2,051 research outputs found

    BPS Geometries and AdS Bubbles

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    Recently, 1/2-BPS AdS bubble solutions have been obtained by Lin, Lunin and Maldacena, which correspond to Fermi droplets in phase space in the dual CFT picture. They can be thought of as generalisations of 1/2-BPS AdS black hole solutions in five or seven dimensional gauged supergravity. In this paper, we extend these solutions by invoking additional gauge fields and scalar fields in the supergravity Lagrangians, thereby obtaining AdS bubble generalisations of the previously-known multi-charge AdS black solutions of gauged supergravity. We also obtain analogous AdS bubble solutions in four-dimensional gauged supergravity. Our solutions generically preserve supersymmetry fractions 1/4, 1/8 and 1/8 in seven, five and four dimensions respectively. They can be lifted to M-theory or type IIB string theory, using previously known formulae for the consistent Pauli sphere reductions that yield the gauged supergravities. We also find similar solutions in six-dimensional gauged supergravity, and discuss their lift to the massive type IIA theory.Comment: Latex, 11 page

    Charged Rotating Black Holes in Four-Dimensional Gauged and Ungauged Supergravities

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    We study four-dimensional non-extremal charged rotating black holes in ungauged and gauged supergravity. In the ungauged case, we obtain rotating black holes with four independent charges, as solutions of N=2 supergravity coupled to three abelian vector multiplets. This is done by reducing the theory along the time direction to three dimensions, where it has an O(4,4) global symmetry. Applied to the reduction of the uncharged Kerr metric, O(1,1)^4\subset O(4,4) transformations generate new solutions that correspond, after lifting back to four dimensions, to the introduction of four independent electromagnetic charges. In the case where these charges are set pairwise equal, we then generalise the four-dimensional rotating black holes to solutions of gauged N=4 supergravity, with mass, angular momentum and two independent electromagnetic charges. The dilaton and axion fields are non-constant. We also find generalisations of the gauged and ungauged solutions to include the NUT parameter, and for the ungauged solutions, the acceleration parameter too. The solutions in gauged supergravity provide new gravitational backgrounds for a further study of the AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence at non-zero temperature.Comment: Latex, 30 page

    Ghost-Free de Sitter Supergravities as Consistent Reductions of String and M-theory

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    We study properties of supergravity theories with non-compact gaugings, and their higher-dimensional interpretations via consistent reductions on the inhomogeneous non-compact hyperboloidal spaces {\cal H}^{p,q}. The gauged supergravities are free of ghosts, despite the non-compactness of the gauge groups. We give a general discussion of the existence of stationary points in the scalar potentials of such supergravities. These are of interest since they can be associated with de Sitter vacuum configurations. We give explicit results for consistent reductions on {\cal H}^{p,q} in various examples, derived from analytic continuation of previously-known consistent sphere reductions. In addition we also consider black hole and cosmological solutions, for specific examples of non-compact gaugings in D=4,5,7.Comment: Latex, 35 page

    Supersymmetric Domain-Wall World from D=5 Simple Gauged Supergravity

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    We address a supersymmetric embedding of domain walls with asymptotically anti-deSitter (AdS) space-times in five-dimensional simple, N=2 U(1) gauged supergravity theory constructed by Gunaydin, Townsend and Sierra. These conformally flat solutions interpolate between supersymmetric AdS vacua, satisfy the Killing spinor (first order) differential equations, and the four-dimensional world on the domain wall is a flat world with N=1 supersymmetry. Regular solutions in this class have the energy density related to the cosmological constants of the supersymmetric AdS vacua. An analysis of such solutions is given for the example of one (real, neutral) vector supermultiplet with the most general form of the prepotential. There are at most two supersymmetric AdS vacua that are in general separated by a singularity in the potential. Nevertheless the supersymmetric domain wall solution exists with the scalar field interpolating continuously across the singular region.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, sign corrected, resulting in a different asymptotics for the exampl

    Extreme Domain Wall--Black Hole Complementarity in N=1SUPERGRAVITY with a General Dilaton Coupling

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    We study supersymmetric (extreme) domain walls in four-dimensional (4d) N=1 supergravity theories with a general dilaton coupling α>0\alpha > 0. Type I walls, which are static, planar (say, in (x,yx,y) plane) configurations, interpolate between Minkowski space-time and a vacuum with a varying dilaton field. We classify their global space-time with respect to the value of the coupling α\alpha. N=1N=1 supergravity with α=1\alpha =1, an effective theory from superstrings, provides a dividing line between the theories with α>1\alpha>1, where there is a naked (planar) singularity on one side of the wall, and the theories with α<1\alpha<1, where the singularity of the of the wall is covered by the horizon. The global space-time (in (t,z(t,z) direction) of the extreme walls with the coupling α\alpha is the same as the global space-time (in (t,r)t,r) direction) of the extreme magnetically charged black holes with the coupling 1/α1/\alpha.Comment: 11 pages (3 figures available from ftp://dept.physics.upenn.edu/pub/UPR-600-T/), UPR-600-T revised to be compatible with the published versio

