323 research outputs found

    High-resolution imaging of compact high-velocity clouds (II)

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    We have imaged five compact high-velocity clouds in HI with arcmin angular- and km/s spectral-resolution using the WSRT. Supplementary total-power data, which is fully sensitive to both the cool and warm components of HI, is available for comparison for all the sources, albeit with angular resolutions that vary from 3' to 36'. The fractional HI flux in compact CNM components varies from 4% to 16% in our sample. All objects have at least one local peak in the CNM column which exceeds about 10^19 cm^-2 when observed with arcmin resolution. It is plausible that a peak column density of 1-2x10^19 cm^-2 is a prerequisite for the long-term survival of these sources. One object in our sample, CHVC120-20-443 (Davies' cloud), lies in close projected proximity to the disk of M31. This object is characterized by exceptionally broad linewidths in its CNM concentrations (more than 5 times greater than the median value). These CNM concentrations lie in an arc on the edge of the source facing the M31 disk, while the diffuse HI component of this source has a position offset in the direction of the disk. All of these attributes suggest that CHVC120-20-443 is in a different evolutionary state than most of the other CHVCs which have been studied. Similarly broad CNM linewidths have only been detected in one other object, CHVC111-07-466, which also lies in the Local Group barycenter direction and has the most extreme radial velocity known. A distinct possibility for Davies' cloud seems to be physical interaction of some type with M31. The most likely form of this interaction might be the ram-pressure or tidal- stripping by either one of M31's visible dwarf companions, M32 or NGC205, or else by a dark companion with an associated HI condensation.Comment: 12 pages, 11 (low res.) png figs, accepted for pub. in A&

    A FUSE survey of high-latitude Galactic molecular hydrogen

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    Measurements of molecular hydrogen (H_2) column densities are presented for the first six rotational levels (J=0 to 5) for 73 extragalactic targets observed with FUSE. All of these have a final signal-to-noise ratio larger than \snlimit, and are located at galactic latitude |b|>20 deg. The individual observations were calibrated with the FUSE calibration pipeline CalFUSE version 2.1 or higher, and then carefully aligned in velocity. The final velocity shifts for all the FUSE segments are listed. H_2 column densities or limits are determined for the 6 lowest rotational (J) levels for each HI component in the line of sight, using a curve-of-growth approach at low column densities ~16.5), and Voigt-profile fitting at higher column densities. Detections include 73 measurements of low-velocity H_2 in the Galactic Disk and lower Halo. Eight sightlines yield non-detections for Galactic H_2. The measured column densities range from log N(H_2)=14 to log N(H_2)=20. Strong correlations are found between log N(H_2) and T_01, the excitation temperature of the H_2, as well as between log N(H_2) and the level population ratios (log (N(J')/N(J))). The average fraction of nuclei in molecular hydrogen (f(H_2)) in each sightline is calculated; however, because there are many HI clouds in each sightline, the physics of the transition from HI to H_2 can not be studied. Detections also include H2 in 16 intermediate-velocity clouds in the Galactic Halo (out of 35 IVCs). Molecular hydrogen is seen in one high-velocity cloud (the Leading Arm of the Magellanic Stream), although 19 high-velocity clouds are intersected; this strongly suggests that dust is rare or absent in these objects. Finally, there are five detections of H_2 in external galaxies.Comment: Accepted for ApJ Supplement. Note: figs 7 and 8 not included because astro-ph rejects them as too bi

    Hubble-COS Observations of Galactic High-Velocity Clouds: Four AGN Sight Lines through Complex C

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    We report ultraviolet spectra of Galactic high-velocity clouds (HVCs) in Complex C, taken by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), together with new 21-cm spectra from the Green Bank Telescope. The wide spectral coverage and higher S/N, compared to previous HST spectra, provide better velocity definition of the HVC absorption, additional ionization species, and improved abundances in this halo gas. Complex C has a metallicity of 0.1-0.3 solar and a wide range of ions, suggesting dynamical and thermal interactions with hot gas in the Galactic halo. Spectra in the COS medium-resolution G130M (1133-1468 A) and G160M (1383-1796 A) gratings detect ultraviolet absorption lines from 8 elements in low ionization stages (O I, N I, C II, S II, Si II, Al II, Fe II, P II) and 3 elements in intermediate and high-ionization states (Si III, Si IV, C IV, N V). Our four AGN sight lines toward Mrk 817, Mrk 290, Mrk 876, and PG1259+593 have high-velocity H I and O VI column densities, log N_HI = 19.39-20.05 and log N_OVI = 13.58-14.10, with substantial amounts of kinematically associated photoionized gas. The high-ion abundance ratios are consistent with cooling interfaces between photoionized gas and collisionally ionized gas: N(C IV)/N(O VI) = 0.3-0.5, N(Si IV)/N(O VI) = 0.05-0.11, N(N V)/N(O VI) = 0.07-0.13, and N(Si IV)/N(Si III) = 0.2.Comment: 43 pages, 11 figures (appearing in ApJ, Sept 1, 2011

