11 research outputs found


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    This article presents the results of an experimental research of sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs. These floor slabs combine three different materials — normal concrete, foamed concrete and a steel reinforcement. As experimental models six beams with dimensions L × b × h = 4200 × 500 × 200mm were made. Experimental beams were established on two supports (hinged fixed support and hinged movable support). The experimental study of these beams was executed by two concentrated forces in thirds of beam’s span. Received results allowed to describe a behaviour of sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs under loading. Moreover, these researches allowed to present suggestions regarding calculations of bearing capacity of sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs. These suggestions will give an opportunity to use sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs in civil engineering and house building


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    This article presents the results of an experimental research of sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs. These floor slabs combine three different materials — normal concrete, foamed concrete and a steel reinforcement. As experimental models six beams with dimensions L × b × h = 4200 × 500 × 200mm were made. Experimental beams were established on two supports (hinged fixed support and hinged movable support). The experimental study of these beams was executed by two concentrated forces in thirds of beam’s span. Received results allowed to describe a behaviour of sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs under loading. Moreover, these researches allowed to present suggestions regarding calculations of bearing capacity of sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs. These suggestions will give an opportunity to use sandwich reinforced concrete-foamed concrete floor slabs in civil engineering and house building

    The open-air site of Tolbor 16 (Northern Mongolia): Preliminary results and perspectives.

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    Numerous questions remain regarding the timing and the context of Upper Paleolithic emergence in Northeast Asia. Available data allow the recognition of a form of Initial Upper Paleolithic (IUP) documented in the Altai circa 45e40 ka 14C BP, and in the Cis- and Transbaikal around �37 ka 14C BP. In Northern Mongolia, a series of assemblages show intriguing similarities with IUP laminar assemblages from South Siberia and suggest long distance contact/movements of population during the first half of MIS3. These contacts are potentially enabled by the main river that drains into Lake Baikal, the Selenga. By cutting through the Sayan and the Yablonovy mountain ranges, the Selenga drainage system provides a potential corridor connecting South Siberia with the plains of Mongolia. The Tolbor 16 site (Ikh Tulberiin Gol, Northern Mongolia) is located circa 13 km from the confluence with the Selenga. The first results presented here suggest that the lithic assemblage and the ornaments discovered at Tolbor 16 document the early appearance of Upper Paleolithic in the region. This newly discovered site offers the possibility to generate high-resolution contextual data on the first appearance of the blade assemblages in Mongolia and to test the ‘Selenga corridor hypothesis’

    The Use of Interactive Technologies in the Practical Training of Future Specialists of the Tourism Sector

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    У статті обґрунтовано значимість професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців сфери туризму для підвищення якості туристичних послуг в Україні. Аргументовано актуальність технологізації процесу навчання, переваги застосування таких технологій у підготовці кадрів для туристичної галузі. Розкрито сутність інтерактивних методів навчання. Продемонстровано можливість їх упровадження у практичні заняття для знаходження розв'язку завдання фахового спрямування, зокрема організації добового раціонального харчування в нескладних багатоденних піших походах із урахуванням допустимих вагових навантажень за мінімальних фінансових затрат. Окреслено перспективу наукових розвідок в аспекті їх подальшого практичного застосування.The article studies the dynamics of tourist flows in Ukraine before the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as during quarantine restrictions. The conclusion made is about the decline in the interest of foreign tourists and Ukrainians to the domestic tourist product. The low level of quality of integrated tourist services was defined as the main reason of such decline. The importance of professional training of future tourism specialists is emphasized to improve the quality of tourist services. The relevance of educational sector technologization, and the training process in particular, is argued. The basic requirements for training technologies are defined. The peculiarities of innovative learning technologies as personality-oriented are emphasized. Approaches to their classification are presented. The advantages of using interactive learning technologies in the personnel training process for the tourism industry are argued. The problematic aspects of interactive technologies implementation in the educational process are identified. The essence of interactive teaching methods is revealed. The list of interactive methods offered for practical use in higher education institutions is given. The possibility of their introduction into traditional types of training sessions is argued. The importance of practice in the practical training of tourism industry future specialists is emphasized. The necessity of solving the tasks of production content in these classes is argued and the general algorithm of their solution is offered. The use of interactive teaching methods during the practical lesson to find a solution to the problem of professional orientation, in particular the organization of daily nutrition in simple multi-day hiking tours, taking into account the allowable weight loads with minimal financial costs has been shown. The expediency of implementation of such interactive methods of collaborative-group learning as "Brainstorming" and dialogue for the solution of the set task of professional maintenance is argued. It is emphasized that their effectiveness depends on the level of organization according to certain rules. The conclusion is made that interactive technologies allow to test the knowledge of future specialists in the field of tourism in an interactive form in practice, as close as possible to professional activities. The prospect of further scientific research in terms of continuing the demonstration on specific examples of the use of interactive teaching methods to solve problems with a clear professional orientation is outlined

    The Initial Upper Paleolithic of Kamenka site, Zabaikal region (Siberia): A closer look at the blade technology

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    In Asia, the Initial Upper Paleolithic refers to blade-based lithic assemblages that display a specific suite of features and date back to the beginning of the MIS3. Previously we reported strong similarities between examples from the Siberian Altai and North Mongolia, but little is known about what generates the variability observed at the assemblage level. The site of Kamenka is particularly relevant to discuss these issues for several reasons. First, it documents some of the earliest occurrences of the Upper Paleolithic in the Zabaikal region. Second, the fast burial of the archeological layer and the bone preservation provide groundwork to discuss human subsistence strategies. Third, the dominant raw materials sources could be distant and fall outside of the daily foraging radius. Here we give a closer look at the Kamenka A blade assemblage to model the reduction sequences. Then we discuss the main implications of the model for issues related to Initial Upper Paleolithic raw material provenience, mobility and settlement patterns. Our analyses confirm that the blade technology fits a conservative definition of the Initial Upper Paleolithic in Asia. Considering other lines of evidence (such as spatial distribution, or fauna analyses), we discuss the impact of mobility, site function and raw material procurement strategies on the assemblage composition. We conclude that while some of these parameters may affect the tool types and reduction stages represented within the assemblage, the blade reduction method does not show substantial changes between neighboring regions

    Radiocarbon-Based Chronology of the Paleolithic in Siberia and Its Relevance to the Peopling of the New World

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    The territory of Siberia is of crucial importance for the study of early human dispersal and the peopling of the New World. A Siberian Paleolithic Radiocarbon Database has been compiled. The Database allows us to compile a chronological framework for human colonization of Northern Asia. There are 446 14C dates for 13 Middle and 111 Upper Paleolithic sites older than around 12,000 BP. Seventeen percent of the dates were obtained by the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) technique, and the remaining 83% are conventional. From the viewpoint of the spatial distribution of the 14C-dated sites, the majority of these are located at the Yenisey River Basin, Transbaikal, and the Altai Mountains. The general outline of the Upper Paleolithic colonization of Siberia is given here. The earliest traces of modern human occupation are dated to around 43,000-39,000 BP in the southern part of Siberia. It seems that by around 13,000 BP, almost all of northern Asia, including the extreme northeastern Siberia had been colonized by modern humans. We discuss some controversial problems that have provoked heated debates in current Russian archaeology. Notable among these are the surprisingly early AMS dates for the Early Upper Paleolithic, the age of the Dyuktai culture of Yakutia, the problem of human presence in Siberia at the time of the Last Glacial Maximum (20,000-18,000 BP), and the timing of the initial settling of the Chukchi Peninsula and northeastern Siberia.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202