherapy application

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    Radiotherapy with protons, due to the physical properties of these particles, offers several advantages for cancer therapy as compared to the traditional radiotherapy with photons. In the clinical use of proton beams, a pCT (proton Computed Tomography) apparatus can contribute to improve the accuracy of the patient positioning and dose distribution calculation. In this paper a pCT apparatus built by the PRIMA (PRoton IMAging) Italian Collaboration will be presented and the preliminary results will be discussed

    Muonic atom X-ray spectroscopy for non-destructive analysis of archeological samples

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    The implementation in the RIKEN-RAL negative muons facility of a new muon beamline monitoring and novel digital data acquisition system for gamma and X-ray spectroscopy are presented. This work also shows the high potential of the muonic atoms X-ray spectroscopy technique in non-destructive elemental characterization of archaeological samples

    A new multianodic large area photomultiplier to be used in underwater neutrino detectors

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    In this article we describe the properties of a new 10-in. hemispherical photomultiplier manufactured by Hamamatsu. The prototype has a segmented photocathode and four independent amplification stages. The photomultiplier is one of the main components of a newly designed direction-sensitive optical module to be employed in large-scale underwater neutrino telescopes. The R&D activity has been co-funded by the INFN and the KM3NeT Consortium. The prototype performance fully meets with the design specifications

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for a Heavily Modified Water Body (HMWB): The Lambro-Seveso-Olona System Case Study

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    The Lambro-Seveso-Olona system (L-S-O) is a effluent dominated watershed which derives from a strong urbanization process of natural river basins. The average population density in the L-S-O area is among the highest in Italy and Europe. Industry is also highly developed. Although at present the L-S-O system does not receive untreated wastewaters, depurated effluents constitute about half of its streamflow. This river has a long history of poor quality status, due to the high concentration of pollutant loads and the poor dilution. Recently new chemical quality standards have been set by the Italian legislation as support for the WFD Good Ecological Status. These standards are very restrictive, and make extremely challenging the achievement of the good ecological status. Aim of this study is to analyse the restoration possibilities of the L-S-O system. Elements are provided for a Cost-Effectiveness analysis

    Array analysis of seismic noise at the Sos Enattos mine, the Italian candidate site for the Einstein Telescope

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    The area surrounding the dismissed mine of Sos Enattos (Sardinia, Italy) is the Italian candidate site for hosting Einstein Telescope (ET), the third-generation gravitational wave (GW) observatory. One of the goals of ET is to extend the sensitivity down to frequencies well below those currently achieved by GW detectors, i.e. down to 2 Hz. In the bandwidth [1,10] Hz, the seismic noise of anthropogenic origin is expected to represent the major perturbation to the operation of the infrastructure, and the site that will host the future detector must fulfill stringent requirements on seismic disturbances. In this paper we describe the operation of a temporary, 15-element, seismic array deployed in close proximity to the mine. Signals of anthropogenic origin have a transient nature, and their spectra are characterized by a wide spectral lobe spanning the [3,20] Hz frequency interval. Superimposed to this wide lobe are narrow spectral peaks within the [3,8] Hz frequency range. Results from slowness analyses suggest that the origin of these peaks is related to vehicle traffic along the main road running east of the mine. Exploiting the correlation properties of seismic noise, we derive a dispersion curve for Rayleigh waves, which is then inverted for a shallow velocity structure down to depths of ≈≈ 150 m. This data, which is consistent with that derived from analysis of a quarry blast, provide a first assessment of the elastic properties of the rock materials at the site candidate to hosting ET

    Dark sectors 2016 Workshop: community report

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    This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years

    US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter 2017: Community Report

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    This white paper summarizes the workshop "U.S. Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter" held at University of Maryland on March 23-25, 2017.Comment: 102 pages + reference

    Quantum Backaction on kg-Scale Mirrors: Observation of Radiation Pressure Noise in the Advanced Virgo Detector

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    The quantum radiation pressure and the quantum shot noise in laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors constitute a macroscopic manifestation of the Heisenberg inequality. If quantum shot noise can be easily observed, the observation of quantum radiation pressure noise has been elusive, so far, due to the technical noise competing with quantum effects. Here, we discuss the evidence of quantum radiation pressure noise in the Advanced Virgo gravitational wave detector. In our experiment, we inject squeezed vacuum states of light into the interferometer in order to manipulate the quantum backaction on the 42 kg mirrors and observe the corresponding quantum noise driven displacement at frequencies between 30 and 70 Hz. The experimental data, obtained in various interferometer configurations, is tested against the Advanced Virgo detector quantum noise model which confirmed the measured magnitude of quantum radiation pressure noise
