22 research outputs found

    Indigenous Rights and Intellectual Property Law: A Comparison of the United States and Australia

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    Quantum Physics has many concepts that are hard to conceive. The main goal with this project is to explain and demonstrate some of these. To achieve this, a setup has been built where a beam is split into two paths, which then subsequently coincide on a mutual screen. If we choose to deny ourselves the possibility of determining which path the wave takes, the paths are said to be indistinguishable. In this case the waves from the two dierent paths will interfere, which will be seen as a periodic interference pattern on the screen. If we instead choose to do a measurement in such a way that we know which path the wave took, the paths are distinguishable. As this occurs, the interference pattern will disappear. There is also a third possibility. The third possibility is to leave the opportunity of measuring, but not actually doing it. This alternative gives the same result as if the path was actually determined, the interference pattern will disappear. In this setup the wavefront is split into two by a thin metal wire. On each side is a polarisation lter with perpendicular polarisation with respect to one another. These lters help us to distinguish the two possible paths. By placing a third polariser between the wire and the screen, parallel to one of the earlier polarisers, it can be seen which path the light has taken, making the paths distinguishable. If the third polariser is instead rotated at a 45o-angle letting through equal parts of both paths, the passing light will have a mutual direction of polarisation. This will once again make the light indistinguishable and the interference pattern will reappear.Kvantfysiken har mÄnga svÄrbegripliga koncept. MÄlet med detta projekt Àr att förklara och demonstrera vissa av dessa. För att uppnÄ detta har en uppstÀllning byggts dÀr en ljusstrÄle delas upp och fÄr utbredas lÀngs tvÄ olika vÀgar. VÀgen kan kodas pÄ de respektive vÀgarna med hjÀlp av polarisationslter. DÀrefter lÄter man ljuset som tog de tvÄ vÀgarna sammanfalla pÄ en gemensam skÀrm. Om vi vÀljer att avsÀga oss möjligheten att avgöra vilken vÀg ljuset tar, sÀgs ljuset som tog respektive vÀg icke-sÀrskiljbart. I detta fall kommer vÄgorna frÄn de tvÄ olika banorna interferera, vilket syns som ett mönster pÄ skÀrmen. DÀremot om vi vÀljer att mÀta vilken bana vÄgen tar Àr banorna sÀrskiljbara. NÀr vi gör detta val försvinner interferensm önstret. Det nns Àven ett tredje alternativ. Det alternativet Àr att skapa en möjlighet att mÀta, men inte utnyttja den. Detta fall ger samma resultat som att faktiskt mÀta, det vill sÀga interferens- 3 mönstret försvinner. I vÄr uppstÀllning delas vÄgfronten upp i tvÄ delar med hjÀlp av en metalltr Äd. PÄ vardera sida om trÄden sitter polariseringslter med vinkelr Àta polarisationsriktningar i förhÄllande till varandra. Med hjÀlp av dessa kan vÀgarna sÀrskiljas. Genom att sÀtta ett tredje polarisations- lter mellan metalltrÄden och skÀrmen parallellt med ett av ltren kan man bestÀmma vilken vÀg ljuset tagit, vilket gör banorna sÀrskiljbara. Om vi dÀremot sÀtter det tredje ltret i 45o-vinkel mot de vinkelrÀta polarisatorerna sÄ att ljuset frÄn de bÄda vÀgarna Äterigen fÄr samma polarisationsrikting, gÄr det inte lÀngre att avgöra vilken vÀg ljuset tagit. AlltsÄ Àr vÀgarna nu icke-sÀrskiljbara och interferensmönstret pÄ skÀrmen ÄteruppstÄr.

    Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis.

