16 research outputs found

    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    XIV Jornada de Investigación 2023

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    Eje temático I: derecho, cultura y sociedad: En este eje tamático, se presentan ponencias que tienen como propósito analizar y explicar críticamente, a través de la investigación científica y desde el enfoque interdisciplinar, los derechos humanos, el proceso de estructuración de La convivencia y la equidad en la vivencia de los derechos; los valores, las costumbres, las normas, los estilos de vida, el uso de artefactos y la organización social; los procesos de desarrollo espiritual, de conocimiento científico, de desarrollo tecnológico y estético, y la convivencia y sus implicaciones en lo público y lo privado. Eje temático II: desarrollo humano y sostenible. El segundo eje temático que abordó la XII Jornada de Investigación fue desarrollo humano y sostenible, con ponencias que abarcaron todos aquellos aspectos que van, desde el desarrollo y bienestar individual, pasando por los estudios de las comunidades, para llegar a una comprensión global de la sostenibilidad como un factor determinante de existencia de las sociedades. Eje temático III: gestión y tecnología al servicio de la sociedad. Finalmente, en la XII Jornada de Investigación, se trabajóel eje temático gestión y tecnología al servicio de la sociedad, en el cual se presentaron, desde las diferentes disciplinas, ponencias que aportaron al campo del desarrollo productivo y a la solución de los problemas de la sociedad a través de las oportunidades que una buena gestión y un apropiado uso de la tecnología ofrece. (Tomado de la Fuente)EJE TEMÁTICO I: DERECHO, CULTURA Y SOCIEDAD La respuesta económica a la pandemia dentro del Estado social de derecho colombiano. Los espacios intermediarios como contenedores de experiencias significativas. Análisis del estilo lingüístico aplicado a la psicología jurídica. ¿Dejar o transformar? Cinco puntos para entender la ciudad contemporánea. Studiositas y verdad en la educación centrada en la persona. Los derechos de autor en el contrato de trabajo y de prestación de servicios. Afectación de los derechos sexuales reproductivos femeninos durante el conflicto armado en Colombia. Problemas del acceso a la justicia del campesinado de los páramos de Sumapaz y Santurbán. Vulneración del derecho al agua potable en La Guajira: una falta de garantías. Derechos humanos e inteligencia militar: el dilema de la primacía del interés general sobre el particular. Cuantificación del dolor humano por parte de la justicia colombiana. Retos tecnológicos en el derecho vs. Limitaciones en Colombia en las poblaciones más vulnerables. Construir identidad territorial a través del corredor socioambiental Los Nevados. La naturaleza en la arquitectura: una mirada a la arquitectura del siglo XX. Contrato de trabajo del futbolista profesional. La baja educación en las zonas rurales por consecuencia del conflicto armado y la corrupción en el Estado colombiano. Incidentes de la migración venezolana en el ámbito normativo nacional colombiano e internacional. Legalización definitiva del consumo adulto del cannabis en Colombia: un debate jurídico y constitucional. Wawamia jai, síndrome propio de la cultura: una caracterización de los signos y síntomas de una enfermedad cultural del pueblo indígena emberá-katío. La cruda realidad del reclutamiento de niños, niñas y adolescentes en el conflicto armado en Colombia: una visión nacional e internacional. EJE TEMÁTICO II: DESARROLLO HUMANO Y SOSTENIBLE Migración venezolana en Colombia: perspectiva crítica sobre el derecho de acceso a la salud. El estrés laboral. Una imagen no es tradición: la actualidad de la vivienda raizal en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina. Aprendizajes del proceso de diseño basado en la investigación: caso de estudio barrio Concepción Norte, Bogotá, Colombia. Sumapaz como territorio potencial hídrico y patrimonio paisajístico y cultural: modelo de región sostenible. Revisión sistemática del liderazgo digital desde las competencias digitales. Intervenciones