14 research outputs found

    Latest physics results of TJ-II flexible heliac

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    This paper is devoted to the presentation of the most relevant recent Physics results obtained in the TJ-II flexible heliac. Firstly ECRH modulation and plasma breakdown studies are summarised; then the particle control techniques used to obtain reproducible discharges with density under control are presented. Transport studies show internal heat transport barriers that reduce heat conductivity to neoclassical values, and ELM-like transport events, similar to those observed in tokamaks and in other stellarators before and during H mode transition. Evidence of ExB sheared has been observed both in the proximity of rational surfaces. Finally, a high resolution Thomsom Scattering system has shown Te and ne profile structures

    Perturbative transport experiments on TJ-II Flexible Heliac

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    Transport properties of TJ-II are explored performing perturbative experiments and taking advantage of TJ-II flexibility. Rotational transform can be varied in a wide range, which allows one to introduce low order rationals and to study their effect on transport. On the other hand, confinement properties can be studied at very different rotational transform values and for different values of magnetic shear: Experiments on influence of the magnetic shear on confinement are reported. In these cases a Ohmic current has been induced in TJ-II plasma to modify magnetic shear and to evaluate itsd effect on confinement, showing that negative shear improves the confinement. Heat transport is also reduced by locating a low order rational near the power deposition profile. Plasma potential profiles have been recently measured in some configurations up to the plasma core with the Heavy Ion Beam Probe (HIBP) diagnostic and the electric field values measured in low-density plasmas are consistent with neoclassical calculations near the plasma core. Plasma edge turbulent transport has been studied in configurations that are marginally stable due to decreased magnetic well. Results show a dynamical coupling between gradients and turbulent transport. Finally, cold pulse propagation has been studied showing ballistic non diffusive propagation

    Spatial and temporal uplift history of South America from calibrated drainage analysis

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    A multidisciplinary approach is used to analyze the Cenozoic uplift history of South America. Residual depth anomalies of oceanic crust abutting this continent help to determine the pattern of present-day dynamic topography. Admittance analysis and crustal thickness measurements indicate that the elastic thickness of the Borborema and Altiplano regions is ≤₁₀ km with evidence for sub-plate support at longer wavelengths. A drainage inventory of 1827 river profiles is assembled and used to investigate landscape development. Linear inverse modeling enables river profiles to be fitted as a function of the spatial and temporal history of regional uplift. Erosional parameters are calibrated using observations from the Borborema Plateau and tested against continent-wide stratigraphic and thermochronologic constraints. Our results predict that two phases of regional uplift of the Altiplano plateau occurred in Neogene times. Regional uplift of the southern Patagonian Andes also appears to have occurred in Early Miocene times. The consistency between observed and predicted histories for the Borborema, Altiplano, and Patagonian plateaux implies that drainage networks record coherent signals that are amenable to simple modeling strategies. Finally, the predicted pattern of incision across the Amazon catchment constrains solid sedimentary flux at the Foz do Amazonas. Observed and calculated flux estimates match, suggesting that erosion and deposition were triggered by regional Andean uplift during Miocene times

    Aquifer Monitoring Using Ambient Seismic Noise Recorded With Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Deployed on Dark Fiber

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    Groundwater is a critical resource for human activities worldwide, and a vital component of many natural ecosystems. However, the state and dynamics of water-bearing aquifers remain uncertain, mostly due to the paucity of subsurface data at high spatial and temporal resolution. Here, we show that analysis of infrastructure-generated ambient seismic noise acquired on distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) arrays has potential as a tool to track variations in seismic velocities (dv/v) caused by groundwater level fluctuations. We analyze 5 months of ambient noise acquired along an unused, 23 km-long telecommunication fiber-optic cable in the Sacramento Valley, CA, a so-called “dark fiber." Three array subsections, ∼6 km apart, are processed and the stretching technique is applied to retrieve daily dv/v beneath each location. Near the Sacramento river, dv/v variations in the order of 2%–3% correlate with precipitation events and fluctuations in river stage of ∼1.5 m. In contrast, regions away (2.5 km) from the river do not experience large dv/v variations. These observations reveal short-scale spatial variability in aquifer dynamics captured by this approach. Dispersion analysis and surface wave inversion of noise gathers reveal that seismic velocity perturbations occur at depths of 10–30 m. Rock physics modeling confirms that observed dv/v are linked to pore pressure changes at these depths, caused by groundwater table fluctuations. Our results suggest that DAS combined with ambient noise interferometry provides a means of tracking aquifer dynamics at high spatial and temporal resolutions at local to regional scales, relevant for effective groundwater resource management