20 research outputs found

    Multi-fractional analysis of molecular diffusion in polymer multilayers by FRAP: a new simulation-based approach

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    Comprehensive analysis of the multifractional molecular diffusion provides a deeper understanding of the diffusion phenomenon in the fields of material science, molecular and cell biology, advanced biomaterials, etc. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is commonly employed to probe the molecular diffusion. Despite FRAP being a very popular method, it is not easy to assess multifractional molecular diffusion due to limited possibilities of approaches for analysis. Here we present a novel simulation-optimization-based approach (S-approach) that significantly broadens possibilities of the analysis. In the S-approach, possible fluorescence recovery scenarios are primarily simulated and afterward compared with a real measurement while optimizing parameters of a model until a sufficient match is achieved. This makes it possible to reveal multifractional molecular diffusion. Fluorescent latex particles of different size and fluorescein isothiocyanate in an aqueous medium were utilized as test systems. Finally, the S-approach has been used to evaluate diffusion of cytochrome c loaded into multilayers made of hyaluronan and polylysine. Software for evaluation of multifractional molecular diffusion by S-approach has been developed aiming to offer maximal versatility and user-friendly way for analysis

    EMI Security Architecture

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    This document describes the various architectures of the three middlewares that comprise the EMI software stack. It also outlines the common efforts in the security area that allow interoperability between these middlewares. The assessment of the EMI Security presented in this document was performed internally by members of the Security Area of the EMI project

    A Cloud-Based Framework for Machine Learning Workloads and Applications

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    [EN] In this paper we propose a distributed architecture to provide machine learning practitioners with a set of tools and cloud services that cover the whole machine learning development cycle: ranging from the models creation, training, validation and testing to the models serving as a service, sharing and publication. In such respect, the DEEP-Hybrid-DataCloud framework allows transparent access to existing e-Infrastructures, effectively exploiting distributed resources for the most compute-intensive tasks coming from the machine learning development cycle. Moreover, it provides scientists with a set of Cloud-oriented services to make their models publicly available, by adopting a serverless architecture and a DevOps approach, allowing an easy share, publish and deploy of the developed models.This work was supported by the project DEEP-Hybrid-DataCloud ``Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud'' that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant 777435Lopez Garcia, A.; Marco De Lucas, J.; Antonacci, M.; Zu Castell, W.; David, M.; Hardt, M.; Lloret Iglesias, L.... (2020). A Cloud-Based Framework for Machine Learning Workloads and Applications. IEEE Access. 8:18681-18692. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2964386S1868118692

    Direct and indirect effects of soil fauna, fungi and plants on greenhouse gas fluxes

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    Soils harbour diverse soil fauna and a wide range of soil microorganisms. These fauna and microorganisms directly contribute to soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes via their respiratory and metabolic activities and indirectly by changing the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils through bioturbation, fragmentation and redistribution of plant residues, defecation, soil aggregate formation, herbivory, and grazing on microorganisms and fungi. Based on recent results, the methods and results found in relation to fauna as well as from fungi and plants are presented. The approaches are outlined, and the significance of these hitherto ignored fluxes is discussed

