35 research outputs found

    Урожайність ячменю озимого за різних систем мінерального удобрення та застосування інгібітора уреази

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    The use of urease inhibitors with nitrogen fertilizers is gaining relevance. There was a need to substantiate the expediency of combining these technology elements when growing winter barley. We conducted field experiments at the Lviv National Environmental University in the Banded Forest of the Western Forest Steppe conditions in 2020–2022. Our research goal is to describe the interaction of mineral fertilizers with the N-LokTM brand inhibitor, which restrains the formation of nitrates but improves the agrochemical parameters of the soil. This had a positive effect on the yield of winter barley. The soil is a dark gray forest gilded light loam with low humus. We used traditional methods of field research and standardized methods of laboratory analyses. The nitrogen fertilization system N97(NH4NO3) during vegetation restoration + N-LokTM (before sowing or during vegetation restoration) on the background of N23P60K60 ensured the initial content of easily hydrolyzable nitrogen in the arable layer of 132–136 mg/kg of soil. Applying N97(NH4NO3) + N-LokTM to winter barley during the restoration of vegetation on the background of N23P60K60 under plowing provided the highest yield in the experiment of 7.69 t/ha on average for 2020–2022. The average grain increase relative to the N97(NH4NO3) control (vegetation restoration) on the N23P60K60 background was 1.08 t/ha. On the other hand, applying N97(NH4NO3) during the restoration of vegetation + N-LokTM in autumn before sowing on the same background contributed to a more significant yield increase – by 1.26 t/ha only in 2021. The absence of a phosphorus-potassium background in the winter barley fertilization system reduced the crop yield by 0.11–0.44 t/ha. The significant importance of mineral fertilizers for obtaining high grain harvests, especially in less good years, is proven by the established high correlation coefficients of the parameters of available compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium at the start of the growing season with the harvest in 2020–2021. The regression 3D model of winter barley grain yield under the influence of the synergistic effect of nitrogen fertilization rates and the resulting enrichment of the soil with easily hydrolyzable nitrogen illustrates the importance of fertilizers for increasing the fertility of the dark-gray podzolized light loam soil in Pasmovy Pobuzhzhia of the Western Forest Steppe.Використання інгібітора уреази з азотними добривами зумовлює необхідність з’ясування доцільності поєднання цих елементів технології при вирощуванні ячменю озимого. Проведено польові експерименти у Львівському національному університеті природокористування в умовах Пасмового Побужжя Західного Лісостепу. Мета досліджень – з’ясувати взаємодію мінеральних добрив з інгібітором марки N-LokTM, який стримує утворення нітратів, але покращує агрохімічні показники ґрунту, щодо їхнього впливу на врожайність ячменю озимого. Ґрунт – темно-сірий лісовий опідзолений легкосуглинковий слабогумусований. Використані традиційні методи польових досліджень та стандартизовані методики лабораторних аналізів. Система азотного удобрення N97 при відновленні вегетації + N-LokTM (перед сівбою або при відновленні вегетації) на фоні N23P60K60 забезпечувала стартовий вміст легкогідролізного азоту в орному шарі 132–136 мг/кг ґрунту. Найвищий середній за 2020-2022 роки врожай забезпечило удобрення N23P60K60 (перед сівбою) + N67 і N-LokTM (у відновлення вегетації) + N30 (на початку колосіння) за сумарної норми N120 – 7,65 т/га зерна. Середньорічна прибавка врожаю відносно контролю N23P60K60 (перед сівбою) + N37 (відновлення вегетації) становила 0,73 т/га. Внесення карбаміду N97(CH4N2O) при застосуванні нітрапірину з осені по фону N23P60K60 підвищило ефективність цієї форми азотних добрив і прибавка врожаю зерна становила 0,47 т/га. Відсутність фосфорно-калійних добрив при внесенні N23(NH4NO3) (перед сівбою) + N67 (у відновлення вегетації) + N30 (на початку колосіння) не зменшувала врожайність культури.  За використання N-LokTM на цьому суто азотному удобренні N120 аміачною селітрою була отримана середня істотна прибавка врожаю 0,44 т/га. Вагоме значення мінерального удобрення для отримання високих зборів зерна, особливо у менше сприятливі роки, доведено встановленими високими коефіцієнтами кореляції параметрів доступних сполук азоту, фосфору і калію на старті вегетації з урожаєм упродовж 2020–2021 років. 3D-модель регресії урожаю зерна озимого ячменю під впливом синергічного ефекту норм азотного удобрення та спричиненого ним збагачення ґрунту легкогідролізним азотом ілюструє важливість добрив для підвищення родючості темно-сірого опідзоленого легкосуглинкового ґрунту у Пасмовому Побужжі Західного Лісостепу

    Optimization of nitrogen fertilizer of the dark-gray soldized soil of the western forest steppe for using nitrification inhibitor