psicológicas basadas en evidencia: tendencias actuales. Herramientas pedagógicas para la concientización de la comunidad a partir del reconocimiento de la memoria histórica en el barrio San Benito, Bogotá, Colombia. Diseño sostenible como factor diferencial en la reconversión industrial de las curtiembres en el barrio San Benito, Bogotá, Colombia. Motivación escolar como factor relacionado con el rendimiento académico en estudiantes en extraedad en la Institución Educativa Distrital República de México, sede B, jornada mañana. La realidad de los objetos artificiales. Performance en nuestro diario vivir. ¿Es necesario la modificación del lugar para satisfacer las necesidades del ser humano? ¿Es necesario hacer modificaciones al espacio natural para generar cultura? La arquitectura como síntesis entre los objetos con propósito o sin él. La creación de los objetos y sus impactos en el mundo. ¿Cuáles son los determinantes de las brechas de competencia laboral en el departamento de Cundinamarca, Colombia? Buenas prácticas de habitabilidad. Reconocimiento de la arquitectura doméstica tradicional en Colombia como una pauta de identidad para el diseño de nuevas viviendas. Validación de un instrumento para evaluar la procrastinación académica. Escala de medición de la soledad BATAN. Contraste entre el instrumento para medir la resiliencia en adultos jóvenes de Colombia (CLANP) con CD-RISC 10. Finlandia y naturaleza: país modelo en ratificación de normas y tratados para la protección de los derechos de la naturaleza. EJE TEMÁTICO III: GESTIÓN Y TECNOLOGÍA AL SERVICIO DE LA SOCIEDAD Aplicación de una tecnología limpia desde el diseño resiliente: simulación de un módulo básico de vivienda social en la ciudad de Tunja, Colombia. Recorrido virtual de la Universidad Católica de Colombia Sede Claustro para la inducción de estudiantes y docentes. Evaluación de eficiencia de un prototipo de un sistema de atrapanieblas tipo NRP 3.0 para la vereda Gaunza Arriba, municipio de Guateque, departamento de Boyacá, Colombia. Sistema de Información para la Coordinación de Trabajos de Grado del Programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad Católica de Colombia (SIGETG). Estrategias de sostenibilidad para la reducción de la huella hídrica en la vivienda de la Costa Caribe. Sistema de evaluación de resultados de aprendizaje de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Colombia. Identificación de tendencias en la implementación de DevOps a partir de una revisión sistemática. Desarrollo de un algoritmo de trading para operar el mercado de divisas a través de ondas de Elliott y números de Fibonacci. Los derechos humanos en el espacio de la inteligencia artificial. Construcción de paz a través del ciberactivismo en redes sociales de cuatro organizaciones juveniles de Bogotá. Las redes sociales digitales como herramienta educativa: una propuesta de investigación-innovación. Videojuego de realidad virtual sobre la extracción y el tráfico ilegal de la fauna silvestre en Colombia. Arquitectura de la información de la plataforma de inteligencia artificial para el estudio neurocognitivo y el apoyo a la salud mental. Inmersión sobre la innovación: perspectivas sobre el derecho al trabajo y la inteligencia artificial en el servicio de justicia. El ciberterrorismo en la legislación colombiana: un análisis desde la criminología. Modelo de fabricación digital de diseño sostenible para vivienda social. Uso de los videojuegos en el campo educativo: ventajas y desventajas. Resolución electrónica de controversias en procesos civiles de mínima cuantía en Colombia. Estrategia de evaluación y promoción de la salud mental en el contexto universitario. Caracterización de técnicas y herramientas de inteligencia artificial utilizadas para el perfilamiento de clientes por las mipymes en Colombia. Transformar el casco urbano del municipio de Líbano, departamento del Tolima, Colombia: un proyecto parque industrial para el intercambio de saberes y revitalización ambiental. Aplicación tecnológica en agricultura urbana para promover la seguridad alimentaria en poblaciones vulnerables. CONCLUSIONE

