503 research outputs found

    World gravity standards

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    In order to use gravity anomalies in geodetic computations and geophysical interpretations, the observed gravity values from which anomalies are derived should be referred to one consistent world wide system. The International Gravity Standardization Net 1971 was adapted by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Moscow in 1971, the network was result of extensive cooperation by many organizations and individuals around the world. The network contains more than 1800 stations around the world. The data used in the adjustment included more than 25,000 gravimetry, pendulum and absolute measurements

    Diurnal defecation rate of moose in southwest Finland

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    An accurate measure of defecation rate is essential for application of pellet group counts in moose (Alces alces) population estimates. We measured the wintertime, diurnal defecation rate of moose by tracking 7 GPS-collared and 22 uncollared moose in southwest Finland. The mean defecation rate was 23.5 ± 4.2 pellet groups/d, one of the highest values reported. The mean defecation rate did not differ between the tracking methods (GPS vs. uncollared moose); limited sample size precluded conclusions about sex and age differences. The defecation rate was not correlated with calendar week, length of accumulation period, or number of diurnal beds. Our results are appropriate for use in southwest Finland when using the pellet group method to assess moose population density

    Derivaattafunktio, sinin ja kosinin derivaatat, monotonisuus ja ääriarvot lukion pitkässä matematiikassa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on osa Oulun yliopiston Avoin oppikirja -projektia, jossa tuotetaan opetusmateriaalia lukion pitkän matematiikan kursseille. Uusista lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteista päätettiin loppuvuodesta 2019 ja ne astuvat voimaan 1.8.2021 alkaen. Tämä tutkielma keskittyy uuden opetussuunnitelman mukaiseen kurssiin MAA6: Derivaatta, ja sisältää sen osat ”derivaattafunktio”, ”sinin ja kosinin derivaatat” sekä ”monotonisuus ja ääriarvot”. Tutkielma perustuu muun muassa ajatusmalliin ongelmalähtöisestä oppimisesta, missä matemaattisten asioiden ymmärtäminen oppilaalle suunnattujen pohdintatehtävien ja tarkkaan valittujen kysymysten avulla on etulinjassa. Samalla pyritään muokkaamaan opettajien asenteita siten, että he olisivat valmiita pohtimaan opetustyylejään ja seuraamaan tarkkaan opetussuunnitelman raameja. Tämän kaiken tavoitteena on kehittää opettajan ja opiskelijan myönteistä asennetta matematiikkaa ja sen opiskelua kohtaan. Tutkielman kirjaosassa uudet opittavat asiat pyritään aina tarkastelemaan havainnollisesti, ennen kuin edetään täsmälliseen määritelmään. Kun edetään havainnollistavasta esitystavasta kohti yleistä määritelmää, rakentuu opiskelijalle mielikuva asiasta ensin, minkä jälkeen esitettävä kenties vaikeampikin matemaattinen kaava saattaa tuntua mielekkäämmin lähestyttävältä. Jokaisessa tehtävässä opiskelijan ajatusprosessiin kiinnitetään huomiota sen sijaan, että tehtävät olisivat pelkkää teknistä suorittamista. Tehtävissä hyödynnetyt ajatusmallit tukeutuvat vahvasti tutkimustyöhön, jota on tehty matematiikan oppimisen parissa. Perusteluosassa kuvaillaan tarkasti, minkälaisia tutkimuksia on käytetty, miten niitä hyödynnetään kirjaosassa ja mitä tavoitteita valituilla tehtävätyypeillä on. Myös tyypilliset tutkimuksissa havaitut harhakäsitykset sekä yleiset virheet on pyritty huomioimaan. Opettajan opas tuo lisävarmuutta opettajalle opetustyöhön: Siellä esitetään vastausten lisäksi muun muassa käytännön vinkkejä siitä, kuinka opiskelijat voivat saada pohdintatehtävistä parhaimman mahdollisen hyödyn. Yksi tärkeä elementti nykyajan lukio-opinnoissa ja ylioppilaskirjoituksissa on sähköisten apuvälineiden hyödyntäminen. Sen vuoksi esimerkiksi GeoGebra-sovelluksen käyttäminen on tutkielmassa vahvasti läsnä. Useissa tehtävissä ratkaisumalleja haetaan visuaalisin keinoin GeoGebraa hyödyntäen, minkä lisäksi tutkielma sisältää käytännön neuvoja sovelluksen käyttöön. Tarjolla on myös runsaasti valmiiksi ohjelmoituja GeoGebra-pohjia, joiden avulla pyritään syventämään aihepiirin ilmiöiden ymmärrystä

