260 research outputs found

    Using plant wax markers to estimate the diet composition of grazing Holstein dairy cows

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    The objective of this study was to test whether diet selection of dairy cows under grazing conditions could be estimated using plant wax markers. Furthermore, differences between 2 cow strains and the effect of concentrate supplementation on plant species selection were investigated. The experiment was a study with a crossover design performed on an organic farm with 12 Swiss Holstein cows and 12 New Zealand Holstein cows. Both experimental periods consisted of a 21-d adaptation and a 7-d measurement period. All cows grazed full time in a rotational stocking system and received either no concentrate or 6 kg/d of a commercial cereal-grain mix. Representative herbage samples of each grazed paddock were taken and botanical composition of subsamples was manually determined. The average proportions of the plant species were 27.8% Lolium perenne, 6.1% Dactylis glomerata, 10.4% Trifolium repens, and 9.0% Taraxacum officinale. Other grass species were merged as "other grass" (38.2%) and other forb species as "other forbs" (8.5%). n-Alkanes, long-chain fatty acids, and long-chain alcohols (LCOH) were analyzed in the samples of plant species, concentrate, and feces from each cow. A linear discriminant analysis indicated that diet components were differentiated best with LCOH (96%) and worst with the combination of all marker groups together (12%). For each marker, the fecal marker recovery (FR) relative to dosed ytterbium was determined in 2 ways. Estimation of diet composition was performed with the software "EatWhat," and results were compared with botanical composition with the Aitchison distance. The results indicate that the diet composition of grazing dairy cows can be estimated using plant wax markers. Additionally, the calculation of FR led to mostly reliable results, yet this approach needs further validation. The most accurate estimation was achieved with the marker combination of n-alkanes and LCOH with a correction for FR. Less accurate estimations were achieved with long-chain fatty acids alone or in combination with n-alkanes. No difference relating to diet selection between the 2 cow strains was recorded, but supplemented cows apparently ingested higher proportions of T. repens than nonsupplemented cows. Awareness that supplementation influences selection behavior of grazing dairy cows may lead to adaptations in botanical composition of the pasture according to the demand of the animals

    Phosphorous Efficiency and Tolerance Traits for Selection of Sorghum for Performance in Phosphorous-Limited Environments

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is widely cultivated in West Africa (WA) on soils with low phosphorus (P) availability. Large genetic variation for grain yield (GY) under low-P conditions was observed among WA sorghum genotypes, but information is lacking on the usefulness of P-tolerance ratios (relative performance in –P [no P fertilizer] vs. +P [with P fertilizer] conditions) and measures of P-acquisition and internal P-use efficiency as selection criteria for enhancing GY under low-P conditions. We evaluated 70 WA sorghum genotypes for GY performance under −P and +P conditions for 5 yr in two locations in Mali and assessed P acquisition (e.g., P content in biomass) and P-use efficiency (e.g., grain produced per unit P uptake) traits under −P and +P conditions in one site in 2010. Significant genetic variation existed for all P-tolerance ratios across multiple sites. Photoperiod-sensitive landrace genotypes showed significantly better P tolerance and less delay of heading under P-limited conditions compared with photoperiod-insensitive varieties. Genotypic correlations of P-tolerance ratios to GY under −P were moderate. Phosphorous acquisition and P-use efficiency traits independent of harvest index were of similar importance for GY under −P conditions in statistically independent trials. However grain-P and stover-P concentrations from one −P trial showed only weak correlations with GYs in statistically independent trials. Highest predicted gains for −P GY were obtained by theoretical index selection based on −P GY combined with P-use efficiency traits (e.g., low-grain P concentration). Such index selection is expected to achieve both increased sorghum productivity and P sustainability in the P-limited WA production systems

    How do sand addition, soil moisture and nutrient status influence greenhouse gas fluxes from drained organic soils?

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    Drainage turns peatlands from natural carbon sinks into hotspots of greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions from soils due to alterations in hydrological and biogeochemical processes. As a consequence of drainage-induced mineralisation and anthropogenic sand addition, large areas of former peatlands under agricultural use have soil organic carbon (SOC)contents at the boundary between mineral and organic soils. Previous research has shown that the variability of GHG emissions increases with anthropogenic disturbance. However, how and whether sand addition affects GHG emissions remains a controversial issue. The aim of this long-term incubation experiment was to assess the influence of hydrological and biogeochemical soil properties on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), nitrous oxide (N 2 O)and methane (CH 4 ). Strongly degraded peat with sand addition (peat-sand mixtures)and without sand addition (earthified peat)was systematically compared under different moisture conditions for fen and bog peat. Soil columns originating from both the topsoil and the subsoil of ten different peatlands under grassland use were investigated. Over a period of six months the almost saturated soil columns were drained stepwise via suction to −300 hPa. The CO 2 fluxes were lowest at water-saturated and dry soil moisture conditions, resulting in a parabolic dependence of CO 2 fluxes on the water-filled pore space (WFPS)peaking at 56–92% WFPS. The highest N 2 O fluxes were found at between 73 and 95% WFPS. Maximum CO 2 fluxes were highest from topsoils, ranging from 21 to 77 mg C m −2 h −1 , while the maximum CO 2 fluxes from subsoils ranged from 3 to 14 mg C m −2 h −1 . No systematic influence of peat type or sand addition on GHG emissions was found in topsoils, but CO 2 fluxes from subsoils below peat-sand mixtures were higher than from subsoils below earthified peat. Maximum N 2 O fluxes were highly variable between sites and ranged from 18.5 to 234.9 and from 0.2 to 22.9 ÎŒg N m −2 h −1 for topsoils and subsoils, respectively. CH 4 fluxes were negligible even under water-saturated conditions. The highest GHG emissions occurred at a WFPS that relates – under equilibrium conditions – to a water table of 20–60 cm below the surface in the field. High maximum CO 2 and N 2 O fluxes were linked to high densities of plant-available phosphorus and potassium. The results of this study highlight that nutrient status plays a more important role in GHG emissions than peat type or sand addition, and do not support the idea of peat-sand mixtures as a mitigation option for GHG emissions

    Diets of giants: the nutritional value of sauropod diet during the Mesozoic

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    A major uncertainty in estimating energy budgets and population densities of extinct animals is the carrying capacity of their ecosystems, constrained by net primary productivity (NPP) and its digestible energy content. The hypothesis that increases in NPP due to elevated atmospheric CO₂ contributed to the unparalleled size of the sauropods has recently been rejected, based on modern studies on herbivorous insects that imply a general, negative correlation of diet quality and increasing CO₂. However, the nutritional value of plants grown under elevated CO₂ levels might be very different for vertebrate megaherbivores than for insects. Here we show plant species‐specific responses in metabolizable energy and nitrogen content, equivalent to a two‐fold variation in daily food intake estimates for a typical sauropod, for dinosaur food plant analogues grown under CO₂ concentrations spanning estimates for Mesozoic atmospheric concentrations. Our results potentially rebut the hypothesis that constraints on sauropod diet quality were driven by Mesozoic CO₂ concentration
