1,574 research outputs found

    Optimal positron-beam excited plasma wakefields in Hollow and Ion-Wake channels

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    A positron-beam interacting with the plasma electrons drives radial suck-in, in contrast to an electron-beam driven blow-out in the over-dense regime, nb>n0n_b>n_0. In a homogeneous plasma, the electrons are radially sucked-in from all the different radii. The electrons collapsing from different radii do not simultaneously compress on-axis driving weak fields. A hollow-channel allows electrons from its channel-radius to collapse simultaneously exciting coherent fields. We analyze the optimal channel radius. Additionally, the low ion density in the hollow allows a larger region with focusing phase which we show is linearly focusing. We have shown the formation of an ion-wake channel behind a blow-out electron bubble-wake. Here we explore positron acceleration in the over-dense regime comparing an optimal hollow-plasma channel to the ion-wake channel. The condition for optimal hollow-channel radius is also compared. We also address the effects of a non-ideal ion-wake channel on positron-beam excited fields.Comment: Proceedings of IPAC2015, Richmond, VA, USA 3: Alternative Particle Sources and Acceleration Techniques A22 - Plasma Wake eld Acceleration http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2015/papers/wepje001.pdf, 2015 (ISBN 978-3-95450-168-7) pp 2674-267

    The Coldest Place in the Universe: Probing the Ultra-Cold Outflow and Dusty Disk in the Boomerang Nebula

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    Our Cycle 0 ALMA observations confirmed that the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest known object in the Universe, with a massive high-speed outflow that has cooled significantly below the cosmic background temperature. Our new CO 1-0 data reveal heretofore unseen distant regions of this ultra-cold outflow, out to 120,000\gtrsim120,000 AU. We find that in the ultra-cold outflow, the mass-loss rate (dM/dt) increases with radius, similar to its expansion velocity (VV) - taking VrV\propto r, we find dM/dtr0.92.2dM/dt \propto r^{0.9-2.2}. The mass in the ultra-cold outflow is 3.3\gtrsim3.3 Msun, and the Boomerang's main-sequence progenitor mass is 4\gtrsim4 Msun. Our high angular resolution (\sim0".3) CO J=3-2 map shows the inner bipolar nebula's precise, highly-collimated shape, and a dense central waist of size (FWHM) \sim1740 AU×275\times275 AU. The molecular gas and the dust as seen in scattered light via optical HST imaging show a detailed correspondence. The waist shows a compact core in thermal dust emission at 0.87-3.3 mm, which harbors (47)×104(4-7)\times10^{-4} Msun~of very large (\simmm-to-cm sized), cold (2030\sim20-30 K) grains. The central waist (assuming its outer regions to be expanding) and fast bipolar outflow have expansion ages of 1925\lesssim1925 yr and 1050\le1050 yr: the "jet-lag" (i.e., torus age minus the fast-outflow age) in the Boomerang supports models in which the primary star interacts directly with a binary companion. We argue that this interaction resulted in a common-envelope configuration while the Boomerang's primary was an RGB or early-AGB star, with the companion finally merging into the primary's core, and ejecting the primary's envelope that now forms the ultra-cold outflow.Comment: accepted ApJ, 12 Apr, 201

    A Fast bipolar H2 outflow from IRAS 16342-3814: an old star reliving its youth

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    Some evolved stars in the pre-planetary nebula phase produce highly-collimated molecular outflows that resemble the accretion-driven jets and outflows from pre-main sequence stars. We show that IRAS 16342-3814 (the Water Fountain Nebula) is such an object and present K-band integral field spectroscopy revealing a fast (> 150 km/s) bipolar H2 outflow. The H2 emission is shock excited and may arise in fast-moving clumps, accelerated by the previously observed precessing jet. The total luminosity in H2 is 0.37 L_{\odot} which is comparable with that of accretion-powered outflows from Class 0 protostars. We also detect CO overtone bandhead emission in the scattered continuum, indicating hot molecular gas close to the centre, a feature also observed in a number of protostars with active jets. It seems likely that the jet and outflow in IRAS 16342-3814 are powered by accretion onto a binary companion.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Spectral signatures of moisture-stressed wheat

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    One of the important parameters affecting crop yield is the availability of soil moisture to the crop. Lackof it may bring about moistur~ stress in plants which manifests itself in terms of changes in the spectral reflectance and emittence properties of plants. An experiment involving radiometric measurements over six wheat plots subjected to different irrigation schedules was conducted to test this hypothesis, Vegetation index defined in terms of cropreflectances in 0.6 to 0.7 and 0.8 to 1,1 micrometer bands was found to ben sensitive parameter to distinguish normal plants from moisture-stressed plants. The optimum period for the discrimination of such plants through remote sensing techniques has been indicated to be 45-80 days after sowing. The experiment also demonstrates that yield per unit area is linearly related to the maximum leaf-area index of the crop thus providing a possible method of crop yield prediction

    Galactic bulge giants: probing stellar and galactic evolution I. Catalogue of Spitzer IRAC and MIPS sources

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    Aims: We aim at measuring mass-loss rates and the luminosities of a statistically large sample of Galactic bulge stars at several galactocentric radii. The sensitivity of previous infrared surveys of the bulge has been rather limited, thus fundamental questions for late stellar evolution, such as the stage at which substantial mass-loss begins on the red giant branch and its dependence on fundamental stellar properties, remain unanswered. We aim at providing evidence and answers to these questions. Methods: To this end, we observed seven 15 times 15 arcmin^2 fields in the nuclear bulge and its vicinity with unprecedented sensitivity using the IRAC and MIPS imaging instruments on-board the Spitzer Space Telescope. In each of the fields, tens of thousands of point sources were detected. Results: In the first paper based on this data set, we present the observations, data reduction, the final catalogue of sources, and a detailed comparison to previous mid-IR surveys of the Galactic bulge, as well as to theoretical isochrones. We find in general good agreement with other surveys and the isochrones, supporting the high quality of our catalogue.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in A&A. A version with high-resolution figures, as well as the data catalogues (including cross-id with GLIMPSE and GALCEN) and image mosaics are available at the anonymous ftp://ftp.ster.kuleuven.be/dist/stefan/Spitzer

    Nanostructure Accelerators: Novel concept and path to its realization

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    TeV/m acceleration gradients using crystals as originally envisioned by R. Hofstadter, an early pioneer of HEP, have remained unrealizable. Fundamental obstacles that have hampered efforts on particle acceleration using bulk-crystals arise from collisional energy loss and emittance degradation in addition to severe beam disruption despite the favorable effect of particle channeling along interatomic planes in bulk. We aspire for the union of nanoscience with accelerator science to not only overcome these problems using nanostructured tubes to avoid direct impact of the beam on bulk ion-lattice but also to utilize the highly tunable characteristics of nanomaterials. We pioneer a novel surface wave mechanism in nanostructured materials with a strong electrostatic component which not only attains tens of TeV/m gradients but also has focusing fields. Under our initiative, the proof-of-principle demonstration of tens of TeV/m gradients and beam nanomodulation is underway. Realizable nanostructure accelerators naturally promise new horizons in HEP as well as in a wide range of areas of research that utilize beams of high-energy particles or photons.Comment: submission to Snowmass'21 Accelerator Frontie

    Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Bipolar Planetary Nebula M2-9 from SOFIA

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    We have imaged the bipolar planetary nebula M2-9 using SOFIA's FORCAST instrument in six wavelength bands between 6.6 and 37.1 μm\mu m. A bright central point source, unresolved with SOFIA's \sim 4{''}-to-5{''} beam, is seen at each wavelength, and the extended bipolar lobes are clearly seen at 19.7 μm\mu m and beyond. The photometry between 10 and 25 μm\mu m is well fit by the emission predicted from a stratified disk seen at large inclination, as has been proposed for this source by Lykou et al and by Smith and Gehrz. The principal new results in this paper relate to the distribution and properties of the dust that emits the infrared radiation. In particular, a considerable fraction of this material is spread uniformly through the lobes, although the dust density does increase at the sharp outer edge seen in higher resolution optical images of M2-9. The dust grain population in the lobes shows that small ( 1 μm\mu m) particles appear to be present in roughly equal amounts by mass. We suggest that collisional processing within the bipolar outflow plays an important role in establishing the particle size distribution.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    First detection of CO lines in a water fountain star

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    [Context] Water fountain stars are very young post-AGB stars with high velocity water maser jets. They are the best objects to study the onset of bipolar jets from evolved stars due to their young dynamical ages. [Methods] We use the Arizona Radio Observatory 10m telescope to observe the CO J=2-1 line and compare the line parameters with that of masers. [Results] We report the detection of 12CO and 13COJ=2-1 lines from IRAS 16342-3814. The inferred 12CO mass loss rate is an order of magnitude lower than the infrared and OH mass loss rates, indicating a very cold and thick O-rich circumstellar envelope around the star. We also find a 12CO expansion velocity of Vexp = 46 +- 1 km/s that is too high for an AGB wind and confirm the systemic velocity of 44 +- 1 km/s. In addition we measure a very low 12CO/13CO line ratio of 1.7. [Conclusions] The first detection of CO lines has provided a new way to investigate the water fountain stars. Given the high expansion velocity of the CO gas and its relation to maser velocities, we infer that the CO emission region is co-located with the OH mainline masers in the warm base of the optical bipolar lobes, while the high velocity OH1612MHz and H2O masers are located in the side walls and at the farthest ends of the bipolar lobes, respectively. Further observations are highly desired to understand the very low 12CO/13CO line ratio.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, accepted by A&A Lette