255 research outputs found

    P66Shc signals to age

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    Oxygen metabolism is thought to impact on aging through the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are supposed to damage biological molecules. The study of p66Shc, a crucial regulator of ROS level involved in aging dysfunction, suggests that the incidence of degenerative disease and longevity are determined by a specific signaling function of ROS other than their unspecific damaging property

    El neuromarketing y su aplicación en las pymes argentinas.

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    Trabajo final de práctica profesionalExisten infinidad de factores que influyen en la conducta y decisiones de compra de los consumidores. El neuromarketing es una disciplina cuyo campo de acción interrelaciona y hace uso de técnicas y herramientas de otras ciencias para estudiar los procesos cerebrales que explican dichas conductas. El campo de actuación del neuromarketing va más allá de elegir características en los productos o campañas de publicidad que sean atractivos para los consumidores, busca despertar estímulos en ellos. Existe la creencia errónea de que el neuromarketing está reservado a grandes compañías. Sin embargo, el gran motor económico de nuestro país son las pequeñas y medianas empresas que impulsan a la economía y generan empleo. Por ello, el presente trabajo buscó derribar dicho pensamiento a fin de que puedan concebirlo como una herramienta de gestión que que favorezca el diseño de estrategias de posicionamiento de las pymes en el mercado. La metodología aplicada para la elaboración del trabajo se basó en la investigación teórica sobre las principales teorías que tienen como objeto de estudio : el neuromarketing en las empresas pymes a través de la "técnica de colores", psicología de color, entre otros temas relevantes buscando utilizar el enfoque sistémico en la realización de este trabajo. El propósito final se orientó en encontrar conclusiones respeto a las distintas formas de aplicar el neuromarketing dando un caso práctico en una pyme del rubro de iluminación de la localidad de San Martín, siendo la herramienta considerada la "Técnica de color" por ser una de las formas más económicas y sencillas de implementación del neuromarketing. De esta manera se buscó brindar recomendaciones que mejoren sustancialmente la forma de promocionar y vender los productos favoreciendo un mejor posicionamiento y poder de competencia en el mercado.Fil: Pereira, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Economía y NegociosFil: Perez, Estefanía. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Economía y NegociosFil: Trinei, Maricel. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Economía y Negocio

    The Life Span Determinant p66Shc Localizes to Mitochondria Where It Associates with Mitochondrial Heat Shock Protein 70 and Regulates Trans-membrane Potential

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    P66Shc regulates life span in mammals and is a critical component of the apoptotic response to oxidative stress. It functions as a downstream target of the tumor suppressor p53 and is indispensable for the ability of oxidative stress-activated p53 to induce apoptosis. The molecular mechanisms underlying the apoptogenic effect of p66Shc are unknown. Here we report the following three findings. (i) The apoptosome can be properly activated in vitro in the absence of p66Shc only if purified cytochrome c is supplied. (ii) Cytochrome c release after oxidative signals is impaired in the absence of p66Shc. (iii) p66Shc induces the collapse of the mitochondrial trans-membrane potential after oxidative stress. Furthermore, we showed that a fraction of cytosolic p66Shc localizes within mitochondria where it forms a complex with mitochondrial Hsp70. Treatment of cells with ultraviolet radiation induced the dissociation of this complex and the release of monomeric p66Shc. We propose that p66Shc regulates the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis by inducing mitochondrial damage after dissociation from an inhibitory protein complex. Genetic and biochemical evidence suggests that mitochondria regulate life span through their effects on the energetic metabolism (mitochondrial theory of aging). Our data suggest that mitochondrial regulation of apoptosis might also contribute to life span determination

