114 research outputs found

    Expression of an Androgenic Gland-Specific Insulin-Like Peptide during the Course of Prawn Sexual and Morphotypic Differentiation

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    The crustacean male-specific androgenic gland (AG) regulates sexual differentiation. In the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, silencing an AG-specific insulin-like encoding transcript (Mr-IAG) inhibited the development of male sexual characters, suggesting that Mr-IAG is a key androgenic hormone. We used recombinant pro-Mr-IAG peptide to generate antibodies that recognized the peptide in AG cells and extracts, as verified by mass spectrometry. We revealed the temporal expression pattern of Mr-IAG and studied its relevance to the timetable of sex differentiation processes in juveniles and after puberty. Mr-IAG was expressed from as early as 20 days after metamorphosis, prior to the appearance of external male sexual characters. Mr-IAG expression was lower in the less reproductively active orange-clawed males than in both the dominant blue-clawed males and the actively sneak mating small males. These results suggest a role for Mr-IAG both in the timing of male sexual differentiation and in regulating reproductive strategies

    Intestinal transcriptome analysis highlights key differentially expressed genes involved in nutrient metabolism and digestion in yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) fed terrestrial animal and plant proteins

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    This study investigated the effects of dietary terrestrial animal and plant proteins on the intestinal transcriptomes of yellowtail kingfish (YTK), Seriola lalandi, an ecologically and economically important marine species in Australia. Five diets containing fish meal (FM), poultry by-product meal (PBM), blood meal (BLM), faba bean meal (FBM) and corn gluten meal (CGM) were formulated and fed over a period of 4 weeks. The Illumina RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) results identified a suite of differentially expressed genes involved in nutrient metabolism and protein digestion pathways, reinforced by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) results. These findings provide molecular support to the notion that PBM and FBM are useful raw materials in commercial diets for YTK. Using the same evidence, we have demonstrated that BLM and CGM may be less useful and their incorporation into commercial aquafeeds for this species should be done cautiously. The differentially expressed genes showed a subtle difference and high correlation with apparent nutrient digestibility of raw materials. Further, our results indicate that transcriptome profiling provides a useful tool to evaluate alternative protein sources for use in aquaculture feeds

    Alternative feed raw materials modulate intestinal microbiota and its relationship with digestibility in Yellowtail Kingfish Seriola lalandi

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    Gut microbiota plays a crucial role in nutrient digestibility and fish health. This study aimed to investigate the effects of alternative feed raw materials on the bacterial communities in the distal intestine and its relationship with nutrient digestibility in yellowtail kingfish (YTK), Seriola lalandi. Two 4-week digestibility trials were conducted to evaluate fish meal (FM), two sources of poultry by-product meal (PBM-1 & PBM-2), blood meal (BLM), faba bean meal (FBM), corn gluten meal (CGM), soy protein concentrate (SPC) and wheat flour (WH). The nutrient digestibility value was determined using the stripping fecal collection method. Bacterial communities were characterized by high-throughput sequencing based on V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. The most abundant phylum identified in the present study was Proteobacteria. A significant change in the distal intestine was observed in fish fed diets containing CGM and BLM, characterized by a reduction of species richness and diversity. Additionally, significant correlation between nutrient digestibility and intestinal microbiota was observed. Allivibrio, Vibrio, Curvibacter, Ruminococcaceae, and Clostridium were positively correlated, whereas Ralstonia genus was negatively correlated with nutrient digestibility. This study demonstrated that intestinal microbiota could be a useful tool for evaluating the digestibility of feed raw materials; however, further culture-based study is needed to confirm this observation

    Reseña de libro: “El viento sigue soplando. Los orígenes de Madres de Plaza 25 de Mayo de Rosario (1977-1985)” de Marianela Scocco

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    Como demuestran diversas investigaciones recientes, la organización Madres de Plaza de Mayo tuvo surgimientos y desarrollos específicos en distintas ciudades de la Argentina. El viento sigue soplando. Los orígenes de Madres de Plaza 25 de Mayo de Rosario (1977-1985) de la historiadora Marianela Scocco, se inserta dentro de estas indagaciones al intentar analizar la emergencia y la consolidación de Madres y Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo en esa ciudad santafecina en el contexto de apertura democrática. Para tal objetivo, la autora indaga la participación previa de sus integrantes en los organismos de la ciudad y las relaciones que se entablan entre los mismos. Así, da cuenta de una multiplicidad de actores, vínculos, intereses y modos de acción.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    CYP450s analysis across spiny lobster metamorphosis identifies a long sought missing link in crustacean development

