9 research outputs found

    Brachiaria decumbens suprime o crescimento inicial de Coffea arabica

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    Brachiaria decumbens is becoming one the most common weeds growing in young coffee orchards because, besides its fast growth and difficulty of control, new coffee orchards are usually established in pasture areas. In order to verify the effect of B. decumbens plant density on the early growth of coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. Catuaí Amarelo), a competition experiment was conducted under semi-controlled humidity conditions. Soil collected in a Typic Haplustox was placed in 70 L asbestos cement boxes and one coffee seedling was planted in each box. The B. decumbens seedlings were transplanted to the boxes at the 2-4 leaf stage. Treatments consisted of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, and 60 weeds m-2. The experimental period started 120 days after transplanting and the experimental design was organized as completely randomized blocks, with four replicates. All coffee plant parameters evaluated were negatively affected by the interference. The most sensitive characteristics were leaf area (41.8% reduction with 8 plants m-2, reaching 68.7% at a density of 60 plants m-2). Therefore, at a density of 8 plants m-2 the reduction in leaf dry biomass was 41.4% compared with the check. At the density of 60 plants m-2 it was 72.8%. B. decumbens, at a density of 8 or more plants m-2, suppressed coffee plants during a growth period of 120 days.Brachiaria decumbens vem se tornando uma das plantas daninhas mais freqüentes na infestação de cafezais em formação, pois além de sua elevada agressividade e dificuldade de controle, está ocorrendo expansão das áreas cafeeiras para locais anteriormente ocupados por pastagens. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar os efeitos desta planta daninha, em densidades crescentes, sobre o desenvolvimento inicial de mudas de café (Coffea arabica L. cv. Catuaí Amarelo). O experimento foi conduzido em condições semi-controladas, sem limitação de água. Uma muda de café foi transplantada em caixa de amianto com capacidade para 70 L, preenchida com terra coletada da camada arável de um Latossolo Vermelho. Os tratamentos constaram de diferentes densidades de transplante de capim-braquiária, a saber: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48 e 60 plantas m-2. O ensaio foi conduzido por um período experimental de 120 dias após o plantio (DAP). Todas as características analisadas foram afetadas negativamente pela interferência da planta daninha, mas as que se mostraram mais sensíveis a essa interferência foram à área foliar e a biomassa seca das folhas. Houve redução de 41,8% na área foliar do cafeeiro quando conviveu com o capim-braquiária a partir da densidade de 8 plantas m-2, chegando a 68,7% na densidade de 60 plantas m-2. Também a partir da densidade de 8 plantas m-2, a redução na biomassa seca das folhas em relação à testemunha foi de 41,4% e na densidade de 60 plantas m-2 chegou a 72,8%. Brachiaria decumbens, a partir da densidade de 8 plantas m-2, interfere negativamente sobre as mudas de café até os 120 DAP

    Efeito da densidade e da distância de Brachiaria decumbens Staff sobre o crescimento inicial de mudas de Coffea arabica L.

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the interference of three densities (4, 8 and 16 plants/m2) of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf distributed at three different distances (0, 10 and 20 cm from coffee plants) on the initial growth of Coffea arabica L. seedlings. Dark red Latosoil was used as substrate to fill up 70 liters cement boxes. Coffee seedlings at 15 cm height and 8 leaves stage were planted in each box. B. decumbens seedlings were transplanted when they reached two to four leaves stage. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with ten treatments and three replications. At the end of the experiment were measured, height, leaf number, leaf area, chlorophyll content and dry weight of coffee plants. Dry weight of B. decumbens leaves was also evaluated. The leaf area and leaf dry weight was shown to be more sensitive parameters to the interference of Brachiaria plants. Dry weight of coffee plants were reduced from 60% to 88% when the B. decumbens were transplanted 0 cm from the coffee plant. With distance of 10 cm the reduction of dry weight increased with the increase of the density of the B. decumbens. In the coexistence of the coffee plants with 16 plants/m2 of B. decumbens, there was a reduction in the dry weight of about 80% at the distances of 0 and 20 cm. Regarding leaf area, the reduction was 47% on the average in the density of 4 plants/m2 of B. decumbens The reduction in leaf area at other densities was higher at the distance of 0 and 20 cm, and 55% reduction was obtained at the distance of 10 cm. Objetivou-se estudar, através deste trabalho, a interferência da densidade da Brachiaria decumbens Stapf (4, 8 e 16 plantas/m2), em três distâncias (0, 10 e 20 cm das plantas de café), no crescimento inicial de mudas de Coffea arabica L. Uma muda de café foi transplantada no centro de caixas de 70 L e o capim-braquiária foi transplantado de acordo com o tratamento. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 3 (densidades) x 3 (distâncias) +T (sem braquiária), em três repetições. A área foliar e a massa seca das folhas do cafeeiro se mostraram mais sensíveis à interferência. Quando o capim-braquiária foi plantado junto à muda (0 cm), provocou uma redução de 60% a 88% na massa seca do cafeeiro. Com distância de 10 cm a redução de massa seca aumentou com o aumento da densidade da braquiária. Na convivência do cafeeiro com 16 plantas/m2 de capim-braquiária, a redução de massa seca foi de 80% nas distâncias de 0 e 20 cm. Em relação à área foliar, a redução foi em média 47% na densidade de 4 plantas/m2 de capim-braquiária e nas demais densidades a redução foi maior nas distâncias de 0 e 20 cm.

