6 research outputs found

    The variable mass loss of the AGB star WX Psc as traced by the CO J=1-0 through 7-6 lines and the dust emission

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    Low and intermediate mass stars lose a significant fraction of their mass through a dust-driven wind during the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase. Recent studies show that winds from late-type stars are far from being smooth. Mass-loss variations occur on different time scales, from years to tens of thousands of years. The variations appear to be particularly prominent towards the end of the AGB evolution. The occurrence, amplitude and time scale of these variations are still not well understood. The goal of our study is to gain insight into the structure of the circumstellar envelope (CSE) of WX Psc and map the possible variability of the late-AGB mass-loss phenomenon. We have performed an in-depth analysis of the extreme infrared AGB star WX Psc by modeling (1) the CO J=1-0 through 7-6 rotational line profiles and the full spectral energy distribution (SED) ranging from 0.7 to 1300 micron. We hence are able to trace a geometrically extended region of the CSE. Both mass-loss diagnostics bear evidence of the occurrence of mass-loss modulations during the last ~2000 yr. In particular, WX Psc went through a high mass-loss phase (Mdot~5e-5 Msun/yr) some 800 yr ago. This phase lasted about 600 yr and was followed by a long period of low mass loss (Mdot~5e-8 Msun/yr). The present day mass-loss rate is estimated to be ~6e-6 Msun/yr. The AGB star WX Psc has undergone strong mass-loss rate variability on a time scale of several hundred years during the last few thousand years. These variations are traced in the strength and profile of the CO rotational lines and in the SED. We have consistently simulated the behaviour of both tracers using radiative transfer codes that allow for non-constant mass-loss rates.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Circumstellar water vapour in M-type AGB stars: Constraints from H2O(1_10 - 1_01) lines obtained with Odin

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    Aims: Spectrally resolved circumstellar H2O(1_10 - 1_01) lines have been obtained towards three M-type AGB stars using the Odin satellite. This provides additional strong constrains on the properties of circumstellar H2O and the circumstellar envelope. Methods: ISO and Odin satellite H2O line data are used as constraints for radiative transfer models. Special consideration is taken to the spectrally resolved Odin line profiles, and the effect of excitation to the first excited vibrational states of the stretching modes (nu1=1 and nu3=1) on the derived abundances is estimated. A non-local, radiative transfer code based on the ALI formalism is used. Results: The H2O abundance estimates are in agreement with previous estimates. The inclusion of the Odin data sets stronger constraints on the size of the H2O envelope. The H2O(1_10 - 1_01) line profiles require a significant reduction in expansion velocity compared to the terminal gas expansion velocity determined in models of CO radio line emission, indicating that the H2O emission lines probe a region where the wind is still being accelerated. Including the nu3=1 state significantly lowers the estimated abundances for the low-mass-loss-rate objects. This shows the importance of detailed modelling, in particular the details of the infrared spectrum in the range 3 to 6 micron, to estimate accurate circumstellar H2O abundances. Conclusions: Spectrally resolved circumstellar H2O emission lines are important probes of the physics and chemistry in the inner regions of circumstellar envelopes around asymptotic giant branch stars. Predictions for H2O emission lines in the spectral range of the upcoming Herschel/HIFI mission indicate that these observations will be very important in this context.Comment: accepted in A&A, 10 pages, 8 figure

    Imaging the circumstellar dust around AGB stars with PolCor

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate how the new imaging Polarimeter and Coronograph (PolCor) at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) can be used in the study of circumstellar structures around AGB stars, with the purpose of preparing for a study of a larger sample. We have observed two types of AGB stars using the PolCor instrument on the NOT: the binary S-type star W Aql and two carbon stars with detached shells, U Cam and DR Ser. The polarized light traces the dust distribution around the stars. From the polarimeter images the polarized intensity, the polarization degree, and the polarization angle over the images are calculated. The location and extent of dust structures are examined in the images. The total dust mass and the dust-to-gas ratios of the detached shells are also calculated. The images of the circumstellar envelope of W Aql show what seems to be an elongated structure in the south-west direction. The detached shells of U Cam and DR Ser are clearly seen in the images. This is the first time the detached shell around DR Ser has been imaged. The radii and widths of the shells are determined and found to be 7.9" and 7.6", and 0.9" and 1.2", for U Cam and DR Ser, respectively. This is consistent with previous results. The dust masses of the feature south-west of W Aql, and in the shells of U Cam and DR Ser are also estimated and found to be 1x10^-6, 5x10^-7, and 2x10^-6 Msun, respectively. W Aql is a known binary and the shape of the circumstellar envelope seems to be in line with what could be expected from binary interaction on these scales. For the shells, the results are in agreement with previous investigations. Ages and formation time-scales are also estimated for the detached shells and found to be consistent with the thermal-pulse-formation scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&