2,207 research outputs found


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    Grounding is the process of achieving mutual understanding or belief about what was said between participants in a conversation. Its role is of a paramount important in communication to succeed. This paper examines the models of grounding styles that commonly occur among the teens. The study employed qualitative approach to analyze specific utterances using Clark’s and Traum’s theories of grounding in communication. The research has shown the use of tag questions is less than the use of interrogative forms. The switch of topic dialogue from an uninformative to informative one is another grounding style that the respondents adopted

    Dynamics Dakwah Social Tuan Guru in Improving the Religion of the Religious People in the Lombok Community

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    In this research, the writer examines the social dynamics of the teachings of Tuan Guru in enhancing religious harmony in the Lombok community. This study also tries to reveal the existence of the Tuan Guru in terms of da'wah, social aspects, preservation of cultural traditions and religious patterns of the Lombok people. This study found that Tuan Guru in Lombok has a very broad position and role, not only in religious aspects, but also in the social, economic and political fields. With the capacity in his possession Tuan Guru gives a social propaganda about the importance of religious harmony, the propaganda is not only done in society but through educational institutions as well as boarding school

    Linking Transformational Leadership to Organizational Learning Culture and Employee Performance: the Mediation-Moderation Model

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    Purpose:   This study focuses on examining the role of organizational learning culture as a mediator and moderator variable between transformational leadership and employee performance. The model and the relationship between these variables have been tested at the community health center in Indonesia.   Theoretical framework: In The Full Range Leadership Model, Avolio and Bass (1991) offer transformational leadership as one of the most effective leadership styles in mobilizing employees and advancing modern organizations. Transformational leadership encourages employees' self-confidence, optimism and commitment to better continue learning in order to achieve superior performance. However, based on the inconsistent findings, mediator and moderator variables are required to confirm a clearer relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance. Therefore, the novelty of this study is to extend organizational learning culture as a mediating and moderating variable to link these relationships.   Design/methodology/approach:  All permanent employees who work in the community health center sector have been contacted to serve as research samples. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) utilizing SmartPLS 3.0 software is used to verify the proposed hypotheses.   Findings: The findings evidence indicated that transformational leadership is significantly associated with employee performance and organizational learning culture. Furthermore, organizational learning culture is significantly associated with employee performance. In addition, organizational learning culture exhibits a mediating and moderating role between transformational leadership and employee performance.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The evidence of this study offer theoretical and practical implications for strengthening organizational learning culture in the workplace in order to improve sustainable employee performance.   Originality/value:  This study provides and offers an academic contribution regarding the effect of organizational learning culture in mediating and moderating the relationship between transformational leadership and employee performance at the community health center in Indonesia.Propósito: Este estudio se centra en examinar el papel de la cultura de aprendizaje organizacional como variable mediadora y moderadora entre el liderazgo transformacional y el desempeño de los empleados. El modelo y la relación entre estas variables se han probado en el centro de salud comunitario en Indonesia.   Metodología: Se ha contactado a todos los empleados permanentes que laboran en el sector de los centros de salud comunitarios para que sirvan como muestras de investigación. El modelo de ecuación estructural de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) utilizando el software SmartPLS 3.0 se utiliza para verificar las hipótesis propuestas.   Conclusiones: The findings evidence indicated that transformational leadership is significantly associated with employee performance and organizational learning culture. Furthermore, organizational learning culture is significantly associated with employee performance. In addition, organizational learning culture exhibits a mediating and moderating role between transformational leadership and employee performance.   Implicaciones de la Investigación: La evidencia de este estudio ofrece implicaciones teóricas y prácticas para fortalecer la cultura de aprendizaje organizacional en el lugar de trabajo para mejorar el desempeño sostenible de los empleados.Objetivo: Este estudo se concentra em examinar o papel da cultura de aprendizagem organizacional como uma variável mediadora e moderadora entre a liderança transformacional e o desempenho do funcionário. O modelo e a relação entre essas variáveis foram testados no centro comunitário de saúde da Indonésia.   Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Todos os servidores efetivos que atuam no setor de centro comunitário de saúde foram contatados para servirem de amostra da pesquisa. A modelagem de equações estruturais de mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-SEM) utilizando o software SmartPLS 3.0 é usada para verificar as hipóteses propostas.   Resultados: As evidências dos resultados indicaram que a liderança transformacional está significativamente associada ao desempenho do funcionário e à cultura de aprendizagem organizacional. Além disso, a cultura de aprendizagem organizacional está significativamente associada ao desempenho dos funcionários. Além disso, a cultura de aprendizagem organizacional exibe um papel mediador e moderador entre a liderança transformacional e o desempenho do funcionário.   Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: As evidências deste estudo oferecem implicações teóricas e práticas para fortalecer a cultura de aprendizagem organizacional no local de trabalho, a fim de melhorar o desempenho sustentável dos funcionários.   Originalidade/valor: Este estudo fornece e oferece uma contribuição acadêmica sobre o efeito da cultura de aprendizagem organizacional na mediação e moderação da relação entre liderança transformacional e desempenho do funcionário no centro de saúde da comunidade na Indonésia

    Implementasi pendidikan karakter pada pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam (studi pada SMA Negeri 2 Long Ikis kabupaten Paser Kalimantan Timur)

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    Pada hakekatnya manusia mempunyai potensi fujur dan taqwa. Ketakwaan yang dimiliki manusia, akan melahirkan karakter yang baik. Begitu pentingnya karakter bangsa yang harus dimiliki manusia, para founding father paling tidak ada tiga tantangan besar yang dihadapi, pertama, mendirikan negara yang bersatu dan berdaulat, Kedua, membangun bangsa, Ketiga, pembangunan karakter bangsa (nation and character building). Fokus yang dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini adalah: nilai-nilai kakter apa saja yang termuat dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Negeri 2 Long Ikis, Bagaimana guru mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter dalam materi ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Negeri 2 Long Ikis, Bagaimana guru mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai karakter dalam membangun perilaku siswa di SMA Negeri 2 Long Ikis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai karakter apa saja yang termuat dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam Agama di SMA Negeri 2 Long Ikis, untuk mendeskripsikan guru dalam mengingtegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter dalam materi ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Negeri 2 Long Ikis, untuk mendeskripsikan guru dalam menimplementasikan nilai-nilai klarakter dalam membangun perilaku siswa di SMA Negeri 2 Long Ikis. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara menganalisa data secara kualitatif


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    Faktanya tidak semua orang dapat melakukan aktifitas olahraga secara rutin, hal ini dikarenakan aktifitas setiap orang berbeda-beda, terutama berkaitan dengan profesinya, menjadi seorang ibu rumah tangga dapat dibilang pekerjaan yang monoton karena pekerjaan yang setiap harinya itu-itu saja namun untuk bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan seorang ibu rumah tangga tidaklah mudah dan dibutuhkan kondisi fisik yang prima seorang ibu rumah tangga perlu menjaga tubuhnya agar tetap bugar salah satunya yaitu dengan berolahraga.Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis ada atau tidaknya hubungan tingkat pengetahuan olahraga kesehatan dengan partisipasi ibu rumah tangga dalam berolahraga. Penelitian ini dilakukan di car free day dago Bandung dengan sampel ibu rumah tangga usia produktif yang berkisar antara 15-59 tahun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif korelasi dengan menggunakan teknik sampel purpossive sampling pada 30 ibu rumah tangga yang dating ke car free day dago Bandung, instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner (angket). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan tentang olahraga kesehatan dengan angka partisipasi,r = 0.541. p = 0.002 < 0.005.;--- The fact is not everyone can do sports activities on a regular basis, this is because the activities of each person is different, mainly related to the profession, being a housewife could arguably monotonous work because work every day-that's it, but to be able to do the job a housewife is not easy and it takes excellent physical condition, a housewife needs to keep his body in order to stay fit, one of them is through exercise. the purposes of the research is to analyze whether there is any correlation with the level of knowledge of health sport participation rates housewife in sport. This research was carried out in Bandung Dago car free day with a sample of housewifes productive age ranging between 15-59 years. The method used is descriptive method correlation using purposive sampling technique at 30 housewifes who come to Bandung Dago car free day, the instrument used is questionnaire (questionnaire). The result of the research show that there is a significant correlation between knowledge about the health of the sport participation, r = 0541. p = 0.002 <0.005

    Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Berbasis Dakwah Entrepreneurship di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain Narmada dalam Dimensi Al Qur'an

