99 research outputs found

    Mengkritisi Iklan Layanan Masyarakat (ILM) Kita

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    Public service advertising is becoming one way to reach communication purpose in Indonesia from both public and private institutions. However, more public service advertisings are having problems in its internal surrounding. For instance, dishonesty factor to be presented, only lips service or to cover weakness of an organization or corporation. The critical review will aim to one balance understanding about how public service advertising presents well from who delivered the message, to what purpose the advertising is delivered and how, and to which community groups the advertising is aiming. Finally, the public service advertising will be the effective way because it has variables that supposed to be had by public service advertising

    Pembagian Harta Bersama Dalam Perceraian Suku Batak Toba Yang Menganut Kepercayaan Parmalim

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    In the Batak Toba tribe which impressed traditional, it has stronger and more strict rules of customs in terms of the distribution of shared assets. Before the emergence of Batak Toba which embraced Christianity, the belief of Parmalim, Parmalim was a spiritual movement to maintain ancient customs and beliefs that were threatened due to the new religion brought by the Dutch. The Batak Toba have a very strong regulation in terms of divorce, almost in Batak Toba households do not know of divorce, but when there is a divorce in the Batak Toba tribe that still adheres to the belief of Parmalim, it is very interesting to study further about the marriage carried out in customs until the divorce was carried out in accordance with the rules of the Batak Toba customs which had the trust of Parmalim up to the distribution of joint assets carried out in a customary manner. The method used in this study is normative juridical supported by empirical jurisdiction. The results of the research, it can be obtained how the sharing of joint assets due to divorce in the Batak Toba tribe which adheres to the belief of Parmalim, disputes regarding joint assets, the resolution of disputes through the customary elders deliberation and the results of deliberation are the applicable laws, as well as factors faced in the distribution of together assets there are internal and external factor

    Pengaruh Waktu Penyimpanan Ovarium Terhadap Kuantitas dan Kualitas Oosit serta Tingkat Maturasi Oosit secara In Vitro pada Sapi Simental

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyimpanan ovarium terhadap kuantitas dan kualitas oosit serta tingkat maturasi oosit secara in vitro. Ovarium yang digunakan berasal dari Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) yang ada di kota Padang dan Payakumbuh. Data dianalisa dengan uji T. Penelitian terdiri dari 3 perlakuan, yaitu waktu penyimpanan selama 3 jam (P1), 6 jam (P2) dan 9 jam (P3). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan waktu penyimpanan tidak memiliki pengaruh yang nyata (P>0.05) terhadap kuantitas oosit. Kuantitas oosit yang dihasilkan pada penyimpanan P1 adalah 463; P2 = 456, dan P3 = 449. Sedangkan untuk kualitas oosit P1, P2, dan P3 secara berturut-turut dengan morfologi grade A = 13,2%; 21%; 7,6%, grade B = 73%; 53,5%; 47,8%, grade C = 7,8%; 14,5%; 22,9%, dan grade D = 6%; 11%; 21,6%. Untuk tingkat maturasi oosit dengan waktu penyimpanan P1, P2, dan P3 secara berturut-turut adalah dengan status inti GV = 22,1%; 12,3%; 26,5%, GVBD = 8,7%; 15,9%; 21,3%, M1 = 1,7%; 11,5%; 10,4%, A/T= 0%; 0,3%; 0%, dan M2 = 67,4%; 60%; 41,8%. Waktu penyimpanan selama 3 jam memberikan kuantitas dan kualitas serta tingkat maturasi oosit secara in vitro terbaik dibandingkan dengan waktu penyimpanan selama 6 jam dan 9 jam

    Pengaruh Peningkatan Lipofilisitas Pada Senyawa Analog Uk-3a Dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker P-388

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    Antibiotic UK-3A contains a 9-membered dilactone ring. It had been isolated as a minor component from the mycelium of 5trepyomyces sp. 51701.The antibiotic was hypothesized to be potential to inhibit the growth of leukemia cancer cell line of P388 and KB with ICso 38 and 20 Dg/mL, respectively. To understand the effect of lipophilicity increase of the analogues on their anticancer activities based on QSAR parameter (Log P) and binding energy to BcL-xL protein. To produce analogues of UK-3A, 3hydroxypicolinyl serine methyl ester (A) was synthesized from 3-hydroxypicolinic acid and L-serine methyl ester. The product was then esterified by pentanoic (1), hexanoic (2), heptanoic (3), and octanoic (4). The final products were confirmed with IHand 13C FT-NMR and FTIR spectra, and also MS spectra. Then they were tested against P388 Murine Leukemia cells. The result of bioassay showed lipophilicity increase of3hydroxypicolinyl serine methyl octhyl ester (PSMOE) correlated positively with their anticancer activity increase, withICso 15.4mg/mL against P388 cell lines

