92 research outputs found

    CASTAway : An asteroid main belt tour and survey

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    CASTAway is a mission concept to explore our Solar System's main asteroid belt. Asteroids and comets provide a window into the formation and evolution of our Solar System and the composition of these objects can be inferred from space-based remote sensing using spectroscopic techniques. Variations in composition across the asteroid populations provide a tracer for the dynamical evolution of the Solar System. The mission combines a long-range (point source) telescopic survey of over 10,000 objects, targeted close encounters with 10-20 asteroids and serendipitous searches to constrain the distribution of smaller (e.g. 10 m) size objects into a single concept. With a carefully targeted trajectory that loops through the asteroid belt, CASTAway would provide a comprehensive survey of the main belt at multiple scales. The scientific payload comprises a 50 cm diameter telescope that includes an integrated low-resolution (R = 30-100) spectrometer and visible context imager, a thermal (e.g. 6-16 mu m) imager for use during the flybys, and modified star tracker cameras to detect small (similar to 10 m) asteroids. The CASTAway spacecraft and payload have high levels of technology readiness and are designed to fit within the programmatic and cost caps for a European Space Agency medium class mission, while delivering a significant increase in knowledge of our Solar System. (C) 2017 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Rapid Control Prototyping for Cylinder Pressure Indication

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    Mars Express 10 years at Mars: Observations by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment (MaRS)

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    The Mars Express spacecraft is operating in Mars orbit since early 2004. The Mars Express Radio Science Experiment (MaRS) employs the spacecraft and ground station radio systems (i) to conduct radio occultations of the atmosphere and ionosphere to obtain vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, neutral number densities and electron density, (ii) to conduct bistatic radar experiments to obtain information on the dielectric and scattering properties of the surface, (iii) to investigate the structure and variation of the crust and lithosphere in selected target areas, (iv) to determine the mass, bulk and internal structure of the moon Phobos, and (v) to track the MEX radio signals during superior solar conjunction to study the morphology of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Here we report observations, results and discoveries made in the Mars environment between 2004 and 2014 over almost an entire solar cycle. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd

    Phobos mass determination from the very close flyby of Mars Express in 2010

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    The global geophysical parameters GM(Ph) = (0.7072 +/- 0.0013) x 10(-3) km(3) S-2, C-20, C-22 and the bulk density = (1862 +/- 30) kg/m(3) have been determined from the closest Mars Express flyby at the Mars moon Phobos on 3rd March 2010 at a distance of 77 km. The second degree gravity field of Phobos (C-20, C-22) could not be solved for at sufficient accuracy. The low bulk density suggests a high porosity and an inhomogeneous mass distribution but the large errors of C-20 and C-22 are still consistent with a homogeneous as well as an inhomogeneous mass distribution. The modeling of the moon's interior by a randomly selected mass distribution of given porosity and water ice content but constrained by the observed GM(Ph) and let a simulated C-20 decrease with increasing porosity and water ice content indicating an increasingly inhomogeneous mass distribution. The high porosity together with an inhomogeneous mass distribution would be evidence that Phobos accreted in orbit about Mars from a debris disk and is not a captured asteroid. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Assessment of Phobos gravity field determination from both near polar and near equatorial orbital flyby data

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    The C-20 and C-22 coefficients of the Phobos gravity field are key parameters to constrain the internal structure of the Martian moon, but reliable observed values of these parameters are still missing. In this paper, we demonstrate, through a combination of forward and inverse modelling of simulated Doppler spacecraft tracking data collected from the Earth, that a Phobos flyby along a near polar Mars orbit is optimal when determining the C-20 coefficient, and further, that a near equatorial flyby Mars orbit is optimal for determination of the C-22 coefficient. Therefore, the combination of a near polar and a near equatorial orbit is an effective way to determine the Phobos C-20 and C-22 gravity field coefficients. This work provides a reference for a future Chinese Mars mission

    Sulfuric acid vapor and sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus as observed by the Venus Express radio science experiment VeRa