    Taxonomic corrections and new records in vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan

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    A series of notes on distribution, taxonomy and nomenclature of some vascular plants in Kyrgyzstan is presented. Two new hybrids (Delphinium × pskemense Sennikov & Lazkov, Perovskia × intermedia Lazkov) are described. The variety Rhinactinidia limoniifolia var. brachyglossa Lazkov & Sennikov and forma Rubus praecox Bertol. f. rutiliflorus H.E.Weber & Sennikov are described for unusual morphotypes of these species. Five transfers from Pyrethrum to Richteria (R. brachanthemoides (Kamelin & Lazkov) Sennikov, R. neglecta (Tzvelev) Sennikov, R. sovetkinae (Kovalevsk.) Sennikov, R. sussamyrensis (Lazkov) Sennikov, R. sect. Trichanthemopsis (Tzvelev) Sennikov) are proposed in conformity with the phylogeny of Anthemideae. Nomenclature is discussed and lectotype is designated for Achillea biebersteinii Afan. Three transfers (Arctium nidulans (Regel) Sennikov, A. sect. Plagiocephalum (Rupr.) Sennikov, Harmsiella olgae (Regel) Sennikov) are proposed because of priority under the current phylogeny of Asteraceae and Lamiaceae. Ten native species (Centaurea chartolepis Greuter, Cousinia hamadae Juz., Hypopitys hypophegea (Wallr.) G.Don, Lemna turionifera Landolt, Lycopus exaltatus L. f., Portulaca granulatostellulata (Poelln.) C.Ricceri & P.V.Arrigoni, P. nitida (Danin & H.G.Baker) C.Ricceri & P.V.Arrigoni, Ranunculus acris L., Rubia laevissima Tschern., Zygophyllum miniatum Cham.) and two aliens (Calystegia spectabilis (Brummitt) Tzvelev, Rubus praecox Bertol.) are new to Kyrgyzstan. Ten species are new to certain mointain ranges. The presence of Sorbus turkestanica (Franch.) Hedl. in Kyrgyzstan is confirmed; this species and S. persica Hedl. are mapped anew for conservation purposes. Otostegia nikitinae Scharasch. and O. schennikovii Scharasch. are synonyms of Harmsiella olgae and therefore need no protection in Kyrgyzstan

    Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae)

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    After a rather turbulent taxonomic history, Dysphanieae (Chenopodioideae, Amaranthaceae) were established to contain five genera, four of which are monospecific (Cycloloma, Neomonolepis, Suckleya, Teloxys) and geographically restricted, and the fifth genus, Dysphania, having a nearly worldwide distribution and comprising ca. 50 species. This study investigates the phylogeny, biogeography and taxonomy of Dysphanieae. We studied specimens from 32 herbaria to infer morphological differences and distribution areas of the species and sampled 121 accessions representing 39 accepted species of the tribe for molecular phylogenetic analyses. The molecular phylogeny tested generic relationships of the tribe and infrageneric relationships of Dysphania on the basis of two plastid DNA markers (atpB-rbcL spacer, rpl16 intron) and two nuclear ribosomal markers (ETS, ITS) and was also used for an ancestral area reconstruction with BioGeoBEARS. Three of the monospecific genera (Neomonolepis, Suckleya, Teloxys) form a basal grade and appear to be relictual lineages of the tribe, while Cycloloma is nested within Dysphania. The ancestral area reconstruction favors a widespread ancestry for Dysphanieae, and the relictual lineages in Asia (Teloxys) and North America (Neomonolepis, Suckleya) might be explained by a wide distribution across Beringia during the Late Oligocene/Early Miocene. Dysphania likely originated in North America; however, the simultaneous diversification into three major clades, an Asian/African, an American and an Australian/African clade, indicates a widespread ancestor at the crown node of Dysphania. Our taxonomic revision results in four accepted genera in Dysphanieae, Dysphania, Neomonolepis, Suckleya and Teloxys. The sectional subdivision for Dysphania is revised. We subdivide the genus into five sections, D. sect. Adenois (13 spp.), D. sect. Botryoides (10 spp.), D. sect. Dysphania (17 spp.), D. sect. Incisa (2 spp.) and D. sect. Margaritaria (4 spp.); three strongly deviating species remain unplaced and need further attention.Peer reviewe