    INDIGO-DataCloud: a Platform to Facilitate Seamless Access to E-Infrastructures

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    [EN] This paper describes the achievements of the H2020 project INDIGO-DataCloud. The project has provided e-infrastructures with tools, applications and cloud framework enhancements to manage the demanding requirements of scientific communities, either locally or through enhanced interfaces. The middleware developed allows to federate hybrid resources, to easily write, port and run scientific applications to the cloud. In particular, we have extended existing PaaS (Platform as a Service) solutions, allowing public and private e-infrastructures, including those provided by EGI, EUDAT, and Helix Nebula, to integrate their existing services and make them available through AAI services compliant with GEANT interfederation policies, thus guaranteeing transparency and trust in the provisioning of such services. Our middleware facilitates the execution of applications using containers on Cloud and Grid based infrastructures, as well as on HPC clusters. Our developments are freely downloadable as open source components, and are already being integrated into many scientific applications.INDIGO-Datacloud has been funded by the European Commision H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement RIA 653549.Salomoni, D.; Campos, I.; Gaido, L.; Marco, J.; Solagna, P.; Gomes, J.; Matyska, L.... (2018). INDIGO-DataCloud: a Platform to Facilitate Seamless Access to E-Infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing. 16(3):381-408. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-018-9453-3S381408163García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Puel, M.: Identity federation with VOMS in cloud infrastructures. In: 2013 IEEE 5Th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, pp 42–48 (2013)Chadwick, D.W., Siu, K., Lee, C., Fouillat, Y., Germonville, D.: Adding federated identity management to OpenStack. Journal of Grid Computing 12(1), 3–27 (2014)Craig, A.L.: A design space review for general federation management using keystone. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, pp 720–725. IEEE Computer Society (2014)Pustchi, N., Krishnan, R., Sandhu, R.: Authorization federation in iaas multi cloud. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing, pp 63–71. ACM (2015)Lee, C.A., Desai, N., Brethorst, A.: A Keystone-Based Virtual Organization Management System. In: 2014 IEEE 6Th International Conference On Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Cloudcom), pp 727–730. IEEE (2014)Castillo, E.F.-d., Scardaci, D., García, A.L.: The EGI Federated Cloud e-Infrastructure. Procedia Computer Science 68, 196–205 (2015)AARC project: AARC Blueprint Architecture, see https://aarc-project.eu/architecture . Technical report (2016)Oesterle, F., Ostermann, S., Prodan, R., Mayr, G.J.: Experiences with distributed computing for meteorological applications: grid computing and cloud computing. Geosci. Model Dev. 8(7), 2067–2078 (2015)Plasencia, I.C., Castillo, E.F.-d., Heinemeyer, S., García, A.L., Pahlen, F., Borges, G.: Phenomenology tools on cloud infrastructures using OpenStack. The European Physical Journal C 73(4), 2375 (2013)Boettiger, C.: An introduction to docker for reproducible research. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 49(1), 71–79 (2015)Docker: http://www.docker.com (2013)Gomes, J., Campos, I., Bagnaschi, E., David, M., Alves, L., Martins, J., Pina, J., Alvaro, L.-G., Orviz, P.: Enabling rootless linux containers in multi-user environments: the udocker tool. Computing Physics Communications. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2018.05.021 (2018)Zhang, Z., Chuan, W., Cheung, D.W.L.: A survey on cloud interoperability taxonomies, standards, and practice. SIGMETRICS perform. Eval. Rev. 40(4), 13–22 (2013)Lorido-Botran, T., Miguel-Alonso, J., Lozano, J.A.: A Review of Auto-scaling Techniques for Elastic Applications in Cloud Environments. Journal of Grid Computing 12(4), 559–592 (2014)Nyrén, R., Metsch, T., Edmonds, A., Papaspyrou, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface–Core. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2010)Metsch, T., Edmonds, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface-Infrastructure. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2010)Metsch, T., Edmonds, A.: Open Cloud Computing Interface-RESTful HTTP Rendering. Technical report, Open Grid Forum (2011)(Ca Technologies) Lipton, P., (Ibm) Moser, S., (Vnomic) Palma, D., (Ibm) Spatzier, T.: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications. Technical report, OASIS Standard (2013)Teckelmann, R., Reich, C., Sulistio, A.: Mapping of cloud standards to the taxonomy of interoperability in IaaS. In: Proceedings - 2011 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2011, pp 522–526 (2011)García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Fernández, P.O.: Standards for enabling heterogeneous IaaS cloud federations. Computer Standards & Interfaces 47, 19–23 (2016)Caballer, M., Zala, S., García, A.L., Montó, G., Fernández, P.O., Velten, M.: Orchestrating complex application architectures in heterogeneous clouds. Journal of Grid Computing 16 (1), 3–18 (2018)Hardt, M., Jejkal, T., Plasencia, I.C., Castillo, E.F.