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    Cytochrome P450s (CYP450s) are a rapidly evolving family of enzymes, making it difficult to identify bona fide orthologs with notable lineage-specific exceptions. In ecdysozoans, a small number of the most conserved orthologs include enzymes which metabolize ecdysteroids. Ecdysone pathway components were recently shown in a decapod crustacean but with a notable absence of shade, which is important for converting ecdysone to its active form, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE), suggesting that another CYP450 performs a similar function in crustaceans. A CYPome temporal expression analysis throughout metamorphosis performed in this research highlights several un-annotated CYP450s displaying differential expression and provides information into expression patterns of annotated CYP450s. Using the expression patterns in the Eastern spiny lobster Sagmariasus verreawci, followed by 3D modelling and finally activity assays in vitro, we were able to conclude that a group of CYP450s, conserved across decapod crustaceans, function as the insect shade. To emphasize the fact that these genes share the function with shade but are phylogenetically distinct, we name this enzyme system Shed

    Early immune suppression leads to uncontrolled mite proliferation and potent host inflammatory responses in a porcine model of crusted versus ordinary scabies

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    peer-reviewedScabies is a neglected tropical disease of global significance. Our understanding of hostparasite interactions has been limited, particularly in crusted scabies (CS), a severe clinical manifestation involving hyper-infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei mites. Susceptibility to CS may be associated with immunosuppressive conditions but CS has also been seen in cases with no identifiable risk factor or immune deficit. Due to ethical and logistical difficulties with undertaking research on clinical patients with CS, we adopted a porcine model which parallels human clinical manifestations. Transcriptomic analysis using microarrays was used to explore scabies pathogenesis, and to identify early events differentiating pigs with ordinary (OS) and crusted scabies. Pigs with OS (n = 4), CS (n = 4) and non-infested controls (n = 4) were compared at pre-infestation, weeks 1, 2, 4 and 8 post-infestation. In CS relative to OS, there were numerous differentially expressed genes including pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL17A, IL8, IL19, IL20 and OSM) and chemokines involved in immune cell activation and recruitment (CCL20, CCL27 and CXCL6). The influence of genes associated with immune regulation (CD274/PD-L1 and IL27), immune signalling (TLR2, TLR8) and antigen presentation (RFX5, HLA-5 and HLA-DOB) were highlighted in the early host response to CS. We observed similarities with gene expression profiles associated with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis and confirmed previous observations of Th2/17 pronounced responses in CS. This is the first comprehensive study describing transcriptional changes associated with the development of CS and significantly, the distinction between OS and CS. This provides a basis for clinical follow-up studies, potentially identifying new control strategies for this severely debilitating diseaseNational Health and Medical Research Counci

    A Sexual Shift Induced by Silencing of a Single Insulin-Like Gene in Crayfish: Ovarian Upregulation and Testicular Degeneration

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    In sequential hermaphrodites, intersexuality occurs naturally, usually as a transition state during sexual re-differentiation processes. In crustaceans, male sexual differentiation is controlled by the male-specific androgenic gland (AG). An AG-specific insulin-like gene, previously identified in the red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (designated Cq-IAG), was found in this study to be the prominent transcript in an AG cDNA subtractive library. In C. quadricarinatus, sexual plasticity is exhibited by intersex individuals in the form of an active male reproductive system and male secondary sex characters, along with a constantly arrested ovary. This intersexuality was exploited to follow changes caused by single gene silencing, accomplished via dsRNA injection. Cq-IAG silencing induced dramatic sex-related alterations, including male feature feminization, a reduction in sperm production, extensive testicular degeneration, expression of the vitellogenin gene, and accumulation of yolk proteins in the developing oocytes. Upon silencing of the gene, AG cells hypertrophied, possibly to compensate for low hormone levels, as reflected in the poor production of the insulin-like hormone (and revealed by immunohistochemistry). These results demonstrate both the functionality of Cq-IAG as an androgenic hormone-encoding gene and the dependence of male gonad viability on the Cq-IAG product. This study is the first to provide evidence that silencing an insulin-like gene in intersex C. quadricarinatus feminizes male-related phenotypes. These findings, moreover, contribute to the understanding of the regulation of sexual shifts, whether naturally occurring in sequential hermaphrodites or abnormally induced by endocrine disruptors found in the environment, and offer insight into an unusual gender-related link to the evolution of insulins

    Impaired neural processing of dynamic faces in left-onset Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) affects patients beyond the motor domain. According to previous evidence, one mechanism that may be impaired in the disease is face processing. However, few studies have investigated this process at the neural level in PD. Moreover, research using dynamic facial displays rather than static pictures is scarce, but highly warranted due to the higher ecological validity of dynamic stimuli. In the present study we aimed to investigate how PD patients process emotional and non-emotional dynamic face stimuli at the neural level using event-related potentials. Since the literature has revealed a predominantly right-lateralized network for dynamic face processing, we divided the group into patients with left (LPD) and right (RPD) motor symptom onset (right versus left cerebral hemisphere predominantly affected, respectively). Participants watched short video clips of happy, angry, and neutral expressions and engaged in a shallow gender decision task in order to avoid confounds of task difficulty in the data. In line with our expectations, the LPD group showed significant face processing deficits compared to controls. While there were no group differences in early, sensory-driven processing (fronto-central N1 and posterior P1), the vertex positive potential, which is considered the fronto-central counterpart of the face-specific posterior N170 component, had a reduced amplitude and delayed latency in the LPD group. This may indicate disturbances of structural face processing in LPD. Furthermore, the effect was independent of the emotional content of the videos. In contrast, static facial identity recognition performance in LPD was not significantly different from controls, and comprehensive testing of cognitive functions did not reveal any deficits in this group. We therefore conclude that PD, and more specifically the predominant right-hemispheric affection in left-onset PD, is associated with impaired processing of dynamic facial expressions, which could be one of the mechanisms behind the often reported problems of PD patients in their social lives

    CrustyBase v.2.0: new features and enhanced utilities to support open science

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    Abstract Background Transcriptomes present a rich, multi-dimensional subset of genomics data. They provide broad insights into genetic sequence, and more significantly gene expression, across biological samples. This technology is frequently employed for describing the genetic response to experimental conditions and has created vast libraries of datasets which shed light on gene function across different tissues, diseases, diets and developmental stages in many species. However, public accessibility of these data is impeded by a lack of suitable software interfaces and databases with which to locate and analyse them. Body Here we present an update on the status of CrustyBase.org, an online resource for analysing and sharing crustacean transcriptome datasets. Since its release in October 2020, the resource has provided many thousands of transcriptome sequences and expression profiles to its users and received 19 new dataset imports from researchers across the globe. In this article we discuss user analytics which point towards the utilization of this resource. The architecture of the application has proven robust with over 99.5% uptime and effective reporting of bugs through both user engagement and the error logging mechanism. We also introduce several new features that have been developed as part of a new release of CrustyBase.org. Two significant features are described in detail, which allow users to navigate through transcripts directly by submission of transcript identifiers, and then more broadly by searching for encoded protein domains by keyword. The latter is a novel and experimental feature, and grants users the ability to curate gene families from any dataset hosted on CrustyBase in a matter of minutes. We present case studies to demonstrate the utility of these features. Conclusion Community engagement with this resource has been very positive, and we hope that improvements to the service will further enable the research of users of the platform. Web-based platforms such as CrustyBase have many potential applications across life science domains, including the health sector, which are yet to be realised. This leads to a wider discussion around the role of web-based resources in facilitating an open and collaborative research community

    Transcriptomic Changes Following Induced De-Masculinisation of Australian Red Claw Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus

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    The Australian red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, an emerging species within the freshwater aquaculture trade, is not only an ideal species for commercial production due to its high fecundity, fast growth, and physiological robustness but also notoriously invasive. Investigating the reproductive axis of this species has been of great interest to farmers, geneticists, and conservationists alike for many decades; however, aside from the characterisation of the key masculinising insulin-like androgenic gland hormone (IAG) produced by the male-specific androgenic gland (AG), little remains known about this system and the downstream signalling cascade involved. This investigation used RNA interference to silence IAG in adult intersex C. quadricarinatus (Cq-IAG), known to be functionally male but genotypically female, successfully inducing sexual redifferentiation in all individuals. To investigate the downstream effects of Cq-IAG knockdown, a comprehensive transcriptomic library was constructed, comprised of three tissues within the male reproductive axis. Several factors known to be involved in the IAG signal transduction pathway, including a receptor, binding factor, and additional insulin-like peptide, were found to not be differentially expressed in response to Cq-IAG silencing, suggesting that the phenotypic changes observed may have occurred through post-transcriptional modifications. Many downstream factors displayed differential expression on a transcriptomic level, most notably related to stress, cell repair, apoptosis, and cell proliferation. These results suggest that IAG is required for sperm maturation, with necrosis of arrested tissue occurring in its absence. These results and the construction of a transcriptomic library for this species will inform future research involving reproductive pathways as well as biotechnological developments in this commercially and ecologically significant species