    Blood orange juice inhibits fat accumulation in mice

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    Objective: To analyze the effect of the juice obtained from two varieties of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), Moro (a blood orange) and Navelina (a blond orange), on fat accumulation in mice fed a standard or a high-fat diet (HFD). Methods: Obesity was induced in male C57/Bl6 mice by feeding a HFD. Moro and Navelina juices were provided instead of water. The effect of an anthocyanin-enriched extract from Moro oranges or purified cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) was also analyzed. Body weight and food intake were measured regularly over a 12-week period. The adipose pads were weighted and analyzed histologically; total RNA was also isolated for microarray analysis. Results: Dietary supplementation of Moro juice, but not Navelina juice significantly reduced body weight gain and fat accumulation regardless of the increased energy intake because of sugar content. Furthermore, mice drinking Moro juice were resistant to HFD-induced obesity with no alterations in food intake. Only the anthocyanin extract, but not the purified C3G, slightly affected fat accumulation. High-throughput gene expression analysis of fat tissues confirmed that Moro juice could entirely rescue the high fat-induced transcriptional reprogramming. Conclusion: Moro juice anti-obesity effect on fat accumulation cannot be explained only by its anthocyanin content. Our findings suggest that multiple components present in the Moro orange juice might act synergistically to inhibit fat accumulation

    Infection and inflammation in somatic maintenance, growth and longevity

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    All organisms must display a certain degree of environmental adaptability to survive and reproduce. Growth and reproduction are metabolically expensive and carry other costs that contribute to aging. Therefore, animals have developed physiologic strategies to assess the harshness of the environment before devoting resources to reproduction. Presumably, these strategies maximize the possibility for offspring survival. Current views of aging reflect a trade-off between reproductive fitness and somatic maintenance whereby environmental stress induces an adaptive metabolic response aimed at preserving cellular integrity while inhibiting growth, whereas favorable environmental conditions (abundance of food and water, and optimal temperature, etc.) promote growth and reproductive maturity but simultaneously increase cellular damage and aging. Here we propose that the prevalence of infectious pathogens in a given niche represents an additional environmental factor that, via innate immune pathways, actively shifts this balance in favor of somatic maintenance at the expense of reproduction and growth. We additionally propose the construction of a genetic model system with which to test this hypothesis

    p66Shc Aging Protein in Control of Fibroblasts Cell Fate

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are wieldy accepted as one of the main factors of the aging process. These highly reactive compounds modify nucleic acids, proteins and lipids and affect the functionality of mitochondria in the first case and ultimately of the cell. Any agent or genetic modification that affects ROS production and detoxification can be expected to influence longevity. On the other hand, genetic manipulations leading to increased longevity can be expected to involve cellular changes that affect ROS metabolism. The 66-kDa isoform of the growth factor adaptor Shc (p66Shc) has been recognized as a relevant factor to the oxygen radical theory of aging. The most recent data indicate that p66Shc protein regulates life span in mammals and its phosphorylation on serine 36 is important for the initiation of cell death upon oxidative stress. Moreover, there is strong evidence that apart from aging, p66Shc may be implicated in many oxidative stress-associated pathologies, such as diabetes, mitochondrial and neurodegenerative disorders and tumorigenesis. This article summarizes recent knowledge about the role of p66Shc in aging and senescence and how this protein can influence ROS production and detoxification, focusing on studies performed on skin and skin fibroblasts

    Anaplastic large cell lymphoma in paediatric and young adult patients.

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    Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a heterogeneous disease of debateable origin that, in children, is largely anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) positive with aberrant ALK activity induced following the formation of chromosomal translocations. Whilst the survival rates for this disease are relatively high, a significant proportion (20-40%) of patients suffer disease relapse, in some cases on multiple occasions and therefore suffer the toxic side-effects of combination chemotherapy. Traditionally, patients are treated with a combination of agents although recent data from relapse patients have suggested that low risk patients might benefit from single agent vinblastine and, going forward, the addition of ALK inhibitors to the therapeutic regimen may have beneficial consequences. There are also a plethora of other drugs that might be advantageous to patients with ALCL and many of these have been identified through laboratory research although the decision as to which drugs to implement in trials will not be trivial.Supported in part by the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation and Fondazione Giacomo Ascoli. S.D.T. is supported with funding from BloodwiseThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjh.1395

    Steroids Up-Regulate p66Shc Longevity Protein in Growth Regulation by Inhibiting Its Ubiquitination

