694 research outputs found


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    Materi penjumlahan pecahan merupakan salah satu materi yang dipandang susah bagi siswa SD, terutama penjumlahan pecahan yang berpenyebut tidak sama. Adalah tanggung jawab seorang guru untuk memastikan agar siswa dapat memahami tentang penjulahan pecahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) kemampuan guru mengajarkan materi penjumlahan pecahan di kelas IV SDK Tebuk melalui Lesson Study; 2) aktifitas siswa di kelas selama proses pembelajaran materi penjumlahan pecahan di kelas IV SDK Tebuk melalui Lesson Study; 3) hasil belajar siswa pada materi penjumlahan pecahan di kelas IV SDK Tebuk melalui Lesson Study; 4) respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran melalui Lesson Study pada materi penjumlahan pecahan di kelas IV SDK Tebuk. Metode penelitian yang dipakai untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif, dengan menggunakan Lesson Study. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapat bahwa 1) kemampuan guru dapat mencapai peningkatan dan berada dalam kategori sangat baik; 2) aktivitas siswa dapat mencapai peningkatan dan berada dalam kategori sangat  baik; 3) hasil tes siswa dapat mencapai peningkatan; dan 4) respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran penjumlahan melalui Lesson Study adalah positif. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui pembelajaran berbasis Lesson Study, pembelajaran penjumlahan pecahan di kelas IV SDK Tebuk dikatakan efektif

    Extraterrestrial soils

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    Extraterrestrial soils may be defined as any of the solid granular crustal features of planets and moon other than those soils on planet Earth. Despite four decades of space exploration, which greatly expanded our understanding of the Solar System, there is considerable debate as to the loose covers of rocky planets and moons are soils in a pedological sense. On Earth, soil form thanks to the combined action of at least five factors: parent rock, climate, topography, living organisms and time. A few other factors can concur to drive pedogenesis. However, the necessity of biota as unavoidable soil forming factor is debated. In fact, important parts of Earth, such as the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Chile and the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, host virtually life-free soils with advanced horizonation. Actually, although most people invokes the ability to support plant growth in its natural environment as condicio sine qua non for soil, a scientific definition considers soil to be any in situ weathered veneer of a planetary surface that retains information on its climatic and geochemical history. A current or past mineral weathering is hence the pivotal requisite for soil

    Holocene as Anthropocene

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    Anthropocene seems a more reasonable name than Holocene for this combined time span, whose most characteristic trait is the human pressure on the planet. Holocene could possibly be the first stage of the Anthropocene, the one characterized by a soft and spotty human impact on Earth

    Soil forming factors

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    The Russian geologist Vasily Dokuchaev (1846–1903), considered the father of soil science, was the first to identify and discuss, at the end of 19th century, what we know today as the “factors of soil formation”. He introduced the idea that soil is not something inert and stable, but it develops and evolves under the influence of climatic agents and vegetation that operate over time on a given geological substrat

    Describing urban soils by a faceted system ensures more informed decision-making

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    Urban areas are increasing worldwide at a dramatic rate and their soils definitely deserve more attention than they have received in the past. In urban environments, soils potentially provide the same ecosystem services as in rural and wild environments, although in some cases they are depleted of their basic functions, such as when they lose their productive and filtering capacities because of sealing, and become mere supports for infrastructures. In other cases, soils of urban areas acquire new functions that are unique to these environments. Current soil classifications fail to effectively account for the complexity of urban soils and the information that is required for their management. Additionally, the survey of urban soils is difficult, due to fragmentation and rapid land use change and the fact that due to human pressure their properties seldom vary linearly and predictably according to landforms, which hinders the effectiveness of geostatistics. The conventional practice of grouping similar soils and transferring their information in a concise manner is not viable for urban soils. We advocate the introduction of a faceted system - i.e., a scheme using semantic categories, either general or subject-specific, that are combined to create the full classification entry - to organize the information on urban soils to support decision making. The facets that such a system should be based on are not only the intrinsic physical and chemical properties that are usually used to describe any soil, but also other tangible or even immaterial properties that are particularly meaningful in an urban context, such as landscape metrics, or aesthetic, social and historical values. As well as providing more adequately the information of the type requested by urban planners and policymakers, a faceted system of classification of urban soil resources would have the flexibility to accommodate all available or future scattered, rapidly changing, or incomplete data

    L’esperienza artistica nella scuola italiana

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    The man’s history speaks an artistic language and the man’s evolution can be narrated by the artworks created by human’s imagination. The school should rethink about the role of art into educational path of the youth, considering it as a cross instrument for learning and activating a play that alternates to action of creating with the activity of understanding

    Autobiografia e letteratura per ragazzi. Tre grandi autori si raccontano

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    The essay tells about the autobiography of three authors for childhood: Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling e Roald Dahl. Autobiographies are not used here as edu-cational or “take care” tools ut they are used as tools to interpret the novel for children and teens. They bind author and reader, within the narrative link, crucial to understanding the contents of the stories. They are full of writer’s experiences, emotions, affections, fears, thieves, names, faces... These are elements that enrich the story and tell us something more about the author’s motivations. Autobiog-raphies make the works of the authors more appealing and interesting. An erratic autobiography, a read autobiography, and a cultured for boys (Boy). The essay offers diverse and diversified perspectives for crossing the most famous works of the three authors who, starting from their existential “adventures”, interweave the intense work of narrative and writing

    I nonni: per una prima formazione alla storia

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    The essay addresses the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, not as a comparison between generations but as a process of mutual growth which is mainly based on the narrative. Grandparents are the first historians of the family and through the narration of their memories they offer to their grandchildren a first approach to the historical time. Grandparents transmit information to the younger generations about their past, but also on the social history of the past and for this reason they help them to know the worlds long gone. Grandparents, through the emotions of the narrative, make it more real and alive the concept of “History” and this informal method of addressing the story could help the traditional teaching to fascinate most younger people in this discipline often considered far from the interests of children and boys
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