65 research outputs found

    Stratification of responders towards eculizumab using a structural epitope mapping strategy

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    The complement component 5 (C5)-binding antibody eculizumab is used to treat patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). As recently reported there is a need for a precise classification of eculizumab responsive patients to allow for a safe and cost-effective treatment. To allow for such stratification, knowledge of the precise binding site of the drug on its target is crucial. Using a structural epitope mapping strategy based on bacterial surface display, flow cytometric sorting and validation via haemolytic activity testing, we identified six residues essential for binding of eculizumab to C5. This epitope co-localizes with the contact area recently identified by crystallography and includes positions in C5 mutated in non-responders. The identified epitope also includes residue W917, which is unique for human C5 and explains the observed lack of cross-reactivity for eculizumab with other primates. We could demonstrate that Ornithodorus moubata complement inhibitor (OmCI), in contrast to eculizumab, maintained anti-haemolytic function for mutations in any of the six epitope residues, thus representing a possible alternative treatment for patients non-responsive to eculizumab. The method for stratification of patients described here allows for precision medicine and should be applicable to several other diseases and therapeutics

    Critical role for hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2 in the AIF-mediated apoptosis

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    This study establishes HCN2 channels as physiological relevant ‘calcium gates' that mediate apoptosis-inducing factor-dependent cell death in cancer and primary neuronal cells

    Small molecule screening platform for assessment of cardiovascular toxicity on adult zebrafish heart

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular toxicity is a major limiting factor in drug development and requires multiple cost-effective models to perform toxicological evaluation. Zebrafish is an excellent model for many developmental, toxicological and regenerative studies. Using approaches like morpholino knockdown and electrocardiogram, researchers have demonstrated physiological and functional similarities between zebrafish heart and human heart. The close resemblance of the genetic cascade governing heart development in zebrafish to that of humans has propelled the zebrafish system as a cost-effective model to conduct various genetic and pharmacological screens on developing embryos and larvae. The current report describes a methodology for rapid isolation of adult zebrafish heart, maintenance <it>ex vivo</it>, and a setup to perform quick small molecule throughput screening, including an in-house implemented analysis script.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Adult zebrafish were anesthetized and after rapid decapitation the hearts were isolated. The short time required for isolation of hearts allows dissection of multiple fishes, thereby obtaining a large sample size. The simple protocol for <it>ex vivo </it>culture allowed maintaining the beating heart for several days. The in-house developed script and spectral analyses allowed the readouts to be presented either in time domain or in frequency domain. Taken together, the current report offers an efficient platform for performing cardiac drug testing and pharmacological screens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The new methodology presents a fast, cost-effective, sensitive and reliable method for performing small molecule screening. The variety of readouts that can be obtained along with the in-house developed analyses script offers a powerful setup for performing cardiac toxicity evaluation by researchers from both academics and industry.</p

    A global view of protein expression in human cells, tissues, and organs

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    Defining the protein profiles of tissues and organs is critical to understanding the unique characteristics of the various cell types in the human body. In this study, we report on an anatomically comprehensive analysis of 4842 protein profiles in 48 human tissues and 45 human cell lines. A detailed analysis of over 2 million manually annotated, high-resolution, immunohistochemistry-based images showed a high fraction (>65%) of expressed proteins in most cells and tissues, with very few proteins (<2%) detected in any single cell type. Similarly, confocal microscopy in three human cell lines detected expression of more than 70% of the analyzed proteins. Despite this ubiquitous expression, hierarchical clustering analysis, based on global protein expression patterns, shows that the analyzed cells can be still subdivided into groups according to the current concepts of histology and cellular differentiation. This study suggests that tissue specificity is achieved by precise regulation of protein levels in space and time, and that different tissues in the body acquire their unique characteristics by controlling not which proteins are expressed but how much of each is produced

    CDK‐mediated activation of the SCFFBXO28 ubiquitin ligase promotes MYC‐driven transcription and tumourigenesis and predicts poor survival in breast cancer

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    SCF (Skp1/Cul1/F‐box) ubiquitin ligases act as master regulators of cellular homeostasis by targeting key proteins for ubiquitylation. Here, we identified a hitherto uncharacterized F‐box protein, FBXO28 that controls MYC‐dependent transcription by non‐proteolytic ubiquitylation. SCFFBXO28 activity and stability are regulated during the cell cycle by CDK1/2‐mediated phosphorylation of FBXO28, which is required for its efficient ubiquitylation of MYC and downsteam enhancement of the MYC pathway. Depletion of FBXO28 or overexpression of an F‐box mutant unable to support MYC ubiquitylation results in an impairment of MYC‐driven transcription, transformation and tumourigenesis. Finally, in human breast cancer, high FBXO28 expression and phosphorylation are strong and independent predictors of poor outcome. In conclusion, our data suggest that SCFFBXO28 plays an important role in transmitting CDK activity to MYC function during the cell cycle, emphasizing the CDK‐FBXO28‐MYC axis as a potential molecular drug target in MYC‐driven cancers, including breast cancer

    Automatic Filtering and Substantiation of Drug Safety Signals

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    Drug safety issues pose serious health threats to the population and constitute a major cause of mortality worldwide. Due to the prominent implications to both public health and the pharmaceutical industry, it is of great importance to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which an adverse drug reaction can be potentially elicited. These mechanisms can be investigated by placing the pharmaco-epidemiologically detected adverse drug reaction in an information-rich context and by exploiting all currently available biomedical knowledge to substantiate it. We present a computational framework for the biological annotation of potential adverse drug reactions. First, the proposed framework investigates previous evidences on the drug-event association in the context of biomedical literature (signal filtering). Then, it seeks to provide a biological explanation (signal substantiation) by exploring mechanistic connections that might explain why a drug produces a specific adverse reaction. The mechanistic connections include the activity of the drug, related compounds and drug metabolites on protein targets, the association of protein targets to clinical events, and the annotation of proteins (both protein targets and proteins associated with clinical events) to biological pathways. Hence, the workflows for signal filtering and substantiation integrate modules for literature and database mining, in silico drug-target profiling, and analyses based on gene-disease networks and biological pathways. Application examples of these workflows carried out on selected cases of drug safety signals are discussed. The methodology and workflows presented offer a novel approach to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying adverse drug reactions

    Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network

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    Using the Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) technology, the FANTOM5 consortium provided one of the most comprehensive maps of transcription start sites (TSSs) in several species. Strikingly, ~72% of them could not be assigned to a specific gene and initiate at unconventional regions, outside promoters or enhancers. Here, we probe these unassigned TSSs and show that, in all species studied, a significant fraction of CAGE peaks initiate at microsatellites, also called short tandem repeats (STRs). To confirm this transcription, we develop Cap Trap RNA-seq, a technology which combines cap trapping and long read MinION sequencing. We train sequence-based deep learning models able to predict CAGE signal at STRs with high accuracy. These models unveil the importance of STR surrounding sequences not only to distinguish STR classes, but also to predict the level of transcription initiation. Importantly, genetic variants linked to human diseases are preferentially found at STRs with high transcription initiation level, supporting the biological and clinical relevance of transcription initiation at STRs. Together, our results extend the repertoire of non-coding transcription associated with DNA tandem repeats and complexify STR polymorphism

    Resursstöd vid internationalisering : Fallstudie av S.B.E. Svensk Brikettenergi AB

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    I teorier kring företagens internationaliseringsprocess gÄr det att identifiera ett behov av resursstöd frÄn moderbolaget till dotterbolaget under etableringen. Det Àr svÄrt att finna svar pÄ vilka resurser som avses med detta stöd med hjÀlp av den forskning som finns inom de berörda omrÄdena. Syftet med denna studie Àr att identifiera vilka resurser som moderbolaget stöder dotterbolaget med vid en utlandsetablering. Detta görs genom att studera företaget S.B.E. Svensk Brikettenergi AB:s etablering i Lettland. Studien begrÀnsar sig till att undersöka resursstöd ur moderbolagets perspektiv. För att genomföra undersökningen har studien anvÀnt sig av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med resursbaserade teorier som grund. Resursstöd undersöks i de fem resurskategorierna finansiella, fysiska, humana, organisatoriska och teknologiska. Resursstödet har delats upp i företagets fem funktionsomrÄden forskning och utveckling, tillverkning, marknadsföring, finans och ledning. I studien har det identifierats resursstöd inom alla resurskategorier. De finansiella resurserna var svÄra att relatera till ett specifikt funktionsomrÄde dÄ överföringarna dÀr var mer generella och gick till hela verksamheten. De fysiska resurserna var den kategori dÀr vi kunde identifiera resursstöd till minst funktionsomrÄden och det som skett var mestadels pÄ grund av det dÄliga utbudet pÄ den lettiska marknaden. Inom övriga omrÄden, humana, organisatoriska och teknologiska resurser, kunde vi identifiera ett brett stöd dÀr de olika resurskategorierna ofta var kopplade till varandra

    Stöd eller börda? : Fallstudie av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning i BioGaia

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    Ett antal bolagsskandaler i början av 2000-talet i exempelvis Enron och Parmalat försÀmrade allmÀnhetens förtroende för styrelser och bolagsledningar. I och med oegentligheterna i bland annat Skandia pÄverkades Àven de svenska börsbolagen negativt. I ett försök att stÀrka bolagens förtroende tillsatte regeringen en förtroendekommission med uppgift att se över vilka ÄtgÀrder som kunde vara lÀmpliga. Som ett resultat av detta togs Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning (Koden) fram. Koden utgör sjÀlvreglering inom det svenska nÀringslivet och bygger pÄ principen följ eller förklara. Det innebÀr att man kan anses följa Koden som helhet trots att man avviker frÄn enstaka regler i den, förutsatt att man förklarar varför man avviker frÄn regeln. Inledningsvis har Koden tillÀmpats av svenska noterade företag med ett börsvÀrde överstigande tre miljarder kronor. Förslaget Àr nu att Koden ska tillÀmpas av samtliga företag noterade pÄ den nordiska börsen samt NGM Equity. Med anledning av detta har vi undersökt vilken effekt Koden skulle fÄ för BioGaia, ett bolag noterat pÄ den nordiska börsen för mindre bolag. Uppsatsen Àr en fallstudie och syftet Àr att jÀmföra dagens rutiner i bolaget med vad Koden skulle stÀlla för krav. Vi har Àven försökt fÄ svar pÄ vad bolaget anser om Koden samt undersökt om det Àr nÄgot sÀrskilt avsnitt i Koden som bör revideras inför Kodens implementering för denna grupp företag. Vi har kommit fram till att det i BioGaia finns en medvetenhet om koden och att viss frivillig anpassning redan skett. Trots detta sÄ har vi kommit fram till att Koden skulle fÄ relativt stor effekt pÄ bolaget och att bolaget troligen kommer att vÀlja att avvika frÄn ett antal regler i Koden. Avvikelserna motiveras oftast av bolagets storlek eller av det koncentrerade Àgandet. I bolaget finns en viss oro för att Koden kommer att innebÀra stora kostnader och en massmedial debatt dÀr bolag som avviker mer Àn ett visst antal gÄnger klassificeras som oseriösa företag. Vi har Àven kommit fram till att det i nÄgra avseenden vore önskvÀrt med en viss revidering av Koden inför implementeringen hos ytterligare bolag frÄn den 1 juli 2008