    Multiwavelength observations of the M15 intermediate velocity cloud

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    We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope HI images, Lovell Telescope multibeam HI wide-field mapping, Wisconsin H-alpha Mapper facility images, William Herschel Telescope longslit echelle CaII observations, and IRAS ISSA 60 and 100 micron coadded images towards the intermediate velocity cloud located in the general direction of the M15 globular cluster. When combined with previously-published Arecibo data, the HI gas in the IVC is found to be clumpy, with peak HI column density of 1.5x10^(20) cm^(-2), inferred volume density (assuming spherical symmetry) of 24 cm^(-3)/(D kpc), and maximum brightness temperature at a resolution of 81x14 arcsec of 14 K. The HI gas in the cloud is warm, with a minimum FWHM value of 5 km/s, corresponding to a kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence, of 540 K. There are indications in the HI data of 2-component velocity structure in the IVC, indicative of cloudlets. This velocity structure is also tentatively seen in the CaK spectra, although the SNR is low. The main IVC condensation is detected by WHAM in H-alpha with intensities uncorrected for Galactic absorption of upto 1.3 Rayleigh, indicating that the cloud is partially ionised. The FWHM of the ionised component, at a resolution of 1 degree, exceeds 30 km/s. The spatial and velocity coincidence of the H-alpha and HI peaks in emission is qualitatively good. Finally, the 100 and 60 micron IRAS images show spatial coincidence over a 0.7 degree field, with low and intermediate-velocity gas, respectively, indicating that the IVC may contain dust.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Exploring the Origin and Fate of the Magellanic Stream with Ultraviolet and Optical Absorption

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    (Abridged) We present an analysis of ionization and metal enrichment in the Magellanic Stream (MS), the nearest gaseous tidal stream, using HST/STIS and FUSE ultraviolet spectroscopy of two background AGN, NGC 7469 and Mrk 335. For NGC 7469, we include optical spectroscopy from VLT/UVES. In both sightlines the MS is detected in low-ion and high-ion absorption. Toward NGC 7469, we measure a MS oxygen abundance [O/H]_MS=[OI/HI]=-1.00+/-0.05(stat)+/-0.08(syst), supporting the view that the Stream originates in the SMC rather than the LMC. We use CLOUDY to model the low-ion phase of the Stream as a photoionized plasma using the observed Si III/Si II and C III/C II ratios. Toward Mrk 335 this yields an ionization parameter log U between -3.45 and -3.15 and a gas density log (n_H/cm^-3) between -2.51 and -2.21. Toward NGC 7469 we derive sub-solar abundance ratios for [Si/O], [Fe/O], and [Al/O], indicating the presence of dust in the MS. The high-ion column densities are too large to be explained by photoionization, but also cannot be explained by a single-temperature collisional-ionization model (equilibrium or non-equilibrium). This suggests the high-ion plasma is multi-phase. Summing over the low-ion and high-ion phases, we derive conservative lower limits on the ratio N(total H II)/N(H I) of >19 toward NGC 7469 and >330 toward Mrk 335, showing that along these two directions the vast majority of the Stream has been ionized. The presence of warm-hot plasma together with the small-scale structure observed at 21 cm provides evidence for an evaporative interaction with the hot Galactic corona. This scenario, predicted by hydrodynamical simulations, suggests that the fate of the MS will be to replenish the Galactic corona with new plasma, rather than to bring neutral fuel to the disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 18 pages, 7 figures, all in colo

    Damped Lyman-alpha absorption from a nearby Low Surface Brightness galaxy

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    Ground-based & HST images of the nearby galaxy SBS 1543+593 (z=0.009) show it to be a Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxy with a central surface brightness of mu_B(0)=23.2 mag/arcsec-2 and scale length 0.9 h-1 kpc, values typical for the local LSB galaxy population. The galaxy lies directly in front of the QSO HS 1543+5921 (z=0.807); an HST STIS spectrum of the quasar reveals a damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) line at the redshift of the interloper with an HI column density of log N(HI) = 20.35, as well as several low-ionization metal lines with strengths similar to those found in the Milky Way interstellar medium. Our data show that LSB galaxies are certainly able to produce the DLA lines seen at higher redshift, and fuels the speculation that LSB galaxies are a major contributor to that population of absorbers.Comment: Submitted to A