    Active-Site Inhibitors of mTOR Target Rapamycin-Resistant Outputs of mTORC1 and mTORC2

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates cell growth and survival by integrating nutrient and hormonal signals. These signaling functions are distributed between at least two distinct mTOR protein complexes: mTORC1 and mTORC2. mTORC1 is sensitive to the selective inhibitor rapamycin and activated by growth factor stimulation via the canonical phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)→Akt→mTOR pathway. Activated mTORC1 kinase up-regulates protein synthesis by phosphorylating key regulators of mRNA translation. By contrast, mTORC2 is resistant to rapamycin. Genetic studies have suggested that mTORC2 may phosphorylate Akt at S473, one of two phosphorylation sites required for Akt activation; this has been controversial, in part because RNA interference and gene knockouts produce distinct Akt phospho-isoforms. The central role of mTOR in controlling key cellular growth and survival pathways has sparked interest in discovering mTOR inhibitors that bind to the ATP site and therefore target both mTORC2 and mTORC1. We investigated mTOR signaling in cells and animals with two novel and specific mTOR kinase domain inhibitors (TORKinibs). Unlike rapamycin, these TORKinibs (PP242 and PP30) inhibit mTORC2, and we use them to show that pharmacological inhibition of mTOR blocks the phosphorylation of Akt at S473 and prevents its full activation. Furthermore, we show that TORKinibs inhibit proliferation of primary cells more completely than rapamycin. Surprisingly, we find that mTORC2 is not the basis for this enhanced activity, and we show that the TORKinib PP242 is a more effective mTORC1 inhibitor than rapamycin. Importantly, at the molecular level, PP242 inhibits cap-dependent translation under conditions in which rapamycin has no effect. Our findings identify new functional features of mTORC1 that are resistant to rapamycin but are effectively targeted by TORKinibs. These potent new pharmacological agents complement rapamycin in the study of mTOR and its role in normal physiology and human disease

    Red-cell ICAM-4 is a ligand for the monocyte/macrophage integrinCD11c/CD18 : characterization of the binding sites on ICAM-4

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    Intercellular adhesion molecule-4 (ICAM-4) is a unique member of the ICAM family due to its specific expression on erythroid cells and ability to interact with several types of integrins expressed on blood and endothelial cells. The first reported receptors for ICAM-4 were CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18. In contrast to these two, the cellular ligands and the functional role of the third beta2-integrin, CD11c/CD18, have not been well defined. Here we show that ICAM-4 functions as a ligand for the monocyte/macrophage specific CD11c/CD18. Deletion of the individual immunoglobulin domains of ICAM-4 demonstrated that both its domains contain binding sites for CD11c/CD18. Analysis of a panel of ICAM-4 point mutants identified residues that affected binding to the integrin. By molecular modeling the important residues were predicted to cluster in two distinct but spatially close regions of the first domain with an extension to the second domain spatially distant from the other residues. We also identified two peptides derived from sequences of ICAM-4 that are capable of modulating the binding to CD11c/CD18. CD11c/CD18 is expressed on macrophages in spleen and bone marrow. Inhibition of erythrophagocytosis by anti-ICAM-4 and anti-integrin antibodies suggests a role for these interactions in removal of senescent red cells

    The Clinical Frailty Scale is a useful tool for predicting postoperative complications following elective colon cancer surgery at the age of 80 years and above: A prospective, multicentre observational study

