58 research outputs found

    Plio-Pleistocene transpressional reactivation of Paleozoic and Paleogene structures in the Rhine-Bresse transform zone (northern Switzerland and eastern France)

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    Pliocene to recent uplift and shortening in the southern Rhinegraben is documented by deformation of Pliocene fluvial gravels, deposited on a nearly planar surface, as well as by progressive deflection and capture of rivers. This deformation is suggested to result from thick-skinned tectonic movements as evidenced by observations on seismic records, which demonstrate a spatial coincidence between en-Ă©chelon anticlines at the surface and faults located in the crystalline basement. These findings contradict the often invoked thin-skinned tectonism in the recent tectonic history of the Rhinegraben. In particular the transfer zone between the Rhinegraben and the Bressegraben is very suitable for reactivation under the present day stress field. Thick-skinned reactivation of faults in the basement is also expressed by focal plane mechanisms of recent earthquakes showing strike-slip- rather than reverse faulting characteristics. This is of importance for the densely populated and industrialised southern Rhinegraben, previously affected by large earthquakes in historical times (e.g. Basel 1356

    Torn Between Two Plates: Exhumation of the Cer Massif (Internal Dinarides) as a Far‐Field Effect of Carpathian Slab Rollback Inferred From 40 Ar/ 39 Ar Dating and Cross Section Balancing

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    Abstract Extension across the southern Pannonian Basin and the internal Dinarides is characterized by Oligo‐Miocene metamorphic core complexes (MCCs) exhumed along mylonitic low‐angle extensional shear zones. Cer MCC at the transition between Dinarides and Pannonian Basin occupies a structural position within the distal‐most Adriatic thrust sheet and originates from two different tectonic processes: Late Cretaceous‐Paleogene nappe‐stacking during a continent‐continent collision with Adria in a lower plate position, and exhumation related to Miocene extension driven by the Carpathian slab‐rollback. Structural data and a balanced cross section across the Cer massif show linking of the exhuming shear zone to a breakaway fault, which reactivated the early Late Cretaceous most internal nappe contact. Paleozoic greenschist‐to amphibolite‐grade lithologies surround a polyphase intrusion composed of I‐ and S‐type granites and were exhumed along a shear zone characterized by top‐N transport. Thermobarometric analyses indicate an intrusion depth of 7–8 km of the Oligocene I‐type granite; cooling below ∌500°C occurred at 25.4 ± 0.6 Ma (1σ) yielded by 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating of hornblende. Biotite and white mica from this intrusion as well as from the mylonitic shear zone yield 40 Ar/ 39 Ar cooling ages of 17–18 Ma independent of the used techniques (in situ laser ablation, single‐grain total fusion, single‐grain step heating, and multi‐grain step heating). White mica from the S‐type granite yield an 40 Ar/ 39 Ar cooling age of 16.7 ± 0.1 Ma (1σ). Associated dikes intruding the shear zone were also affected by N‐S extension resulting in the exhumation of the MCC, which was triggered by the opening of the Pannonian back‐arc basin in response to the Carpathian slab‐rollback.Plain Language Summary Horizontal stretching of continental plates induces thinning of the crustal upper part, melting of rocks, the sinking of the land surface, and formation of large basins. One of the world's best‐studied basins formed by such a process is the Central European Pannonian Basin. This basin is surrounded by the mountain belts of the Alps, Carpathians, and Dinarides. We have studied rocks between the Pannonian Basin and the southerly adjacent Dinaride Mountains, where rocks deposited in the basin are found right next to rocks that were initially about 7–8 km deep in the crust. These rocks are separated by a shear zone, along which they were brought to the surface. We have dated the activity of the shear zone by measuring concentrations of radioactive isotopes and their decay products contained in deformed minerals. The shear zone was active at a time when the Pannonian Basin started to open due to tectonic processes further NE underneath the Carpathian mountain chain. We also found evidence that the shear zone, which brought metamorphic rocks upwards was formerly one that brought rocks downwards into the crust during an earlier phase of mountain building, predating basin formation.Key Points Activity along the shear zone exhuming Cer metamorphic core complex in the internal Dinarides was dated by 40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronology to ∌17 Ma Exhumation was facilitated by extensional reactivation of Late Cretaceous‐Paleogene nappe contacts resulting from Adria‐Europe collision Extensional reactivation of the thrusts is interpreted as a far‐field effect of Oligo‐Miocene Carpathian slab rollbac