-d., Jackson, A., Weiland, M., Palak, B., Plociennik, M., Nielsson, D.: Transparent Access to Scientific and Commercial Clouds from the Kepler Workflow Engine. Computing and Informatics 31(1), 119 (2012)Fakhfakh, F., Kacem, H.H., Kacem, A.H.: Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Computing a Survey. In: IEEE 18Th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops and Demonstrations (EDOCW), 2014, Vol. 71, pp. 372–378. Springer, New York (2014)Stockton, D.B., Santamaria, F.: Automating NEURON simulation deployment in cloud resources. Neuroinformatics 15(1), 51–70 (2017)Plóciennik, M., Fiore, S., Donvito, G., Owsiak, M., Fargetta, M., Barbera, R., Bruno, R., Giorgio, E., Williams, D.N., Aloisio, G.: Two-level Dynamic Workflow Orchestration in the INDIGO DataCloud for Large-scale, Climate Change Data Analytics Experiments. Procedia Computer Science 80, 722–733 (2016)Moreno-Vozmediano, R., Montero, R.S., Llorente, I.M.: Multicloud deployment of computing clusters for loosely coupled mtc applications. IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 22(6), 924–930 (2011)Katsaros, G., Menzel, M., Lenk, A.: Cloud Service Orchestration with TOSCA, Chef and Openstack. In: Ic2e (2014)Garcia, A.L., Zangrando, L., Sgaravatto, M., Llorens, V., Vallero, S., Zaccolo, V., Bagnasco, S., Taneja, S., Dal Pra, S., Salomoni, D., Donvito, G.: Improved Cloud resource allocation: how INDIGO-DataCloud is overcoming the current limitations in Cloud schedulers. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 898(9), 92010 (2017)Singh, S., Chana, I.: A survey on resource scheduling in cloud computing issues and challenges. Journal of Grid Computing, pp. 1–48 (2016)García, A.L., Castillo, E.F.-d., Fernández, P.O., Plasencia, I.C., de Lucas, J.M.: Resource provisioning in Science Clouds: Requirements and challenges. Software: Practice and Experience 48(3), 486–498 (2018)Chauhan, M.A., Babar, M.A., Benatallah, B.: Architecting cloud-enabled systems: a systematic survey of challenges and solutions. Software - Practice and Experience 47(4), 599–644 (2017)Somasundaram, T.S., Govindarajan, K.: CLOUDRB A Framework for scheduling and managing High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications in science cloud. Futur. Gener. Comput. Syst. 34, 47–65 (2014)Sotomayor, B., Keahey, K., Foster, I.: Overhead Matters: A Model for Virtual Resource Management. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing SE - VTDC ’06, p 5. IEEE Computer Society, Washington (2006)SS, S.S., Shyam, G.K., Shyam, G.K.: Resource management for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in cloud computing SS Manvi A survey. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 41, 424–440 (2014)INDIGO-DataCloud consortium: Initial requirements from research communities - d2.1, see https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 https://www.indigo-datacloud.eu/documents/initial-requirements-research-communities-d21 . Technical report (2015)Europen open science cloud: https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience (2015)Proot: https://proot-me.github.io/ (2014)Runc: https://github.com/opencontainers/runc (2016)Fakechroot: https://github.com/dex4er/fakechroot (2015)Pérez, A., Moltó, G., Caballer, M., Calatrava, A.: Serverless computing for container-based architectures Future Generation Computer Systems (2018)de Vries, K.J.: Global fits of supersymmetric models after LHC run 1. Phd thesis Imperial College London (2015)Openstack: https://www.openstack.org/ (2015)See http://argus-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/stable/argus_introduction.html (2017)See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/xacml (2013)See http://www.simplecloud.info (2014)Opennebula: http://opennebula.org/ (2018)Redhat openshift: http://www.opencityplatform.eu (2011)The cloud foundry foundation: https://www.cloudfoundry.org/ (2015)Caballer, M., Blanquer, I., Moltó, G., de Alfonso, C.: Dynamic management of virtual infrastructures. Journal of Grid Computing 13(1), 53–70 (2015)See http://www.infoq.com/articles/scaling-docker-with-kubernetes http://www.infoq.com/articles/scaling-docker-with-kubernetes (2014)Prisma project: http://www.ponsmartcities-prisma.it/ (2010)Opencitiy platform: http://www.opencityplatform.eu (2014)Onedata: https://onedata.org/ (2018)Dynafed: http://lcgdm.web.cern.ch/dynafed-dynamic-federation-project http://lcgdm.web.cern.ch/dynafed-dynamic-federation-project (2011)Fts3: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/fts3 (2011)Fernández, P.O., García, A.L., Duma, D.C., Donvito, G., David, M., Gomes, J.: A set of common software quality assurance baseline criteria for research projects, see http://hdl.handle.net/10261/160086 . Technical reportHttermann, M.: Devops for developers Apress (2012)EOSC-Hub: ”Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud” Funded by H2020 research and innovation pr ogramme under grant agreement No. 777536. See http://eosc-hub.eu (2018)Apache License: author = https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 (2004)INDIGO Package Repo: http://repo.indigo-datacloud.eu/ (2017)INDIGO DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/u/indigodatacloud/ https://hub.docker.com/u/indigodatacloud/ (2015)Indigo gitbook: https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/indigo-datacloud-releases https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/indigo-datacloud-releases (2017)Van Zundert, G.C., Bonvin, A.M.: Disvis: quantifying and visualizing the accessible interaction space of distance restrained biomolecular complexes. Bioinformatics 31(19), 3222–3224 (2015)Van Zundert, G.C., Bonvin, A.M.: Fast and sensitive rigid–body fitting into cryo–em density maps with powerfit. AIMS Biophys. 2(0273), 73–87 (2015

