11 research outputs found

    Apical defect — the essence of cystocele pathogenesis?

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    Objectives: Lack of standardization causes misunderstandings in planning of cystocele treatment and the evaluation of surgical method effectiveness. The POP-Q System and DeLancey’s three levels of pelvic support do not account for the phenomenon of cystocele caused by an apical defect. We aimed to evaluate the impact of level I defect on the formation of cystocele. Material and methods: Women reporting complaints related to bladder prolapse (cystocele) were subjected to a urogynecological examination. For this purpose, a simple and standardized method was used, based on the POP-Q System and DeLancey’s three levels of pelvic support. Furthermore, it was expanded by evaluating the impact of level I defect (apical defect) on prolapse at level II of the anterior compartment. Results: In total, contribution of an apical defect to the pathogenesis of cystocele was founded in 72.2% of 302 female patients included in this study. In 30.8% the cystocele was caused exclusively by an apical defect. In turn, in 41.4% of patients, it resulted from concomitant apical and level II defect of the anterior compartment (lateral or central). Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that an apical defect may play a significant role in the development of a cystocele. Hence, it could be essential to take the influence of an apical defect on level II in anterior compartment into account when planning a surgical procedure. The authors suggest that lack of such procedures potentially exposes some cystocele patients to ineffective treatment

    Preperitoneal laparoscopic lateral repair in pelvic organ prolapse — a novel approach

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to present a novel approach for a paravaginal defect treatment. This extraperitoneal approach can be performed in patients with comorbidities and on obese patients. The main advantages are: not requiring the pneumoperitoneum and the Trendelenburg position and the avoidance of peritoneal adhesions.Material and methods: This study presents the results in 27 patients with cystocele caused by a lateral defect pelvic organ prolapse quantification (POP Q) stage II or higher. The procedure was performed with a modified Richardson and Burch technique using a preperitoneal approach. Three follow-up examinations were conducted two, six weeks, and six months after the operation. A quality of life assessment was conducted before and after surgery using the short form of the PFIQ‐7.Results: All patients had a POP Q II cystocele and 59% had concomitant stress urinary incontinence. In all patients cystocele was reduce to asymptomatic POP Q stage I or 0. Mean operation time was approximately 80 minutes. In six months post-operation follow up, one case of recurrence was noted. The patients’ quality of life revealed a statistical improvement from an average of 6.8 points before, to an average of 0.7 points after the operation (p < 0.05) in the PFIQ-7.Conclusions: Preperitoneal laparoscopic lateral repair is a relatively fast procedure and it is also feasible for obese women and for patients with a cardiopulmonary risk. Neither the Trendelenburg position nor the pneumoperitoneum are required. Postoperatively, the patients witnessed a reduction of the cystocele and complaints connected with their previous condition

    Urogynecological diseases: serious problem in society

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationUroginekologia to dziedzina medycyny obejmująca patologie dna miednicy, takie jak nietrzymanie moczu i zaburzenia statyki narządów miednicy mniejszej. W dobie starzenia się społeczeństwa częstość tego typu schorzeń rośnie, co kwalifikuje je do miana choroby społecznej. Dokuczliwe objawy wpływają negatywnie na codzienne życie pacjentów jako jednostek, a także na ich funkcjonowanie w rodzinie i społeczeństwie. Obniżają jakość życia i mogą być źródłem dalszych dysfunkcji, takich jak depresja czy zaburzenia seksualne. Ze względu na poczucie wstydu i zażenowania związane z dolegliwościami oraz ograniczoną wiedzę – także w środowisku medycznym – od pojawienia się objawów do rozpoczęcia leczenia często mija wiele lat. Większość schorzeń dna miednicy można skutecznie leczyć, a terapia powinna być prowadzona w sposób interdyscyplinarny i zindywidualizowany. Praca przedstawia przegląd schorzeń uroginekologicznych oraz możliwych metod ich leczenia.Urogynecology is a field of medicine that includes pelvic floor pathologies such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. In the age of society aging, the incidence of this type of illness increases, classifying them as social diseases. Bothersome symptoms affect negatively the daily lives of patients as individuals and their functioning in families and in society. They severely reduce the quality of life, and can be the source of further disorders such as depression or sexual dysfunction. Because of the sense of shame and embarrassment associated with ailments, and limited knowledge – also in the medical world – many years pass till the beginning of the treatment. Most pelvic floor diseases can be treated effectively, and therapy should be interdisciplinary and personalized. The paper presents an overview of urogynecological diseases and possible methods of treatment

    Three-Dimensional Urethral Profilometry—A Global Urethral Pressure Assessment Method

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    Background: To present a new method of urethral pressure examination, and to evaluate diagnostic capabilities of three-dimensional profilometry, as an alternative to classical urethral profile (UPP). Using five channel catheters and dedicated software, a global urethral pressure image is obtained. The method eliminates the main limitation of classical urethral profilometry, where the catheter orientation determines the pressure picture limited to only one point in the urethral circumference; we observed up to 50% differences in pressure measures depending on the point of urethral circumference where the measurement was taken. Methods: This is a preliminary study containing a method presentation and analysis of the use in varied clinical cases of either healthy patients or patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The article includes a technique and equipment description and a full evaluation of selected cases, including three-dimensional urethral pressure distribution graphics. Results and Conclusions: Three-dimensional profilometry compared to the classical technique is comparable regarding the time, cost, technical difficulty and patient discomfort. At the same time, we obtained much more data on the urethral pressure and its distribution. The results are easy to interpret due to the 3D movable graphics created automatically by the dedicated software

    The role of the apical defect in the parthenogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse: cystocele with apical defect

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    Wprowadzenie: W uroginekologii, zarówno w literaturze, jak i w pracy klinicznej, stosowane są różne systemy oceny obniżenia narządów dna miednicy. Powoduje to trudności w planowaniu leczenia, jak również w ocenie skuteczności stosowanych metod operacyjnych. Do obiektywnej oceny stopnia zaburzeń statyki narządu płciowego służy skala POP-Q (Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantifi cation). Nie informuje ona jednak o rodzaju defektu. Z kolei podział kliniczny według DeLancey defi niuje rodzaj defektu, wskazując anatomiczną przyczynę uszkodzenia, ale nie stopień jego nasilenia. Nie uwzględnia również pojęcia „cystocele z defektem apikalnym”. Materiał i metody: Autorzy zbadali 96 pacjentek, które zgłaszały się celem kwalifi kacji do leczenia z powodu objawowego obniżenia narządów miednicy mniejszej. Zastosowano nowy, standaryzowany sposób badania uroginekologicznego. Badanie uwzględniało rodzaj defektu i stopień jego nasilenia na każdym z trzech poziomów dna miednicy. Wyniki: Ten sposób badania pozwolił zidentyfi kować zarówno znane już cystocele z defektem środkowym i bocznym, jak również nieopisywane dotychczas cystocele z defektem apikalnym i mieszanym. Wnioski: Autorzy proponują nowy sposób badania uroginekologicznego z jednoczesnym zastosowaniem skali POP-Q i zmodyfi kowanej klasyfi kacji obniżenia narządów miednicy mniejszej według DeLancey, uwzględniającej wpływ defektu na poziomie I, czyli defektu apikalnego, na obniżenie na poziomie II. Wydaje się, iż taki sposób postępowania daje możliwość skuteczniejszego planowania zabiegów uroginekologicznych, ograniczając jednocześnie odsetek wznów.Introduction: In urogynecology, both in subject literature and in clinical work, different systems for the assessment of pelvic organ prolapse are used. The lack of standardization causes diffi culties in treatment planning and in the evaluation of the effectiveness of applied surgical methods. The most commonly used scale is the POP-Q System which describes the severity of the prolapse without taking the type of defect into account. On the other hand, the clinical classifi cation by DeLancey defi nes the type of defect but does not take its severity into account. The latter classifi cation system also does not include cystocele with apical defect. Material and methods: The authors examined 96 patients presenting for advice of treatment due to symptomatic pelvic fl oor disease. A new, standardized method of urogycological examination was implemented. The evaluation included the type of defect and its severity at all three pelvic fl oor levels. Results: This method of examination allowed the identifi cation of both already known cystocele with middle and lateral defects, as well as not yet described cystocele with apical and mixed defects. Conclusions: The authors propose a new, standardized method of urogynecological examination which assumes the simultaneous application of the POP-Q System and the modifi ed classifi cation of lower pelvic organ prolapse by DeLancey which also describes the impact of level I defects (apical defects) on level II prolapse. It seems that this approach allows for more effective planning of urogynecological procedures, while reducing the rate of recurrence