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    Multiple sclerosis is a common disease of the central nervous system in which the interplay between inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes typically results in intermittent neurological disturbance followed by progressive accumulation of disability. Epidemiological studies have shown that genetic factors are primarily responsible for the substantially increased frequency of the disease seen in the relatives of affected individuals, and systematic attempts to identify linkage in multiplex families have confirmed that variation within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) exerts the greatest individual effect on risk. Modestly powered genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have enabled more than 20 additional risk loci to be identified and have shown that multiple variants exerting modest individual effects have a key role in disease susceptibility. Most of the genetic architecture underlying susceptibility to the disease remains to be defined and is anticipated to require the analysis of sample sizes that are beyond the numbers currently available to individual research groups. In a collaborative GWAS involving 9,772 cases of European descent collected by 23 research groups working in 15 different countries, we have replicated almost all of the previously suggested associations and identified at least a further 29 novel susceptibility loci. Within the MHC we have refined the identity of the HLA-DRB1 risk alleles and confirmed that variation in the HLA-A gene underlies the independent protective effect attributable to the class I region. Immunologically relevant genes are significantly overrepresented among those mapping close to the identified loci and particularly implicate T-helper-cell differentiation in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis

    Improved salt iodation methods for small-scale salt producers in low-resource settings in Tanzania

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    Background: Universal salt iodation will prevent iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). Globally, salt-iodation technologies mostly target large and medium-scale salt-producers. Since most producers in low-income countries are small-scale, we examined and improved the performance of hand and knapsack-sprayers used locally in Tanzania. Methods: We studied three salt facilities on the Bagamoyo coast, investigating procedures for preparing potassium-iodate solution, salt spraying and mixing. Different concentrations of solution were prepared and tested using different iodation methods, with the aim of attaining correct and homogeneous iodine levels under real-life conditions. Levels achieved by manual mixing were compared to those achieved by machine mixing. Results: The overall median iodation level in samples of salt iodated using previously existing methods was 10.6 ppm (range 1.1 – 110.0 ppm), with much higher levels in the top than the bottom layers of the salt bags, p < 0.0001. Experimentation using knapsack-sprayers and manual mixing led to the reliable achievement of levels (60.9 ppm ± 7.4) that fell within the recommended range of 40 – 80 ppm. The improved methods yielded homogenous iodine concentrations in all layers of salt-bags (p = 0.58) with 96% of the samples (n = 45) falling within 40 – 80 ppm compared to only 9% (n = 45) before the experiment and training (p < 0.0001). For knapsack-spraying, a machine mixer improved the iodine levels and homogeneity slightly compared to manual mixing (p = 0.05). Conclusion: Supervised, standardized salt iodation procedures adapted to local circumstances can yield homogeneous iodine levels within the required range, overcoming a major obstacle to universal salt iodation

    Assessment of the performance of CORDEX Regional Climate Models in Simulating Eastern Africa Rainfall

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    This study evaluates the ability of 10 regional climate models (RCMs) from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) in simulating the characteristics of rainfall patterns over eastern Africa. The seasonal climatology, annual rainfall cycles, and interannual variability of RCM output have been assessed over three homogeneous subregions against a number of observational datasets. The ability of the RCMs in simulating large-scale global climate forcing signals is further assessed by compositing the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events. It is found that most RCMs reasonably simulate the main features of the rainfall climatology over the three subregions and also reproduce the majority of the documented regional responses to ENSO and IOD forcings. At the same time the analysis shows significant biases in individual models depending on subregion and season; however, the ensemble mean has better agreement with observation than individual models. In general, the analysis herein demonstrates that the multimodel ensemble mean simulates eastern Africa rainfall adequately and can therefore be used for the assessment of future climate projections for the region

    MicroCT system software updateand implementation of a beamhardening correction method

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    The School of Technology and Health, STH, has been developing a micro-CTscanner for pre-clinical imaging. The scanner consists of an X-ray tube and aflat panel sensor fixated on a gantry rotating around the object to be imaged. Acomputer located on the gantry runs an acquisition software for communicationbetween the devices on the gantry as well as for controlling them. For this thesisthe acquisition software has been significantly improved in terms of functionality,performance, usability and user-adaptivity.Projection images acquired by the microCT are created by measuring theX-ray beam attenuation as a function of spatial location. Using all projectionimages, a 3-dimensional image can be reconstructed giving a map of the attenuationinside the object, thus providing information about its internal structure.A common artifact for CT-scanner images is the cupping arti fact which the attenuation in the middle of an object is underestimated due to beam hardening.For the second part of this thesis, a method for correcting for this artifact hasbeen implemented and tested. The cupping artifact was successfully removedin most cases, although it was shown that for some situation it is not applicabl