    ADRIA LITHOSPHERE INVESTIGATION ALPHA - Cruise No. M86/3, January 20 - February 04, 2012, Brindisi (Italy) - Dubrovnik (Croatia)

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    The Adriatic Sea and underlying lithosphere remains the least investigated part of the Mediterranean Sea. To shed light on the plate tectonic setting in this central part of southern Europe, R/V METEOR cruise M86/3 set out to acquire deep penetrating seismic data in the Adriatic Sea. M86/3 formed the core of an amphibious investigation crossing Adria from the Italian Peninsula into Montenegro/Albania. A total of 111 OBS/OBH deployments were successfully carried out, in addition to 47 landstations both in Italy and Montenegro/Albania, which recorded the offshore airgun shots. In the scope of this shoreline-crossing study, the aim is to quantify the shallow geometry, deep boundaries and the architecture of the southern Adriatic crust and lithosphere and to provide insights on a possible decoupling zone between the northern and southern Adriatic domains. Investigating the structure of the Adriatic crust and lithospheric mantle and analyzing the tectonic activity are essential for understanding the mountain-building processes that underlie the neotectonics and earthquake hazard of the Periadriatic region, especially in the vicinity of local decoupling zones

    Recurrent epigenetic silencing of the PTPRD tumor suppressor in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Cellular processes like differentiation, mitotic cycle, and cell growth are regulated by tyrosine kinases with known oncogenic potential and tyrosine phosphatases that downmodulate the first. Therefore, tyrosine phosphatases are recurrent targets of gene alterations in human carcinomas. We and others suggested recently a tumor suppressor function of the PTPRD tyrosine phosphatase and reported homozygous deletions of the PTPRD locus in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. In this study, we investigated other gene-inactivating mechanisms potentially targeting PTPRD, including loss-of-function mutations and also epigenetic alterations like promoter DNA hypermethylation. We sequenced the PTPRD gene in eight laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines but did not identify any inactivating mutations. In contrast, by bisulfite pyrosequencing of the gene promoter region, we identified significantly higher levels of methylation (p = 0.001 and p = 0.0002, respectively) in 9/14 (64%) laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and 37/79 (47%) of primary laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma tumors as compared to normal epithelium of the upper aerodigestive tract. There was also a strong correlation (p = 0.0001) between methylation and transcriptional silencing for the PTPRD gene observed in a cohort of 497 head and neck tumors from The Cancer Genome Atlas dataset suggesting that DNA methylation is the main mechanism of PTPRD silencing in these tumors. In summary, our data provide further evidence of the high incidence of PTPRD inactivation in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. We suggest that deletions and loss-of-function mutations are responsible for PTPRD loss only in a fraction of cases, whereas DNA methylation is the dominating mechanism of PTPRD inactivation.</p

    Ecological divergence of Chaetopteryx rugulosa species complex (Insecta, Trichoptera) linked to climatic niche diversification

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    Climate is often considered to be an important, but indirect driver of speciation. Indeed, environmental factors may contribute to the formation of biodiversity, but to date this crucial relationship remains largely unexplored. Here we investigate the possible role of climate, geological factors, and biogeographical processes in the formation of a freshwater insect species group, the Chaetopteryx rugulosa species complex (Trichoptera) in the Western Balkans. We used multi-locus DNA sequence data to establish a dated phylogenetic hypothesis for the group. The comparison of the dated phylogeny with the geological history of the Western Balkans shows that lineage formation coincided with major past Earth surface and climatic events in the region. By reconstructing present-day habitat conditions (climate, bedrock geology), we show that the lineages of C. rugulosa species complex have distinct climatic but not bedrock geological niches. Without exception, all splits associated with Pliocene/Pleistocene transition led to independent, parallel split into ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ sister lineages. This indicates a non-random diversification on the C. rugulosa species complex associated with late Pliocene climate in the region. We interpreted the results as the diversification of the species complex were mainly driven by ecological diversification linked to past climate change, along with geographical isolation

    The link between tectonics and sedimentation in back-arc basins: New genetic constraints from the analysis of the Pannonian Basin

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    Toward understanding the post-collisional evolution of an orogen influenced by convergence at adjacent plate margins; Late Cretaceous-Tertiary thermotectonic history of the Apuseni Mountains

