103 research outputs found

    Evaluation studies of persimmon plant (Diospyros kaki) for physiological benefits and bioaccessibility of antioxidants by in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion

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    [EN] This study aims to analyze the antioxidant benefits from persimmon leaf tea, fruit and fibres taking into account their changes along gastrointestinal digestion. The evolution of polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity was studied using the recent harmonized in vitro protocol published by Minekus et al. (2014). The digestion was performed with and without digestive enzymes. Results showed aqueous leaf extract was richer in antioxidants than the fruit or the extracted fibres. Nevertheless, persimmon-leaf antioxidants were more sensitive to the digestive environment. In general, the oral conditions greatly affected the antioxidants, while gastric digestion led to slight additional losses. The intestinal step enhanced polyphenols and flavonoids solubility coming from the fruit and fibres. Additionally, the presence of digestive enzymes positively contributed to antioxidant release throughout digestion. Finally, the bioaccessibility of polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of persimmon fruit were 1.4, 1.0 and 3.8 times higher than in aqueous leaf extract.The authors thank the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for the PhD scholarship given to Ruth Martinez-Las Heras.Martínez Las Heras, R.; Pinazo, A.; Heredia Gutiérrez, AB.; Andrés Grau, AM. (2017). Evaluation studies of persimmon plant (Diospyros kaki) for physiological benefits and bioaccessibility of antioxidants by in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion. FOOD CHEMISTRY. 214:478-485. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.07.104S47848521

    Application of new insoluble dietary fibres from triticale as supplement in yoghurt - effects on physico-chemical, rheological and quality properties

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    BACKGROUND: The need to increase the daily intake of dietary fibres opens a new chapter in the research of functional foods enriched with fibres. The potential application of an innovative product - insoluble dietary fibres from triticale in yoghurts - was deployed by characterising their food application and evaluating physico-chemical, rheological and sensory properties and was the aim of this research. RESULTS: Detailed characterisations of these fibres are presented for the first time and showed very good hydration properties, optimal pH ( slightly acidic), optimal chemical composition, high antioxidant capacity which was proven by phenolics contents. Besides, these fibres showed negligible calorific value, with no phytates and high antioxidant capacity, mainly from ferulic acid. Therefore they could be successfully added to yoghurt. Enrichment of yoghurt having different milk fat content (1.5 and 2.8% w/w) with triticale insoluble fibre (1.5% and 3.0% w/w) significantly influenced the syneresis level, its apparent viscosity, yield stress and thixotropic behaviour. The overall sensory quality scores indicated that yoghurt enriched with 1.5% triticale insoluble fibres was recognised as 'excellent' and had enhanced antioxidant activity. CONCLUSIONS: Insoluble triticale fibre could therefore be used as a supplement to produce functional yoghurt

    Enhancement of the Phytochemical and Fibre Content of Beef-Patties with Himanthalia Elongata Seaweed

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    The effect of adding Himanthalia elongata seaweed (10 - 40% w/w) as a source of antioxidants and dietary fibre on physical, chemical, microbial and sensory traits of cooked beef patties was studied throughout chilled storage. Patties with seaweed showed reduced cooking losses and were nearly 50% more tender as compared to patties without seaweed. Microbiological counts and lipid oxidation were significantly lower in patties containing seaweed (P \u3c 0.05), by day 30 of storage there was no bacterial growth in samples with ≥ 20% seaweed and lipid oxidation levels were low (0.61 mg malondialdehyde/kg of sample). Seaweed incorporation significantly increased the dietary fibre (1.64 g per 100 g fw in 40% seaweed-patties), total phenolic content (up to 28.11 mg GAE/100 g fw) and DPPH radical scavenging activity (up to 52.32%) of patties compared to the control. Sensory analysis indicated that the seaweed-patties were accepted by consumers in terms of aroma, appearance, texture and taste. Patties containing 40% seaweed were rated highest in terms of overall acceptability, most likely due to improvement in texture and mouthfeel. Addition of seaweed in the formulation of beef patties leads to the enhancement of the nutritional and technological quality together with an acceptable sensory quality

    Bioactive compounds of plum mango (Bouea macrophylla Griffith)

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    The fruit of Bouea macrophylla referred as Plum mango or Gandaria is a popular seasonal fruit, which is widely consumed in the Malay subcontinent. There is ample of traditional knowledge available among the locals on the use of leaves, bark, fruits and seeds of this plant. However, very limited research information and scientific report is available on their composition, phytochemicals or on the bioactive compounds. In the present chapter, we have aimed towards comprehensively providing information on nutritional value, functional qualities, health promoting bioactive compounds and volatile constituents of this underutilized fruit

    Influence of drying process and particle size of persimmon fibre on its physicochemical, antioxidant, hydration and emulsifying properties

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    [EN] Persimmon, given its current surplus production, could be an alternative source for the extraction of certain interesting ingredients for the food industry and human health, such as fibre. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse the influence of hot air and freeze-drying, as well as the particle size of fibre extracted from persimmon peels or pulp on their physicochemical, antioxidant, hydration and emulsifying properties, compared to commercial fibres (from peach, lemon, orange and apple). The results showed that both freeze-dried persimmon pulp and freeze-dried peel had better hydration properties and oil holding capacity than other fibres analysed, although the swelling capacity was higher for lemon fibre. Freeze-dried persimmon peel fibre showed higher values of emulsion stability than commercial fibres. Finally, the antioxidant activity of the smallest sized persimmon peel fibre obtained by freeze-drying was higher than that for lemon, orange and peach fibre.The authors acknowledge the support of the Universtitat Politecnica de Valencia and certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.Martínez-Las Heras, R.; Landines, E.; Heredia Gutiérrez, AB.; Castelló Gómez, ML.; Andrés Grau, AM. (2017). Influence of drying process and particle size of persimmon fibre on its physicochemical, antioxidant, hydration and emulsifying properties. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 54(9):1-11. doi:10.1007/s13197-017-2728-zS111549Abdul-Hamid A, Luan YS (2000) Functional properties of dietary fibre prepared from defatted rice bran. Food Chem 68:15–19Adams MR, Moss MO (1997) Microbiología de los alimentos. Acribia, ZaragozaAlós C (2014) La superficie cultivada de caqui crece un 20% en 2013 y se quintuplica en una década. http://www.levante-emv.com/comarcas/2014/01/10/superficie-cultivada-caqui-crece-20/1067085.html . Accessed 21 Nov 2015AOAC (1990) Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemists, vol 2, 15th edn. AOAC, Inc. Method 920.152, USA, pp 917AOAC (2000) Official methods of analysis of AOAC international, 17th edn. Gaithersburg, MD, USAArnal L, Del Río MA (2003) Removing astringency by carbon dioxide and nitrogen-enriched atmospheres in persimmon fruit cv. ‘Rojo brillante’. J Food Sci 68:1516–1518Basanta MF, Ponce NMA, Rojas AM, Stortz CA (2012) Effect of extraction time and temperature on the characteristics of loosely bound pectins from Japanese plum. Carbohydr Polym 89:230–235Chau CF, Wang YT, Wen YL (2007) Different micronization methods significantly improve the functionality of carrot insoluble fibre. Food Chem 100:1402–1408Chen XN, Fan JF, Yue X, Wu XR, Li LT (2008) Radical scavenging activity and phenolic compounds in persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Mopan). J Food Sci 73:24–28de Escalada Pla MF, González P, Sette P, Portillo F, Rojas AM, Gerschenson LN (2012) Effect of processing on physico-chemical characteristics of dietary fibre concentrates obtained from peach (Prunus persica L.) peel and pulp. Food Res Int 49:184–192de Moraes Crizel T, Jablonski A, de Oliveira Rios A, Rech R, Flôres SH (2013) Dietary fiber from orange byproducts as a potential fat replacer. LWT-Food Sci Technol 53:9–14Femenia A, Lefebvre AC, Thebaudin JY, Robertson JA, Bourgeois