    Pays, couverture ou protection : qu'est-ce qui forme la distribution du cerf et du chevreuil dans l'écosystème forestier de Bohême ?

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    International audienceThe Bohemian Forest Ecosystem encompasses various wildlife management systems. Two large, contiguous national parks (one in Germany and one in the Czech Republic) form the centre of the area, are surrounded by private hunting grounds, and hunting regulations in each country differ. Here we aimed at unravelling the influence of management-related and environmental factors on the distribution of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in this ecosystem. We used the standing crop method based on counts of pellet groups, with point counts every 100 m along 218 randomly distributed tran- sects. Our analysis, which accounted for overdispersion as well as zero inflation and spatial autocorrelation, corroborated the view that both human management and the physical and biological environment drive ungulate distribution in mountainous areas in Central Europe. In contrast to our expectations, protection by national parks was the least important variable for red deer and the third important out of four variables for roe deer; protection negatively influenced roe deer distribution in both parks and positively influenced red deer distribution in Germany. Country was the most influential variable for both red and roe deer, with higher counts of pellet groups in the Czech Republic than in Germany. Elevation, which indicates increasing environmental harshness, was the second most important variable for both spe- cies. Forest cover was the least important variable for roe deer and the third important vari- able for red deer; the relationship for roe deer was positive and linear, and optimal forest cover for red deer was about 70% within a 500 m radius. Our results have direct implications for the future conservation management of deer in protected areas in Central Europe and show in particular that large non-intervention zones may not cause agglomerations of deer that could lead to conflicts along the border of protected, mountainous areas

    A one night stand? Reproductive excursions of female roe deer as a breeding dispersal tactic

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    Breeding dispersal, defined as the net movement between successive breeding sites, remains a poorly understood and seldom reported phenomenon in mammals, despite its importance for population dynamics and genetics. In large herbivores, females may be more mobile during the breeding season, undertaking short-term trips (excursions) outside their normal home range. If fertilisation occurs, leading to gene flow of the male genome, this behaviour could be considered a form of breeding dispersal from a genetic point of view. Here, we investigated ranging behaviour of 235 adult roe deer using intensive GPS monitoring in six populations across Europe within the EURODEER initiative. We show that excursions are common from June to August among females, with 41.8 % (vs. 18.1 % of males) making at least one excursion. Most individuals performed only one excursion per season and departure dates for females were concentrated in time, centred on the rutting period, suggesting a link with reproduction. The distance females travelled during excursions was significantly greater than the site-specific average diameter of a male home range, while travel speed decreased once they progressed beyond this diameter, indicating search behaviour or interaction with other male(s) outside the resident male’s territory. Because adults are normally highly sedentary, the potential for mating with relatives is substantial; hence, we conclude that rut excursions could be an alternative tactic enabling females to avoid mating with a closely related male. To understand better the ultimate drivers at play, it will be crucial to explore the genetic causes and consequences of this behaviou