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    Nitrogen is a key element for the growth and yield of all crops. Increased doses of nitrogen do not give the expected return, create a danger of leaching of nitrates, activate the emission of nitrous oxide. These problems make it necessary to solve the urgent issue of optimizing nitrogen nutrition using the nitrogen stabilizer nitrapyrin. The purpose of our research under conditions of sufficient moisture in the Western Forest Steppe was to find out the effect of the urease inhibitor on the agrochemical parameters of the dark gray forest podzolized light loam soil, as well as the effect on the yield of winter barley. We conducted field experiments at the Lviv National University of Nature Management. We used traditional methods of field research and standardized methods of laboratory analysis. A positive effect of the use of the nitrogen stabilizer nitrapyrin on the funds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium available for nutrition, as well as on the reduction of soil acidity, was established. The highest content of easily hydrolyzable nitrogen was achieved when applying N23P60K60 in autumn + N97 in the phase of vegetation recovery with nitrapyrin – 132 mg/kg of soil. This was 28 mg/kg more than the traditional fertilization system without nitrapyrin (N60P60K60). Application of 120 kg/ha of nitrogen in the form of urea created a reserve 3.3 times higher, and ammonium nitrate created a reserve 3.6 times higher than the unfertilized version. Nitrapyrin, a stabilizer of nitrates, made it possible to limit their formation with the introduction of urea by 3 5%, ammonium nitrate by 10 %. The nitrogen application rate of N120 kg/ha per year led to the annual emission of nitrous oxide in the amount of 121.5 kg/ha. Nitrapyrin limited the amount of nitrous oxide emission by 3.3–7.2 kg/ha, depending on the amount of nitrogen application rate. The use of ammonium nitrate at the rate of N120 when applied in the spring caused the highest level of nitrogen oxide emissions (29.5 kg/ha of soil). However, the application of this fertilizer and inhibitor reduced gaseous nitrogen losses to 25.9 kg/ha when applied to restore vegetation. The introduction of N97 (ammonium nitrate) + N-Lok Max under winter barley during the restoration of vegetation on the background of N23P60K60 under plowing gave the highest average yield in the experiment for 2020–2022 – 7.65 t/ha, for 2022 – 7.90 t/ha. The 3D regression model of winter barley grain yield under the influence of the synergistic effect of both forms of nitrogen illustrates the importance of balancing the funds of forms of this nutrient element in the soil

    A User's Guide to the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)

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    The mission of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project is to enable the scientific and medical communities to interpret the human genome sequence and apply it to understand human biology and improve health. The ENCODE Consortium is integrating multiple technologies and approaches in a collective effort to discover and define the functional elements encoded in the human genome, including genes, transcripts, and transcriptional regulatory regions, together with their attendant chromatin states and DNA methylation patterns. In the process, standards to ensure high-quality data have been implemented, and novel algorithms have been developed to facilitate analysis. Data and derived results are made available through a freely accessible database. Here we provide an overview of the project and the resources it is generating and illustrate the application of ENCODE data to interpret the human genome.National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.)National Institutes of Health (U.S.

    2017 update of the WSES guidelines for emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias

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    Emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias may be associated with worsen outcome and a significant rate of postoperative complications. There is no consensus on management of complicated abdominal hernias. The main matter of debate is about the use of mesh in case of intestinal resection and the type of mesh to be used. Wound infection is the most common complication encountered and represents an immense burden especially in the presence of a mesh. The recurrence rate is an important topic that influences the final outcome. A World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) Consensus Conference was held in Bergamo in July 2013 with the aim to define recommendations for emergency repair of abdominal wall hernias in adults. This document represents the executive summary of the consensus conference approved by a WSES expert panel. In 2016, the guidelines have been revised and updated according to the most recent available literature.Peer reviewe

    WSES guidelines for emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias

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    Peer reviewe

    A user's guide to the Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE)

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    The mission of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project is to enable the scientific and medical communities to interpret the human genome sequence and apply it to understand human biology and improve health. The ENCODE Consortium is integrating multiple technologies and approaches in a collective effort to discover and define the functional elements encoded in the human genome, including genes, transcripts, and transcriptional regulatory regions, together with their attendant chromatin states and DNA methylation patterns. In the process, standards to ensure high-quality data have been implemented, and novel algorithms have been developed to facilitate analysis. Data and derived results are made available through a freely accessible database. Here we provide an overview of the project and the resources it is generating and illustrate the application of ENCODE data to interpret the human genome

    2017 update of the WSES guidelines for emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias

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    Calmodulin binds to the N-terminal domain of the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5.

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    The cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.5 conducts the rapid inward sodium current crucial for cardiomyocyte excitability. Loss-of-function mutations in its gene SCN5A are linked to cardiac arrhythmias such as Brugada Syndrome (BrS). Several BrS-associated mutations in the Nav1.5 N-terminal domain (NTD) exert a dominant-negative effect (DNE) on wild-type channel function, for which mechanisms remain poorly understood. We aim to contribute to the understanding of BrS pathophysiology by characterizing three mutations in the Nav1.5 NTD: Y87C-here newly identified-, R104W, and R121W. In addition, we hypothesize that the calcium sensor protein calmodulin is a new NTD binding partner. Recordings of whole-cell sodium currents in TsA-201 cells expressing WT and variant Nav1.5 showed that Y87C and R104W but not R121W exert a DNE on WT channels. Biotinylation assays revealed reduction in fully glycosylated Nav1.5 at the cell surface and in whole-cell lysates. Localization of Nav1.5 WT channel with the ER did not change in the presence of variants, as shown by transfected and stained rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. We demonstrated that calmodulin binds the Nav1.5 NTD using in silico modeling, SPOTS, pull-down, and proximity ligation assays. Calmodulin binding to the R121W variant and to a Nav1.5 construct missing residues 80-105, a predicted calmodulin-binding site, is impaired. In conclusion, we describe the new natural BrS Nav1.5 variant Y87C and present first evidence that calmodulin binds to the Nav1.5 NTD, which seems to be a determinant for the DNE