243 research outputs found

    The contours of post-Cold War Turkish-American relations, (1990-2001)

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    Ankara : The Department of International Relations, Bilkent Univ., 2004.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2004.Includes bibliographical references leaves 104-110.The nature of post-Cold War decade Turkish-American relations has largely been determined by the new strategic circumstances that also have stared to frame world politics. In this decade, new challenges and opportunities brought together new areas of cooperation for the U.S. and Turkey by strengthening their alliance within NATO. Hence, the mutual importance attributed to the relationship has flourished as a result of the essentiality of their alliance. Neither the U.S. nor Turkey could afford to lose a significant ally with whom they share common interests in the region. Furthermore, it could be argued that these allies will need each other in the future to realize their foreign policy objectives concerning the relations with the neighboring countries. Thus, the simpler approach to the thesis is analyzing the exogenous and indigenous factors that affect the character of Turkish-American relations in the post-Cold War era.Tekdemir, SevinçM.S

    The First Commercial Newspaper in the Ottoman Empire: Ceride-I Ticaret

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    DergiPark: 326292trakyasobedWe cannot see a newspaper published in the Ottoman Empire until the end of of 18th Century. In the first quarter of the 19th century, newspapers in French started to be published by the foreigners in the Ottoman Empire. The first official newspaper in the Ottoman Empire, Takvim-i Vekayi started to be published towards the end of 1831. In the 1850s only in Istanbul 23 newspapers were being published but no newspaper on commerce was available. Newspapers of that period dealt with education, literature, politics and various news but did not cover issues about industry, land and sea trade. So a newspaper was needed in order for trade to prosper. It was thought that when the newspaper started to be published, trade would flourish and consequently the welfare of the public will increase. Some works were carried out and after a short while, the first commercial newspaper, Ceride-i Ticaret, was started to be published.XVIII. yüzyıl sonlarına kadar Osmanlı Devleti sınırları içinde yayınlanan bir gazeteye rastlanılmamaktadır. XIX. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde Osmanlı Devleti?nde yabancılar tarafından Fransızca gazetelerin çıkarılmaya başladığı görülmektedir. 1831 yılının sonlarına doğru ise Osmanlı Devleti?nin ilk resmi gazetesi olan Takvim-i Vekayi yayınlanmaya başlamıştır. 1850?li yıllara gelindiğinde sadece İstanbul?da 23 gazetenin neşredildiği tespit edilmiş fakat ticaretle ilgili bir gazetenin olmadığı görülmüştür. Dönemin gazetelerinde eğitim, edebiyat, politika ve çeşitli haberlerden bahsedilmiş; sanayi, kara ve deniz ticareti ile ilgili konulara yer verilmemişti. Bu sebeple Ticaretin yaygınlaşabilmesi için bir yayın organına ihtiyaç duyulmuş ve gazetenin yayın hayatına başlaması ile ticaretin artacağı, buna bağlı olarak da halkın refah seviyesinin yükseleceği düşünülmüştür. Bunun içinde bir takım çalışmalar yürütülmeye başlanmış kısa süre sonra da ilk ticari gazete olan Ceride-i Ticaret yayınlanmaya başlamıştır

    Sosyal Medyada Müslüman Kimlik Algısı: İslami Fenomenler ve Twitter Örneği

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    Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de yaşayan, kendisini dindar (Müslüman) olarak tarifleyen ve sosyal medyada “İslami fenomen” olarak görülen/konuşulan insanların; “Müslüman olmanın ve İslami yaşam tarzının” anlamının söylemlerindeki inşası incelenmektedir. Başka bir deyişle; İslami fenomenlerin Müslüman kimliğe ve İslami yaşam tarzına dair görüşlerini belirtirken hangi dilsel kaynakları (açıklayıcı repertuarlar) kullandıkları Eleştirel Söylemsel Psikoloji yaklaşımı ile ele alınmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri farklı söylem repertuarlarına ulaşma fırsatı veren ve Türkiye’de kullanıcı sayısı oldukça yüksek olan Twitter üzerinden toplanmıştır. Belirlenen 5 İslami fenomenin (Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca -164 bin takipçi, Caner Taslaman - 186 bin takipçi, Said Ercan -645 bin takipçi, Nihat Hatipoğlu - 487 bin takipçi, At gözlüklü /kendine laik -153 bin takipçi) 2012-2018 yılları arasındaki tüm tivitleri incelenmiştir. Alıntılar Eleştirel Söylemsel Psikolojinin analitik kavramlarından biri olan açıklayıcı repertuarlar çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda “doğru İslam” ve “öteki’ne karşı birlik olması gereken İslam” repertuarı olmak üzere iki temel açıklayıcı repertuar ortaya çıkmıştır. Doğru İslam repertuarı; İslamiyet’e uygunluk açısından dindar kesimin davranışı ve taşıdığı değerlere vurgu yapmaktadır. Öteki’ne karşı birlik olması gereken İslam repertuarında ise; Müslüman kimliğinin ya da İslamiyet’e inananların üst bir kimlik olarak kurgulandığı görülmektedir

    Localization of Mental and Mandibular Foramens on the Conventional and Digital Panoramic Images

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency of conventional and digital panoramic images for localization of mental and mandibular foramens. Six dry edentulous human mandibles were used in the study. Conventional and digital panoramic images were obtained and the vertical and horizontal measurements were performed for localization of mental and mandibular foramens on the images. The correlations between radiographic (conventional and digital) and direct measurements were compared. A measurement error between the radiographic and direct measurements was determined at the level of 1 mm. The measurement errors were generally less in conventional panoramic radiography than digital one. There was statistically strong positive correlation between direct and radiographic measurements. Statistically significant difference was found between radiographic and direct measurements for bone height of mandible in ramus region. According to the results of this study, diagnostic performance of conventional and digital panoramic images seems to be equal for the localization of mental and mandibular foramens. The vertical radiographic measurements are generally reliable and correlated with direct measurements in mandible for conventional and digital panoramic radiography, but the evaluation of bone height in ramus region may not be sufficiently reliable

    Design of a modular Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for archaeological investigations

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    MARTA (MARine Tool for Archaeology) is a modular AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) designed and developed by the University of Florence in the framework of the ARROWS (ARchaeological RObot systems for the World's Seas) FP7 European project. The ARROWS project challenge is to provide the underwater archaeologists with technological tools for cost affordable campaigns: i.e. ARROWS adapts and develops low cost AUV technologies to significantly reduce the cost of archaeological operations, covering the full extent of an archaeological campaign (underwater mapping, diagnosis and cleaning tasks). The tools and methodologies developed within ARROWS comply with the "Annex" of the 2001 UNESCO Convention for the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH). The system effectiveness and MARTA performance will be demonstrated in two scenarios, different as regards the environment and the historical context, the Mediterranean Sea (Egadi Islands) and the Baltic Sea

    The ARROWS project: Adapting and developing robotics technologies for underwater archaeology

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    ARchaeological RObot systems for the World's Seas (ARROWS) EU Project proposes to adapt and develop low-cost Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) technologies to significantly reduce the cost of archaeological operations, covering the full extent of archaeological campaign. ARROWS methodology is to identify the archaeologists requirements in all phases of the campaign and to propose related technological solutions. Starting from the necessities identified by archaeological project partners in collaboration with the Archaeology Advisory Group, a board composed of European archaeologists from outside ARROWS, the aim is the development of a heterogeneous team of cooperating AUVs capable of comply with a complete archaeological autonomous mission. Three new different AUVs have been designed in the framework of the project according to the archaeologists' indications: MARTA, characterized by a strong hardware modularity for ease of payload and propulsion systems configuration change; U-C AT, a turtle inspired bio-mimetic robot devoted to shipwreck penetration and A-Size AUV, a vehicle of small dimensions and weight easily deployable even by a single person. These three vehicles will cooperate within the project with AUVs already owned by ARROWS partners exploiting a distributed high-level control software based on the World Model Service (WMS), a storage system for the environment knowledge, updated in real-time through online payload data process, in the form of an ontology. The project includes also the development of a cleaning tool for well-known artifacts maintenance operations. The paper presents the current stage of the project that will lead to overall system final demonstrations, during Summer 2015, in two different scenarios, Sicily (Italy) and Baltic Sea (Estonia

    Platform session

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    Current Directions in the Auricular

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    Electrical stimulation of the auricular vagus nerve (aVNS) is an emerging electroceutical technology in the field of bioelectronic medicine with applications in therapy. Artificial modulation of the afferent vagus nerve – a powerful entrance to the brain – affects a large number of physiological processes implicating interactions between the brain and body. Engineering aspects of aVNS determine its efficiency in application. The relevant safety and regulatory issues need to be appropriately addressed. In particular, in silico modeling acts as a tool for aVNS optimization. The evolution of personalized electroceuticals using novel architectures of the closed-loop aVNS paradigms with biofeedback can be expected to optimally meet therapy needs. For the first time, two international workshops on aVNS have been held in Warsaw and Vienna in 2017 within the scope of EU COST Action “European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (BM1309).” Both workshops focused critically on the driving physiological mechanisms of aVNS, its experimental and clinical studies in animals and humans, in silico aVNS studies, technological advancements, and regulatory barriers. The results of the workshops are covered in two reviews, covering physiological and engineering aspects. The present review summarizes on engineering aspects – a discussion of physiological aspects is provided by our accompanying article (Kaniusas et al., 2019). Both reviews build a reasonable bridge from the rationale of aVNS as a therapeutic tool to current research lines, all of them being highly relevant for the promising aVNS technology to reach the patient.European Cooperation in Science and TechnologyThe Austrian Research Promotion Agenc