383 research outputs found

    Visualization of membrane protein domains by cryo-electron microscopy of dengue virus

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    Improved technology for reconstructing cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) images has now made it possible to determine secondary structural features of membrane proteins in enveloped viruses. The structure of mature dengue virus particles was determined to a resolution of 9.5 Å by cryo-EM and image reconstruction techniques, establishing the secondary structural disposition of the 180 envelope (E) and 180 membrane (M) proteins in the lipid envelope. The ɑ-helical 'stem' regions of the E molecules, as well as part of the N-terminal section of the M proteins, are buried in the outer leaflet of the viral membrane. The 'anchor' regions of E and the M proteins each form antiparallel E-E and M-M transmembrane alpha-helices, leaving their C termini on the exterior of the viral membrane, consistent with the predicted topology of the unprocessed polyprotein. This is one of only a few determinations of the disposition of transmembrane proteins in situ and shows that the nucleocapsid core and envelope proteins do not have a direct interaction in the mature virus

    Mapping the Structure and Function of the E1 and E2 Glycoproteins in Alphaviruses

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    The 9 Å resolution cryo-electron microscopy map of Sindbis virus presented here provides structural information on the polypeptide topology of the E2 protein, on the interactions between the E1 and E2 glycoproteins in the formation of a heterodimer, on the difference in conformation of the two types of trimeric spikes, on the interaction between the transmembrane helices of the E1 and E2 proteins, and on the conformational changes that occur when fusing with a host cell. The positions of various markers on the E2 protein established the approximate topology of the E2 structure. The largest conformational differences between the icosahedral surface spikes at icosahedral 3-fold and quasi-3-fold positions are associated with the monomers closest to the 5-fold axes. The long E2 monomers, containing the cell receptor recognition motif at their extremities, are shown to rotate by about 180^o and to move away from the center of the spikes during fusion

    Structure of Dengue Virus: Implications for Flavivirus Organization, Maturation, and Fusion

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    The first structure of a flavivirus has been determined by using a combination of cryoelectron microscopy and fitting of the known structure of glycoprotein E into the electron density map. The virus core, within a lipid bilayer, has a less-ordered structure than the external, icosahedral scaffold of 90 glycoprotein E dimers. The three E monomers per icosahedral asymmetric unit do not have quasiequivalent symmetric environments. Difference maps indicate the location of the small membrane protein M relative to the overlaying scaffold of E dimers. The structure suggests that flaviviruses, and by analogy also alphaviruses, employ a fusion mechanism in which the distal barrels of domain II of the glycoprotein E are inserted into the cellular membrane

    A review of the design and clinical evaluation of the ShefStim array-based functional electrical stimulation system

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    Functional electrical stimulation has been shown to be a safe and effective means of correcting foot 12 drop of central neurological origin. Current surface-based devices typically consist of a single channel stimulator, 13 a sensor for determining gait phase and a cuff, within which is housed the anode and cathode. The cuff-mounted 14 electrode design reduces the likelihood of large errors in electrode placement, but the user is still fully responsible 15 for selecting the correct stimulation level each time the system is donned. Researchers have investigated different 16 approaches to automating aspects of setup and/or use, including recent promising work based on iterative learning 17 techniques. This paper reports on the design and clinical evaluation of an electrode array-based FES system for 18 the correction of drop foot, ShefStim. The paper reviews the design process from proof of concept lab-based study, 19 through modelling of the array geometry and interface layer to array search algorithm development. Finally, the 20 paper summarises two clinical studies involving patients with drop foot. The results suggest that the ShefStim 21 system with automated setup produces results which are comparable with clinician setup of conventional systems. 22 Further, the final study demonstrated that patients can use the system without clinical supervision. When used 23 unsupervised, setup time was 14 minutes (9 minutes for automated search plus 5 minutes for donning the 24 equipment), although this figure could be reduced significantly with relatively minor changes to the design

    ENCODE whole-genome data in the UCSC genome browser (2011 update)

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    The ENCODE project is an international consortium with a goal of cataloguing all the functional elements in the human genome. The ENCODE Data Coordination Center (DCC) at the University of California, Santa Cruz serves as the central repository for ENCODE data. In this role, the DCC offers a collection of high-throughput, genome-wide data generated with technologies such as ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, DNA digestion and others. This data helps illuminate transcription factor-binding sites, histone marks, chromatin accessibility, DNA methylation, RNA expression, RNA binding and other cell-state indicators. It includes sequences with quality scores, alignments, signals calculated from the alignments, and in most cases, element or peak calls calculated from the signal data. Each data set is available for visualization and download via the UCSC Genome Browser (http://genome.ucsc.edu/). ENCODE data can also be retrieved using a metadata system that captures the experimental parameters of each assay. The ENCODE web portal at UCSC (http://encodeproject.org/) provides information about the ENCODE data and links for access

    New paradigm for macromolecular crystallography experiments at SSRL: automated crystal screening and remote data collection

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    Through the combination of robust mechanized experimental hardware and a flexible control system with an intuitive user interface, SSRL researchers have screened over 200 000 biological crystals for diffraction quality in an automated fashion. Three quarters of SSRL researchers are using these data-collection tools from remote locations

    A Framework for Multi-Omic Prediction of Treatment Response to Biologic Therapy for Psoriasis.

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    Biologic therapies have shown high efficacy in psoriasis, but individual response varies and is poorly understood. To inform biomarker discovery in the Psoriasis Stratification to Optimise Relevant Therapy (i.e., PSORT) study, we evaluated a comprehensive array of omics platforms across three time points and multiple tissues in a pilot investigation of 10 patients with severe psoriasis, treated with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor, etanercept. We used RNA sequencing to analyze mRNA and small RNA transcriptome in blood, lesional and nonlesional skin, and the SOMAscan platform to investigate the serum proteome. Using an integrative systems biology approach, we identified signals of treatment response in genes and pathways associated with TNF signaling, psoriasis pathology, and the major histocompatibility complex region. We found association between clinical response and TNF-regulated genes in blood and skin. Using a combination of differential expression testing, upstream regulator analysis, clustering techniques, and predictive modeling, we show that baseline samples are indicative of patient response to biologic therapies, including signals in blood, which have traditionally been considered unreliable for inference in dermatology. In conclusion, our pilot study provides both an analytical framework and empirical basis to estimate power for larger studies, specifically the ongoing PSORT study, which we show as powered for biomarker discovery and patient stratification

    Basal Immunoglobulin Signaling Actively Maintains Developmental Stage in Immature B Cells

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    In developing B lymphocytes, a successful V(D)J heavy chain (HC) immunoglobulin (Ig) rearrangement establishes HC allelic exclusion and signals pro-B cells to advance in development to the pre-B stage. A subsequent functional light chain (LC) rearrangement then results in the surface expression of IgM at the immature B cell stage. Here we show that interruption of basal IgM signaling in immature B cells, either by the inducible deletion of surface Ig via Cre-mediated excision or by incubating cells with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor herbimycin A or the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin, led to a striking “back-differentiation” of cells to an earlier stage in B cell development, characterized by the expression of pro-B cell genes. Cells undergoing this reversal in development also showed evidence of new LC gene rearrangements, suggesting an important role for basal Ig signaling in the maintenance of LC allelic exclusion. These studies identify a previously unappreciated level of plasticity in the B cell developmental program, and have important implications for our understanding of central tolerance mechanisms