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    The Venus Express radio science experiment VeRa provided more than 900 neutral atmospheric profiles between the years 2006 and 2014. About 800 of these could be used for an analysis of the radio signal absorption at X-Band (wavelength: 3.6 cm), which is mainly caused by sulfuric acid vapor within the Venus atmosphere. The absorptivity profiles were converted into sulfuric acid vapor profiles. The combined measurements from the entire Venus Express mission reveal a distinct latitudinal H2SO4(g) variation. A latitudinal gradient can be observed at the topside of the H2SO4(g) layer, which is located approx. 4 km higher at equatorial latitudes compared to polar latitudes. Regions of enhanced sulfuric acid vapor abundance were found at equatorial and polar latitudes. The highest H2SO4(g) values at equatorial latitudes show mean maximal values of more than 12 ppm at around 47 km altitude. At polar latitudes mean maximal values were found at around 43 km altitude and ranged from 9 to 12 ppm. Both latitudinal regions of increased sulfuric acid vapor abundance are clearly separated by a low abundance region located at mid-latitudes with values of 5 to 7 ppm. A simplified two-dimensional transport model was developed to study the formation processes of sulfuric acid vapor accumulation at equatorial and polar latitudes. It turned out that the H2SO4(g) accumulation observed at high latitudes can be explained by precipitation of H2SO4(l) droplets that evaporate into gaseous sulfuric acid upon entering lower (warmer) altitudes. The influence of wind transport on this formation process was minor. In contrast, the H2SO4(g) accumulation observed at equatorial latitudes could be reproduced in the model by oppositely directed mass transport (upward winds and sedimentation) as well as by simplified evaporation and condensation processes. The low H2SO4(g) abundance observed at mid-latitudes was reproduced by downward winds in the model calculations. The VeRa observations were additionally used to estimate the abundance of SO2 above the cloud bottom. A latitudinal dependence was found with highest values of 90 +/- 60 ppm at equatorial latitudes, compared to 150 +/- 50 ppm and 160 +/- 50 ppm at southern and northern polar latitudes, respectively. Both the equatorial and polar regions displayed show large variability of the H2SO4(g) and SO2 abundances from observation to observation. A weak tidal influence is also visible in the sulfuric acid vapor abundance in the equatorial region. The northern polar H2SO4(g) abundance, as well as the southern and northern SO2 abundances, exhibit distinct long-term variations

    Small-scale temperature fluctuations seen by the VeRa Radio Science Experiment on Venus Express

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    The Venus Express Radio Science Experiment VeRa retrieves atmospheric profiles in the mesosphere and troposphere of Venus in the approximate altitude range of 40-90 km. A data set of more than 500 profiles was retrieved between the orbit insertion of Venus Express in 2006 and the end of occultation season No. 11 in July 2011. The atmospheric profiles cover a wide range of latitudes and local times, enabling us to study the dependence of vertical small-scale temperature perturbations on local time and latitude. Temperature fluctuations with vertical wavelengths of 4 km or less are extracted from the measured temperature profiles in order to study small-scale gravity waves. Significant wave amplitudes are found in the stable atmosphere above the tropopause at roughly 60 km as compared with the only shallow temperature perturbations in the nearly adiabatic region of the adjacent middle cloud layer, below. Gravity wave activity shows a strong latitudinal dependence with the smallest wave amplitudes located in the low-latitude range, and an increase of wave activity with increasing latitude in both hemispheres; the greatest wave activity is found in the high-northern latitude range in the vicinity of Ishtar Terra, the highest topographical feature on Venus. We find evidence for a local time dependence of gravity wave activity in the low latitude range within +/- 30 degrees of the equator. Gravity wave amplitudes are at their maximum beginning at noon and continuing into the early afternoon, indicating that convection in the lower atmosphere is a possible wave source. The comparison of the measured vertical wave structures with standard linear-wave theory allows us to derive rough estimates of the wave intrinsic frequency and horizontal wavelengths, assuming that the observed wave structures are the result of pure internal gravity waves. Horizontal wavelengths of the waves at 65 km altitude are on the order of approximate to 300-450 km with horizontal phase speeds of roughly 5-10 m/s. 2012 (C) Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved