45 research outputs found


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    Dearest is the examination of what remains of a person, looking to the objects they cherished most while contemplating the inevitability of their certain absence. The work questions the futility of preservation in the measure of time, the failure of memories held in fragile containers, and the decay of the physical body. The materials that compose Dearest are chosen for their innate longevity and their ability to evoke remembrance

    Frame Dependence of the Electric Field Spectrum of Solar Wind Turbulence

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    We present the first survey of electric field data using the ARTEMIS spacecraft in the solar wind to study inertial range turbulence. It was found that the average perpendicular spectral index of the electric field depends on the frame of measurement. In the spacecraft frame it is -5/3, which matches the magnetic field due to the large solar wind speed in Lorentz transformation. In the mean solar wind frame, the electric field is primarily due to the perpendicular velocity fluctuations and has a spectral index slightly shallower than -3/2, which is close to the scaling of the velocity. These results are an independent confirmation of the difference in scaling between the velocity and magnetic field, which is not currently well understood. The spectral index of the compressive fluctuations was also measured and found to be close to -5/3, suggesting that they are not only passive to the velocity but may also interact nonlinearly with the magnetic field

    Dependence of solar wind power spectra on the direction of the local mean magnetic field

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    (Abridged) Wavelet analysis can be used to measure the power spectrum of solar wind fluctuations along a line in any direction with respect to the local mean magnetic field. This technique is applied to study solar wind turbulence in high-speed streams in the ecliptic plane near solar minimum using magnetic field measurements with a cadence of eight vectors per second. The analysis of nine high-speed streams shows that the reduced spectrum of magnetic field fluctuations (trace power) is approximately azimuthally symmetric about B_0 in both the inertial range and dissipation range; in the inertial range the spectra are characterized by a power-law exponent that changes continuously from 1.6 \pm 0.1 in the direction perpendicular to the mean field to 2.0 \pm 0.1 in the direction parallel to the mean field. The large uncertainties suggest that the perpendicular power-law indices 3/2 and 5/3 are both consistent with the data. The results are similar to those found by Horbury et al. (2008) at high heliographic latitudes.Comment: Submitted to: The Astrophysical Journa

    Impact of observational uncertainties on universal scaling of MHD turbulence

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    Scaling exponents are the central quantitative prediction of theories of turbulence and in-situ satellite observations of the high Reynolds number solar wind flow have provided an extensive testbed of these. We propose a general, instrument independent method to estimate the uncertainty of velocity field fluctuations. We obtain the systematic shift that this uncertainty introduces into the observed spectral exponent. This shift is essential for the correct interpretation of observed scaling exponents. It is sufficient to explain the contradiction between spectral features of the Elsasser fields observed in the solar wind with both theoretical models and numerical simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

    Power and spectral index anisotropy of the entire inertial range of turbulence in the fast solar wind

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    We measure the power and spectral index anisotropy of high speed solar wind turbulence from scales larger than the outer scale down to the ion gyroscale, thus covering the entire inertial range. We show that the power and spectral indices at the outer scale of turbulence are approximately isotropic. The turbulent cascade causes the power anisotropy at smaller scales manifested by anisotropic scalings of the spectrum: close to k^{-5/3} across and k^{-2} along the local magnetic field, consistent with a critically balanced Alfvenic turbulence. By using data at different radial distances from the Sun, we show that the width of the inertial range does not change with heliocentric distance and explain this by calculating the radial dependence of the ratio of the outer scale to the ion gyroscale. At the smallest scales of the inertial range, close to the ion gyroscale, we find an enhancement of power parallel to the magnetic field direction coincident with a decrease in the perpendicular power. This is most likely related to energy injection by ion kinetic modes such as the firehose instability and also marks the beginning of the dissipation range of solar wind turbulence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRAS letter

    Kolmogorov versus Iroshnikov-Kraichnan spectra: Consequences for ion heating in the solar wind

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    Whether the phenomenology governing MHD turbulence is Kolmogorov or Iroshnikov-Kraichnan (IK) remains an open question, theoretically as well as observationally. The ion heating profile observed in the solar wind provides a quantitative, if indirect, observational constraint on the relevant phenomenology. Recently, a solar wind heating model based on Kolmogorov spectral scaling has produced reasonably good agreement with observations, provided the effect of turbulence generation due to pickup ions is included in the model. Without including the pickup ion contributions, the Kolmogorov scaling predicts a proton temperature profile that decays too rapidly beyond a radial distance of 15 AU. In the present study, we alter the heating model by applying an energy cascade rate based on IK scaling, and show that the model yields higher proton temperatures, within the range of observations, with or without the inclusion of the effect due to pickup ions. Furthermore, the turbulence correlation length based on IK scaling seems to follow the trend of observations better

    Turbulent Density Spectrum in Solar Wind Plasma

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    The density fluctuation spectrum in the solar wind reveals a Kolmogorov-like scaling with a spectral slope of -5/3 in wavenumber space. The energy transfer process in the magnetized solar wind, characterized typically by MHD turbulence, over extended length-scales remains an unresolved paradox of modern turbulence theories, raising the question of how a compressible magnetofluid exhibits a turbulent spectrum that is characteristic of an incompressible hydrodynamic fluid. To address these questions, we have undertaken three-dimensional time dependent numerical simulations of a compressible magnetohydrodynamic fluid describing super-Alfv\'enic, supersonic and strongly magnetized plasma fluid. It is shown that a Kolmogorov-like density spectrum can develop by plasma motions that are dominated by Alfv\'enic cascades whereas compressive modes are dissipated.Comment: Paper is to appear in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    Scale-dependent Polarization of Solar Wind Velocity Fluctuations at the Inertial and Kinetic Scales

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    We study the polarization properties of the velocity fluctuations in solar wind turbulence using high-resolution data from the Spektr-R spacecraft. The ratio of perpendicular to parallel velocity fluctuations in the inertial range is smaller than the equivalent ratio for magnetic fluctuations, but gradually increases throughout this range. In the kinetic range, there is a large decrease in the ratio, similar to the magnetic fluctuations. We compare the measurements to numerical solutions for a combination of kinetic Alfvén waves and slow waves, finding that both the slow increase and sharp decrease in the ratio are consistent with a majority population of Alfvén waves and minority population of slow waves in critical balance. Furthermore, the beta-dependence of this scale-dependent ratio can be successfully captured in the model when incorporating a beta-dependent Alfvén to slow wave ratio similar to that observed in the solar wind