    Survei Cepat terhadap Tikus dan Keong Perantara Schistosomiasis di Daerah Endemis, Dataran Tinggi Bada Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah

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    Schistosomiasis merupakan penyakit terabaikan (neglected disease) yang ditemukan endemis di Sulawesi Tengah, yaitu di Dataran Tinggi Lindu, Napu dan Bada. Dataran tinggi Bada merupakan daerah endemis schistosomiasis yang baru ditemukan pada tahun 2008. Survei cepat ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai infection rate schistosomiasis pada keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis dan tikus, serta identifikasi tikus sebagai mamalia hospes definitif selain manusia di Bada. Survei dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2015. Pemeriksaan serkaria keong dilakukan dengan metode crushing. Tikus yangdiperoleh diidentifikasi kemudian dibedah untuk memperoleh cacing chistosoma japonicum dan penentuan infection rate pada tikus. Ditemukan tiga keong positif serkaria S.japonicum (infection rate 15%) dari 20 keong yang diperiksa. Diperoleh tiga ekor tikus positif cacing S.japonicum dari 20 perangkap yang dipasang (infection rate 100%). Jenis tikus yang diperoleh adalah Rattus norvegicus, R.argentiventer dan Paruromys dominator. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa tingkat infeksi schistosomiasis pada binatang cukup tinggi, sehingga menyebabkan siklus silvatik terus berlangsung

    Design of Portable Catalytic Converter with Temperature Control Based on Arduino for Waste Gas Diesel Engine

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    Catalityc  converter is  device  that  using  of  catalyst  media.The  media of  catalyst is  expected  to  accelerate  the reaction  rate  at  a  certain  temperature.  In  the  process  of  combustion  of  fuel  and  air  in  addition  to  enthalpy, residual  combustion  products  are  emissions  or  pollutants  of  CO,  CO2,  NOx,  HC,  soot  or  smoke  and  other elements that can pollute the  environment and can endanger human  health. Diesel engines produce more soot and NOx gas pollutants than gasoline motors, but produce lower CO2. With the regulation of the temperature of the  catalytic  converter  installed  in the  exhaust  manifold  system  or  diesel  engine  exhaust  can  reduce  exhaust emissions in the  form of black smoke or soot. The testing  of this study  used a quasi experimental  method by comparing the exhaust gas data produced by diesel motors on the exhaust manifold system both those using and without catalytic converters.  Data retrieval is carried out conditioned at room  temperature during testing. The test starts at the rotation of the diesel engine 1500 RPM to 4000 RPM with an increase in rotation every 500 RPM. The overall results of using catalytic converters are very effective in reducing the density of the smoke or opacity of the diesel engine its was average of 18.69%

    Changes in synaptic transmission and protein expression in the brains of adult offspring after prenatal inhibition of the kynurenine pathway

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    During early brain development, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are involved in cell migration, neuritogenesis, axon guidance and synapse formation, but the mechanisms which regulate NMDA receptor density and function remain unclear. The kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism includes an agonist (quinolinic acid) and an antagonist (kynurenic acid) at NMDA receptors and we have previously shown that inhibition of the pathway using the kynurenine-3-monoxygenase inhibitor Ro61-8048 in late gestation produces rapid changes in protein expression in the embryos and effects on synaptic transmission lasting until postnatal day 21 (P21). The present study sought to determine whether any of these effects are maintained into adulthood. After prenatal injections of Ro61-8048 the litter was allowed to develop to P60 when some offspring were euthanized and the brains removed for examination. Analysis of protein expression by Western blotting revealed significantly reduced expression of the GluN2A subunit (32%) and the morphogenetic protein sonic hedgehog (31%), with a 29% increase in the expression of doublecortin, a protein associated with neurogenesis. No changes were seen in mRNA abundance using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Neuronal excitability was normal in the CA1 region of hippocampal slices but paired-pulse stimulation revealed less inhibition at short interpulse intervals. The amount of long-term potentiation was decreased by 49% in treated pups and recovery after low-frequency stimulation was delayed. The results not only strengthen the view that basal, constitutive kynurenine metabolism is involved in normal brain development, but also show that changes induced prenatally can affect the brains of adult offspring and those changes are quite different from those seen previously at weaning (P21). Those changes may be mediated by altered expression of NMDAR subunits and sonic hedgehog
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