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    p66Shc, an isoform of Shc adaptor proteins, mediates diverse signals, including cellular stress and mouse longevity. p66Shc protein level is elevated in several carcinomas and steroid-treated human cancer cells. Several lines of evidence indicate that p66Shc plays a critical role in steroid-related carcinogenesis, and steroids play a role in its elevated levels in those cells without known mechanism.In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism by which steroid hormones up-regulate p66Shc protein level. In steroid-treated human prostate and ovarian cancer cells, p66Shc protein levels were elevated, correlating with increased cell proliferation. These steroid effects on p66Shc protein and cell growth were competed out by the respective antagonist. Further, actinomycin D and cyclohexamide could only partially block the elevated p66Shc protein level by steroids. Treatment with proteasomal inhibitors, but not lysosomal protease inhibitor, resulted in elevated p66Shc protein levels, even higher than that by steroids. Using prostate cancer cells as a model, immunoprecipitation revealed that androgens and proteasomal inhibitors reduce the ubiquitinated p66Shc proteins.The data collectively indicate that functional steroid receptors are required in steroid up-regulation of p66Shc protein levels in prostate and ovarian cancer cells, correlating with cell proliferation. In these steroid-treated cells, elevated p66Shc protein level is apparently in part due to inhibiting its ubiquitination. The results may lead to an impact on advanced cancer therapy via the regulation of p66Shc protein by up-regulating its ubiquitination pathway

    Long-Term IGF-I Exposure Decreases Autophagy and Cell Viability

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    A reduction in IGF-I signaling has been found to increase lifespan in multiple organisms despite the fact that IGF-I is a trophic factor for many cell types and has been found to have protective effects against multiple forms of damage in acute settings. The increase in longevity seen in response to reduced IGF-I signaling suggests that there may be differences between the acute and chronic impact of IGF-I signaling. We have examined the possibility that long-term stimulation with IGF-I may have a negative impact at the cellular level using quiescent human fibroblasts. We find that fibroblast cells exposed to IGF-I for 14 days have reduced long-term viability as judged by colony forming assays, which is accompanied by an accumulation of senescent cells. In addition we observe an accumulation of cells with depolarized mitochondria and a reduction in autophagy in the long-term IGF-I treated cultures. An examination of mice with reduced IGF-I levels reveals evidence of enhanced autophagy and fibroblast cells derived from these mice have a larger mitochondrial mass relative to controls indicating that changes in mitochondrial turnover occurs in animals with reduced IGF-I. The results indicate that chronic IGF-I stimulation leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced cell viability

    Diagnostic and Prognostic Utility of Circulating Cytochrome c in Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Rationale: In contrast to cardiomyocyte necrosis, which can be quantified by cardiac troponin, functional cardiomyocyte impairment, including mitochondrial dysfunction, has escaped clinical recognition in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients. Objective: To investigate the diagnostic accuracy for AMI and prognostic prediction of in-hospital mortality of cytochrome c. Methods and Results: We prospectively assessed cytochrome c serum levels at hospital presentation in 2 cohorts: a diagnostic cohort of patients presenting with suspected AMI and a prognostic cohort of definite AMI patients. Diagnostic accuracy for AMI was the primary diagnostic end point, and prognostic prediction of in-hospital mortality was the primary prognostic end point. Serum cytochrome c had no diagnostic utility for AMI (area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve 0.51; 95% confidence intervals 0.44-0.58; P=0.76). Among 753 AMI patients in the prognostic cohort, cytochrome c was detectable in 280 (37%) patients. These patients had higher in-hospital mortality than patients with nondetectable cytochrome c (6% versus 1%; P<0.001). This result was mainly driven by the high mortality rate observed in ST-segment-elevation AMI patients with detectable cytochrome c, as compared with those with nondetectable cytochrome c (11% versus 1%; P<0.001). At multivariable analysis, cytochrome c remained a significant independent predictor of in-hospital mortality (odds ratio 3.0; 95% confidence interval 1.9-5.7; P<0.001), even after adjustment for major clinical confounders (odds ratio 4.01; 95% confidence interval 1.20-13.38; P=0.02). Conclusions: Cytochrome c serum concentrations do not have diagnostic but substantial prognostic utility in AMI