40 research outputs found

    Photometric Redshift of X-Ray Sources in the Chandra Deep Field South

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    Based on the photometry of 10 near-UV, optical, and near-infrared bands of the Chandra Deep Field South, we estimate the photometric redshifts for 342 X-ray sources, which constitute ~99% of all the detected X-ray sources in the field. The models of spectral energy distribution are based on galaxies and a combination of power-law continuum and emission lines. Color information is useful for source classifications: Type-I AGN show non-thermal spectral features that are distinctive from galaxies and Type-II AGN. The hardness ratio in X-ray and the X-ray-to-optical flux ratio are also useful discriminators. Using rudimentary color separation techniques, we are able to further refine our photometric redshift estimations. Among these sources, 137 have reliable spectroscopic redshifts, which we use to verify the accuracy of photometric redshifts and to modify the model inputs. The average relative dispersion in redshift distribution is ~8%, among the most accurate for photometric surveys. The high reliability of our results is attributable to the high quality and broad coverage of data as well as the applications of several independent methods and a careful evaluation of every source. We apply our redshift estimations to study the effect of redshift on broadband colors and to study the redshift distribution of AGN. Our results show that both the hardness ratio and U-K color decline with redshift, which may be the result of a K-correction. The number of Type-II AGN declines significantly at z>2 and that of galaxies declines at z>1. However, the distribution of Type-I AGN exhibits less redshift dependence. As well, we observe a significant peak in the redshift distribution at z=0.6. We demonstrate that our photometric redshift estimation produces a reliable database for the study of X-ray luminosity of galaxies and AGN.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Links between optical and X-ray light in Scorpius X-1

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    We observed the low-mass X-ray binary Sco X-1 for 12 nights simultaneously using the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer and the Otto Struve Telescope at McDonald Observatory at 1-s time-resolution. This is among the most comprehensive simultaneous X-Ray/optical data sets of Sco X-1. Evidence of reprocessing was observed in the form of nine positive, near-zero lag peaks in the cross-correlation function, eight of which were relatively small, and took the shape of piecewise exponential functions. These peaks were initially identified by eye, after which a computational identification scheme was developed to confirm their significance. Based on their short lags (less than 4 s), as well as their occurrence on the flaring branch (FB) and soft apex, the small cross-correlation features are likely to be caused by reprocessing off the outer disc, although the companion could stillmake a contribution to their tails. The Z track was parameterized using a rank number scheme so that the system’s location on the track could be numerically defined. Plotting the results against the optical reveals an increasing step function when moving from the horizontal branch to the normal branch (NB) to the FB, with differential optical levels at ∼0.47, ∼0.57, and ∼1.1, respectively. An additional correlation between Z track location and the optical was found on the upper FB. An optical intensity histogram reveals a transition region between the NB and FB with only intermediate fluxes

    The binary nature of the Galactic Centre X-ray source CXOGC J174536.1-285638

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    X-ray and near-IR surveys of the central 2x0.8 degrees of the Galactic Centre have revealed a population of X-ray bright massive stars. However, the nature of the emission, originating in a wind collision zone or via accretion onto a compact object, is uncertain. In order to address this we investigated the nature of the luminous X-ray source CXOGC J174536.1-285638. An analysis of the near-IR spectrum with a non-LTE model atmosphere code demonstrated that it was an highly luminous WN9h star, for which comparison to evolutionary tracks suggests an age of 2-2.5Myr and an initial mass of ~110Msun. The X-ray properties of CXOGC J174536.1-285638 resemble those of 3 of the WN9h stars within the Arches cluster and in turn other very massive WNLh colliding wind binaries. Simple analytical arguments demonstrate consistency between the X-ray emission and a putative WN9h+mid O V-III binary. However, we may not exclude a high mass X-ray binary interpretation, which, if correct, would provide a unique insight into the (post-SN) evolution of extremely massive stars. Irrespective of the nature of the secondary, CXOGC J174536.1-285638 adds to the growing list of known and candidate WNLh binaries. Of the subset of WNLh stars subject to a radial velocity survey, we find a lower limit to the binary fraction of ~45%; of interest for studies of massive stellar formation, given that they currently possess the highest dynamically determined masses of any type of star. [ABRIDGED]Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Identification of Five Interacting Binaries in the Galactic Bulge Survey

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    We present optical light curves, spectroscopy, and classification of five X-ray sources in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey (CXOGBS J174009.1–284725 (CX5), CXOGBS J173935.7–272935 (CX18), CXOGBS J173946.9–271809 (CX28), CXOGBS J173729.1–292804 (CX37), CXOGBS J174607.6–261547 (CX561)). These objects were selected based on bright optical counterparts which were quickly found to have emission lines in their optical spectra. This paper presents an illustration of GBS optical follow-up, targeting emission line objects. Of these five objects, four exhibit photometric variability in the Sloan r' band. CX5 shows a tentative period of 2.1 hr and is clearly an intermediate polar (IP). CX28 and CX37 both exhibit flickering with no clear period. Both are also suggested to be IPs. CX18 was observed to undergo two dwarf nova outbursts. Finally, CX561 shows no detectable variability, although its characteristics would be consistent with either a quiescent low-mass X-ray binary or cataclysmic variable

    The NuSTAR

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    Adaptive control of temperature inside plug-flow chemical reactor using 2DOF controller

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    The tubular chemical reactor is a industrial equipment widely used in the chemical or biochemical industry for production of various kinds of products. The mathematical model of such system is described by partial differential equations that are solved numerically. This article presents simulation results of the mean reactant’s temperature control inside the plug-flow tubular chemical reactor. The adaptive approach here is based on the recursive identification of the external linear model as a simplified mathematical representation of the originally nonlinear system. The control synthesis is based on the polynomial theory with the Pole-placement method and the spectral factorization. These methods are easily programmable and they also offers tuning of the controller. Used two degrees-of-freedom (2DOF) control structure divides the controller into two parts – the first in the feedback part and the second one in the feedforward part of the control loop. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.IGA, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus; IGA/CebiaTech/2018/002, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belaru

    The galactic bulge survey : outline and X-ray observations

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    We introduce the Galactic Bulge Survey (GBS) and we provide the Chandra source list for the region that has been observed to date. Among the goals of the GBS are constraining the neutron star (NS) equation of state and the black hole (BH) mass distribution via the identification of eclipsing NS and BH low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). The latter goal will, in addition, be obtained by significantly enlarging the number of BH systems for which a BH mass can be derived. Further goals include constraining X-ray binary formation scenarios, in particular the common envelope phase and the occurrence of kicks, via source-type number counts and an investigation of the spatial distribution of X-ray binaries, respectively. The GBS targets two strips of 6 degrees x 1 degrees (12 deg(2) in total), one above (1 degrees < b < 2 degrees) and one below (-2 degrees < b < -1 degrees) the Galactic plane in the direction of the Galactic center at both X-ray and optical wavelengths. By avoiding the Galactic plane (-1 degrees < b < 1 degrees) we limit the influence of extinction on the X-ray and optical emission but still sample relatively large number densities of sources. The survey is designed such that a large fraction of the X-ray sources can be identified from their optical spectra. The X-ray survey, by design, covers a large area on the sky while the depth is shallow using 2 ks per Chandra pointing. In this way we maximize the predicted number ratio of (quiescent) LMXBs to cataclysmic variables. The survey is approximately homogeneous in depth to a 0.5-10 keV flux of 7.7 x 10(-14) erg cm(-2) s(-1). So far, we have covered about two-thirds (8.3 deg(2)) of the projected survey area with Chandra providing over 1200 unique X-ray sources. We discuss the characteristics and the variability of the brightest of these sources

    CXOGBS J173620.2-293338 : a candidate symbiotic x-ray binary associated with a bulge carbon star

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    The Galactic Bulge Survey (GBS) is a wide but shallow X-ray survey of regions above and below the Plane in the Galactic Bulge. It was performed using the Chandra X-ray Observatory's ACIS camera. The survey is primarily designed to find and classify low luminosity X-ray binaries. The combination of the X-ray depth of the survey and the accessibility of optical and infrared counterparts makes this survey ideally suited to identification of new symbiotic X-ray binaries (SyXBs) in the Bulge. We consider the specific case of the X-ray source CXOGBS J173620.2-293338. It is coincident to within 1 arcsec with a very red star, showing a carbon star spectrum and irregular variability in the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment data. We classify the star as a late C-R type carbon star based on its spectral features, photometric properties, and variability characteristics, although a low-luminosity C-N type cannot be ruled out. The brightness of the star implies it is located in the Bulge, and its photometric properties are overall consistent with the Bulge carbon star population. Given the rarity of carbon stars in the Bulge, we estimate the probability of such a close chance alignment of any GBS source with a carbon star to be lsim 10–3, suggesting that this is likely to be a real match. If the X-ray source is indeed associated with the carbon star, then the X-ray luminosity is around 9 × 1032 erg s–1. Its characteristics are consistent with a low luminosity SyXB, or possibly a low accretion rate white dwarf symbiotic