    Guideline: Vulvovaginal candidosis (AWMF 015/072, level S2k)

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    Farr A, Effendy I, Tirri BF, et al. Guideline: Vulvovaginal candidosis (AWMF 015/072, level S2k). Mycoses. 2021;64(6):583-602.Approximately 70-75% of women will have vulvovaginal candidosis (VVC) at least once in their lifetime. In premenopausal, pregnant, asymptomatic and healthy women and women with acute VVC, Candida albicans is the predominant species. The diagnosis of VVC should be based on clinical symptoms and microscopic detection of pseudohyphae. Symptoms alone do not allow reliable differentiation of the causes of vaginitis. In recurrent or complicated cases, diagnostics should involve fungal culture with species identification. Serological determination of antibody titres has no role in VVC. Before the induction of therapy, VVC should always be medically confirmed. Acute VVC can be treated with local imidazoles, polyenes or ciclopirox olamine, using vaginal tablets, ovules or creams. Triazoles can also be prescribed orally, together with antifungal creams, for the treatment of the vulva. Commonly available antimycotics are generally well tolerated, and the different regimens show similarly good results. Antiseptics are potentially effective but act against the physiological vaginal flora. Neither a woman with asymptomatic colonisation nor an asymptomatic sexual partner should be treated. Women with chronic recurrent Candida albicans vulvovaginitis should undergo dose-reducing maintenance therapy with oral triazoles. Unnecessary antimycotic therapies should always be avoided, and non-albicans vaginitis should be treated with alternative antifungal agents. In the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, women should receive antifungal treatment to reduce the risk of vertical transmission, oral thrush and diaper dermatitis of the newborn. Local treatment is preferred during pregnancy

    EURODEER: a tool for integrating roe deer data at the biogeographic scale

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    GPS collars represent a powerful tool for roe deer monitoring in terms of quantity and precision of locations, independence of fixes from operator bias, survey schedule flexibility and continuity. Location data can be joined to environmental or climatic information, thus stimulating advanced analyses at the ecosystem level. This perspective is particularly intriguing when datasets from different regions are put together to investigate variation in roe deer behavioural ecology along environmental gradients or population responses to specific conditions, such as habitat changes, impact of human activities, different hunting regimes etc. However, there is one drawback, since GPS tracking routinely generates larger data sets than data-management tools commonly used by biologists can presently handle. Similar considerations apply also to other large datasets than GPS data, e.g. long time series of VHF data or activity data. Spatial data, such as animal locations, were traditionally stored in flat local files, accessible by a single user at a time and analysed by a number of independent applications without any common standards for interoperability. The availability of appropriate software would provide researchers and decision makers with opportunities to take full advantage of the richness of GPS data or long time series of VHF and activity data, allowing to work in a multi-user environment. EURODEER (EUropean ROe DEER Information System) is an information system with a spatial database at its core and several client applications to help storing, managing, accessing and analysing GPS data from several research groups throughout Europe. In this paper, we exemplify its structure and underline its utility and potentiality to address general questions on biology and ecology of European roe deer at biogeographic scale. In particular, roe deer GPS data from six research groups are being stored in it, obtaining a dataset of several hundred thousand locations from more than hundred individuals, both females and males, monitored for at least one year. As a pilot study, we analysed seasonal and circadian movement patterns of individuals throughout the study areas, to assess how universal some aspects of spatial behaviour are, including increased activity at twilight or female excursions during the rut