1,348 research outputs found

    The RMS Survey: 6 cm continuum VLA observations towards candidate massive YSOs in the northern hemisphere

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    (Abridged) Context: The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey is an ongoing multi-wavelength observational programme designed to return a large, well-selected sample of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). We have identified ∼\sim2000 MYSO candidates located throughout the Galaxy by comparing the colours of MSX and 2MASS point sources to those of known MYSOs. Aims: To identify the populations of UCHII regions and PNe within the sample and examine their Galactic distribution. Method: We have conducted high resolution radio continuum observations at 6 cm towards 659 MYSO candidates in the northern hemisphere (10\degr< l < 250\degr) using the VLA. In addition to these targeted observations we present archival data towards a further 315 RMS sources extracted from a previous VLA survey of the inner Galaxy. Results: We find radio emission towards 272 (∼\sim27% of the observed sample). Using results from other parts of our multi-wavelength survey we separate these RMS-radio associations into two distinct types of objects, classifying 51 as PNe and a further 208 as either compact or UC HII regions. Using this well selected sample of HII regions we estimate their Galactic scale height to be 0.6\degr. Conclusions: Using radio continuum and archival data we have identified 79 PNe and 391 HII regions within the northern RMS catalogue. We estimate the total fraction of contamination by PNe in the RMS sample is of order 10%. The sample of HII regions is probably the best representation to date of the Galactic population of HII regions as a whole.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 15 pages, 9 figures and 5 tables. Full versions of Tables 3, 4 and 5 and Figs. 2, 4 and 7 will only be available via CDS or the RMS website at http:/www.ast.leeds.ac.uk/cgi-bin/RMS/RMS_VLA_IMAGES.cg

    The RMS Survey: Resolving kinematic distance ambiguities towards a sample of compact HII regions using HI absorption

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    We present high-resolution HI data obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array to resolve the near/far distance ambiguities towards a sample of compact HII regions from the Red MSX Source (RMS) survey. The high resolution data are complemented with lower resolution archival HI data extracted from the Southern and VLA Galactic Plane surveys. We resolve the distance ambiguity for nearly all of the 105 sources where the continuum was strong enough to allow analysis of the HI absorption line structure. This represents another step in the determination of distances to the total RMS sample, which with over 1,000 massive young stellar objects and compact HII regions, is the largest and most complete sample of its kind. The full sample will allow the distribution of massive star formation in the Galaxy to be examined.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. This paper consists of 15 pages and contains 10 figures and 5 table

    Probing discs around massive young stellar objects with CO first overtone emission

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    We present high resolution (R~50,000) spectroastrometry over the CO 1st overtone bandhead of a sample of seven intermediate/massive young stellar objects. These are primarily drawn from the red MSX source (RMS) survey, a systematic search for young massive stars which has returned a large, well selected sample of such objects. The mean luminosity of the sample is approximately 5 times 10^4 L_\odot, indicating the objects typically have a mass of ~15 solar masses. We fit the observed bandhead profiles with a model of a circumstellar disc, and find good agreement between the models and observations for all but one object. We compare the high angular precision (0.2-0.8 mas) spectroastrometric data to the spatial distribution of the emitting material in the best-fitting models. No spatial signatures of discs are detected, which is entirely consistent with the properties of the best-fitting models. Therefore, the observations suggest that the CO bandhead emission of massive young stellar objects originates in small-scale disks, in agreement with previous work. This provides further evidence that massive stars form via disc accretion, as suggested by recent simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Characterisation of the Mopra Radio Telescope at 16--50 GHz

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    We present the results of a programme of scanning and mapping observations of astronomical masers and Jupiter designed to characterise the performance of the Mopra Radio Telescope at frequencies between 16-50 GHz using the 12-mm and 7-mm receivers. We use these observations to determine the telescope beam size, beam shape and overall telescope beam efficiency as a function of frequency. We find that the beam size is well fit by λ\lambda/DD over the frequency range with a correlation coefficient of ~90%. We determine the telescope main beam efficiencies are between ~48-64% for the 12-mm receiver and reasonably flat at ~50% for the 7-mm receiver. Beam maps of strong H2_2O (22 GHz) and SiO masers (43 GHz) provide a means to examine the radial beam pattern of the telescope. At both frequencies the radial beam pattern reveals the presence of three components, a central `core', which is well fit by a Gaussian and constitutes the telescopes main beam, and inner and outer error beams. At both frequencies the inner and outer error beams extend out to approximately 2 and 3.4 times the full-width half maximum of the main beam respectively. Sources with angular sizes a factor of two or more larger than the telescope main beam will couple to the main and error beams, and therefore the power contributed by the error beams needs to be considered. From measurements of the radial beam power pattern we estimate the amount of power contained in the inner and outer error beams is of order one-fifth at 22 GHz rising slightly to one-third at 43 GHz.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS

    The RMS Survey: Distribution and properties of a sample of massive young stars

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    The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey has identified a large sample of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and ultra compact (UC) HII regions from a sample of ~2000 MSX and 2MASS colour selected sources. Using a recent catalogue of molecular clouds derived from the Boston University-Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory Galactic Ring Survey (GRS), and by applying a Galactic scaleheight cut off of 120 pc, we solve the distance ambiguity for RMS sources located within 18\degr 54\degr. These two steps yield kinematic distances to 291 sources out of a possible 326 located within the GRS longitude range. Combining distances and integrated fluxes derived from spectral energy distributions, we estimate luminosities to these sources and find that > 90% are indicative of the presence of a massive star. We find the completeness limit of our sample is ~10^4 Lsun, which corresponds to a zero age main sequence (ZAMS) star with a mass of ~12 Msun. Selecting only these sources, we construct a complete sample of 196 sources. Comparing the properties of the sample of young massive stars with the general population, we find the RMS-clouds are generally larger, more massive, and more turbulent. We examine the distribution of this sub-sample with respect to the location of the spiral arms and the Galactic bar and find them to be spatially correlated. We identify three significant peaks in the source surface density at Galactocentric radii of approximately 4, 6 and 8 kpc, which correspond to the proposed positions of the Scutum, Sagittarius and Perseus spiral arms, respectively. Fitting a scale height to the data we obtain an average value of ~29+-0.5 pc, which agrees well with other reported values in the literature, however, we note a dependence of the scale height on galactocentric radius with it increases from 30 pc to 45 pc between 2.5 and 8.5 kpc.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS. Paper consists of 15 pages including 12 figures and four tables. Full versions of Tables 2 and 3 will only be available online. The resolution of Figure 9 has been reduced - a full resolution version of the paper can be download from here: http://www.ast.leeds.ac.uk/cgi-bin/RMS/RMS_PUBLICATIONS.cg

    The RMS Survey: Far-Infrared Photometry of Young Massive Stars

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    Context: The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey is a multi-wavelength campaign of follow-up observations of a colour-selected sample of candidate massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) in the galactic plane. This survey is returning the largest well-selected sample of MYSOs to date, while identifying other dust contaminant sources with similar mid-infrared colours including a large number of new ultra-compact (UC)HII regions. Aims:To measure the far-infrared (IR) flux, which lies near the peak of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of MYSOs and UCHII regions, so that, together with distance information, the luminosity of these sources can be obtained. Methods:Less than 50% of RMS sources are associated with IRAS point sources with detections at 60 micron and 100 micron, though the vast majority are visible in Spitzer MIPSGAL or IRAS Galaxy Atlas (IGA) images. However, standard aperture photometry is not appropriate for these data due to crowding of sources and strong spatially variable far-IR background emission in the galactic plane. A new technique using a 2-dimensional fit to the background in an annulus around each source is therefore used to obtain far-IR photometry for young RMS sources. Results:Far-IR fluxes are obtained for a total of 1113 RMS candidates identified as young sources. Of these 734 have flux measurements using IGA 60 micron and 100 micron images and 724 using MIPSGAL 70 micron images, with 345 having measurements in both data sets.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 2 Tables, accepted to A&A. A full version of table 1 is available from the lead author or at the CDS upon publicatio

    The RMS Survey: The Bolometric Fluxes and Luminosity Distributions of Young Massive Stars

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    Context: The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey is returning a large sample of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and ultra-compact (UC) \HII{} regions using follow-up observations of colour-selected candidates from the MSX point source catalogue. Aims: To obtain the bolometric fluxes and, using kinematic distance information, the luminosities for young RMS sources with far-infrared fluxes. Methods: We use a model spectral energy distribution (SED) fitter to obtain the bolometric flux for our sources, given flux data from our work and the literature. The inputs to the model fitter were optimised by a series of investigations designed to reveal the effect varying these inputs had on the resulting bolometric flux. Kinematic distances derived from molecular line observations were then used to calculate the luminosity of each source. Results: Bolometric fluxes are obtained for 1173 young RMS sources, of which 1069 have uniquely constrained kinematic distances and good SED fits. A comparison of the bolometric fluxes obtained using SED fitting with trapezium rule integration and two component greybody fits was also undertaken, and showed that both produce considerable scatter compared to the method used here. Conclusions: The bolometric flux results allowed us to obtain the luminosity distributions of YSOs and UC\HII{} regions in the RMS sample, which we find to be different. We also find that there are few MYSOs with L ≥\geq 105^{5}\lsol{}, despite finding many MYSOs with 104^{4}\lsol{} ≥\geq L ≥\geq 105^{5}\lsol{}.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted to A&A. The full versions of tables 1 and 2 will be available via the CDS upon publicatio

    The RMS Survey: 13CO observations of candidate massive YSOs in the southern hemisphere

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    Abridged: The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey is an ongoing multi-wavelength observational programme designed to return a large, well-selected sample of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). Here we present 13CO observations made towards 854 MYSOs candidates located in the 3rd and 4th quadrants. We detected 13CO emission towards a total of 751 of the 854 RMS sources observed (~88%). In total 2185 emission components are detected above 3σ\sigma level. Multiple emission profiles are observed towards the majority of these sources - 455 sources (~60%) - with an average of ~4 molecular clouds along the line of sight. These multiple emission features make it difficult to assign a kinematic velocity to many of our sample. We have used archival CS (J=2-1) and maser velocities to resolved the component multiplicity towards 82 sources and have derived a criterion which is used to identify the most likely component for a further 202 multiple component sources. Combined with the single component detections we have obtained unambiguous kinematic velocities towards 580 sources (~80% of the detections). The 171 sources for which we have not been able to determine the kinematic velocity will require additional line data. Using the rotation curve of Brand and Blitz (1993) and their radial velocities we calculate kinematic distances for all components detected.Comment: Summitted to A&A, the resolution of figure 1 has been reduced, samples of Table 3 and Figure 11 are now included but the full version will only be available in the online version of the journa

    The RMS Survey: Mid-Infrared Observations of Candidate Massive YSOs in the Southern Hemisphere

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    Abridged abstract: The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey is an ongoing effort to return a large, well-selected sample of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) within our Galaxy. A series of ground-based follow-up observations are being undertaken in order to remove contaminant objects from our list of 2000 candidates, and to begin characterising these MYSOs. As a part of these follow-up observations, high resolution (~1") mid-IR imaging aids the identification of contaminant objects which are resolved (UCHII regions, PN) as opposed to those which are unresolved (YSOs, evolved stars) as well as identifying YSOs near UCHII regions and other multiple sources. We present 10.4 micron imaging observations for 346 candidate MYSOs in the RMS survey in the Southern Hemisphere, primarily outside the region covered by the GLIMPSE Spitzer Legacy Survey. These were obtained using TIMMI2 on the ESO 3.6m telescope in La Silla, Chile. Our photometric accuracy is of order 0.05Jy, and our astrometric accuracy is 0.8", which is an improvement over the nominal 2" accuracy of the MSX PSC.Comment: 9 page paper accepted to A&A. Online data for table 2 and figure 1 will be available in the published online version of this paper via A&A. The paper contains 7 figures and 3 table
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