    New G_2 metric, D6-branes and Lattice Universe

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    We construct a new (singular) cohomogeneity-three metric of G_2 holonomy. The solution can be viewed as a triple intersection of smeared Taub-NUTs. The metric comprises three non-compact radial-type coordinates, with the principal orbits being a T^3 bundle over S^1. We consider an M-theory vacuum (Minkowski)_4\times M_7 where M_7 is the G_2 manifold. Upon reduction on a circle in the T^3, we obtain the intersection of a D6-brane, a Taub-NUT and a 6-brane with R-R 2-form flux. Reducing the solution instead on the base space S^1, we obtain three intersecting 6-branes all carrying R-R 2-form flux. These two configurations can be viewed as a classical flop in the type IIA string theory. After reducing on the full principal orbits and the spatial world-volume, we obtain a four-dimensional metric describing a lattice universe, in which the three non-compact coordinates of the G_2 manifold are identified with the spatial coordinates of our universe.Comment: Latex, 8 page

    Consistent Sphere Reductions and Universality of the Coulomb Branch in the Domain-Wall/QFT Correspondence

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    We prove that any D-dimensional theory comprising gravity, an antisymmetric n-index field strength and a dilaton can be consistently reduced on S^n in a truncation in which just nn scalar fields and the metric are retained in (D-n)-dimensions, provided only that the strength of the couping of the dilaton to the field strength is appropriately chosen. A consistent reduction can then be performed for n\le 5; with D being arbitrary when n\le 3, whilst D\le 11 for n=4 and D\le 10 for n=5. (Or, by Hodge dualisation, nn can be replaced by (D-n) in these conditions.) We obtain the lower dimensional scalar potentials and construct associated domain wall solutions. We use the consistent reduction Ansatz to lift domain-wall solutions in the (D-n)-dimensional theory back to D dimensions, where we show that they become certain continuous distributions of (D-n-2)-branes. We also examine the spectrum for a minimally-coupled scalar field in the domain-wall background, showing that it has a universal structure characterised completely by the dimension n of the compactifying sphere.Comment: latex file, 21 pages, 1 figure, minor typo correction

    Non-extremal Charged Rotating Black Holes in Seven-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity

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    We obtain the solution for non-extremal charged rotating black holes in seven-dimensional gauged supergravity, in the case where the three rotation parameters are set equal. There are two independent charges, corresponding to gauge fields in the U(1)xU(1) abelian subgroup of the SO(5) gauge group. A new feature in these solutions, not seen previously in lower-dimensional examples, is that the first-order "odd-dimensional self-duality" equation for the 4-form field strength plays a non-trivial role. We also study the BPS limit of our solutions where the black holes become supersymmetric. Our results are of significance for the AdS_7/CFT_6 correspondence in M-theory.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, typos corrected and a reference adde

    Supersymmetric Composite Models on Intersecting D-branes

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    We construct supersymmetric composite models of quarks and leptons from type IIA T^6/(Z_2 x Z_2) orientifolds with intersecting D6-branes. In case of T^6 = T^2 x T^2 x T^2 with no tilted T^2, a composite model of the supersymmetric SU(5) grand unified theory with three generations is constructed. In case of that one T^2 is tilted, a composite model with SU(3)_c x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y gauge symmetry with three generations is constructed. These models are not realistic, but contain fewer additional exotic particles and U(1) gauge symmetries due to the introduction of the compositeness of quarks and leptons. The masses of some exotic particles are naturally generated through the Yukawa interactions among "preons".Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Non-Extremal Rotating Black Holes in Five-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity

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    Supersymmetric black holes in five-dimensional gauged supergravity must necessarily be rotating, and so in order to study the passage to black holes away from supersymmetry, it is of great interest to obtain non-extremal black holes that again have non-zero rotation. In this paper we find a simple framework for describing non-extremal rotating black holes in five-dimensional gauged supergravities. Using this framework, we are able to construct a new solution, describing the general single-charge solution of N=2 gauged supergravity, with arbitrary values for the two rotation parameters. Previously-obtained solutions with two or three equal charges also assume a much simpler form in the new framework, as also does the general solution with three unequal charges in ungauged N=2 supergravity. We discuss the thermodynamics and BPS limit of the new single-charge solutions, and we discuss the separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordan equations in these backgrounds.Comment: Latex, 12 pages. Mis-statement about separability of Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordon equations correcte