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    The relationship between syn- to post-collisional orogenic shortening and stresses transmitted from other neighboring plate boundaries is important for understanding the kinematics of mountain belts, but has received little attention so far. The Apuseni Mountains are an example of an orogen in the interference zone between two other subduction systems located in the external Carpathians and Dinarides. This interference is demonstrated by the results of a combined thermochronological and structural field study that quantifies the post-collisional latest Cretaceous-Tertiary evolution. The exhumation history derived from apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology indicates that the present-day topography of the Apuseni Mountains originates mainly from latest Cretaceous times, modified by two tectonic pulses during the Paleogene. The latter are suggested by cooling ages clustering around ∌45 Ma and ∌30 Ma and the associated shortening recorded along deep-seated fault systems. Paleogene exhumation pulses are similar in magnitude (∌3.5 km) and are coeval with the final collisional phases recorded in the Dinarides and with part of the Carpathian rotation around the Moesian promontory. These newly quantified Paleogene exhumation and shortening pulses contradict the general view of tectonic quiescence, subsidence and overall sedimentation for this time interval. The Miocene collapse of the Pannonian Basin did not induce significant regional exhumation along the western Apuseni flank, nor did the subsequent Carpathian collision. This is surprising in the overall context of Pannonian Basin formation and its subsequent inversion, in which the Apuseni Mountains were previously interpreted as being significantly uplifted in both deformation stages. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union

    Graben width controlling syn-rift sedimentation : the Palaeogene southern Upper Rhine Graben as an example

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    Eocene to Early Oligocene syn-rift deposits of the southern Upper Rhine Graben (URG) accumulated in restricted environments. Sedimentation was controlled by local clastic supply from the graben flanks, as well as by strong intra-basinal variations in accommodation space due to differential tectonic subsidence, that in turn led to pronounced lateral variations in depositional environment. Three large-scale cycles of intensified evaporite sedimentation were interrupted by temporary changes towards brackish or freshwater conditions. They form three major base level cycles that can be traced throughout the basin, each of them representing a stratigraphic sub-unit. A relatively constant amount of horizontal extension (DL) in the range of 4-5 km has been estimated for the URG from numerous cross-sections. The width of the rift (Lf), however, varies between 35 and more than 60 km, resulting in a variable crustal stretching factor between the bounding masterfaults. Apart from block tilting, tectonic subsidence was, therefore, largely controlled by changes in the initial rift width (L0). The along-strike variations of the graben width are responsible for the development of a deep, trough-like evaporite basin (Potash Basin) in the narrowest part of the southern URG, adjacent to shallow areas in the wider parts of the rift such as the Colmar Swell in the north and the Rhine Bresse Transfer Zone that delimits the URG to the south. Under a constant amount of extension, the along-strike variation in rift width is the principal factor controlling depo-centre development in extensional basins

    Sédimentologie, paléontologie et paléoenvironnements cÎtiers de la région de Porrentruy (Sud-Rhénan, PaléogÚne, Jura, Suisse): implications géodynamiques

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    SituĂ©s dans la partie la plus distale du bassin molassique suisse et dans le prolongement sud du fossĂ© rhĂ©nan, les dĂ©pĂŽts conglomĂ©ratiques appartenant au groupe stratigraphique des Gompholithes & ConglomĂ©rats ont fait l’objet d’une Ă©tude sĂ©dimentologique et palĂ©ontologique dĂ©taillĂ©e. La multitude des affleurements rĂ©alisĂ©s lors des travaux de construction de l’autoroute Transjurane dans la rĂ©gion de Porrentruy (Jura), permet d’apprĂ©hender ces palĂ©oenvironnements rupĂ©liens (OligocĂšne infĂ©rieur). Les Ă©tudes sĂ©dimentologiques et palĂ©ontologiques rĂ©vĂšlent l’existence d’environnements cĂŽtiers avec des falaises de calcaires mĂ©sozoĂŻques entaillĂ©es par des canyons oĂč se trouvent des riviĂšres au rĂ©gime torrentiel. Ces riviĂšres qui Ă©rodent les couches du MĂ©sozoĂŻque crĂ©ent des galets qui sont dĂ©posĂ©s sous la forme de deltas marins progradant vers le nord. A l’abri des exutoires des canyons se dĂ©veloppent quelques environnements lacustres. Ces dĂ©pĂŽts conglomĂ©ratiques sont fortement liĂ©s Ă  l’activitĂ© tectonique rupĂ©lienne. La distension rhĂ©nane et l’activitĂ© de la faille transformante situĂ©e entre le fossĂ© rhĂ©nan et le bassin de la Bresse subdivisent les diffĂ©rents blocs mĂ©sozoĂŻques en horsts et grabens, permettant ainsi l’érosion des sĂ©diments dans les parties hautes (horst) et leur transport dans les zones basses (graben). La dĂ©couverte de rares galets de roches endogĂšnes et effusives dans les dĂ©pĂŽts conglomĂ©ratiques montre un transport du socle des Vosges vers le sud dans la rĂ©gion de Porrentruy par l’intermĂ©diaire sans doute d’une dĂ©rive littorale. Bien que la surrection des Vosges et de la ForĂȘt-Noire et leur mise Ă  l’érosion soient connues dĂšs la base du MiocĂšne, la prĂ©sence de ces galets atteste l’existence de failles dĂšs le dĂ©but du RupĂ©lien qui mettent Ă  l’érosion le socle du massif des Vosges.Located in the distal part of the Swiss Molasse Basin and in the southern extension of the Rhine Graben, the conglomeratic deposits belonging to the Gompholithes & ConglomĂ©rats stratigraphic group have been the object of detailed sedimentological and paleontological studies. The great number of outcrops that came into sight during the building works of the Transjurane highway in the vicinity of Porrentruy (Swiss Jura) lead to a better understanding of Rupelian paleoenvironments (Early Oligocene). The sedimentological and paleontological studies reveal the existence of coastal environments with Mesozoic limestone cliffs notched by canyons with torrential rivers. Those rivers eroding the Mesozoic series create pebbles deposits forming marine deltas prograding towards North. In protected areas, some lacustrine environments can develop. These conglomeratic deposits are strongly bound to the Rupelian tectonic activity. The rhenish distension and the activity of the transform faults located between the Rhine Graben and the Bresse basin divide the Mesozoic blocks in horst and graben structures, thus allowing the erosion of sediments in higher regions (horst) and their transport in lower zones (graben). The discovery of rare pebbles made of endogene and effusive rocks in those conglomeratic deposits shows a transport coming from the Vosges massifs towards south to the Porrentruy region, probably with the support of a littoral drift. Although the surrection of the Vosges and Schwarzwald massifs (and the beginning of their erosion) is normally attributed to the base of the Miocene, the presence of those pebbles attests the existence of faults putting the basement of the Vosges massif to erosion since the base of Rupelian.Im distalsten Teil des schweizerischen Molasse-Beckens und in der SĂŒdverlĂ€ngerung des Rheingrabens befinden sich die Konglomeratablagerungen der stratigraphischen Gruppe Gompholithes & ConglomĂ©rats, die hier einer sedimentologischen und palĂ€ontologischen detaillierten Studie unterzogen werden. Die zahlreichen AufschlĂŒsse, die beim Bau der Autobahn Transjurane in der Region von Porrentruy (Jura) zu Tage getreten sind, erlauben, diese rupelische (fruhes OligozĂ€n) PalĂ€oumgebung besser zu verstehen. Die sedimentologischen und palĂ€ontologischen Studien deuten auf die Existenz einer KĂŒste aus mesozoischen Kalkklippen hin, die von Cañons eingeschnitten wurde. Sintflutartige FlĂŒsse, die das Mesozoikum erodierten, Gerölle sedimentierten, die in einem nach Norden progradierenden Delta in das Meer geschĂŒttet wurden. Lokal entwickelte sich eine lakustrine Umgebung mit kontinentalen Kalksedimenten. Diese Konglomeratablagerungen entstanden im Zusammenhang mit der tektonischen AktivitĂ€t im Rupelium. Die Rheingrabendehnung und die AktivitĂ€t der Blattverschiebungen zwischen dem Rheingraben und dem Bresse-Becken fĂŒhrten zur Zergliederung der mesozoischen Blöcke in Horste und GrĂ€ben. Es resultierte die Erosion der Sedimente in den gehobenen Teilen (Horste) und ihr Transport respektive Ablagerung in die niedrigen Zonen (GrĂ€ben). Die Nachweis von Geröllen endogener und effusiver Gesteine in den Konglomeratablagerungen weist auf einen Transport aus dem Vogesen durch KĂŒstenströmungen in Richtung SĂŒden hin in die Region von Porrentruy und auf die Herkunft der Gerölle aus dem Vogesen Massiv. Die Anhebung der Vogesen und des Schwarzwaldes und der Beginn ihrer Erosion wurde bislang mit Unter-MiozĂ€ns datierte. Unsere Untersuchungen belegen die Existenz von BrĂŒchen, und den Beginn der Erosion schon an der Basis des Rupelium