    Reproducibility of fluorescent expression from engineered biological constructs in E. coli

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    We present results of the first large-scale interlaboratory study carried out in synthetic biology, as part of the 2014 and 2015 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competitions. Participants at 88 institutions around the world measured fluorescence from three engineered constitutive constructs in E. coli. Few participants were able to measure absolute fluorescence, so data was analyzed in terms of ratios. Precision was strongly related to fluorescent strength, ranging from 1.54-fold standard deviation for the ratio between strong promoters to 5.75-fold for the ratio between the strongest and weakest promoter, and while host strain did not affect expression ratios, choice of instrument did. This result shows that high quantitative precision and reproducibility of results is possible, while at the same time indicating areas needing improved laboratory practices.Peer reviewe

    Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units across 50 countries (WEAN SAFE): a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study

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    Background Current management practices and outcomes in weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation are poorly understood. We aimed to describe the epidemiology, management, timings, risk for failure, and outcomes of weaning in patients requiring at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation. Methods WEAN SAFE was an international, multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study done in 481 intensive care units in 50 countries. Eligible participants were older than 16 years, admitted to a participating intensive care unit, and receiving mechanical ventilation for 2 calendar days or longer. We defined weaning initiation as the first attempt to separate a patient from the ventilator, successful weaning as no reintubation or death within 7 days of extubation, and weaning eligibility criteria based on positive end-expiratory pressure, fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired air, and vasopressors. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients successfully weaned at 90 days. Key secondary outcomes included weaning duration, timing of weaning events, factors associated with weaning delay and weaning failure, and hospital outcomes. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03255109. Findings Between Oct 4, 2017, and June 25, 2018, 10 232 patients were screened for eligibility, of whom 5869 were enrolled. 4523 (77·1%) patients underwent at least one separation attempt and 3817 (65·0%) patients were successfully weaned from ventilation at day 90. 237 (4·0%) patients were transferred before any separation attempt, 153 (2·6%) were transferred after at least one separation attempt and not successfully weaned, and 1662 (28·3%) died while invasively ventilated. The median time from fulfilling weaning eligibility criteria to first separation attempt was 1 day (IQR 0–4), and 1013 (22·4%) patients had a delay in initiating first separation of 5 or more days. Of the 4523 (77·1%) patients with separation attempts, 2927 (64·7%) had a short wean (≤1 day), 457 (10·1%) had intermediate weaning (2–6 days), 433 (9·6%) required prolonged weaning (≥7 days), and 706 (15·6%) had weaning failure. Higher sedation scores were independently associated with delayed initiation of weaning. Delayed initiation of weaning and higher sedation scores were independently associated with weaning failure. 1742 (31·8%) of 5479 patients died in the intensive care unit and 2095 (38·3%) of 5465 patients died in hospital. Interpretation In critically ill patients receiving at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation, only 65% were weaned at 90 days. A better understanding of factors that delay the weaning process, such as delays in weaning initiation or excessive sedation levels, might improve weaning success rates

    Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units across 50 countries (WEAN SAFE): a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study

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    Background: Current management practices and outcomes in weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation are poorly understood. We aimed to describe the epidemiology, management, timings, risk for failure, and outcomes of weaning in patients requiring at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation. Methods: WEAN SAFE was an international, multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study done in 481 intensive care units in 50 countries. Eligible participants were older than 16 years, admitted to a participating intensive care unit, and receiving mechanical ventilation for 2 calendar days or longer. We defined weaning initiation as the first attempt to separate a patient from the ventilator, successful weaning as no reintubation or death within 7 days of extubation, and weaning eligibility criteria based on positive end-expiratory pressure, fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired air, and vasopressors. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients successfully weaned at 90 days. Key secondary outcomes included weaning duration, timing of weaning events, factors associated with weaning delay and weaning failure, and hospital outcomes. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03255109. Findings: Between Oct 4, 2017, and June 25, 2018, 10 232 patients were screened for eligibility, of whom 5869 were enrolled. 4523 (77·1%) patients underwent at least one separation attempt and 3817 (65·0%) patients were successfully weaned from ventilation at day 90. 237 (4·0%) patients were transferred before any separation attempt, 153 (2·6%) were transferred after at least one separation attempt and not successfully weaned, and 1662 (28·3%) died while invasively ventilated. The median time from fulfilling weaning eligibility criteria to first separation attempt was 1 day (IQR 0-4), and 1013 (22·4%) patients had a delay in initiating first separation of 5 or more days. Of the 4523 (77·1%) patients with separation attempts, 2927 (64·7%) had a short wean (≤1 day), 457 (10·1%) had intermediate weaning (2-6 days), 433 (9·6%) required prolonged weaning (≥7 days), and 706 (15·6%) had weaning failure. Higher sedation scores were independently associated with delayed initiation of weaning. Delayed initiation of weaning and higher sedation scores were independently associated with weaning failure. 1742 (31·8%) of 5479 patients died in the intensive care unit and 2095 (38·3%) of 5465 patients died in hospital. Interpretation: In critically ill patients receiving at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation, only 65% were weaned at 90 days. A better understanding of factors that delay the weaning process, such as delays in weaning initiation or excessive sedation levels, might improve weaning success rates. Funding: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, European Respiratory Society