    The role of the apical defect in the pathogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse: cystocele with apical defect

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationWprowadzenie: W uroginekologii, zarówno w literaturze, jak i w pracy klinicznej, stosowane są różne systemy oceny obniżenia narządów dna miednicy. Powoduje to trudności w planowaniu leczenia, jak również w ocenie skuteczności stosowanych metod operacyjnych. Do obiektywnej oceny stopnia zaburzeń statyki narządu płciowego służy skala POP-Q (Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification). Nie informuje ona jednak o rodzaju defektu. Z kolei podział kliniczny według DeLancey definiuje rodzaj defektu, wskazując anatomiczną przyczynę uszkodzenia, ale nie stopień jego nasilenia. Nie uwzględnia również pojęcia „cystocele z defektem apikalnym”. Materiał i metody: Autorzy zbadali 96 pacjentek, które zgłaszały się celem kwalifikacji do leczenia z powodu objawowego obniżenia narządów miednicy mniejszej. Zastosowano nowy, standaryzowany sposób badania uroginekologicznego. Badanie uwzględniało rodzaj defektu i stopień jego nasilenia na każdym z trzech poziomów dna miednicy. Wyniki: Ten sposób badania pozwolił zidentyfikować zarówno znane już cystocele z defektem środkowym i bocznym, jak również nieopisywane dotychczas cystocele z defektem apikalnym i mieszanym. Wnioski: Autorzy proponują nowy sposób badania uroginekologicznego z jednoczesnym zastosowaniem skali POP-Q i zmodyfikowanej klasyfikacji obniżenia narządów miednicy mniejszej według DeLancey, uwzględniającej wpływ defektu na poziomie I, czyli defektu apikalnego, na obniżenie na poziomie II. Wydaje się, iż taki sposób postępowania daje możliwość skuteczniejszego planowania zabiegów uroginekologicznych, ograniczając jednocześnie odsetek wznów.Introduction: In urogynecology, both in subject literature and in clinical work, different systems for the assessment of pelvic organ prolapse are used. The lack of standardization causes difficulties in treatment planning and in the evaluation of the effectiveness of applied surgical methods. The most commonly used scale is the POP-Q System which describes the severity of the prolapse without taking the type of defect into account. On the other hand, the clinical classification by DeLancey defines the type of defect but does not take its severity into account. The latter classification system also does not include cystocele with apical defect. Material and methods: The authors examined 96 patients presenting for advice of treatment due to symptomatic pelvic floor disease. A new, standardized method of urogycological examination was implemented. The evaluation included the type of defect and its severity at all three pelvic floor levels. Results: This method of examination allowed the identification of both already known cystocele with middle and lateral defects, as well as not yet described cystocele with apical and mixed defects. Conclusions: The authors propose a new, standardized method of urogynecological examination which assumes the simultaneous application of the POP-Q System and the modified classification of lower pelvic organ prolapse by DeLancey which also describes the impact of level I defects (apical defects) on level II prolapse. It seems that this approach allows for more effective planning of urogynecological procedures, while reducing the rate of recurrence

    Light element ceramics

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