    Brachiaria decumbens supresses the initial growth of Coffea arabica

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    Brachiaria decumbens vem se tornando uma das plantas daninhas mais freqüentes na infestação de cafezais em formação, pois além de sua elevada agressividade e dificuldade de controle, está ocorrendo expansão das áreas cafeeiras para locais anteriormente ocupados por pastagens. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar os efeitos desta planta daninha, em densidades crescentes, sobre o desenvolvimento inicial de mudas de café (Coffea arabica L. cv. Catuaí Amarelo). O experimento foi conduzido em condições semi-controladas, sem limitação de água. Uma muda de café foi transplantada em caixa de amianto com capacidade para 70 L, preenchida com terra coletada da camada arável de um Latossolo Vermelho. Os tratamentos constaram de diferentes densidades de transplante de capim-braquiária, a saber: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48 e 60 plantas m-2. O ensaio foi conduzido por um período experimental de 120 dias após o plantio (DAP). Todas as características analisadas foram afetadas negativamente pela interferência da planta daninha, mas as que se mostraram mais sensíveis a essa interferência foram à área foliar e a biomassa seca das folhas. Houve redução de 41,8% na área foliar do cafeeiro quando conviveu com o capim-braquiária a partir da densidade de 8 plantas m-2, chegando a 68,7% na densidade de 60 plantas m-2. Também a partir da densidade de 8 plantas m-2, a redução na biomassa seca das folhas em relação à testemunha foi de 41,4% e na densidade de 60 plantas m-2 chegou a 72,8%. Brachiaria decumbens, a partir da densidade de 8 plantas m-2, interfere negativamente sobre as mudas de café até os 120 DAP.Brachiaria decumbens is becoming one the most common weeds growing in young coffee orchards because, besides its fast growth and difficulty of control, new coffee orchards are usually established in pasture areas. In order to verify the effect of B. decumbens plant density on the early growth of coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv. Catuaí Amarelo), a competition experiment was conducted under semi-controlled humidity conditions. Soil collected in a Typic Haplustox was placed in 70 L asbestos cement boxes and one coffee seedling was planted in each box. The B. decumbens seedlings were transplanted to the boxes at the 2-4 leaf stage. Treatments consisted of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, and 60 weeds m-2. The experimental period started 120 days after transplanting and the experimental design was organized as completely randomized blocks, with four replicates. All coffee plant parameters evaluated were negatively affected by the interference. The most sensitive characteristics were leaf area (41.8% reduction with 8 plants m-2, reaching 68.7% at a density of 60 plants m-2). Therefore, at a density of 8 plants m-2 the reduction in leaf dry biomass was 41.4% compared with the check. At the density of 60 plants m-2 it was 72.8%. B. decumbens, at a density of 8 or more plants m-2, suppressed coffee plants during a growth period of 120 days

    Effect of the density and of the distance of Brachiaria decumbens staff on the initial growth of Coffea arabica L. Seedligns

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the interference of three densities (4, 8 and 16 plants/m 2) of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf distributed at three different distances (0, 10 and 20 cm from coffee plants) on the initial growth of Coffea arabica L. seedlings. Dark red Latosoil was used as substrate to fill up 70 liters cement boxes. Coffee seedlings at 15 cm height and 8 leaves stage were planted in each box. B. decumbens seedlings were transplanted when they reached two to four leaves stage. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with ten treatments and three replications. At the end of the experiment were measured, height, leaf number, leaf area, chlorophyll content and dry weight of coffee plants. Dry weight of B. decumbens leaves was also evaluated. The leaf area and leaf dry weight was shown to be more sensitive parameters to the interference of Brachiaria plants. Dry weight of coffee plants were reduced from 60% to 88% when the B. decumbens were transplanted 0 cm from the coffee plant. With distance of 10 cm the reduction of dry weight increased with the increase of the density of the B. decumbens. In the coexistence of the coffee plants with 16 plants/m 2 of B. decumbens, there was a reduction in the dry weight of about 80% at the distances of 0 and 20 cm. Regarding leaf area, the reduction was 47% on the average in the density of 4 plants/m 2 of B. decumbens The reduction in leaf area at other densities was higher at the distance of 0 and 20 cm, and 55% reduction was obtained at the distance of 10 cm

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved