41 research outputs found

    Arktinen ruoantuotanto : taustaselvitys ja kiteytysmatriisi

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    Mitä on arktinen ruoantuotanto? Arktiselle alueelle ei ole yhtä vakiintunutta määritelmää. Globaalista näkökulmasta 60° ja 70° pohjoisen leveyspiirin välissä sijaitseva Suomi on arktinen maa. Sama todetaan vuonna 2013 julkaistussa Suomen arktisessa strategiassa. Tässä selvityksessä arktisella ruoantuotannolla tarkoitetaan Suomessa 60° pohjoisen leveyspiirin pohjoispuolella tapahtuvaa ruoantuotantoa. Kolmasosa 60° leveysasteen pohjoispuolella asuvista ihmisistä asuu Suomessa. Pohjoinen sijainti koetaan usein ruoantuotantoa haittaavana tekijänä, mutta mitä lisäarvoa pohjoiset olosuhteet tuovat ruoantuotantoomme? Alla olevaan kiteytysmatriisiin on koottu arktiseen ympäristöön liittyvät ekologiset taustatekijät. Nämä liitetään teknis-yhteiskunnalliseen toimintakykyyn ja toimintavalmiuksiin. Yhdessä nämä luovat pohjan arktisen ruoantuotannon lisäarvotekijöille, joita tässä tarkastellaan sekä kotimarkkinoiden että viennin näkökulmasta.201

    Terveyskeskustyöntekijöiden kokemuksia etäterveydenhuollon käyttöönotosta

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää keskeisimpiä etäterveydenhuollon käyttöönottoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä käyttöönottoon liittyviä hyötyjä terveyskeskustyöntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 30 terveyskeskustyöntekijän haastattelusta, jotka tehtiin Oulunkaaren seutukunnan Verkostoterveyskeskus –hankkeen yhteydessä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella etäterveydenhuollon käyttöönottoon vaikuttaa sekä toimintamallin ominaisuudet että työntekijöihin ja sosiaaliseen järjestelmään liittyvät tekijät. Keskeisimpinä tekijöistä nousivat esille etäterveydenhuollon käyttöön liittyvät hyödyt, käytön helppous sekä työntekijään liittyvät ominaisuudet. Myös toimintamallin soveltuvuus sekä hankkeen ja organisaation toiminta nousivat esille käyttöönottoon vaikuttavina tekijöinä. Etäterveydenhuollon toimintamallin käyttämisestä oli työntekijöiden mielestä hyötyä potilaalle, työntekijälle ja yhteiskunnalle. Potilaiden hoidossa etäterveydenhuollon käyttämisen edut nähtiin hoidon laadun ja palvelujen saatavuuden paranemisena sekä potilaiden matkustamistarpeiden vähenemisenä. Työntekijöiden kannalta hyödyt olivat koulutusmahdollisuuksien lisääntyminen, verkostoitumisen helpottuminen sekä matkustamistarpeen väheneminen

    Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Readinng and Composition (CIRC) Berbantuan Electronic Book (E-Book) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Menulis Karya Ilmiah dan peningkatan Karakter Mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan model pembelajaran CIRC berbantuan e-book, menguji tingkat efektivitas model pembelajaran CIRC berbantuan e-book dalam mengembangkan karakter, meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar mahasiswa, serta mendeskripsikan respon mahasiswa terhadap model pembelajaran CIRC berbantuan e-book, dalam perkuliahan Bahasa Indonesia di PGSD Universitas Negeri Semarang. Metode penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan subyek mahasiswa S1 PGSD FIP UNNES yang menempuh mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia pada tahun akademik 2014/2015. Teknik pengambikan sampel menggunakan teknik Randomized Group Assignment”. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Dengan mengontrol variabel inteligensi dan pengetahuan awal, model pembelajaran CIRC berbantuan e-book lebih efektif daripada model pembelajaran konvensional dalam mengembangkan karakter dalam perkuliahan Bahasa Indonesia, dimana F hitung (Fo) = 1,385 dan F probabilitas (Fp) = 0,256 (2) Dengan mengontrol variabel inteligensi dan pengetahuan awal, model pembelajaran CIRC berbantuan e-book lebih efektif daripada model pembelajaran konvensional dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan Bahasa Indonesia dimana F hitung (Fo) =14,571dan F probabilitas (Fp) = 0,028; (5) Sejumlah 88,89% mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Negeri Semarang memiliki respon yang sangat baik terhadap model pembelajaran CIRC berbantuan e-book The purpose of this study was to (1) test the effectiveness of the CIRC model (2) to test the effectiveness of the learning CIRC model assisted e-book to improving the skills, activity and learnig outcome of students in Elementary School Teacher Education, (3) describe the response of students to CIRC model assisted e-books in Indonesian lesson of Elementary School Teacher Education in Semarang State University . The method of research was quasi-experimental. The study population was students of Elementary School Teacher Education who take Indonesian lesson in academic year 2014/2015. Determination of the study sample, using Randomized Group Assigment. The results showed: (1) with control the intelligence variable and initial knowledge, CIRC model assisted electronic book (e-book) effectively to develop the character of students who take Indonesian lesson, where F arithmetic (Fo) = 1,385 and F probability (Fp) = 0.256; (2) by controlling the variables of intelligence and initial knowledge, CIRC model assisted e-book is more effective than conventional learning models to improve the learning outcomes of students in Elementary School Teacher Education to writing scientific papers with F arithmetic (Fo) = 14.571 and F probability (Fp) = 0.028; (3) The amount of 88.89% students in Elementary School Teacher Education of Semarang State University has a very good response (scale 3 and 4 is greater than the scale 1 and 2) of the CIRC model assisted electronic book (e-book)

    Fungal colonization patterns and enzymatic activities of peatland ericaceous plants following long-term nutrient addition

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    Northern peatlands are often dominated by ericaceous shrub species which rely on ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (ERM) for access to organic sources of nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and host abundant dark septate endophytes (DSE). Relationships between hosts and fungal symbionts may change during deposition of anthropogenic N and P. We studied the long-term effects of N and P addition on two ericaceous shrubs, Calluna vulgaris and Erica tetralix, at Whim Bog, Scotland by analyzing fungal colonization of roots, enzymatic activity, and fungal species composition. Unexpectedly, the frequency of typical ERM intracellular colonization did not change while the occurrence of ERM hyphae tended to increase and DSE hyphae to decrease. Our findings indicate that altered nutrient limitations shift root associated fungal colonization patterns as well as affecting ericaceous root enzyme activity and thereby decomposition potential. Reduction of recalcitrant fungal biomass in melanized DSE may have implications for peatland C sequestration under nutrient addition.Peer reviewe

    Parvovirus Induced Alterations in Nuclear Architecture and Dynamics

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    The nucleus of interphase eukaryotic cell is a highly compartmentalized structure containing the three-dimensional network of chromatin and numerous proteinaceous subcompartments. DNA viruses induce profound changes in the intranuclear structures of their host cells. We are applying a combination of confocal imaging including photobleaching microscopy and computational methods to analyze the modifications of nuclear architecture and dynamics in parvovirus infected cells. Upon canine parvovirus infection, expansion of the viral replication compartment is accompanied by chromatin marginalization to the vicinity of the nuclear membrane. Dextran microinjection and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) studies revealed the homogeneity of this compartment. Markedly, in spite of increase in viral DNA content of the nucleus, a significant increase in the protein mobility was observed in infected compared to non-infected cells. Moreover, analyzis of the dynamics of photoactivable capsid protein demonstrated rapid intranuclear dynamics of viral capsids. Finally, quantitative FRAP and cellular modelling were used to determine the duration of viral genome replication. Altogether, our findings indicate that parvoviruses modify the nuclear structure and dynamics extensively. Intranuclear crowding of viral components leads to enlargement of the interchromosomal domain and to chromatin marginalization via depletion attraction. In conclusion, parvoviruses provide a useful model system for understanding the mechanisms of virus-induced intranuclear modifications

    Wildfire effects on soil bacterial community and its potential functions in a permafrost region of Canada

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    Boreal forests in permafrost zone store significant quantities of carbon that are readily threatened by increases in fire frequency and temperature due to climate change. Soil carbon is primarily released by microbial decomposition that is sensitive to environmental conditions. Under increasing disturbances of wildfire, there is a pressing need to understand interactions between wildfires and microbial communities, thereby to predict soil carbon dynamics. Using Illumina MiSeq sequencing of bacterial 16S rDNA and GeoChip 5.0K, we compared bacterial communities and their potential functions at surface and near-surface permafrost layers across a chronosequence (>100 years) of burned forests in a continuous permafrost zone. Postfire soils in the Yukon and the Northwest Territories, Canada, showed a marked increase in active layer thickness. Our results showed that soil bacterial community compositions and potential functions altered in 3-year postfire forest (Fire3) comparing to the unburned forests. The relative abundance of Ktedonobacteria (Chloroflexi) was higher in Fire3 surface soils, while Alphaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria (Proteobacteria) were more abundant in unburned ones. Approximately 37% of the variation in community composition can be explained by abiotic variables, whereas only 2% by biotic variables. Potential functional genes, particularly for carbon degradation and anammox, appeared more frequent in Fire3 than in unburned soils. Variations in functional gene pools were mainly driven by environmental factors (39%) and bacterial communities (20%; at phylum level). Unexpectedly, wildfire solely altered bacterial communities and their functional potentials of the surface layers, not the near-permafrost layers. Overall, the response of bacterial community compositions and functions to wildfire and the environment provides insights to re-evaluate the role of bacteria in decomposition.Peer reviewe