    Quantum Erasing

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    Quantum Physics has many concepts that are hard to conceive. The main goal with this project is to explain and demonstrate some of these. To achieve this, a setup has been built where a beam is split into two paths, which then subsequently coincide on a mutual screen. If we choose to deny ourselves the possibility of determining which path the wave takes, the paths are said to be indistinguishable. In this case the waves from the two dierent paths will interfere, which will be seen as a periodic interference pattern on the screen. If we instead choose to do a measurement in such a way that we know which path the wave took, the paths are distinguishable. As this occurs, the interference pattern will disappear. There is also a third possibility. The third possibility is to leave the opportunity of measuring, but not actually doing it. This alternative gives the same result as if the path was actually determined, the interference pattern will disappear. In this setup the wavefront is split into two by a thin metal wire. On each side is a polarisation lter with perpendicular polarisation with respect to one another. These lters help us to distinguish the two possible paths. By placing a third polariser between the wire and the screen, parallel to one of the earlier polarisers, it can be seen which path the light has taken, making the paths distinguishable. If the third polariser is instead rotated at a 45o-angle letting through equal parts of both paths, the passing light will have a mutual direction of polarisation. This will once again make the light indistinguishable and the interference pattern will reappear.Kvantfysiken har mÄnga svÄrbegripliga koncept. MÄlet med detta projekt Àr att förklara och demonstrera vissa av dessa. För att uppnÄ detta har en uppstÀllning byggts dÀr en ljusstrÄle delas upp och fÄr utbredas lÀngs tvÄ olika vÀgar. VÀgen kan kodas pÄ de respektive vÀgarna med hjÀlp av polarisationslter. DÀrefter lÄter man ljuset som tog de tvÄ vÀgarna sammanfalla pÄ en gemensam skÀrm. Om vi vÀljer att avsÀga oss möjligheten att avgöra vilken vÀg ljuset tar, sÀgs ljuset som tog respektive vÀg icke-sÀrskiljbart. I detta fall kommer vÄgorna frÄn de tvÄ olika banorna interferera, vilket syns som ett mönster pÄ skÀrmen. DÀremot om vi vÀljer att mÀta vilken bana vÄgen tar Àr banorna sÀrskiljbara. NÀr vi gör detta val försvinner interferensm önstret. Det nns Àven ett tredje alternativ. Det alternativet Àr att skapa en möjlighet att mÀta, men inte utnyttja den. Detta fall ger samma resultat som att faktiskt mÀta, det vill sÀga interferens- 3 mönstret försvinner. I vÄr uppstÀllning delas vÄgfronten upp i tvÄ delar med hjÀlp av en metalltr Äd. PÄ vardera sida om trÄden sitter polariseringslter med vinkelr Àta polarisationsriktningar i förhÄllande till varandra. Med hjÀlp av dessa kan vÀgarna sÀrskiljas. Genom att sÀtta ett tredje polarisations- lter mellan metalltrÄden och skÀrmen parallellt med ett av ltren kan man bestÀmma vilken vÀg ljuset tagit, vilket gör banorna sÀrskiljbara. Om vi dÀremot sÀtter det tredje ltret i 45o-vinkel mot de vinkelrÀta polarisatorerna sÄ att ljuset frÄn de bÄda vÀgarna Äterigen fÄr samma polarisationsrikting, gÄr det inte lÀngre att avgöra vilken vÀg ljuset tagit. AlltsÄ Àr vÀgarna nu icke-sÀrskiljbara och interferensmönstret pÄ skÀrmen ÄteruppstÄr.