CM (1997) Physical and sensory properties of model foods supplemented with cauliflower fibre. J Food Sci 62:635–639Femenia A, Selvendran RR, Ring SG, Robertson JA (1999) Effects of heat treatment and dehydration on properties of cauliflower fiber. J Agric Food Chem 47:728–732Figuerola F, Hurtado ML, Estevez AM, Asenjo F (2005) Fiber concentrate from apple pomace and citrus peel as potential fiber sources for food enrichment. Food Chem 91(3):395–401Garau MC, Simal S, Rosselló C, Femenia A (2007) Effect of air-drying temperature on physico-chemical properties of dietary fibre and antioxidant capacity of orange (Citrus aurantium v. Canoneta) by-products. Food Chem 104:1014–1024George AP, Redpath S (2008) Health and medicinal benefits of persimmon fruit: a review. Adv Hort Sci 22:244–249Gorinstein S, Bartnikowska E, Kulasek G, Zemser M, Trakhtenberg S (1998) Dietary persimmon improves lipid metabolism in rats fed diets containing cholesterol. J Nutr 128:2023–2027Gorinstein S, Kulasek G, Bartnikowska E, Leontowicz M, Zemser M, Morawiec M (2000) The effects of diets, supplemented with either whole persimmon or phenol-free persimmon, on rats fed cholesterol. Food Chem 3:303–308Hernándiz A (1999) El cultivo de kaki en la comunidad valenciana. Cuadernos de tecnología agraria serie fructicultura No. 3 Generalitat Valenciana Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y AlimentaciónINE (2014) Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Spanish Statistical Office. http://www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/es/categoria.htm?c=Estadistica_P&cid=1254735727106 . Accessed 15 Dec 2014Kethireddipalli P, Hung YC, Phillips RD, McWatters KH (2002) Evaluating the role of cell wall material and soluble protein in the functionality of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) pastes. J Food Sci 67:53–59López G, Ros G, Rincón F, Periago MJ, Martínez MC, Ortuno J (1996) Relationship between physical and hydration properties of soluble and insoluble fiber of artichoke. J Agric Food Chem 44:2773–2778Ministry of Agriculture of Spain (2013). http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/ . Accessed 12 Dec 2013Perez-Jimenez J, Diaz-Rubio ME, Mesias M, Morales FJ, Saura-Calixto F (2014) Evidence for the formation of maillardized insoluble dietary fiber in bread: a specific kind of dietary fiber in thermally processed food. Food Res Int 55:391–396Raghavendra SN, Rastogi NK, Raghavarao KSMS, Tharanathan RN (2004) Dietary fiber from coconut residue: effects of different treatments and particle size on the hydration properties. Eur Food Res Technol 218:563–567Rajendran P, Nandakumar N, Rengarajan T, Palaniswami R, Gnanadhas EN, Lakshminarasaiah U, Nishigaki I (2014) Antioxidants and human diseases. Clin Chim Acta 436:332–347Robertson JA, Monredon FD, Dysseler P, Guillon F, Amadó R (2000) Hydration properties of dietary fiber and resistant starch: a European collaborative study. LWT-Food Sci Technol 33:72–79Sakanaka S, Tachibana Y, Okada Y (2005) Preparation and antioxidant properties of extracts of Japanese persimmon leaf tea (kakinoha-cha). Food Chem 89:569–575Shahidi F, Liyana-Pathirana CM, Wall DS (2006) Antioxidant activity of white and black sesame seeds and their hull fractions. Food Chem 99:478–483Singh U (2001) Functional properties of grain legume flours. J Food Sci Technol 38:191–199Storey M, Anderson P (2014) Income and race/ethnicity influence dietary fiber intake and vegetable consumption. Nutr Res 34:844–850Thebaudin JY, Lefebvre AC, Harrington M, Bourgeois CM (1997) Dietary fibres: nutritional and technological interest. Trends Food Sci Technol 8:41–48Vetter S, Kunzek H (2003) The influence of suspension solution conditions on the rehydration of apple cell wall material. Eur Food Res Technol 216:39–45Yasumatsu K, Sawada K, Maritaka S, Mikasi M, Toda J, Wada T, Ishi K (1972) Whipping and emulsifying properties of soybean products. Agric Biol Chem Tokyo 36:719–727Zha XQ, Wang JH, Yang XF, Liang H, Zhao LL, Bao SH, Zhou BB (2009) Antioxidant properties of polysaccharide fractions with different molecular mass extracted with hot-water from rice bran. Carbohydr Polym 78:570–57

    Régulation des Plateformes Numériques : Essais en Organisation Industrielle

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    Cette thèse traite de problématiques liées au pouvoir de marché des plateformes numériques. Elle vise à améliorer la compréhension de leurs décisions de gouvernance et leurs effets sur les marchés numériques.Le premier chapitre explore de manière théorique l'effet de l'interopérabilité sur la concurrence entre deux plateformes financées par la publicité, lorsque les utilisateurs peuvent faire du multi-hébergement. Les plateformes décident d'être interopérables si la valeur d'une deuxième impression auprès du même utilisateur est suffisamment faible pour les annonceurs. Ce niveau d'interopérabilité d'équilibre diffère toutefois de celui qui maximise le bien-être social. Par ailleurs, imposer l'interopérabilité entre une plateforme dominante et une plus petite n'est pas toujours souhaitable du point de vue du bien-être social.Le deuxième chapitre présente une étude empirique sur la capacité des plateformes hybrides à traiter de manière plus favorable leurs propres produits par rapport à ceux des vendeurs indépendants, en utilisant des données issues de la plateforme Amazon. Il apparait qu'Amazon conditionne la visibilité des offres de vendeur tiers dans la « boite d'achat » à leur compétitivité par rapport aux offres disponibles sur d'autres plateformes concurrentes. En revanche, cela ne s'applique pas aux produits vendus directement par Amazon. De plus, en l'absence de recommandations de vendeurs, les recommandations de produits similaires sont plus efficaces, et dans ces situations, Amazon a tendance à orienter les consommateurs vers les produits qu'elle vend elle-même. Ces constats illustrent la manière dont les plateformes peuvent subtilement favoriser leurs propres produits.Le dernier chapitre étudie, par le biais d'un modèle théorique, les incitations des plateformes hybrides à investir dans la performance d'outils de détection de produits dangereux et illégaux. Elles le font à condition que cela favorise l'entrée de nouveaux vendeurs. Les plateformes plus intégrées verticalement ont donc moins d'incitations à investir car cela réduit la demande pour leurs propres produits. En outre, les plateformes qui procèdent à ce type de détection facturent des frais de commission plus élevés aux vendeurs. Cette complémentarité stratégique peut conduire à une relation négative entre le degré d'intégration verticale d'une plateforme et son niveau de taux de commission.Ces trois chapitres mettent en évidence la nature complexe des marchés numériques et la nécessité d'une régulation soigneusement calibrée.This thesis addresses issues related to market power in digital markets. It aims at improving the understanding of digital platforms' governance decisions and their resulting market outcomes.The first chapter theoretically explores the effect of interoperability on competition between two ad-financed platforms, allowing for endogenous multi-homing of consumers. Interoperability emerges in equilibrium if the value of multi-homers relative to single-homers is sufficiently low for advertisers. This equilibrium level of interoperability is however misaligned with social welfare maximization. In markets dominated by one platform, mandating interoperability between the asymmetric platforms is not always socially optimal.The second chapter empirically investigates the issue of self-preferencing on hybrid platforms, using web-scraped data from the Amazon marketplace. It appears that Amazon makes the visibility of offers of third-party suppliers in the "buybox" dependent on prices on competing marketplaces. Amazon's own offers are however visible regardless of their competitiveness. Furthermore, the absence of seller recommendations makes recommendations to related products more effective and Amazon tends to steer consumers in these situations more often to products it sells itself. Overall, this illustrates how self-preferencing can appear in subtle forms.The last chapter theoretically examines the incentives of hybrid platforms to invest in screening tools to detect and delist illegal third-party products. Whereas platforms engage in screening to the extent that it accommodates entry, more vertically integrated platforms tend to screen less due to the business-stealing effect it induces. Additionally, platforms conducting screening charge higher commission fees to sellers. This strategic complementarity can lead to a negative relationship between platforms' degree of vertical integration and the level of commission fees.These three chapters highlight the complex nature of digital markets and the need for regulatory intervention to be carefully calibrated

    Hydrolyse enzymatique du gluten de ble: caracterisation biochimique et proprietes fonctionnelles des hydrolysats

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    SIGLEINIST T 73750 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
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