    Weaning from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units across 50 countries (WEAN SAFE): a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study

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    International audienceBackground: Current management practices and outcomes in weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation are poorly understood. We aimed to describe the epidemiology, management, timings, risk for failure, and outcomes of weaning in patients requiring at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation. Methods: WEAN SAFE was an international, multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study done in 481 intensive care units in 50 countries. Eligible participants were older than 16 years, admitted to a participating intensive care unit, and receiving mechanical ventilation for 2 calendar days or longer. We defined weaning initiation as the first attempt to separate a patient from the ventilator, successful weaning as no reintubation or death within 7 days of extubation, and weaning eligibility criteria based on positive end-expiratory pressure, fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired air, and vasopressors. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients successfully weaned at 90 days. Key secondary outcomes included weaning duration, timing of weaning events, factors associated with weaning delay and weaning failure, and hospital outcomes. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03255109. Findings: Between Oct 4, 2017, and June 25, 2018, 10 232 patients were screened for eligibility, of whom 5869 were enrolled. 4523 (77·1%) patients underwent at least one separation attempt and 3817 (65·0%) patients were successfully weaned from ventilation at day 90. 237 (4·0%) patients were transferred before any separation attempt, 153 (2·6%) were transferred after at least one separation attempt and not successfully weaned, and 1662 (28·3%) died while invasively ventilated. The median time from fulfilling weaning eligibility criteria to first separation attempt was 1 day (IQR 0–4), and 1013 (22·4%) patients had a delay in initiating first separation of 5 or more days. Of the 4523 (77·1%) patients with separation attempts, 2927 (64·7%) had a short wean (≤1 day), 457 (10·1%) had intermediate weaning (2–6 days), 433 (9·6%) required prolonged weaning (≥7 days), and 706 (15·6%) had weaning failure. Higher sedation scores were independently associated with delayed initiation of weaning. Delayed initiation of weaning and higher sedation scores were independently associated with weaning failure. 1742 (31·8%) of 5479 patients died in the intensive care unit and 2095 (38·3%) of 5465 patients died in hospital. Interpretation: In critically ill patients receiving at least 2 days of invasive mechanical ventilation, only 65% were weaned at 90 days. A better understanding of factors that delay the weaning process, such as delays in weaning initiation or excessive sedation levels, might improve weaning success rates. Funding: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, European Respiratory Society

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Measurements of the Total and Differential Higgs Boson Production Cross Sections Combining the H??????? and H???ZZ*???4??? Decay Channels at s\sqrt{s}=8??????TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3~fb1^{-1} of pppp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured HγγH \rightarrow \gamma \gamma and HZZ4H \rightarrow ZZ ^{*}\rightarrow 4\ell event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σppH=33.0±5.3(stat)±1.6(sys)pb\sigma_{pp \to H} = 33.0 \pm 5.3 \, ({\rm stat}) \pm 1.6 \, ({\rm sys}) \mathrm{pb}. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions.Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3  fb-1 of pp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s=8  TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured H→γγ and H→ZZ*→4ℓ event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances, and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σpp→H=33.0±5.3 (stat)±1.6 (syst)  pb. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions.Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3 fb1^{-1} of pppp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured HγγH \rightarrow \gamma \gamma and HZZ4H \rightarrow ZZ ^{*}\rightarrow 4\ell event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σppH=33.0±5.3(stat)±1.6(sys)pb\sigma_{pp \to H} = 33.0 \pm 5.3 \, ({\rm stat}) \pm 1.6 \, ({\rm sys}) \mathrm{pb}. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions