15 research outputs found

    Diurnal variability of fine-particulate pollution concentrations: data from 14 low- and middle-income countries

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    BACKGROUND: Scientific understanding of indoor air pollution is predominately based on research carried out in cities in high‐income countries (HICs). Less is known about how pollutant concentrations change over the course of a typical day in cities in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs). OBJECTIVE: To understand how concentrations of fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) change over the course of the day outdoors (across a range of countries) and indoors (using measurements from Dhaka, Bangladesh). DESIGN: Data on PM2.5 concentrations were gathered from 779 households in Dhaka as part of the MCLASS II (Muslim Communities Learning About Second‐hand Smoke in Bangladesh) project, and compared to outdoor PM2.5 concentrations to determine the temporal variation in exposure to air pollution. Hourly PM2.5 data from 23 cities in 14 LMICs, as well as London (UK), Paris (France) and New York (NY, USA), were extracted from publicly available sources for comparison. RESULTS: PM2.5 in homes in Dhaka demonstrated a similar temporal pattern to outdoor measurements, with greater concentrations at night than in the afternoon. This pattern was also evident in 19 of 23 LMIC cities. CONCLUSION: PM2.5 concentrations are greater at night than during the afternoon in homes in Dhaka. Diurnal variations in PM2.5 in LMICs is substantial and greater than in London, Paris or New York. This has implications for public health community approaches to health effects of air pollution in LMICs

    Addressing unintentional exclusion of vulnerable and mobile households in traditional surveys in Kathmandu, Dhaka and Hanoi : a mixed methods feasibility study

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    The methods used in low- and middle-income countries’ (LMICs) household surveys have not changed in four decades; however, LMIC societies have changed substantially and now face unprecedented rates of urbanization and urbanization of poverty. This mismatch may result in unintentional exclusion of vulnerable and mobile urban populations. We compare three survey method innovations with standard survey methods in Kathmandu, Dhaka, and Hanoi and summarize feasibility of our innovative methods in terms of time, cost, skill requirements, and experiences. We used descriptive statistics and regression techniques to compare respondent characteristics in samples drawn with innovative versus standard survey designs and household definitions, adjusting for sample probability weights and clustering. Feasibility of innovative methods was evaluated using a thematic framework analysis of focus group discussions with survey field staff, and via survey planner budgets. We found that a common household definition excluded single adults (46.9%) and migrant-headed households (6.7%), as well as non-married (8.5%), unemployed (10.5%), disabled (9.3%), and studying adults (14.3%). Further, standard two-stage sampling resulted in fewer single adult and non-family households than an innovative area-microcensus design; however, two-stage sampling resulted in more tent and shack dwellers. Our survey innovations provided good value for money, and field staff experiences were neutral or positive. Staff recommended streamlining field tools and pairing technical and survey content experts during fieldwork. This evidence of exclusion of vulnerable and mobile urban populations in LMIC household surveys is deeply concerning and underscores the need to modernize survey methods and practices

    Legal, Accounting and Tax Aspects of the Selected Non-profit Organisation

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    Import 04/11/2015Práce je zaměřena na občanská sdružení a jejich transformaci na spolek, popsání účetnictví v neziskové organizaci a také na jeho zdaňování. Pomocí analýzy právních předpisů, je popsán postup při transformaci občanského sdružení na spolek a také jsou zde uvedeny dokumenty, které jsou pro transformaci potřeba, dále znázorňuje účetnictví a zdanění ve vybrané neziskové organizaci. Práce je řešena v souvislosti s novou právní úpravou občanského zákoníku a jiných předpisů.The work is focused on civil associations and their transformation to the association, describe the accounting in non-profit organisation and also to its taxation. Through the analysis of legislation, a process is described for the transformation of the civic association in the association and documents, which are for the transformation of the need for, further illustrates the accounting and taxation in the selected non-profit organization. The work is addressed in the context of the new legislation of the civil code and other regulations.117 - Katedra účetnictvívelmi dobř

    Surveys for Urban Equity

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    This dataset contains results and documentation from three cross-sectional urban household surveys done in Kathmandu (Nepal), Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Hanoi (Vietnam) in 2017 and 2018. The surveys primarily aimed to test the feasibility of using new urban household survey methods that try to better cover/capture informal/slum settlements using sampling frame data generated from random forest models that incorporate census data (which is often outdated and inaccurate) with multiple remotely-sensed covariates, such as urbanisation and infrastructure data. Additionally, the surveys also aimed to gather data on a range of topics including many that are not commonly collected in household surveys, particularly of urban areas: A) basic socio-demographic details of household members, B) household characteristics, assets, income and expenses, C) household migration and social capital, D) household member injury and injury related death, and, for one individual per household, E) migration, social capital and depression/mental health. See the "Readme - dataset file descriptions.docx” file for a description of all files and datasets available, plus additional relevant references

    Is evidence-informed urban health planning a myth or reality? Lessons from a qualitative assessment in three Asian cities

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    City governments are well-positioned to effectively address urban health challenges in the context of rapid urbanization in Asia. They require good quality and timely evidence to inform their planning decisions. In this article, we report our analyses of degree of data-informed urban health planning from three Asian cities: Dhaka, Hanoi and Pokhara. Our theoretical framework stems from conceptualizations of evidence-informed policymaking, health planning and policy analysis, and includes: (1) key actors, (2) approaches to developing and implementing urban health plans, (3) characteristics of the data itself. We collected qualitative data between August 2017 and October 2018 using: in-depth interviews with key actors, document review and observations of planning events. Framework approach guided the data analysis. Health is one of competing priorities with multiple plans being produced within each city, using combinations of top-down, bottom-up and fragmented planning approaches. Mostly data from government information systems are used, which were perceived as good quality though often omits the urban poor and migrants. Key common influences on data use include constrained resources and limitations of current planning approaches, alongside data duplication and limited co-ordination within Dhaka’s pluralistic system, limited opportunities for data use in Hanoi and inadequate and incomplete data in Pokhara. City governments have the potential to act as a hub for multi-sectoral planning. Our results highlight the tensions this brings, with health receiving less attention than other sector priorities. A key emerging issue is that data on the most marginalized urban poor and migrants are largely unavailable. Feasible improvements to evidence-informed urban health planning include increasing availability and quality of data particularly on the urban poor, aligning different planning processes, introducing clearer mechanisms for data use, working within the current systemic opportunities and enhancing participation of local communities in urban health planning

    Muslim Communities learning about second-hand smoke in Bangladesh (MCLASS II): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a community-based smoke-free homes intervention, with or without Indoor Air Quality feedback

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    Background Second-hand smoke (SHS) is a serious health hazard costing 890,000 lives a year globally. Women and children in many economically developing countries are worst affected as smoke-free laws are only partially implemented and homes remain a major source of SHS exposure. There is limited evidence on interventions designed to reduce SHS exposure in homes, especially in community settings. Following a successful pilot, a community-based approach to promote smoke-free homes in Bangladesh, a country with a strong commitment to smoke-free environments but with high levels of SHS exposure, will be evaluated. The study aims to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a community-based intervention, Muslims for better Health (M4bH), with or without Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) feedback, in reducing non-smokers’ exposure to SHS in the home. Methods/design Based on behaviour-change theories, M4bH and IAQ feedback are designed to discourage people from smoking indoors. M4bH consists of a set of messages couched within mainstream Islamic discourse, delivered weekly by faith leaders (imams and khatibs) in mosques over 12 weeks (one message each week). The messages address key determinants of current smoking behaviours including lack of knowledge and misconceptions on specific harms associated with SHS exposure. IAQ feedback consists of personalised information on IAQ measured by a particulate matter (PM2.5) monitor within the home. Following adaptation of M4bH and IAQ feedback for the Bangladeshi context, a three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial will be conducted in Dhaka. Forty-five mosques and 1800 households, with at least one smoker and one non-smoker, will be recruited. Mosques will be randomised to: M4bH and IAQ feedback; M4bH alone; or usual services only. The primary outcome is 24-h mean household concentration of indoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) at 12 months post randomisation. Secondary outcomes are 24-h mean household PM2.5 at 3 months post randomisation, frequency and severity of respiratory symptoms, health care service use and quality of life. A cost-effectiveness analysis and process evaluation will also be conducted. Discussion The MCLASS II trial will test the potential of a community-based intervention to reduce second-hand smoke exposure at home and improve lung health among non-smokers in Bangladesh and beyond

    Smoking behaviours and indoor air quality : a comparative analysis of smoking-permitted versus smoke-free homes in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Introduction: Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is a health risk to non-smokers. Indoor particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with SHS exposure and is used as a proxy measure. However, PM2.5 is non-specific and influenced by a number of environmental factors, which are subject to geographical variation. The nature of association between SHS exposure and indoor PM2.5-studied primarily in high-income countries (HICs) context-may not be globally applicable. We set out to explore this association in a low/middle-income country setting, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among households with at least one resident smoker. We inquired whether smoking was permitted inside the home (smoking-permitted homes, SPH) or not (smoke-free homes, SFH), and measured indoor PM2.5 concentrations using a low-cost instrument (Dylos DC1700) for at least 22 hours. We describe and compare SPH and SFH and use multiple linear regression to evaluate which variables are associated with PM2.5 level among all households. Results: We surveyed 1746 households between April and August 2018; 967 (55%) were SPH and 779 (45%) were SFH. The difference between PM2.5 values for SFH (median 27 μg/m3, IQR 25) and SPH (median 32 μg/m3, IQR 31) was 5 μg/m3 (p<0.001). Lead participant's education level, being a non-smoker, having outdoor space and smoke-free rule at home and not using kerosene oil for cooking were significantly associated with lower PM2.5. Conclusions: We found a small but significant difference between PM2.5 concentrations in SPH compared with SFH in Dhaka, Bangladesh-a value much lower than observed in HICs