280 research outputs found

    Multidimensional cosmological models: cosmological and astrophysical implications and constraints

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    We investigate four-dimensional effective theories which are obtained by dimensional reduction of multidimensional cosmological models with factorizable geometry and consider the interaction between conformal excitations of the internal space (geometrical moduli excitations) and Abelian gauge fields. It is assumed that the internal space background can be stabilized by minima of an effective potential. The conformal excitations over such a background have the form of massive scalar fields (gravitational excitons) propagating in the external spacetime. We discuss cosmological and astrophysical implications of the interaction between gravexcitons and four-dimensional photons as well as constraints arising on multidimensional models of the type considered in our paper. In particular, we show that due to the experimental bounds on the variation of the fine structure constant, gravexcitons should decay before nucleosynthesis starts. For a successful nucleosynthesis the masses of the decaying gravexcitons should be m>10^4 GeV. Furthermore, we discuss the possible contribution of gravexcitons to UHECR. It is shown that, at energies of about 10^{20}eV, the decay length of gravexcitons with masses m>10^4 GeV is very small, but that for m <10^2 GeV it becomes much larger than the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cut-off distance. Finally, we investigate the possibility for gravexciton-photon oscillations in strong magnetic fields of astrophysical objects. The corresponding estimates indicate that even the high magnetic field strengths of magnetars are not sufficient for an efficient and copious production of gravexcitons.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e, minor changes, improved references, to appear in PR

    Galaxy Clusters as Reservoirs of Heavy Dark Matter and High-Energy Cosmic Rays: Constraints from Neutrino Observations

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    Galaxy Clusters (GCs) are the largest reservoirs of both dark matter and cosmic rays (CRs). Dark matter self-annihilation can lead to a high luminosity in gamma rays and neutrinos, enhanced by a strong degree of clustering in dark matter substructures. Hadronic CR interactions can also lead to a high luminosity in gamma rays and neutrinos, enhanced by the confinement of CRs from cluster accretion/merger shocks and active galactic nuclei. We show that IceCube/KM3Net observations of high-energy neutrinos can probe the nature of GCs and the separate dark matter and CR emission processes, taking into account how the results depend on the still-substantial uncertainties. Neutrino observations are relevant at high energies, especially at >10 TeV. Our results should be useful for improving experimental searches for high-energy neutrino emission. Neutrino telescopes are sensitive to extended sources formed by dark matter substructures and CRs distributed over large scales. Recent observations by Fermi and imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes have placed interesting constraints on the gamma-ray emission from GCs. We also provide calculations of the gamma-ray fluxes, taking into account electromagnetic cascades inside GCs, which can be important for injections at sufficiently high energies. This also allows us to extend previous gamma-ray constraints to very high dark matter masses and significant CR injections at very high energies. Using both neutrinos and gamma rays, which can lead to comparable constraints, will allow more complete understandings of GCs. Neutrinos are essential for some dark matter annihilation channels, and for hadronic instead of electronic CRs. Our results suggest that the multi-messenger observations of GCs will be able to give useful constraints on specific models of dark matter and CRs. [Abstract abridged.]Comment: 31 pages, 20 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in JCAP, references and discussions adde

    A four-dimensional {\Lambda}CDM-type cosmological model induced from higher dimensions using a kinematical constraint

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    A class of cosmological solutions of higher dimensional Einstein field equations with the energy-momentum tensor of a homogeneous, isotropic fluid as the source are considered with an anisotropic metric that includes the direct sum of a 3-dimensional (physical, flat) external space metric and an n-dimensional (compact, flat) internal space metric. A simple kinematical constraint is postulated that correlates the expansion rates of the external and internal spaces in terms of a real parameter {\lambda}. A specific solution for which both the external and internal spaces expand at different rates is given analytically for n=3. Assuming that the internal dimensions were at Planck length scales when the external space starts with a Big Bang (t=0), they expand only 1.49 times and stay at Planck length scales even in the present age of the universe (13.7 Gyr). The effective four dimensional universe would exhibit a behavior consistent with our current understanding of the observed universe. It would start in a stiff fluid dominated phase and evolve through radiation dominated and pressureless matter dominated phases, eventually going into a de Sitter phase at late times.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures; matches the version published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Dark Matter and Fundamental Physics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a project for a next-generation observatory for very high energy (GeV-TeV) ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, currently in its design phase, and foreseen to be operative a few years from now. Several tens of telescopes of 2-3 different sizes, distributed over a large area, will allow for a sensitivity about a factor 10 better than current instruments such as H.E.S.S, MAGIC and VERITAS, an energy coverage from a few tens of GeV to several tens of TeV, and a field of view of up to 10 deg. In the following study, we investigate the prospects for CTA to study several science questions that influence our current knowledge of fundamental physics. Based on conservative assumptions for the performance of the different CTA telescope configurations, we employ a Monte Carlo based approach to evaluate the prospects for detection. First, we discuss CTA prospects for cold dark matter searches, following different observational strategies: in dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, in the region close to the Galactic Centre, and in clusters of galaxies. The possible search for spatial signatures, facilitated by the larger field of view of CTA, is also discussed. Next we consider searches for axion-like particles which, besides being possible candidates for dark matter may also explain the unexpectedly low absorption by extragalactic background light of gamma rays from very distant blazars. Simulated light-curves of flaring sources are also used to determine the sensitivity to violations of Lorentz Invariance by detection of the possible delay between the arrival times of photons at different energies. Finally, we mention searches for other exotic physics with CTA.Comment: (31 pages, Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics

    Dark Matter in the MSSM

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    We have recently examined a large number of points in the parameter space of the phenomenological MSSM, the 19-dimensional parameter space of the CP-conserving MSSM with Minimal Flavor Violation. We determined whether each of these points satisfied existing experimental and theoretical constraints. This analysis provides insight into general features of the MSSM without reference to a particular SUSY breaking scenario or any other assumptions at the GUT scale. This study opens up new possibilities for SUSY phenomenology both in colliders and in astrophysical experiments. Here we shall discuss the implications of this analysis relevant to the study of dark matter.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figs; Journal version in NJP issue "Focus on Dark Matter and Particle Physics". Previous version had 26 pages, 19 figures. Text and some figures have been update

    Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report

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    We present the activities of the "New Physics" working group for the "Physics at TeV Colliders" workshop (Les Houches, France, 30 May-17 June, 2011). Our report includes new agreements on formats for interfaces between computational tools, new tool developments, important signatures for searches at the LHC, recommendations for presentation of LHC search results, as well as additional phenomenological studies.Comment: 243 pages, report of the Les Houches 2011 New Physics Group; fix three figure

    Precision Unification in \lambda SUSY with a 125 GeV Higgs

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    It is challenging to explain the tentative 125 GeV Higgs signal in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) without introducing excessive fine-tuning, and this motivates the study of non-minimal implementations of low energy supersymmetry (SUSY). A term \lambda SH_uH_d involving a Standard Model (SM) singlet state S leads to an additional source for the quartic interaction raising the mass of the lightest SM-like Higgs. However, in order to achieve m_h \approx 125 GeV with light stops and small stop mixing, it is necessary for \lambda \gtrsim 0.7 and consequently \lambda may become non-perturbative before the unification scale. Moreover, as argued by Barbieri, Hall, et al. low fine-tuning prefers the region \lambda~1-2, leading to new or non-perturbative physics involving S below the GUT scale (`\lambda SUSY' models). This raises the concern that precision gauge coupling unification, the prime piece of indirect experimental evidence for low energy SUSY, may be upset. Using the NSVZ exact \beta-function along with well motivated assumptions on the strong coupling dynamics we show that this is not necessarily the case, but rather there exist classes of UV completions where the strong-coupling effects can naturally correct for the present ~3% discrepancy in the two-loop MSSM unification prediction for \alpha_s. Moreover, we argue that in certain scenarios a period of strong coupling can also be beneficial for t-b unification, while maintaining the small to moderate values of tan\beta preferred by the Higgs mass.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, v2. Discussion regarding evolution of Yukawa couplings and t-b unification added, accepted for publication in JHE

    Evidence for Diffuse Central Retinal Edema In Vivo in Diabetic Male Sprague Dawley Rats

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    Background: Investigations into the mechanism of diffuse retinal edema in diabetic subjects have been limited by a lack of animal models and techniques that co-localized retinal thickness and hydration in vivo. In this study we test the hypothesis that a previously reported supernormal central retinal thickness on MRI measured in experimental diabetic retinopathy in vivo represents a persistent and diffuse edema. Methodology/Principal Findings: In diabetic and age-matched control rats, and in rats experiencing dilutional hyponatremia (as a positive edema control), whole central retinal thickness, intraretinal water content and apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC, ‘water mobility’) were measured in vivo using quantitative MRI methods. Glycated hemoglobin and retinal thickness ex vivo (histology) were also measured in control and diabetic groups. In the dilutional hyponatremia model, central retinal thickness and water content were supernormal by quantitative MRI, and intraretinal water mobility profiles changed in a manner consistent with intracellular edema. Groups of diabetic (2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 mo of diabetes), and age-matched controls were then investigated with MRI and all diabetic rats showed supernormal whole central retinal thickness. In a separate study in 4 mo diabetic rats (and controls), MRI retinal thickness and water content metrics were significantly greater than normal, and ADC was subnormal in the outer retina; the increase in retinal thickness was not detected histologically on sections of fixed and dehydrated retinas from these rats

    Rod and Cone Pathway Signalling Is Altered in the P2X7 Receptor Knock Out Mouse

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    The P2X7 receptor (P2X7-R) is expressed in the retina and brain and has been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. However, whether it is expressed by neurons and plays a role as a neurotransmitter receptor has been the subject of controversy. In this study, we first show that the novel vesicular transporter for ATP, VNUT, is expressed in the retina, verifying the presence of the molecular machinery for ATP to act as neurotransmitter at P2X7-Rs. Secondly we show the presence of P2X7-R mRNA and protein in the retina and cortex and absence of the full length variant 1 of the receptor in the P2X7-R knock out (P2X7-KO) mouse. The role of the P2X7-R in neuronal function of the retina was assessed by comparing the electroretinogram response of P2X7-KO with WT mice. The rod photoreceptor response was found to be similar, while both rod and cone pathway post-photoreceptor responses were significantly larger in P2X7-KO mice. This suggests that activation of P2X7-Rs modulates output of second order retinal neurons. In line with this finding, P2X7-Rs were found in the outer plexiform layer and on inner retinal cell classes, including horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells. The receptor co-localized with conventional synapses in the IPL and was expressed on amacrine cells post-synaptic to rod bipolar ribbon synapses. In view of the changes in visual function in the P2X7-KO mouse and the immunocytochemical location of the receptor in the normal retina, it is likely the P2X7-R provides excitatory input to photoreceptor terminals or to inhibitory cells that shape both the rod and cone pathway response
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