    Utformning och implementation av tidsrapporterings- och schemalÀggningssystem för smÄföretag

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    The construction industry is facing increased digitalization. Companies in the construction industry are currently using analogous and digital solutions for the time reporting and scheduling. The report investigates these solutions by using a web application that examines how solutions ought to be implemented such that the user perceives them as effective and satisfying. To measure usability, the web application was tested on 16 high school students from a construction industry based high school programme. In the user tests the students were handed a set of problems to solve on the web application and were asked to solve them by themselves. The users’ efficiency in navigating the web application was measured with efficiency indicators. After testing, the users evaluated the web application using a SUS-test, carried out with a survey. The study found a low efficiency value in parts of the web application that did not follow the “three-click rule”, including poorly described link titles, and generally had a deep hiearachy structure. The SUS-test scored an 84 out of 100, which means the ERP-system gave a high impression of usability and satisfaction. To develop a time report- and scheduling system that is perceived as usable and satisfying to use, the report concludes that one should use a wide design hierarchy, use clearly described link titles, follow the “three-click rule”, and gather data of the intended user before the design is made.   Byggbranschen stĂ„r inför en ökad digitalisering. Inom byggbranschen anvĂ€nds idag analoga och digitala lösningar för tidsrapporterings-och schemalĂ€ggningssystem. I rapporten sĂ„ undersöks lösningarna i form av en webbapplikation som utreder hur lösningarna bör utformas för att anvĂ€ndaren ska uppfatta dem som effektiva och tillfredsstĂ€llande. För att mĂ€ta anvĂ€ndbarheten testades webbapplikationen pĂ„ 16 gymnasieelever frĂ„n ett program med bygginriktning. I effektivtestet sĂ„ fick eleverna testa webbapplikationen genom att sjĂ€lva lösa uppgifter som de blev tilldelade pĂ„ webbapplikationen. AnvĂ€ndarnas effektivitet i att navigera webbapplikationen mĂ€ttes i effektivitetsindikatorer. Efter testningen utvĂ€rderade eleverna webbapplikationen med ett SUS-test via en enkĂ€t. Resultaten visade lĂ„ga effektivitetsvĂ€rden pĂ„ delarna av webbapplikationen som inte följde treklicksregeln, hade otydligt beskrivandelĂ€nkrubriker, eller i allmĂ€nhet hade en djup hierarkistruktur. PoĂ€ngen pĂ„ SUS-testet uppgick till 84 av 100 poĂ€ng, vilket innebĂ€r att webapplikationen gav hög upplevd anvĂ€ndbarhet och tillfredsstĂ€llelse. För att skapa ett tidsrapporterings-och schemalĂ€ggningssystem som upplevs som effektivt och tillfredsstĂ€llande att anvĂ€nda kom rapporten fram till att man börtillĂ€mpa en bred designhierarki, ha tydliga lĂ€nkrubriker, följa treklicksregeln och samla data om den tĂ€nkta anvĂ€ndaren innan designen görs

    Utformning och implementation av tidsrapporterings- och schemalÀggningssystem för smÄföretag

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    The construction industry is facing increased digitalization. Companies in the construction industry are currently using analogous and digital solutions for the time reporting and scheduling. The report investigates these solutions by using a web application that examines how solutions ought to be implemented such that the user perceives them as effective and satisfying. To measure usability, the web application was tested on 16 high school students from a construction industry based high school programme. In the user tests the students were handed a set of problems to solve on the web application and were asked to solve them by themselves. The users’ efficiency in navigating the web application was measured with efficiency indicators. After testing, the users evaluated the web application using a SUS-test, carried out with a survey. The study found a low efficiency value in parts of the web application that did not follow the “three-click rule”, including poorly described link titles, and generally had a deep hiearachy structure. The SUS-test scored an 84 out of 100, which means the ERP-system gave a high impression of usability and satisfaction. To develop a time report- and scheduling system that is perceived as usable and satisfying to use, the report concludes that one should use a wide design hierarchy, use clearly described link titles, follow the “three-click rule”, and gather data of the intended user before the design is made.   Byggbranschen stĂ„r inför en ökad digitalisering. Inom byggbranschen anvĂ€nds idag analoga och digitala lösningar för tidsrapporterings-och schemalĂ€ggningssystem. I rapporten sĂ„ undersöks lösningarna i form av en webbapplikation som utreder hur lösningarna bör utformas för att anvĂ€ndaren ska uppfatta dem som effektiva och tillfredsstĂ€llande. För att mĂ€ta anvĂ€ndbarheten testades webbapplikationen pĂ„ 16 gymnasieelever frĂ„n ett program med bygginriktning. I effektivtestet sĂ„ fick eleverna testa webbapplikationen genom att sjĂ€lva lösa uppgifter som de blev tilldelade pĂ„ webbapplikationen. AnvĂ€ndarnas effektivitet i att navigera webbapplikationen mĂ€ttes i effektivitetsindikatorer. Efter testningen utvĂ€rderade eleverna webbapplikationen med ett SUS-test via en enkĂ€t. Resultaten visade lĂ„ga effektivitetsvĂ€rden pĂ„ delarna av webbapplikationen som inte följde treklicksregeln, hade otydligt beskrivandelĂ€nkrubriker, eller i allmĂ€nhet hade en djup hierarkistruktur. PoĂ€ngen pĂ„ SUS-testet uppgick till 84 av 100 poĂ€ng, vilket innebĂ€r att webapplikationen gav hög upplevd anvĂ€ndbarhet och tillfredsstĂ€llelse. För att skapa ett tidsrapporterings-och schemalĂ€ggningssystem som upplevs som effektivt och tillfredsstĂ€llande att anvĂ€nda kom rapporten fram till att man börtillĂ€mpa en bred designhierarki, ha tydliga lĂ€nkrubriker, följa treklicksregeln och samla data om den tĂ€nkta anvĂ€ndaren innan designen görs

    Utformning och implementation av tidsrapporterings- och schemalÀggningssystem för smÄföretag

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    The construction industry is facing increased digitalization. Companies in the construction industry are currently using analogous and digital solutions for the time reporting and scheduling. The report investigates these solutions by using a web application that examines how solutions ought to be implemented such that the user perceives them as effective and satisfying. To measure usability, the web application was tested on 16 high school students from a construction industry based high school programme. In the user tests the students were handed a set of problems to solve on the web application and were asked to solve them by themselves. The users’ efficiency in navigating the web application was measured with efficiency indicators. After testing, the users evaluated the web application using a SUS-test, carried out with a survey. The study found a low efficiency value in parts of the web application that did not follow the “three-click rule”, including poorly described link titles, and generally had a deep hiearachy structure. The SUS-test scored an 84 out of 100, which means the ERP-system gave a high impression of usability and satisfaction. To develop a time report- and scheduling system that is perceived as usable and satisfying to use, the report concludes that one should use a wide design hierarchy, use clearly described link titles, follow the “three-click rule”, and gather data of the intended user before the design is made.   Byggbranschen stĂ„r inför en ökad digitalisering. Inom byggbranschen anvĂ€nds idag analoga och digitala lösningar för tidsrapporterings-och schemalĂ€ggningssystem. I rapporten sĂ„ undersöks lösningarna i form av en webbapplikation som utreder hur lösningarna bör utformas för att anvĂ€ndaren ska uppfatta dem som effektiva och tillfredsstĂ€llande. För att mĂ€ta anvĂ€ndbarheten testades webbapplikationen pĂ„ 16 gymnasieelever frĂ„n ett program med bygginriktning. I effektivtestet sĂ„ fick eleverna testa webbapplikationen genom att sjĂ€lva lösa uppgifter som de blev tilldelade pĂ„ webbapplikationen. AnvĂ€ndarnas effektivitet i att navigera webbapplikationen mĂ€ttes i effektivitetsindikatorer. Efter testningen utvĂ€rderade eleverna webbapplikationen med ett SUS-test via en enkĂ€t. Resultaten visade lĂ„ga effektivitetsvĂ€rden pĂ„ delarna av webbapplikationen som inte följde treklicksregeln, hade otydligt beskrivandelĂ€nkrubriker, eller i allmĂ€nhet hade en djup hierarkistruktur. PoĂ€ngen pĂ„ SUS-testet uppgick till 84 av 100 poĂ€ng, vilket innebĂ€r att webapplikationen gav hög upplevd anvĂ€ndbarhet och tillfredsstĂ€llelse. För att skapa ett tidsrapporterings-och schemalĂ€ggningssystem som upplevs som effektivt och tillfredsstĂ€llande att anvĂ€nda kom rapporten fram till att man börtillĂ€mpa en bred designhierarki, ha tydliga lĂ€nkrubriker, följa treklicksregeln och samla data om den tĂ€nkta anvĂ€ndaren innan designen görs