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    Humans are given the power to navigate this nature so that they can benefit from this natural wealth such as by cultivating tilapia. Not only fish farming, humans can get results, but also with trade or commerce which for the students of the Nurul Haramain Narmada Islamic boarding school by forming a boarding school cooperative, and cultivating agricultural land, so that entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship has a positive impact on the students of the Nurul Haraimain Islamic boarding school and has positive implications for the surrounding community. God has bestowed various favors, besides humans being able to enjoy natural resources, the produce of the earth can also be used as a means of connecting between regions. This is how God bestows on humans to worship Him and achieve prosperity in life. The use of natural resources discussed in the Qur'an is a form of depiction of entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs as achieving balance in human life in the world and the hereafter, therefore entrepreneurship-based education is very important to be practiced, especially in the Nurul Haramain Narmada Islamic boarding school and it turns out that entrepreneurship-based education have a positive impact both among students and the surrounding community

    Participatory model approach for organic agriculture in Karnataka India

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    Organic Agriculture concepts played an important role in changing the paradigm of agricultural development and have proven feasible to effectively halt or greatly reduce natural resources degradation and to intensify agricultural production. The development of organic farming is nowadays seen as a possible solution to meet the different objectives of sustainable development. Organic Agriculture has been presented as a potential way of reducing the externalities of current Agricultural practices. In this context, participatory approach to agricultural research represents an important learning opportunity for all the stakeholders involved. Where Organic agriculture needs a multi disciplinary approaches to address the ecological and economical issues concerned. Participatory research proved more efficient and cost effective than the conventional research methodology (Pretty, 1995). In this backdrop, this study made an attempt to briefly elucidate the modeling techniques as qualitative methods, and high lights the complimenting dimensions (technical, environmental, economic, cultural, and political) of Organic Agriculture that ensures it a practical model for sustainability of production at farm level and of food supply to communities, It also critically analyses the socio economic characteristics of organic farmers in the study area


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    During the last two decades, there has also been a significant sensitization of the global community towards environmental preservation and assuring of food quality. Ardent promoters of organic farming consider that it can meet both these demands and become the mean for complete development of rural areas. After almost a century of development organic agriculture is now being embraced by the mainstream and shows great promise commercially, socially and environmentally. While there is continuum of thought from earlier days to the present, the modern organic movement is radically different from its original form. It now has environmental sustainability at its core in addition to the founders concerns for healthy soil, healthy food and healthy people. The empirical evidences of efficiency analysis of Organic and conventional farming systems are scarce or even absent. In the above setting, this study made an attempt to critically examine the contemporary alternate agriculture and the perception of organic farming as perceived by farmers


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    Purpose of the study: This study examines the capacity planning of the new autonomous region (DOB) in the Seluma regency of Bengkulu province, Indonesia. Methodology: By applying the descriptive qualitative research and interactive model, the results show that capacity planning becomes an important process involved by all stakeholders. Moreover, the planning process, which reflected the development and implementation of the DOB’s objectives, includes four approaches (1) technocratic; (2) political; (3) top-down/bottom-up; and (4) participatory. Main Findings: The findings imply that policy actors are required to respond to parts of the process that have not been effectively accommodated. Additional planning further should be based on the results of academic studies and expert opinions. Therefore, it needs a strategy and capacity planning to deal with these threats employing diversification strategies to increase creativity and innovation. Applications of this study: This study can be useful in the government and regional development. This study can be useful to plan work programs every year as set out by the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in line with the vision and mission of the elected Regent. In addition, this study also can harmonize the APBD with the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN), the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), and the Regional Long-Term and Medium-Term Development Plan, so that all work programs can be implemented according to community needs. Novelty/Originality of this study: There are a few studies have been done so for on this sample. This study has value for the implementers (ASN) of BAPEDA in planning the work program of the new autonomous regional government

    MGNREGA for inclusive development in India: an analysis

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    The rural development strategies in India made remarkable achievements in the long saga of social and economic welfare of people living in rural India. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is considered as a vibrating force for eradicating rural poverty and unemployment, by way of generating demand for productive labour force in villages. It provides an alternative source of livelihood which will have an impact on reducing migration, alleviating poverty, and making villages selfsustaining through productive assets creation such as road construction, soil and water conservation, etc. For which, it has been considered as the largest anti-poverty programme in India. In this paper, an attempt has been made to comprehensively understand the livelihood strategies though rural employment generation. The researcher used qualitative research methodologies to obtain information pertaining to the study through the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). The study revealed that MGNREGAS generating demand for productive labour force in Indian villages. It provides an alternative source of livelihood which will have an impact on, alleviating poverty, and making villages self-sustaining through productive assets creation under social and physical infrastructure facilities. The study also found that there is a much scope for inclusive development of the social groups. To sum up, it is observed that, the scheme played a vibrant role as a safety net for the unemployed youths in the study area