    Metal Abundances in the Magellanic Stream

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    We report on the first metallicity determination for gas in the Magellanic Stream, using archival HST GHRS data for the background targets Fairall 9, III Zw 2, and NGC 7469. For Fairall 9, using two subsequent HST revisits and new Parkes Multibeam Narrowband observations, we have unequivocally detected the MSI HI component of the Stream (near its head) in SII1250,1253 yielding a metallicity of [SII/H]=-0.55+/-0.06(r)+/-0.2(s), consistent with either an SMC or LMC origin and with the earlier upper limit set by Lu et al. (1994). We also detect the saturated SiII1260 line, but set only a lower limit of [SiII/H]>-1.5. We present serendipitous detections of the Stream, seen in MgII2796,2803 absorption with column densities of (0.5-1)x10^13 cm^-2 toward the Seyfert galaxies III Zw 2 and NGC 7469. These latter sightlines probe gas near the tip of the Stream (80 deg down-Stream of Fairall 9). For III Zw 2, the lack of an accurate HI column density and the uncertain MgIII ionization correction limits the degree to which we can constrain [Mg/H]; a lower limit of [MgII/HI]>-1.3 was found. For NGC 7469, an accurate HI column density determination exists, but the extant FOS spectrum limits the quality of the MgII column density determination, and we conclude that [MgII/HI]>-1.5. Ionization corrections associated with MgIII and HII suggest that the corresponding [Mg/H] may range lower by 0.3-1.0 dex. However, an upward revision of 0.5-1.0 dex would be expected under the assumption that the Stream exhibits a dust depletion pattern similar to that seen in the Magellanic Clouds. Remaining uncertainties do not allow us to differentiate between an LMC versus SMC origin to the Stream gas.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX (aaspp4), also available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~bgibson/publications.html, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    The high-velocity cloud complex Galactic Center Negative as seen by EBHIS and GASS. I. Cloud catalog and global properties

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    Using Milky Way data of the new Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey (EBHIS) and the Galactic All-Sky Survey (GASS), we present a revised picture of the high-velocity cloud (HVC) complex Galactic Center Negative (GCN). Owing to the higher angular resolution of these surveys compared to previous studies (e.g., the Leiden Dwingeloo Survey), we resolve Complex GCN into lots of individual tiny clumps, that mostly have relatively broad line widths of more than 15 km/s. We do not detect a diffuse extended counterpart, which is unusual for an HVC complex. In total 243 clumps were identified and parameterized which allows us to statistically analyze the data. Cold-line components (i.e., w < 7.5 km/s) are found in about 5% only of the identified cloudlets. Our analysis reveals that Complex GCN is likely built up of several subpopulations that do not share a common origin. Furthermore, Complex GCN might be a prime example for warm-gas accretion onto the Milky Way, where neutral HI clouds are not stable against interaction with the Milky Way gas halo and become ionized prior to accretion.Comment: 13 pages, 19 figures; accepted by A&

    Analytical sun synchronous low-thrust manoeuvres

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    Article describes analytical sun synchronous low-thrust manoeuvres

    CaII K interstellar observations towards early disc and halostars - Paper II; distances to IVCs and HVCs

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    We compare existing high spectral resolution (R=40,000) CaII K observations towards 88 mainly B-type stars, and new observations at R=10,000 towards 3 stars, with 21-cm HI emission-line profiles, in order to search for optical absorption towards known intermediate and high velocity cloud complexes. Given certain assumptions, limits to the gas phase abundance of CaII are estimated for the cloud components. We use the data to derive the following distances from the Galactic plane (z); 1) Tentative lower z-height limits of 2800 pc and 4100 pc towards Complex C using lack of absorption in the spectra of HD 341617 and PG 0855+294. 2) A weak lower z-height of 1400 pc towards Complex WA-WB using lack of absorption in EC 09470-1433 and weak lower limit of 2470 pc with EC 09452-1403. 3) An upper z-height of 2470 pc towards a southern intermediate velocity cloud (IVC) with v_LSR=-55 km/s using PG 2351+198. 4) Detection of a possible IVC in CaK absorption at v_LSR=+52 km/s using EC 20104-2944. No associated HI in emission is detected. At this position, normal Galactic rotation predicts velocities of up to +25 km/s. The detection puts an upper z-height of 1860 pc to the cloud. 5) Tentative HI and CaK detections towards an IVC at +70 km/s in the direction of HVC Complex WE, sightline EC 06387-8045, indicating that the IVC may be at a z-height lower than 1770 pc. 6) Detection of CaK absorption in the spectrum of PG 0855+294 in the direction of IV20, indicating that this IVC has a z-height smaller than 4100 pc. 7) A weak lower z-height of 4300 pc towards a small HVC with v_LSR=+115 km/s at l,b=200,+52, using lack of absorption in the CaK spectrum of PG 0955+291.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS, May 13 200
