2,011 research outputs found

    Background Symmetries In Orbifolds With Discrete Wilson Lines

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    Target space symmetries are studied for orbifold compactified string theories containing Wilson line background fields. The symmetries determined are for those moduli which contribute to the string loop threshold corrections of the gauge coupling constants. The groups found are subgroups of the modular group PSL(2,Z)PSL(2, Z) and depend on the choice of discrete Wilson lines and the shape of the underlying six-dimensional lattice.Comment: 31 pages, QMW--TH--94/0

    Urban freight logistics in the European Union

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    The paper recalls the main challenges of the European urban freight policy: the environment, the need for sustainable growth and quality of urban life. These are then interpreted by the member states. Some states have a top down prescriptive approach some others do not. The BESTUFS project, promoted by the EC, collects and disseminates best practice across the EU. It has identified a deep weakness at a local level, whilst also a wide range of pilots and successful exceptions

    Gauge Coupling Constant Unification With Planck Scale Values Of Moduli

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    Convergence of the standard model gauge coupling constants to a common value at around 2×10162\times 10^{16} GeV is studied in the context of orbifold theories where the modular symmetry groups for TT and UU moduli are broken to subgroups of PSL(2,Z)PSL(2, Z). The values of the moduli required for this unification of coupling constants are studied for this case and also for the case where string unification is accompanied by unification to a gauge group larger then SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1).Comment: Tex, 15 pages, minor typos corrected and some references adde

    Implications of Neutrino Mass Generation from QCD Confinement

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    We consider the possibility that the quark condensate formed by QCD confinement generates Majorana neutrino masses m_\nu via dimension seven operators. No degrees of freedom beyond the Standard Model are necessary, below the electroweak scale. Obtaining experimentally acceptable neutrino masses requires the new physics scale \Lambda ~ TeV, providing a new motivation for weak-scale discoveries at the LHC. We implement this mechanism using a Z_3 symmetry which leads to a massless up quark above the QCD chiral condensate scale. We use non-helicity-suppressed light meson rare decay data to constrain \Lambda. Experimental constraints place a mild hierarchy on the flavor structure of dimension seven operators and the resulting neutrino mass matrix.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Scales of Gaugino Condensation and Supersymmetry Breaking in Nonstandard M-Theory Embeddings

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    We investigate the formation of dynamical gaugino condensates and supersymmetry breaking in the compactifications of Horava-Witten theory with perturbative nonstandard embeddings. Specific models are considered where the underlying massless charged states of the condensing sector are determined by the spectra of Z2×Z2Z_2 \times Z_2 and Z4Z_4 orbifolds with nonstandard embeddings. We find among them viable examples where gaugino condensation is triggered on the wall with the weakest gauge coupling at MGUTM_{GUT} . In all these cases the magnitude of the condensate formed is below the energy scales at which extra dimensions are resolved, and so justifies the analysis of condensation in an effective 4-dimensional framework. We make some comments concerning the size of the largest extra dimension in the models considered. We discuss racetrack scenarios in the framework of perturbative nonstandard embeddings.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, Latex file; typos correcte

    Light Gauginos - a Solution to More than the EDMs?

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    In this talk I want to present questions that remained unclear to me in the last years. These questions concern the Electric Dipole Moments of electron and neutron and the way people exclude regions of parameter space.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps-figues included, uses espcrc2.sty, submitted to conference proceedings for SUSY30; one error in dimensions correcte

    Threshold Corrections and Symmetry Enhancement in String Compactifications

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    We present the computation of threshold functions for Abelian orbifold compactifications. Specifically, starting from the massive, moduli-dependent string spectrum after compactification, we derive the threshold functions as target space duality invariant free energies (sum over massive string states). In particular we work out the dependence on the continuous Wilson line moduli fields. In addition we concentrate on the physically interesting effect that at certain critical points in the orbifold moduli spaces additional massless states appear in the string spectrum leading to logarithmic singularities in the threshold functions. We discuss this effect for the gauge coupling threshold corrections; here the appearance of additional massless states is directly related to the Higgs effect in string theory. In addition the singularities in the threshold functions are relevant for the loop corrections to the gravitational coupling constants.Comment: 68 pages (equations 8.16 and 8.17 corrected; added footnotes 4,5,11

    Non-perturbative monodromies in N=2 heterotic string vacua

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    We address non-perturbative effects and duality symmetries in N=2N=2 heterotic string theories in four dimensions. Specifically, we consider how each of the four lines of enhanced gauge symmetries in the perturbative moduli space of N=2N=2 T2T_2 compactifications is split into 2 lines where monopoles and dyons become massless. This amounts to considering non-perturbative effects originating from enhanced gauge symmetries at the microscopic string level. We show that the perturbative and non-perturbative monodromies consistently lead to the results of Seiberg-Witten upon identication of a consistent truncation procedure from local to rigid N=2N=2 supersymmetry.Comment: 41 pages, Latex (minor changes in text and note added

    GUTs in Type IIB Orientifold Compactifications

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    We systematically analyse globally consistent SU(5) GUT models on intersecting D7-branes in genuine Calabi-Yau orientifolds with O3- and O7-planes. Beyond the well-known tadpole and K-theory cancellation conditions there exist a number of additional subtle but quite restrictive constraints. For the realisation of SU(5) GUTs with gauge symmetry breaking via U(1)_Y flux we present two classes of suitable Calabi-Yau manifolds defined via del Pezzo transitions of the elliptically fibred hypersurface P_{1,1,1,6,9}[18] and of the Quintic P_{1,1,1,1,1}[5], respectively. To define an orientifold projection we classify all involutions on del Pezzo surfaces. We work out the model building prospects of these geometries and present five globally consistent string GUT models in detail, including a 3-generation SU(5) model with no exotics whatsoever. We also realise other phenomenological features such as the 10 10 5 Yukawa coupling and comment on the possibility of moduli stabilisation, where we find an entire new set of so-called swiss-cheese type Calabi-Yau manifolds. It is expected that both the general constrained structure and the concrete models lift to F-theory vacua on compact Calabi-Yau fourfolds.Comment: 138 pages, 9 figures; v2, v3: typos corrected, one reference adde