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    Aim Identification of the risks of postoperative complications may be challenging in older patients with heterogeneous physical and cognitive status. The aim of this multicentre, observational study was to identify variables that affect the outcomes of colon cancer surgery and, especially, to find tools to quantify the risks related to surgery. Method Patients aged >= 80 years with electively operated Stage I-III colon cancer were recruited. The prospectively collected data included comorbidities, results of the onco-geriatric screening tool (G8), Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS), Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF), and operative and postoperative outcomes. Results A total of 161 patients (mean 84.5 years, range 80-97, 60% female) were included. History of cerebral stroke (64% vs. 37%, p = 0.02), albumin level 31-34 g/l compared with >= 35 g/l (57% vs. 32%, p = 0.007), CFS 3-4 and 5-9 compared with CFS 1-2 (49% and 47% vs. 16%, respectively) and American Society of Anesthesiologists score >3 (77% vs. 28%, P = 0.006) were related to a higher risk of complications. In multivariate logistic regression analysis CFS >= 3 (OR 6.06, 95% CI 1.88-19.5, p = 0.003) and albumin level 31-34 g/l (OR 3.88, 1.61-9.38, p = 0.003) were significantly associated with postoperative complications. Severe complications were more common in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (43% vs. 13%, p = 0.047), renal failure (25% vs. 12%, p = 0.021), albumin level 31-34 g/l (26% vs. 8%, p = 0.014) and CCI >6 (23% vs. 10%, p = 0.034). Conclusion Surgery on physically and cognitively fit aged colon cancer patients with CFS 1-2 can lead to excellent operative outcomes similar to those of younger patients. The CFS could be a useful screening tool for predicting postoperative complications.Peer reviewe

    Plasma osteopontin concentrations in preeclampsia - is there an association with endothelial injury?

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    Background: It has been previously reported that plasma osteopontin (OPN) concentrations are increased in cardiovascular disorders. The goal of the present study was to determine plasma OPN concentrations in healthy pregnant women and preeclamptic patients, and to investigate their relationship to the clinical characteristics of the study subjects and to markers of inflammation [C-reactive protein (CRP)], endothelial activation [von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF: Ag)] or endothelial injury (fibronectin), oxidative stress [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and trophoblast debris (cell-free fetal DNA). Methods: Forty-four patients with preeclampsia and 44 healthy pregnant women matched for age and gestational age were involved in this case-control study. Plasma OPN concentrations were measured with ELISA. Serum CRP concentrations were determined with an autoanalyzer using the manufacturer's reagents. Plasma VWF: Ag was quantified by ELISA, while plasma fibronectin concentrations were measured by nephelometry. Plasma MDA concentrations were estimated by the thiobarbituric acid-based colorimetric assay. The amount of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma was determined by quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene. For statistical analyses, non-parametric methods were applied. Results: Serum levels of CRP, as well as plasma concentrations of VWF: Ag, fibronectin, MDA and cell-free fetal DNA were significantly higher in preeclamptic patients than in healthy pregnant women. There was no significant difference in plasma OPN concentrations between controls and the preeclamptic group. However, preeclamptic patients with plasma fibronectin concentrations in the upper quartile had significantly higher plasma OPN concentrations than those below the 75th percentile, as well as healthy pregnant women [median (interquartile range): 9.38 (8.10-11.99) vs. 7.54 (6.31-9.40) and 7.40 (6.51-8.80) ng/mL, respectively, p < 0.05 for both]. Furthermore, in preeclamptic patients, plasma OPN concentrations showed a significant positive linear association with plasma fibronectin (Spearman R = 0.38, standardized regression coefficient (beta) = 0.41, p < 0.05 for both). Conclusions: Plasma OPN concentrations are increased in preeclamptic patients with extensive endothelial injury. However, further studies are warranted to explore the relationship between OPN and endothelial damage. Clin Chem Lab Med 2010;48: 181-7

    Southern Ocean mesocyclones and polar lows from manually tracked satellite mosaics

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    A new reference dataset of mesocyclone activity over the Southern Ocean has been developed from the manual analysis of high resolution infrared satellite mosaics for winter 2004. Of the total 1735 mesocyclones which were identified and analyzed about three quarters were classified as being ‘polar lows’ (i.e. intense systems; see Rasmussen and Turner 2003). The dataset includes mesocyclone track, size, associated cloud vortex type and background synoptic conditions. Maxima in track density were observed over the Bellingshausen Sea and around East Antarctica and are highly correlated with cyclogenesis regions. A comparison against QuikSCAT and reanalyses wind characteristics shows that the reanalyses, while capturing mesocyclone events, tend to considerably underestimate their wind speed (by up to 10 ms-1). This mesocyclone dataset is available as a reference for further analysis of mesocyclones and for the evaluation and development of cyclone-tracking algorithms